Even Stranger Things…

First I have to get this off my chest: Aaron Sorkin as about as good a storyteller and writer of dialog as Hollywood as ever produced. You could call him brilliant and I wouldn’t argue. He’s also done more damage to… to truth… to the mass perception of How The World Really Works (HTWRW) than any other contemporary human, not excepting three-letter professional spooks/propagandists, from Langely/Fort Meade to Tavistock.

If you doubt that we're being gaslit, whaddya think of this doozy?

If you doubt that we’re being gaslit, whaddya think of this doozy?

Sorkin’s two major TV shows, The West Wing (2000 – 2007) and The Newsroom (2012 – 2014) have been major sources of his deceit. If you doubt me on this, watch just one episode of either show then try to picture how they would play now, these days, only a decade or less later.

Although it only ran for a couple seasons, The Newsroom was an especially egregious example of the methods behind his quite artful guile – the premise of the show is that a mainstream cable news network suddenly decides to… wait for it… really tell the truth. It was bad enough to try to tell us that Washington politics, i.e., The White House, is run by basically decent and honest folks, but trying to say the same about the media… I suspect that The Newsroom died early not from audience neglect, but from some version of… call it ‘terminal irony.’

But this post isn’t about that. It’s about this goddamn ‘Mandela Effect’ (I hate the term, and the idea that some are ‘inflicted’ with it, while others are not). Before I continue, I ask the reader to view the following very short video, which includes clips from Sorkin’s The Newsroom:

Note: The real target audience of the video and this post is those who will think that the sign on the bus – clearly reading ‘Sex and the City’ – is proof that the dialog is simply an error by the writer, Aaron Sorkin. I will argue that this can’t reasonably be postulated. Nor can the contradictions in the video (or ‘The Mandela Effect’ itself) be a ‘psy op’ out to gaslight the masses. 

Biblical 'changes' are an interesting subject. I'll add a few images as examples, like this misspelling of 'Noah.'

Biblical ‘changes’ are an interesting subject. I’ll add a few images as examples, like this misspelling of ‘Noah.’

What I do postulate is that this contradiction within ‘the world of a TV show’ also rules out – or at least goes against – the idea of ‘timeline jumping,’ as might be defined by some interpretations of quantum physics, i.e., ‘The Many Worlds Interpretation’ (MWI), first put forth by physicist Hugh Everett in 1957. 

‘and everything that could possibly have happened in our past, but did not, has occurred in the past of some other universe or universes.’

Sounds like it could be what we’re dealing with here, doesn’t it? ‘Leakage’ from an ‘alternative branch of reality.’  (Hence the explanation that the effect is via CERN or quantum computing, which brags that it is ‘tapping into alternative realities.’)

Addendum: Those unfamiliar with quantum physics should look into this matter: The MWI is ‘accepted physics’ by many credible Ph.Ds in theoretical physics (including mainstream gatekeeper Sean Carroll). That none have come forward is unsurprising, given the intellectual grip academia has upon their careers. Note that no ‘academic’ physicists came forward to point out that damage to the top 10% of a structure (a skyscraper) cannot by the laws of physics cause the disintegration of the bottom 90%. And that’s just one example.) 

'Pisseth' in the Bible? Many scholars say this is a recent 'change.'

‘Pisseth’ in the Bible? Many scholars say this is a recent ‘change.’

 Given the acceptance of the metaphor of a TV show production representing a ‘little world of its own,’ the contradiction noted in the video implies that something else is behind the phenomenon.


A couple things. As many of you know, I used to work as TV writer, so I know something about the process of bringing an episode to the screen. I also know a bit about Aaron Sorkin; I tend to look into people who are both brilliant and profoundly dishonest, plus damaging to the rest of humanity. (Hence my concern with Sam Harris and Christopher Hitchens.)

Although, based on the initial montage we already know that at the very least something very strange is going on with the show now titled Sex and the City, it gets stranger still when you come across conflicting versions of reality coming from the same source.

Screen Shot 2019-01-28 at 4.13.02 PM

There are ‘now’ three references to men nursing infants in the King James Bible. Does that sound right?

The title ‘Sex in the City’ is repeated three times by the actors in the Newsroom scene; no doubt about that, right? (I’ve played it in slow motion to see if words might have been changed later, and came to the conclusion that they were not.) Now, you must understand that before that scene was actually shot, at least a dozen people aside from the actors read it in script form. These are the various producers (most of whom are also writers) and technical people (like the art department), any one of which can and would suggest to Sorkin that an error of fact was in the dialog, if indeed there was. (Sorkin no doubt had one or more ‘advisors’ from the broadcasting industry – several of his writers on The West Wing were ex-White House people – so you can add them to the list of folks who seem to have missed this thrice-repeated major gaffe.)

And the actors. How could that gang of twenty-something showbiz kiddos be unaware of the title to one of the major hit shows of their generation? The same of course goes for all the people who could, no, should, have caught the errors at the award shows I included. (And I’ve left out other examples, plus physical ‘residues’ like posters with ‘in’.) And how about the actors in the show, whatever its name was? How many times could Sara Jessica Parker listen to her name booming across the world hooked to the wrong name of her show, without saying something? How can any thinking human not see that something is seriously amiss here?

This may all seem obvious, but it still bears repeating, especially to those with ad hoc theories about each and every Mandela Effect (ME) they are confronted with.

Yeah, there is so much blatant disinfo on the Net that we might start distrusting our own senses.

Yeah, there is so much blatant disinfo on the Net that we might start distrusting our own senses.

Can you picture Sorkin typing ‘Sex in the City’ three times in dialog then writing the stage direction for the bus scene: ‘On the side of the bus are the words ‘Sex and the City’? Really? You can? It’s unlikely but you can picture it, you say? Okay. And then can you picture all the people that read the script between Sorkin’s printer and the shooting not noticing this discrepancy? Unlikely but… You can?

And then the actors, during their readings at home and then the table readings back at the set and then the shooting, with dozens looking on? How about the film editors? They asleep too? (A correction could have been dubbed in post production.)

When I first started coming across this stuff I figured it to be just another psy op. Another way to get us all to doubt our own senses, our own minds. Gaslighting. The spooks love it. It’s their job.

That would account for the bus prop contradiction, right? I mean if the boys at Langely (or Fort Meade or Tavistock or wherever) were out to fuck with our minds, they couldn’t let everyone in on it. Maybe the ignorant prop-master just took it upon himself to make the correction. Possible? (No, they didn’t get the bus-prop from the Sex and/in the City producers. They didn’t have a huge, self-referential prop lying around, I promise you.)

Yep, there's plenty of physical 'residues.' But residues from what?

Yep, there’s plenty of physical ‘residues.’ But residues from what?

Do you see the problem? If ‘The Mandela Effect’ were a ‘normal’ psy op, for once I agree with the argument against ‘conspiracy theories’ that too many people would have to know. See, unlike, say, 9/11 or the fraudulent Apollo missions, the ME as psy op is not a matter of ‘where the video feed comes from’ (with both 9/11 and Apollo, virtually everyone was getting the imagery from a video feed).

But think about it. In this case all of those I’ve mentioned, hundreds of them if you count the legitimately screwy MEs I included in the video (plus those I left out)… these people had to be in on it!  

What do I mean? Well, how do you think it went? The spooks told them that they’re just fooling around, playing a joke on the American people so please keep this to yourselves? Is that how you figure it went? (Although I don’t doubt that Sorkin himself is ‘an insider’ and would have gone along with it…)

Those of you who think this is a ‘normal’ psy op – that yes, we are being fucked with but nothing ‘supernatural’ or beyond the ken of science is involved — you have to answer the above questions. And more.

If it’s not a psy op, what it is it? How did all the people involved with Sex and the City get the name wrong? Yes, we are back to that question. I’m the first to say that if it only were this one show, I’d somehow write it off to…. I don’t know what…my own denial… and I’m the first to say that some people have gone over the top with this issue, listing every logo and product name that doesn’t look right. Thing is, there are many, many examples like this one. That is the problem.

Has this horror always been in the Bible? And is it a coincidence that pedophile 'Poppy' is smiling at us?

Has this horror always been in the Bible? And is it a coincidence that pedophile ‘Poppy’ is smiling at us?

So no, the internal contradiction between dialog and the bus-prop does not mean the dialog was a simple mistake by Aaron Sorkin. What it means is this: ‘The Mandela Effect’ is even stranger than a glitch in The Many Worlds Interpretation of quantum physics. Not only is science as we know it somehow being twisted, but logic itself.

More to come.


  112 comments for “Even Stranger Things…

  1. Tennis Buddy
    February 26, 2019 at 2:07 am

    Here we go. The name of the show was: “Sex in the City”.

    Feast your eyes on this 2004 (YouTube) archive of an Academy/Emmy Awards show naming the winner, Sarah Jessica Parker, as the: “Outstanding Lead Actress in a Comedy”.

    The announcer, not the emcees, even said [at the 56 second mark], “…Sarah Jessica Parker has received 10 nominations for her work on “Sex in the City as an actress and a producer…”

    Here is the YouTube address ~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WoKdvacn8Ms

    Yes, some one, ones, or some focused organization, is trying to screw with people’s minds.
    The best thing to do… is NOT let it capture your attention or energy.

    Focus on the activities of your own life.

    “live long [love great] and prosper” ~
    Tennis Buddy

  2. James
    February 25, 2019 at 1:08 am

    My opinion is that it is obvious that the change from sex in the city to sex and the city must be a psyop because I have a photographic memory and only remember the former title also I rarely watch TV. As for cern I also consider that a psyop and even though I believe in the supernatural I really don’t believe that demonic entities could be made to materialise with a machine. They are invisible and are here all the time as disembodied spirits.The spooks love to create fear and confusion and that’s what the ME and Cern does it’s a distraction tactic also the statement that people never change their minds about anything tells us how you think Allan as I personally have changed my views on things and I have often felt that I have been easily duped by the evil planners and now don’t believe anything I read or watch until I check and re-check over many times usually the clues are in the numbers ie 3 6 muliples of 11 and 7 also they use ridiculous names oftentimes I really wouldn’t waste my time pondering over ME however I do believe the wolf insertion is a signpost pointing to the Fabian society which had the logo of a wolf in sheep’s clothing notable members of which were George Orwell George Bernard Shaw HG Wells and at this point in time Jeremy Corbyn leader of the labour party in britain. Please Google The Fabian Society to get the lowdown on this I think you will be very surprised at the outcome and it will answer a lot of your questions.

  3. Fast freddy
    February 24, 2019 at 8:54 pm

    Sorkin really is a forkin tool. These limited hangouts are often more dangerous- more damaging to the common people than killers like GHW Bush. Take Obama/ for example. Killed more people than Dubya Bush. Deported more immigrants. Broke up more families. But that big fake grin and the media presenting him as a kumbaya guy. ALL the while/ hes worse than the worst Modern Bush.

  4. Nigel
    February 24, 2019 at 6:26 am

    Geordie Rose has quite a thing for H P Lovecraft, he even compares his “AI” to Lovecraft’s entities . To those that don’t know , H P Lovecraft’s work is regarded as a primary influence by modern “occultists” .

  5. Cat
    February 24, 2019 at 5:35 am

    the best Bible version to read is NASB
    most doctrine teachers/students trust

  6. marsh collins
    February 23, 2019 at 7:32 pm

    Pastor Weisbpecker and his little band of psycho’s, given a mission? Forced out of his comfy official LH exposerer closet? Now just one more flat earth, alien, alternate dimensional, stooge.
    “Dear Kimberlie” quoting KJB while testifying her many bibles have all been supernaturally changed by dark forces , and only God’s chosen, with eyes to see, and ears to hear, can see this evil as God has blinded them with strong delusions. I think you better hope for a new dimension as well.
    Olberman’s no good no evil? How Talmudic of you …. The wicked liars, deceivers of the whole world, are like the gazelle running from a lioness… a beautiful dance of creation of unconscious harmonic non thought, leading to …elation and the light… ?…. HaHaHa. You all better try navel gazing your way into a new dimension where your lies can be transformed into truth.
    Are the dark forces changing the Talmud too? Or is he happy with his work on that? What a joke.

    • Chris
      February 23, 2019 at 10:49 pm

      What does “LH” mean? Should I know?

      • Chris
        February 23, 2019 at 10:53 pm

        I think I figured it out. Lunar Hoax? Never mind. I’m stupid sometimes.

    • drud
      February 24, 2019 at 1:27 am

      Please respect my religion


    • Krustysurfer
      February 25, 2019 at 12:58 am

      You make some decent points Marsh however it has always been profits over prophets in this Babylon Stage walk on, The Creative force of the universe is like God chasing renegade dwarves in time bandits Talmud and Kabbalah practicing gemetria map while the rest of the world just does that dance you elude to simple Goy to be ruled over with entertainment High tech razzle dazzle.
      I am happy with Alan shaking things up however… as those seeking truth and wisdom we all need to NOT get lost looking at the individual trees and keep an eye on the forest,
      The Gatekeepers are many and the temple mount is about to be mounted assaulted and is set for redevelopment by Shrek the Orange, Kushner666, and Bibisatanyahoo… what can any of us do? They will Have a 3rd Temple shortly unless there is a cosmic intervention.
      what can any of us really do???
      PRAY THIS CURRENT TIMELINE GETS DERAILED because the Armageddonists in charge now are taking Humanity towards a living hell of no morals, Lawlessness, and merging man with machine… I dont want to jump into the digital world just to preserve my physical existence! my choice in the matter would be sitting on a tropical beach with loved ones watching the reset giving thanks to God for what a amazing life i have gotten to experience. The Path Of Love is the Path of Self sacrifice which there seems to be a short supply of… His name Was Robert Paulson…………………………….. aloha

  7. drud
    February 23, 2019 at 5:58 pm

    I didn’t read the comments but here is my two cents. Except Dee Cota after writing my say.

    I don’t why you would think someone would fix somebody else for dropping the ‘a’ and ‘d’ in the ‘and’ of Sex and the City. In 1500 years literally millions of folks have not been able to fix unpalatable passages in the Bible into the gods they think they are worshiping, but upon scrutiny are inconsistent and have rather dark sides with the primary god looking to have similar attributes to Genghis Khan.

    If CERN has unleashed supernatural entities that are messing with labels of products it seems that perhaps only trolls got in as their targets are quite the lesser of the folks already here.

    Can you imagine an occultist asking a Jinn or whatever to slightly change a products logo?

    Why not ask a Jinn or whatever to ruin the work of NASA’s engineers?

    Although, I recently reread ‘To Build a Fire’ by London, I read, ‘tree bark burns more readily than paper’ when I remembered Birch bark.

    So I looked at another text and there it was, Birch bark. In the end times go with Birch bark, it burns quite readily.

    • drud
      February 23, 2019 at 6:07 pm

      Add “know” and fix my first sentence. Damn space trolls!

      • drud
        February 23, 2019 at 6:18 pm

        Since I worked on my grammar a bit on my first draft might as well post it too.

        Someone wrote that Sarah Jessica was asked this very thing and she said she goes with ‘and’ cause ‘a’ is before ‘i’.

        If the cause were supernatural/CERN why mess around with such trivial things as labels and stuff? If an occultist is in control of a demon, why again, mess with such trivial things when you could do so much more? Like launch a nuclear missile. Why not have a demons change the contents of the Pentagons files? Maybe they have I wouldn’t know.

        Why not tell a judge “jinn changed my affidavit” when found guilty? “What it really said was”…

        Or “Judge I am a holographic entity and I am not responsible for my actions, the program is,ask them about it. It’s one in a billion that I am real and you’re not either. I rest my case your honor.”

        Obviously, the judge will rule, “Case dismissed”!

        Why have moles infiltrating institutions when you have demons at your disposal?

        Apparently occultists can’t do these kind of things. Instead they have to do it the old fashion way through bullsh*t and subterfuge.

        I recently reread ‘To Build a Fire’ by London and I read, ‘tree bark burns more readily than paper’ when I remembered Birch bark.
        So I looked at another text and there it was, Birch bark. In the end times go with Birch bark, it burns quite readily.

        Why haven’t Christians in 1500 years, not had these weird passages removed?

        • THE G.O.A.T. KILLA
          February 24, 2019 at 12:34 am

          Or maybe the Mandela effect could write good jokes for these modern comedians, and get people to start pissing into the toilet and not on the floor. The Mandela man is so funny and crazy but so misguided! Yes! Why not just get it all over with and destroy all the good people and leave all the Jews behind?? That would make Weisss-man becker author man of great concepts very happy in is small trailer on wheeeeels. There’s so many aspects the Mandela isn’t hard at work with.. that’s what I’m upset about! SO UNFAIR MANDELA! You Occulted crazy man ! Where’s the rhyme ??? Where’s the REASONS! Is it all subject to Trademark laws???

        • LittleGeezers
          February 24, 2019 at 1:02 pm

          A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, not London, Drud.

          Anyway, I think it is actually the Mandela Affect, not effect. It’s going through cyberspace with a certain, you know, predisposition…

          • drud
            February 24, 2019 at 5:53 pm

            You don’t know Jack!

        • Krustysurfer
          February 25, 2019 at 1:02 am

          I Think They are Just Gaslighting Humanity and then throwing the accusations that You/We/Us are Crazy and wrong making everyone doubt there own sanity… Spirit is stronger IMHO Aloha good points though

  8. Dee Cota
    February 23, 2019 at 6:45 am

    I hope the people who commented on the subject of ME will not take what I am about to say personally so keep in mind what I have to say is my thinking on the subject. I cannot believe how many of you took the ME so seriously personally I thought it was a big joke and laugh at some of the comments. As a 78-year-old adult and a lifetime skeptic, a person who questions everything and a complete total disbeliever, unbeliever and any other I don’t believe Period! Just, as Allan says quite often this is a bunch of crapola. Call it what you want a super learning event. What are you learning from if it is true? What are you feeling if you are being fooled and made to feel stupid for believing in it? I am sorry but I can’t help but laugh at some of your comments. Whether it was sex in the city or sex and the city what the hell what part of your life does this depends on? What it depends on is what you believe (and or in) and what you believe you will defend even when you are given proof your belief is in error. Here is something to learn when you admit to being wrong your belief will no longer be sacred and you are open to new discoveries, So don’t take this ME stuff as if it is something you can control you can’t it is just a joke and we all have to laugh at it.

    • Greg gauvreau
      February 23, 2019 at 4:26 pm

      Isn’t it possible that this is less some kind of “op,” and more just a reflection of how people butcher the English language? Like Cap’n Crunch, or pbnj? ‘Nuff said, or hugs ‘n’ kisses? Sex and the city might easily be mangled into “Sex ‘n’ the City(shitty imo)? And then all these people aren’t not taking umbrage at the “change” to the sitcom’s name, they’re merely slurring pronunciation and assuming others are doing the same? Occum’s Razor anyone?

      • THE G.O.A.T. KILLA
        February 24, 2019 at 12:36 am

        It’s the apathy of how people talk full on 100% . Probably has something to do as well as these people not caring about what Sex In the City is or was. Why is Weisssguy so obsessed with this show about these Jewish Yentas? He’s Jewish..so maybe he’s got mommy issues.

        • Krustysurfer
          February 25, 2019 at 1:11 am

          Hey Goat Take it Easy. Alan is either Working With them(we hope he is not. and also hope he is not here just to waste peoples time and energy) or Alan is trying to get away from the Tribe of Psychopaths he was born into Blood related to(blood is thicket than water?)……..Alan is a Surfer so there is Hope. we Hope its the latter and not the former,,,Love you Alan lets get back on track looking at the big picture and stop focusing on the small time individual players. Aloha and thanks

      • LittleGeezers
        February 24, 2019 at 1:04 pm

        The best sex happens out of the city anyway

    • Krustysurfer
      February 25, 2019 at 1:04 am

      Looking at the trees gets one lost… Agreed its a Big Picture and a rather simple one once you grasp it …don’t get lost… aloha

  9. JSJ
    February 22, 2019 at 10:51 pm

    Danny Elfman is another genius.

    • THE G.O.A.T. KILLA
      February 24, 2019 at 12:19 am

      Oh yeah like every Jew is a genius. No they are chosen for the role. If you were given the path to become a ‘composer’ your elite parents would have had the connections set by the time you were out of your crib. These people don’t exist just because they struggled to get there. They are all chosen to fill in for the greater plan and narrative. You would be just as ‘great’ as Elfman as you would have the exact same roadmap to follow, you would garnish the exact same awards, as it’s all planned. Every detail. the fans and lapdogs like yourself come with the territory of human apathy and mindless entertainment seeking.

      • Krustysurfer
        February 25, 2019 at 1:05 am

        I Like Your Thinking… Project Mayhem… Aloha

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