I’m posting this hoping that comments will be activated, which seems to be the case. If you have a comment on my previous post, place it here.
My doctor friend from back east, aside from insisting that we all vote for Biden, is also writing a book entitled Why I Wear a Mask. I’ve been sending him related studies that clearly prove (through peer-reviewed, double-blind studies) that masks are not only useless in preventing viral incursion, but harmful to the wearer in several ways.
He’s actually writing a book promoting the black op he is unaware of. I wrote him:
That link demands that i log in so fuck it. your dumbass liberal mistake is that you are looking at recent shit that the state puts out. You have to look at studies pre 2020. why don’t you understand this? The masks are a beta test to see who will obey, no matter how stupid and harmful the result.
Watch this:
You can check the quoted studies (I did) and they are all legit. but it won’t matter to you b/c you are awash in confirmation bias. you are the problem.
Or check the quoted studies and answer them. But you won’t do that. Will you?
My Doctor friend (and his then-wife) on Tobago, late 1990s.
And it gets worse. My ex-girlfriend from my Hawaii days (1968-69), who is veryintelligent (as opposed to smart) sends me this email in response to my last post:
‘Not that Trump is anything but a scumfuck and an enemy of all that is right and good, but… but…’ To sum up why I we should hope for a Trump victory I’ll send you over to Jon Rappoport’s recent blog post. ‘ [end quote]
‘a scumfuck and an enemy of all that is right and good’ [does this sound like I’m pro-Trump?]
What’s wrong with you?
You obviously didn’t read Rappoport’s post either. Did you? You’re actually going to vote for Biden? You want a total lockdown and outright tyranny NOW? Try some critical thinking, dear.
AS I remember her from Hawaii.
So she writes:
OMG!!!! You have drunk the fuckin’ Kool Aid!!!!
Right: She mentally blocked what I wrote and was only able to respond moronically.
My last to her:
you’re very intelligent but you’re a dumb ass liberal, unable to think critically when emotional subjects rear. you are the main reason the world is so fucked up. not trying to insult you. just the way it is. that you responded this way to my pointing out why Biden is worse than Trump is proof of this.
Did you know that your feminist hero gloria steinem was working for the cia her whole career? your attitude is exactly what the spooks want in people who might otherwise understand how the world really works. https://rense.com/general21/hw.htm
So why do I bother trying to correct people like this (or subject you to their mental problems)? Partly to rationalize my occasional silences, which are often based on discouragement, i.e., the knowledge that (to quote Kurt Vonnegut) ‘No one ever changes his mind about anything’. (I’m still waiting for someone to write me that something I’ve written on this blog has had an effect on the way they see the world.)
But in a way, this sort of content is telling you that there is no hope, not for us nor the planet. If otherwise intelligent people can be this mindless… that my doctor friend could be writing a book on how great masks are right in the face of the information in the video (plus much, much more)… or my very intelligent ex could mindlessly repeat herself even after exposure to inarguable information…
So why do I do it? Send posts like this, knowing I’ll continue to get more unsubscribes than new readers (it’s been about three to one for the past five or so years)?
I can’t help myself. Like I couldn’t help myself aggravating Sean Penn, even though doing so actually killed a deal with HBO. I don’t think it’s a self-destructive instinct, although this has occurred to me, especially given my lunatic hunt for the truth of the treachery of my psychopathic ex-girlfriend, Lisa (as recounted in Can’t You Get Along With Anyone?). (I really went the distance with that behavior streak.)
Aside from the handful of you who leave thought-provoking comments, I occasionally get an email that tells me there are some genuinely curious though usually silent people out there, folks I might be connecting with… as I quoted Orwell towards the end of Water Time, ‘it was not by making yourself heard, but by staying sane that you carried on the human heritage’…
Do me a favor and give me a sign, send a signal, that you’re staying sane.
Looks like the comments for this post came back on. But the old ones are still gone. Does anyone know how this could suddenly happen?
111 comments for “Comments? And Staying Sane…”