I recently started reorganizing my photos from my Captain Zero trip. Thought I’d put a few up here. This is Rancho de Chicho, Baja, which I wrote a chapter about.
Just got back from an attempted walk with Gus. We were on our way to the footpath that circles the lake when the local New Mexico Park Ranger stops us. I’d gotten friendly with him over the past month; he’s a dog guy and had brought Gus back one time when she’d slipped her chain and wandered down to the lake, about 100 yards from our back door.
He seemed embarrassed, although it’s tough to read emotions when someone’s face is redacted (his mask being black, it really does look… redacted). He said I have to wear a mask.
‘Because I’m in the State Park?’ I ask. He replies that it doesn’t matter where I am. As of last week, the governor (a ‘liberal’ dem) has mandated that outside of your domicile masks are mandatory, ‘except when eating, drinking, or swimming,’ with a $100 fine for the first offense (I learned all this later).
‘You go out in the lake in a canoe,’ says I, ‘you have to wear a mask?’
‘Plus you’re from out of state,’ says he, changing the subject, but he’s having a problem holding my gaze.
When I want to know what my out of state status has to do with anything, he tells me that since Monday only New Mexico residents can access the Park. As I’d told him when we first met, I’d bought a yearly pass for the state park system so I could stay in the camping areas. New Mexico then closed down all camping in state parks and didn’t refund my fee.
Now he’s telling me I can’t even walk on Park turf, to get to the lake, say, or walk to town on the footpath. Or just walk my dog. I’m staring at him. He looks down and says hi to Gus, patting her head, maybe to soften the impact of this latest bulletin from outback. I’m having none of it, but ‘You’re kidding, right?’ is the best I can come up with.
‘Didn’t you see the signs?’ says he. ‘The new ones?’ I haven’t, so I walk a few feet landward and examine the two hand-scrawled notices taped to the stop sign at the Park entrance. Masks required at all times, one says. The other bars out-of-state folks.
A guy I know from the RV park sidles over to listen. ‘Are you actually going to enforce this stuff?’ I want to know.
‘I have to,’ the Ranger says. I ask why he ‘has to,’ meanwhile keeping my voice matter-of-fact.
‘I’m just following orders,’ says he (yes, exact words).
‘How’s your headache problem?’ We’d discussed masks a while back; when he said he’d been getting headaches I explained that he is probably suffering from hypoxia, oxygen starvation, from wearing the mask all day.
There’s a pause, and I add, ‘Those masks don’t protect you from viruses. It’s like trying to keep mosquitos out with a chain link fence.’
‘Like I said,’ says he. ‘I have to follow orders.’ I ask him that if his orders were to handcuff me and bash my head with his baton, would he do that? I’m still on an even keel. I know the guy means well. So did the Nazis, of course.
‘The next thing’ll be road blocks with out-of-staters taken to quarantine camps.’
‘I don’t think that’ll happen,’ says he, but he’s not sounding too sure.
‘Out-of-staters can’t buy propane.’ This is my neighbor from the RV camp. ‘I tried in Angel Fire and Eagle Nest and they wouldn’t sell to me.’
‘Seriously?’ Now I’m getting a bad feeling (more to come). The guy nods, saying he doesn’t know if it’s a state-wide mandate or not, but likely it is.
I look at the Ranger and although I don’t say anything, he feels compelled to say that he doesn’t want to lose his job. He really is a nice guy, but I’m thinking that the current situation is mostly the result of ‘nice guys’ doing what they are told. And believing what they are told.
‘You know why they’re talking about defunding local police across the country?’ I ask the Ranger. He says that’s just ‘protesters.’
I correct him. ‘No, they’re talking about it on the floor of the Congress. Reason they’re doing that is because they worry that local cops, and that would probably include you, won’t “follow orders” (the quotes were in my tone) to, say, disarm their neighbors.’ Although New Mexico is a blue state, out in the country it’s all conservative republicans, with Trump still a hero, in spite of his chicken shit clown behavior. ‘See, they get rid of you guys, they can bring in the federal troops, like they did with Katrina. Those guys will more likely follow orders.’
I’m regretting I’d brought up the subject of disarming the citizenry. Now he might be suspecting that I’m armed, which I am (legally, for now).
As we walk back to the rig, I tell Gus that she’s off the hook with a lake-bath (she hates baths). Meanwhile, the bad feeling mentioned above is intensifying. An actual uneasiness in my gut.
Few of you are going to want to hear this, but I have a very, very bad feeling about what’s to come, in the near term and semi-near (the next year or so), and it’s not just the insane New Mexico laws and nice-guy Park Rangers who enforce them. Neither is it just the COVID black op, nor the fabricated social disturbances, both of which are aspects of the Global Reset mentioned in a recent post.
(My recent silence is mainly due to the bad gut feeling I speak of. I just figured, Who wants to hear it? And, What good will speaking of it do anyway?)
I would call the situation on this planet (for our species, anyway) surreal were it not for the fact that I (most of us) have seen it (the situation) coming for years. I mean, how can a situation be surreal if it was/is not only predictable but inevitable?
When you think about it, the specifics (of the situation) – the use of a black op ‘pandemic’, plus the ‘social unrest’ and its cause (supposed racial tension, much of it clearly fabricated), can be seen as the obvious way to go, especially given that the ‘climate change’ fraud pretty much fizzled, at least regarding the fear factor: Everything they are doing to us is ‘for our own good’; it’s difficult to think of another scheme that would work as well. (I suspect that ‘an alien invasion’ is high on the list of alternate ops, given the recent admissions and disclosures by Navy pilots and other ‘spokespeople’, which re-enforce Hollywood’s zeitgeistian output.)
Addendum: One need only analyze the takeaways from Spielberg’s alien-themed titles to understand H-wood’s contribution to the overall fear factor. Compare, say, E.T.; The Extra-Terrestrial, from 1982 with his last one, War of the Worlds.
But no, my bad feeling goes way deeper than current events. Part of it goes back to my realization that there is a higher power, and although its nature is unknown (maybe unknowable), it is clearly interested in our doings; indeed… it has meddled in our doings, and is almost certainly behind our very existence. (See my post on ‘the moon numbers’.)
I’ll not go into all the other evidence of this ‘higher power’s’ existence (the ‘fine tuning’ argument being the tip of the ‘berg), but one result of this sure knowledge (not ‘belief’) is that I now take even more seriously the cultural myths from across time and space, how they could only conflate with each other as profoundly as they do if there was some valid ‘historical’ value to their main assumptions, one of which is related to my gut bad feeling: When humankind really, really gets out of hand with its evil-doing, there is… an intervention… and it is never pleasant.
I’ll not name the far-and-wide examples of this conflation. Suffice to say it’s universal, but the good old Good Book, the Christian Bible, will do as an example, and it’s not just floods and fire from the sky and the earth opening that get my attention…
Although, as atheistic debunkers are wont to spout, Bible passages can be interpreted to mean whatever the believer wants – plus anything ‘written’ may be contradicted elsewhere — there are clear indications (IMO) that some sort of ‘end times’ are near, although ‘near’ could be interpreted ‘historically,’ i.e., meaning many years from now. Or it could come tomorrow.
As mentioned, most other belief systems are in agreement with the general drift of the Bible’s book of Revelations; and as they say (via cultural mythologies), we are in for a global cataclysm, maybe soon.
For me, a cogent indication that ‘end times’ are near is related to the biblical text alterations I’ve written about in past posts: the ‘Mandela Effect.’
Anyone who figures I’ve gone off the deep end here, I suggest you read this post and explain the ‘changes’ I pointed out to my Amish ‘friends.’ Or explain how bible thumpers of their dedication could have gotten so many passages wrong. (There’s more, including a video I made, in this post.)
My bad feeling about this (Bible changes) is when I combine my sure knowledge of a ‘higher power’ with the fact that many if not most of the changes are sly, ironic, and insulting to those who believe the book to be of divine inspiration. Look at the passages I quote in the above post, like men nursing infants and the many sexual and homosexual references. Combine that with the sure knowledge that the changes have to be of supernatural origin. Give this some thought.
There is too much utter nonsense, cruel and frightening nonsense (unmarried non-virgins should be stoned to death, slavery is okay, etc., etc.), in the Bible to take it as the literal voice of a true ‘higher power’, but when supernatural doings wax nasty and sarcastic (as is the case with so many of these Bible changes)… I think it’s safe to say that we have some worrying to do. (Or, if you want yourself and family to survive, some preparing to do.)
Plus I’m banned from taking my dog for a walk down to the lake.
My road-bud Logan and I are looking for a safe place to ride out next winter and I thought of the Native American I corresponded with a couple years ago. I’m thinking reservation land might be safer from what’s coming, plus I’ve always been interested in Native American mythology, which is especially pertinent now. If you’re still out there (I misfiled our emails) maybe give me a shout at allan at bb.com.
Addendum: After writing this I opened my Bible to ‘The Book of Revelations’ to find that it’s now titled ‘The Revelation.’ But goddamn, I’m pretty damn sure it was called Revelations, with an s, whether there was a ‘The Book of’ in the title or not. Sure enough, I’m not the only one who has noticed this (apparent) Mandela Effect.
What do you guys recall? Was it ‘Revelations’ or ‘The Revelation’? (There sure is more than one ‘revelation’ in it.)
Next day addendum: I took Gus down to the park again and when they tried to stop me (for being out-of-state) I said ‘Arrest me or leave me alone,’ and walked away, into the park. They let me go. I came home via a back door route because I’d forgotten to bring my Gopro, to record an arrest. Tomorrow I’ll do it again and see what happens. They no doubt called their boss to see what to do. Stay tuned for my possible arrest.
Two hours later: Two NM State Trooper vehicles just pulled up and served me with a trespass document, which I refused to sign, which shocked them. (It was funny: they didn’t know how to react, so they did nothing.) I told them stuff I’ve written about here. Asked them if they took an oath to uphold the constitution, etc. Asked them if they were awake to anything going on.
I’m going to be arrested tomorrow, for sure.
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