Category: Blog

What a Scholar Would Not Do

I’ve had some interesting correspondences with you guys and thought I’d show you one, with the permission of ‘Mary’. I’ll pare it down just a little bit. Hi Allan, I’ve attached photos from a family bible in my possession that may be useful for your current research. My husband’s grandparents, who were born in the late 1800’s’ brought it over…

My ‘Alert List’

Note: Please pay attention to the images I embedded.  Before I forget: I saw an important movie last night, called Third Eye Spies, about the history of the Remote Viewing Program done by the CIA over the decades. You can see it via Amazon and you’ll have to pay, but it’s worth it. Why? Not because Remote Viewing is a new issue,…


Addendum: The photos are from today (March 8) after Spacex’s Dragon’s de-docking, re-entry, and supposedly splashing down in the Atlantic. The continuing continuity errors are obvious. Since my last post I’ve been alerting all the usual alt media suspects of the NASA/Spacex fraud (as shown in my video) and so far nothing back but a roaring silence. Not a single…

It’s All a Reality Check

Back to Spacex today. Those who think I’m changing the subject should think it through. All this stuff is a Reality Check, on one level or another. I believe I have proved with past videos that Spacex is a total fraud and is even able to ‘fake live events’ in front of eyewitnesses, indluding rocket launches. Many of you have thought…

A Sly Wit?

I’ve been thinking of two possibilities for the near future. Either quit this blog altogether, since it seems to have no effect and only serves to put me on the radar of bad people, or get on with it and expose Sam Harris for what he is. Then maybe quit. We’ll see… Last night I was watching Rosemary’s Baby and realized a frame…

How Things Would Work (even with The Bible)

“I believe in evidence. I believe in observation, measurement, and reasoning, confirmed by independent observers. I’ll believe anything, no matter how wild and ridiculous, if there is evidence for it…  Isaac Asimov I’m not sure why I’m doing this, given that so few people seem able or willing to actually think critically about this (or anything). ‘Evidence’ has nothing to…

Even Stranger Things…

First I have to get this off my chest: Aaron Sorkin as about as good a storyteller and writer of dialog as Hollywood as ever produced. You could call him brilliant and I wouldn’t argue. He’s also done more damage to… to truth… to the mass perception of How The World Really Works (HTWRW) than any other contemporary human, not…

The Amish Effect

It really does just keep getting worse. In a comment yesterday I told you that I’d be writing about my experience with a group of Amish folks who pulled up in a bus for a day at the beach just yards from my sandy niche here on the Gulf Coast. Well, okay, here we go. The bus pulled up as…