I’m posting this hoping that comments will be activated, which seems to be the case. If you have a comment on my previous post, place it here.
My doctor friend from back east, aside from insisting that we all vote for Biden, is also writing a book entitled Why I Wear a Mask. I’ve been sending him related studies that clearly prove (through peer-reviewed, double-blind studies) that masks are not only useless in preventing viral incursion, but harmful to the wearer in several ways.
He’s actually writing a book promoting the black op he is unaware of. I wrote him:
That link demands that i log in so fuck it. your dumbass liberal mistake is that you are looking at recent shit that the state puts out. You have to look at studies pre 2020. why don’t you understand this? The masks are a beta test to see who will obey, no matter how stupid and harmful the result.
Watch this:
You can check the quoted studies (I did) and they are all legit. but it won’t matter to you b/c you are awash in confirmation bias. you are the problem.
Or check the quoted studies and answer them. But you won’t do that. Will you?
My Doctor friend (and his then-wife) on Tobago, late 1990s.
And it gets worse. My ex-girlfriend from my Hawaii days (1968-69), who is veryintelligent (as opposed to smart) sends me this email in response to my last post:
‘Not that Trump is anything but a scumfuck and an enemy of all that is right and good, but… but…’ To sum up why I we should hope for a Trump victory I’ll send you over to Jon Rappoport’s recent blog post. ‘ [end quote]
‘a scumfuck and an enemy of all that is right and good’ [does this sound like I’m pro-Trump?]
What’s wrong with you?
You obviously didn’t read Rappoport’s post either. Did you? You’re actually going to vote for Biden? You want a total lockdown and outright tyranny NOW? Try some critical thinking, dear.
AS I remember her from Hawaii.
So she writes:
OMG!!!! You have drunk the fuckin’ Kool Aid!!!!
Right: She mentally blocked what I wrote and was only able to respond moronically.
My last to her:
you’re very intelligent but you’re a dumb ass liberal, unable to think critically when emotional subjects rear. you are the main reason the world is so fucked up. not trying to insult you. just the way it is. that you responded this way to my pointing out why Biden is worse than Trump is proof of this.
Did you know that your feminist hero gloria steinem was working for the cia her whole career? your attitude is exactly what the spooks want in people who might otherwise understand how the world really works. https://rense.com/general21/hw.htm
So why do I bother trying to correct people like this (or subject you to their mental problems)? Partly to rationalize my occasional silences, which are often based on discouragement, i.e., the knowledge that (to quote Kurt Vonnegut) ‘No one ever changes his mind about anything’. (I’m still waiting for someone to write me that something I’ve written on this blog has had an effect on the way they see the world.)
But in a way, this sort of content is telling you that there is no hope, not for us nor the planet. If otherwise intelligent people can be this mindless… that my doctor friend could be writing a book on how great masks are right in the face of the information in the video (plus much, much more)… or my very intelligent ex could mindlessly repeat herself even after exposure to inarguable information…
So why do I do it? Send posts like this, knowing I’ll continue to get more unsubscribes than new readers (it’s been about three to one for the past five or so years)?
I can’t help myself. Like I couldn’t help myself aggravating Sean Penn, even though doing so actually killed a deal with HBO. I don’t think it’s a self-destructive instinct, although this has occurred to me, especially given my lunatic hunt for the truth of the treachery of my psychopathic ex-girlfriend, Lisa (as recounted in Can’t You Get Along With Anyone?). (I really went the distance with that behavior streak.)
Aside from the handful of you who leave thought-provoking comments, I occasionally get an email that tells me there are some genuinely curious though usually silent people out there, folks I might be connecting with… as I quoted Orwell towards the end of Water Time, ‘it was not by making yourself heard, but by staying sane that you carried on the human heritage’…
Do me a favor and give me a sign, send a signal, that you’re staying sane.
Looks like the comments for this post came back on. But the old ones are still gone. Does anyone know how this could suddenly happen?
Thanks for maintaining this blog and sharing thoughts about HTWRW.
At least for us few subscribers , you remain a source of ideas and alternative ways of
interpreting what the world presents to our sensibilities.
That what we’re presented with is most certainly being fucked with is undeniable.
It appears to me something of an analogy with a magnetic compass and true North. Those of us who truly care about the truth remain magnetised regardless of where placed or what heap pile of steaming shit is placed between us and true North even if it induces a little erratic zigzagging in our bearing as a result of temporary destabilisation.
Others it would seem lack this orientation and have what I would describe as an imbibed construct the self conscious personality is wed to and built upon hence much of the emotional reactions evident in any disturbance of this perceived reality construct. It represents a real danger to the stability of such a person’s sense of self.
Such being the case, the matter of intelligence based upon research using the scientific method goes out the window as panic, being a result of such psychic disturbance engages the ‘fight or flight’ response and all efforts are aligned towards self preservation at any cost
invoking the oft recounted red-faced ‘clutching at straws’ imagery, recourse to support of mainstream media narratives and cutting off of ‘dangerous’ relationships.
You are like an island of sanity for many of us and for this I sincerely thank you.
Of course you have affected my way of thinking by finding out there’s someone out there that thinks kind of like I do. That’s always encouraged me.
But a major plus to that is your discourse is absolutely hilarious that encourages everybody on your blog to try to keep up with you. They’re purty funny to sometimes.
We look forward to what you have to say about everything to do with the search of truth.
Allan, I still look forward to every one of your posts, though I may not always agree, your insight and commitment are good food and exercise for my mental health.
Due to a recent realization that the only “friend” I have left is a Flaming Narcissist …
(I researched the condition) out of pure frustration and mounting anxiety.
I learned it was not my first go-round with this soul sucking vampire personality type
( some self reflection required) all that to say …. What is being done to us by the PTSB are the very same things that the Narcissist does to it’s victims, and it’s brutality is limitless.
Sooo voices like yours are a much needed balm for some very injured psyche ies.
Knowledge is power and hard work is required … they want our very soul.
Thank you again, for your contribution to the mental health of those who remain.
With all due respect to Alan, it is unreasonable to try to teach a world that can’t comprehend Building 7’s censorship anything about a COVID-19 conspiracy.
I’m endeavoring to keep my sanity… but during this psy-op, maintaining sanity is akin to wading around in a cesspool, and dodging the shit! What we’re up against is a CULT of fake science, fake medicine, and fake media. (What’s sorely needed is a massive legion of deprogrammers for the cult members!)
Part and parcel of the psy-op planners’ goals are to divide and conquer the people. As such, they’ve done a bang-up job. MOST people will not listen to reason, due in large part to their immersion in the CFR-controlled mainstream media… which continually trumpets the directives of ersatz “authorities” like Fauci et al.!
If there is any good news to be had, it’s that more people ARE waking up. (Yes, still a minority, but heading toward critical mass.) Also, a number of lawsuits are underway against various governors who have flagrantly disregarded the Constitution and Bill of Rights, and become pig tyrants!
Well, folks, here is the reply I got from my doctor friend… notice he did view the video, which uses double blind peer reviewed studies (from pre-2020. I also sent him the quote from the CDC admitting that they have NOT isolated the covid ‘virus.’ Doesn’t matter, not to him.
Here ya go:
Allan, you’re so angry and exasperated wtf “a fucking book on masks”
what the heck is wrong with you?
of course we know it is contagious. where did you get that one? they have isolated and found out its genome and the 353,000 mutations that have happened to it. Are you going demented on me? Did you watch the Monica Gandhi VuMedi I sent you? don’t remain ignorant and angry. get rid of the ignorant & that’ll get rid of the angry, maybe. Unless that is part of your personality, irrevocably, at this point. I hope not. I always hope for enlightenment. fyi the electron microscope was not developed until 1931, so viruses like our 0.125 micron-sized coronavirus for Covid-19 could not be visualized yet in the 1920’s. I will send you some sections of my book. It looks like you need the one on viruses. and then you might enjoy the story of the anti-mask league which transpired in SF with the 1918-1921 Influenza Pandemic. Masks like the surgical mask are composed of electrostatic fabric that attracts the virus and other debris. That is a factor in how they work. I know, you never heard of that. Watch Dr. Gandhi’s video and tell me your reaction. This guy’s video you just sent me musing about masks is cute, but without much substance. I don’t know how many years ago he retired and is out of the current loop. Also I will send you an article on the mutations of the Covid coronavirus and its genome(s) as a new strain that has become more prominent than the original one – new one is called D614G. 10X more infective but not as deadly as the original the D614. OK, Al? Dr. Gandhi!
Me again. The real point is that he doesn’t know that no one has isolated the virus. He ASSUMES this is the case, even in the face of actual information proving the contrary.
Here’s my email in reply to the above?
Allan Weisbecker
To: Radd
How about we put $100 on it? I say no one has isolated the virus.
$100. You on or are you just hot air.
You show me the study that proves causation via Koch’s Postulate, which is the only way to prove a virus causes a disease.
i cant say you’ve changed my mind about anything. i first became aware of you re: Apollo. i liked your attitude — ‘cos i was already there? i heard you on Michael Rivero and wondered if you were going to touch on that — everyone knows Rivero won’t have that topic raised. He is a big line-toer, being ex-NASA.
Water Time is wonderful. we all know people like those willful idiots with whom you good-heartedly tried to deal.
perhaps it is matter of misery loving company? the ship is going down. cant hang out with those who don’t see it. For what company can they be?
There have always been lonesome scenes. small groups of the groupless. Athens made Socrates drink the Kool-aid. or was that his body-double? (listen to Socrate, by Satie–another outcast).
what you have done, though, is lead me to matters i ‘d not heard about, had no opinions about. you expanded my knowledge of the world and remain a trusted eye.
Re: masks — I’ve read a bunch of studies on use of various face coverings to prevent spread of contagious airborne disease, various sources from around the world, dating back to the earlier 2000s. This was spurred by the rise of SARS, MERs, h1n1 etc. I general these all supported the effectiveness of mitigating spread. Particularly in areas with higher contagion concentrations, hospitals etc.
I’ve also read a few studies supporting masks as harmful etc and found most to be based on poor decisions/use. Like improper hygiene, training etc. like saying a car is more likely to kill you than help you…if used very carelessly.
I do believe that as usual the use in the general public ranges from highly effective to highly ineffective, but have yet to see that study that truly proves a proper mask, used appropriately, is ineffective, let alone more harmful. I’m open to more science based studies on this but if anything, my view on masks has become more pro mask in the past six months. Based on science, including some we have performed.
As far as making ppl wear masks as a Form of control, I don’t get it. We have tons of laws that already demonstrate authoritarian control already, so this would seem a bit pointless?
I respect the fact that you have led me down several rabbit holes and taught me not to just believe everything you hear. Since I read your first book, many years ago, that changed the way I think about “reality”, so yes, you have changed someone’s outlook on life!! It’s very hard to see my professional “medical” peeps stick to the masks, when I see it so differently, and since” I’m not a “Dr.” I don’t know what I’m talking about.” I pretty much stay to myself and help my 85 year old Aunt , walk on the beach, ride my bike and cook beautiful food, while listening to good music, while not wearing a mask…. hoping that my “vote” counts. Thanks for being out there for us and Atlantic Beach is a good place to be right now.
I live in Evanston Il. and they just pasted an ordinance that we have to wear masks while walking on the path along the lake. Not going to do it. This whole mask thing is really the point of the spear for TPTB. It is something that we can’t hide. We can’t pretend we’re not wearing a mask. It is a clear show of compliance. My own daughter has cancelled me and my wife because we are against masks.
There is an RCT mask study out of Denmark that can’t get published in The Lancet nor the NEJM. Hmm, I wonder why?
As far as Trump is concerned, look at what he has done. If that is not enough for you, then I don’t know what to say.
Intelligence is the ability to find options. Wisdom is the ability to find the right option. The point is, getting a doctorate in medicine requires intelligence, but wisdom is not inherent in that degree. The fact is that many doctors, like the police or judges, are overwhelmingly conformists. So they conform to what the power tells them. While they should listen more to the authorities as several medical professors say: Health measures are worse than this virus. Professors of medicine like Dr. Raoult, Dr. Perrone. Personally I hit my head on the wall when I saw the Dow Jones stay healthy. It is normal that the Amazon, Big Pharma, Netflix of this world see their profits increase. But how to explain that the airlines, restaurants, hotels, cinemas do not see their actions collapse? So it’s obvious backstage the devil is keeping them alive. Speaking of the devil personally if I am asked to choose between a political party on the right or on the left I always answer: You ask me to choose between eating a poop sandwich or a vomit soup my dear friend.
P.S .:
If your computer has crashed once there is a good chance it will crash again. As for disabled comments these are things that can happen with the use of WordPress and company. As for the new subscriber / unsubscribe ratio, I would say that it is not the quantity that counts but the quality.
To paraphrase the soon to be late Diane Feinstein (one has to hope): “me thinks the dogma runs deep in those two”. In my experience high level intelligence and an open mind are often mutually exclusive. They become so committed to what they think they know. For most of us here have realized that much of what we believed to be true for many years was in reality utter bullshit. I have had a couple of recent examples of people I had little hope for actually beginning to wake up. Perhaps some cracks in the dam…
Hi Allan, hope you and master Gus are fine.
We are all having to gingerly step around some of our chowder brained friends at this end of the pond too don’t worry – no common sense & sucking up the TV news like it’s a God.
Frankly I’ve given some of them the boot and don’t care.
Now the eyes are the windows to the soul, and with this guy Biden I see shear Evil like never before.
Did you find my email about breathlessness & and half blocked arteries etc?…I am taking evasive action for the rest of my life.
Hey I wonder if the “unsubscribes” have died or gone broke.
Allan, my feeling is Biden will be sent to the memory care ward of Walter Reed soon upon taking office, if he makes it that far, and assuming he wins the election. We’ll be stuck with Kamala, who to my mind is even more vicious and evil than Biden… remember Rosa Klebs in the James Bond book/movie, From Russia with Love?
Tonight we ventured out from Coosaw Island into Beaufort, SC, as the Gov opened the state through a legislated LAW, not an edict. Beaufort (illegally) has not remanded their mask boogaloo, so we wore one into the restaurant, then took them off 2 seconds later. No problem. No social distancing, EVERYONE WAS HAPPY. Bay St. was packed, albeit only 5 blocks. But a purty cool 5 blocks. The Great Santini walked down it, as did GI Jane, the Yankee Assholes from The Big Chill & most famously, Forrest Gump.
Coolest town in SC. Pawleys comes close. Keep it up, Allen. Hey, my $3.25 gives you almost 2 gals. here, and we have 5.7 acres if you ever want to park your rig. And we have a guest house.
Allan, dude, you don’t GET it?? (And everyone else reading this of course…wake tf UP!!) Your ‘doctor friend’ is OBVIOUSLY a corrupt sicko pedo-loving freak, and either is a freakin’ spook or is actively working for THE COMPANY. How could YOU NOT KNOW that all the worst leftist criminals get ‘book deals’ to PAY THEM OFF BIG FOR THEIR LIFETIME CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY, their ‘loyalty’ to ‘The Order’?? (Hey, how many doctors do you think are in secret societies Allan? Blood oaths made in dark subterranean ancient crypts are a MUCH stronger ‘influence’ on weak sociopathic humans to ‘shape opinions’ (and guide their actions) than simple human factors like tons of formal education, piles of money, and intelligence y’know 😉 ). Do you have any idea how many BILLION$ Planned Parenthood has made off of selling fetus and baby body parts, and ‘fetal cells’ for VACCINES and ‘research’…and as FOOD for wealthy and powerful pedovores’ dinner plates (like all the sick fucks now going ‘down’ FOR GOOD in Hollywood)?? Your ex is also either an operative, an officer (‘honeypot’ – weren’t you writing screenplays at the time?? 😉 ), OR — actually better, for your sake — a demented deranged “dumb ass liberal” Matrix drone pedo-satanist apologist who wouldn’t know an independent thought if it kicked her square in the crotch and slapped her cognitive dissonant face with dog shit. These morons are SO deeply emotionally screwed, so AFRAID OF THE TRUTH, that they have probably actually brainwashed themselves to believe that all those DOZENS of photographs and videos of Joe Biden groping, sniffing, and whispering to little girls in front of their parents — the NEW CONGRESSMEN AND WOMEN OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA — are ‘photoshopped fake news’!!! Better to just forget about ’em, Allan. They are far, far beyond redemption. They shall all have complete nervous breakdowns soon, and be gnashing their teeth and screaming bloody murder as they descend into their self-created hell-worlds of ‘doom and gloom’….. While I enJOY the long-predicted Show, laughing my head off at the misguided fools as I munch on hot-buttered popcorn, and wash it down with cold beer and ice cream in my tropical ashram paradise 😀
Allan, Sorry if I be thinkin’ like one “Miles Mathis,” but your dear old friend (NOT the lithesome hippie babe) Sure looks one hell of a lot like Hunter S. Thompson! May he be?
Much as I agree with your rant in general, my doctor friend and many others like him are unlikely to be in the actual employ of the baddies. Just a detail…
Hello Allan,
These days are almost beyond unbearable for those of us that dare to question diktat and groupthink; we are in effect pariahs. As for your doctor friend, I have had the same type of paradox regarding similarly “otherwise intelligent” friends. Maybe there is a clue in what Dostoyevsky wrote in “Crime and punishment”:
“It takes something more than intelligence to act intelligently.”
Or it’s a case of Dunning Kruger; too dumb to know it, just a Parrot and smart only on paper
We have had more than enough ‘patience’ with the passive-aggressive, dumbed-down, compliant conformist groupthink sheeple zombies for decades. Millennia actually, to be honest. We might be able to give them a little more, give them another year or two to save themselves from their uber-fascist intentional ignorance and denial. But, unfortunately, that would spell The End of us ALL. You see, folks, our PLANET can no longer afford any more ‘patience’ with this world’s psych ward patients. Another year of their raging insanity and She shall shake us ALL off like so many fleas from a weary and blood-drained dog. So let’s support GAIA, our Hostess. And do what we can to simply ALLOW THESE DESTROYERS OF WORLDS to take themselves OUT! And let those of us TRULY Intelligent members of our species continue on without their vapid, inane, irrational, demonic interference.
Hi Allan,
Thanks for maintaining this blog and sharing thoughts about HTWRW.
At least for us few subscribers , you remain a source of ideas and alternative ways of
interpreting what the world presents to our sensibilities.
That what we’re presented with is most certainly being fucked with is undeniable.
It appears to me something of an analogy with a magnetic compass and true North. Those of us who truly care about the truth remain magnetised regardless of where placed or what heap pile of steaming shit is placed between us and true North even if it induces a little erratic zigzagging in our bearing as a result of temporary destabilisation.
Others it would seem lack this orientation and have what I would describe as an imbibed construct the self conscious personality is wed to and built upon hence much of the emotional reactions evident in any disturbance of this perceived reality construct. It represents a real danger to the stability of such a person’s sense of self.
Such being the case, the matter of intelligence based upon research using the scientific method goes out the window as panic, being a result of such psychic disturbance engages the ‘fight or flight’ response and all efforts are aligned towards self preservation at any cost
invoking the oft recounted red-faced ‘clutching at straws’ imagery, recourse to support of mainstream media narratives and cutting off of ‘dangerous’ relationships.
You are like an island of sanity for many of us and for this I sincerely thank you.
Be well
Not sure I got all of it but thanks for the encouragement.
Of course you have affected my way of thinking by finding out there’s someone out there that thinks kind of like I do. That’s always encouraged me.
But a major plus to that is your discourse is absolutely hilarious that encourages everybody on your blog to try to keep up with you. They’re purty funny to sometimes.
We look forward to what you have to say about everything to do with the search of truth.
My sense of humor has withered a bit, which is worrisome.
Allan, I still look forward to every one of your posts, though I may not always agree, your insight and commitment are good food and exercise for my mental health.
Due to a recent realization that the only “friend” I have left is a Flaming Narcissist …
(I researched the condition) out of pure frustration and mounting anxiety.
I learned it was not my first go-round with this soul sucking vampire personality type
( some self reflection required) all that to say …. What is being done to us by the PTSB are the very same things that the Narcissist does to it’s victims, and it’s brutality is limitless.
Sooo voices like yours are a much needed balm for some very injured psyche ies.
Knowledge is power and hard work is required … they want our very soul.
Thank you again, for your contribution to the mental health of those who remain.
Thank you, I do appreciate a bit of encouragement.
With all due respect to Alan, it is unreasonable to try to teach a world that can’t comprehend Building 7’s censorship anything about a COVID-19 conspiracy.
True. I know this and wonder why I do it.
I’m endeavoring to keep my sanity… but during this psy-op, maintaining sanity is akin to wading around in a cesspool, and dodging the shit! What we’re up against is a CULT of fake science, fake medicine, and fake media. (What’s sorely needed is a massive legion of deprogrammers for the cult members!)
Part and parcel of the psy-op planners’ goals are to divide and conquer the people. As such, they’ve done a bang-up job. MOST people will not listen to reason, due in large part to their immersion in the CFR-controlled mainstream media… which continually trumpets the directives of ersatz “authorities” like Fauci et al.!
If there is any good news to be had, it’s that more people ARE waking up. (Yes, still a minority, but heading toward critical mass.) Also, a number of lawsuits are underway against various governors who have flagrantly disregarded the Constitution and Bill of Rights, and become pig tyrants!
Well put, David. Also there’s a substantial international class action suit being developed to expose the fraud of ‘covid’ and bring charges: https://bit.ly/33sdT1Z_Crimes_vs_Humanity_Reiner_Fuellmich
Yeah, good comment. Keep em coming even when I’m too funded to write. Brightens my day.
Well, folks, here is the reply I got from my doctor friend… notice he did view the video, which uses double blind peer reviewed studies (from pre-2020. I also sent him the quote from the CDC admitting that they have NOT isolated the covid ‘virus.’ Doesn’t matter, not to him.
Here ya go:
Allan, you’re so angry and exasperated wtf “a fucking book on masks”
what the heck is wrong with you?
of course we know it is contagious. where did you get that one? they have isolated and found out its genome and the 353,000 mutations that have happened to it. Are you going demented on me? Did you watch the Monica Gandhi VuMedi I sent you? don’t remain ignorant and angry. get rid of the ignorant & that’ll get rid of the angry, maybe. Unless that is part of your personality, irrevocably, at this point. I hope not. I always hope for enlightenment. fyi the electron microscope was not developed until 1931, so viruses like our 0.125 micron-sized coronavirus for Covid-19 could not be visualized yet in the 1920’s. I will send you some sections of my book. It looks like you need the one on viruses. and then you might enjoy the story of the anti-mask league which transpired in SF with the 1918-1921 Influenza Pandemic. Masks like the surgical mask are composed of electrostatic fabric that attracts the virus and other debris. That is a factor in how they work. I know, you never heard of that. Watch Dr. Gandhi’s video and tell me your reaction. This guy’s video you just sent me musing about masks is cute, but without much substance. I don’t know how many years ago he retired and is out of the current loop. Also I will send you an article on the mutations of the Covid coronavirus and its genome(s) as a new strain that has become more prominent than the original one – new one is called D614G. 10X more infective but not as deadly as the original the D614. OK, Al? Dr. Gandhi!
Me again. The real point is that he doesn’t know that no one has isolated the virus. He ASSUMES this is the case, even in the face of actual information proving the contrary.
Here’s my email in reply to the above?
Allan Weisbecker
To: Radd
How about we put $100 on it? I say no one has isolated the virus.
$100. You on or are you just hot air.
You show me the study that proves causation via Koch’s Postulate, which is the only way to prove a virus causes a disease.
Or are you chickenshit?
They have more important things to do than politely entertain your delusions.
“They have more important things to do” lol
Like what?
i cant say you’ve changed my mind about anything. i first became aware of you re: Apollo. i liked your attitude — ‘cos i was already there? i heard you on Michael Rivero and wondered if you were going to touch on that — everyone knows Rivero won’t have that topic raised. He is a big line-toer, being ex-NASA.
Water Time is wonderful. we all know people like those willful idiots with whom you good-heartedly tried to deal.
perhaps it is matter of misery loving company? the ship is going down. cant hang out with those who don’t see it. For what company can they be?
There have always been lonesome scenes. small groups of the groupless. Athens made Socrates drink the Kool-aid. or was that his body-double? (listen to Socrate, by Satie–another outcast).
what you have done, though, is lead me to matters i ‘d not heard about, had no opinions about. you expanded my knowledge of the world and remain a trusted eye.
Re: masks — I’ve read a bunch of studies on use of various face coverings to prevent spread of contagious airborne disease, various sources from around the world, dating back to the earlier 2000s. This was spurred by the rise of SARS, MERs, h1n1 etc. I general these all supported the effectiveness of mitigating spread. Particularly in areas with higher contagion concentrations, hospitals etc.
I’ve also read a few studies supporting masks as harmful etc and found most to be based on poor decisions/use. Like improper hygiene, training etc. like saying a car is more likely to kill you than help you…if used very carelessly.
I do believe that as usual the use in the general public ranges from highly effective to highly ineffective, but have yet to see that study that truly proves a proper mask, used appropriately, is ineffective, let alone more harmful. I’m open to more science based studies on this but if anything, my view on masks has become more pro mask in the past six months. Based on science, including some we have performed.
As far as making ppl wear masks as a Form of control, I don’t get it. We have tons of laws that already demonstrate authoritarian control already, so this would seem a bit pointless?
Enjoy the continued debate and views! Rab
Encouraging. Thank you.
I respect the fact that you have led me down several rabbit holes and taught me not to just believe everything you hear. Since I read your first book, many years ago, that changed the way I think about “reality”, so yes, you have changed someone’s outlook on life!! It’s very hard to see my professional “medical” peeps stick to the masks, when I see it so differently, and since” I’m not a “Dr.” I don’t know what I’m talking about.” I pretty much stay to myself and help my 85 year old Aunt , walk on the beach, ride my bike and cook beautiful food, while listening to good music, while not wearing a mask…. hoping that my “vote” counts. Thanks for being out there for us and Atlantic Beach is a good place to be right now.
A real nice perspective Wow a real interesting cooking site and books etc. Thanks for taking the time to share your comment.
Likewise encouraging!
I live in Evanston Il. and they just pasted an ordinance that we have to wear masks while walking on the path along the lake. Not going to do it. This whole mask thing is really the point of the spear for TPTB. It is something that we can’t hide. We can’t pretend we’re not wearing a mask. It is a clear show of compliance. My own daughter has cancelled me and my wife because we are against masks.
There is an RCT mask study out of Denmark that can’t get published in The Lancet nor the NEJM. Hmm, I wonder why?
As far as Trump is concerned, look at what he has done. If that is not enough for you, then I don’t know what to say.
Trump, Biden same shit…vote Vermin Supreme the turd of november
Intelligence is the ability to find options. Wisdom is the ability to find the right option. The point is, getting a doctorate in medicine requires intelligence, but wisdom is not inherent in that degree. The fact is that many doctors, like the police or judges, are overwhelmingly conformists. So they conform to what the power tells them. While they should listen more to the authorities as several medical professors say: Health measures are worse than this virus. Professors of medicine like Dr. Raoult, Dr. Perrone. Personally I hit my head on the wall when I saw the Dow Jones stay healthy. It is normal that the Amazon, Big Pharma, Netflix of this world see their profits increase. But how to explain that the airlines, restaurants, hotels, cinemas do not see their actions collapse? So it’s obvious backstage the devil is keeping them alive. Speaking of the devil personally if I am asked to choose between a political party on the right or on the left I always answer: You ask me to choose between eating a poop sandwich or a vomit soup my dear friend.
By the way Bart Sibrel has published a very interesting video which also sums up the situation very well. A guy a little too versed on the Bible but in these troubled times who can blame him:
P.S .:
If your computer has crashed once there is a good chance it will crash again. As for disabled comments these are things that can happen with the use of WordPress and company. As for the new subscriber / unsubscribe ratio, I would say that it is not the quantity that counts but the quality.
To paraphrase the soon to be late Diane Feinstein (one has to hope): “me thinks the dogma runs deep in those two”. In my experience high level intelligence and an open mind are often mutually exclusive. They become so committed to what they think they know. For most of us here have realized that much of what we believed to be true for many years was in reality utter bullshit. I have had a couple of recent examples of people I had little hope for actually beginning to wake up. Perhaps some cracks in the dam…
I’m just hoping that the great global reset will give Darwin a chance to weed the garden of idiots.
Our species has gone way past Darwin, who was only half right (or less) anyhow. IMO.
The thing is…how many genius will be lost in the process ? How many genius burned in the Nazi oven ?
Hi Allan, hope you and master Gus are fine.
We are all having to gingerly step around some of our chowder brained friends at this end of the pond too don’t worry – no common sense & sucking up the TV news like it’s a God.
Frankly I’ve given some of them the boot and don’t care.
Now the eyes are the windows to the soul, and with this guy Biden I see shear Evil like never before.
Did you find my email about breathlessness & and half blocked arteries etc?…I am taking evasive action for the rest of my life.
Hey I wonder if the “unsubscribes” have died or gone broke.
You are quite correct about Biden, IMO. Quite correct.
Allan, my feeling is Biden will be sent to the memory care ward of Walter Reed soon upon taking office, if he makes it that far, and assuming he wins the election. We’ll be stuck with Kamala, who to my mind is even more vicious and evil than Biden… remember Rosa Klebs in the James Bond book/movie, From Russia with Love?
Tonight we ventured out from Coosaw Island into Beaufort, SC, as the Gov opened the state through a legislated LAW, not an edict. Beaufort (illegally) has not remanded their mask boogaloo, so we wore one into the restaurant, then took them off 2 seconds later. No problem. No social distancing, EVERYONE WAS HAPPY. Bay St. was packed, albeit only 5 blocks. But a purty cool 5 blocks. The Great Santini walked down it, as did GI Jane, the Yankee Assholes from The Big Chill & most famously, Forrest Gump.
Coolest town in SC. Pawleys comes close. Keep it up, Allen. Hey, my $3.25 gives you almost 2 gals. here, and we have 5.7 acres if you ever want to park your rig. And we have a guest house.
I love Beaufort; my dear mom lived there and I took care of her for her last year on the planet…
Thanks for the invite. I will come by for sure when/if I make it back east.
Allan, dude, you don’t GET it?? (And everyone else reading this of course…wake tf UP!!) Your ‘doctor friend’ is OBVIOUSLY a corrupt sicko pedo-loving freak, and either is a freakin’ spook or is actively working for THE COMPANY. How could YOU NOT KNOW that all the worst leftist criminals get ‘book deals’ to PAY THEM OFF BIG FOR THEIR LIFETIME CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY, their ‘loyalty’ to ‘The Order’?? (Hey, how many doctors do you think are in secret societies Allan? Blood oaths made in dark subterranean ancient crypts are a MUCH stronger ‘influence’ on weak sociopathic humans to ‘shape opinions’ (and guide their actions) than simple human factors like tons of formal education, piles of money, and intelligence y’know 😉 ). Do you have any idea how many BILLION$ Planned Parenthood has made off of selling fetus and baby body parts, and ‘fetal cells’ for VACCINES and ‘research’…and as FOOD for wealthy and powerful pedovores’ dinner plates (like all the sick fucks now going ‘down’ FOR GOOD in Hollywood)?? Your ex is also either an operative, an officer (‘honeypot’ – weren’t you writing screenplays at the time?? 😉 ), OR — actually better, for your sake — a demented deranged “dumb ass liberal” Matrix drone pedo-satanist apologist who wouldn’t know an independent thought if it kicked her square in the crotch and slapped her cognitive dissonant face with dog shit. These morons are SO deeply emotionally screwed, so AFRAID OF THE TRUTH, that they have probably actually brainwashed themselves to believe that all those DOZENS of photographs and videos of Joe Biden groping, sniffing, and whispering to little girls in front of their parents — the NEW CONGRESSMEN AND WOMEN OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA — are ‘photoshopped fake news’!!! Better to just forget about ’em, Allan. They are far, far beyond redemption. They shall all have complete nervous breakdowns soon, and be gnashing their teeth and screaming bloody murder as they descend into their self-created hell-worlds of ‘doom and gloom’….. While I enJOY the long-predicted Show, laughing my head off at the misguided fools as I munch on hot-buttered popcorn, and wash it down with cold beer and ice cream in my tropical ashram paradise 😀
Allan, Sorry if I be thinkin’ like one “Miles Mathis,” but your dear old friend (NOT the lithesome hippie babe) Sure looks one hell of a lot like Hunter S. Thompson! May he be?
Ahhhhhh…. No. HST has different taste in babes.
Much as I agree with your rant in general, my doctor friend and many others like him are unlikely to be in the actual employ of the baddies. Just a detail…
I totally agree.. the doctors believe in their alchemy
Hello Allan,
These days are almost beyond unbearable for those of us that dare to question diktat and groupthink; we are in effect pariahs. As for your doctor friend, I have had the same type of paradox regarding similarly “otherwise intelligent” friends. Maybe there is a clue in what Dostoyevsky wrote in “Crime and punishment”:
“It takes something more than intelligence to act intelligently.”
Or it’s a case of Dunning Kruger; too dumb to know it, just a Parrot and smart only on paper
Regards, and staying sane
Good point. Absolutely. We should have little patience for intelligent people who do not act intelligently…
We have had more than enough ‘patience’ with the passive-aggressive, dumbed-down, compliant conformist groupthink sheeple zombies for decades. Millennia actually, to be honest. We might be able to give them a little more, give them another year or two to save themselves from their uber-fascist intentional ignorance and denial. But, unfortunately, that would spell The End of us ALL. You see, folks, our PLANET can no longer afford any more ‘patience’ with this world’s psych ward patients. Another year of their raging insanity and She shall shake us ALL off like so many fleas from a weary and blood-drained dog. So let’s support GAIA, our Hostess. And do what we can to simply ALLOW THESE DESTROYERS OF WORLDS to take themselves OUT! And let those of us TRULY Intelligent members of our species continue on without their vapid, inane, irrational, demonic interference.
Hey! that’s not fair, you’ve just described most American white women.
A dose of reality from Maui.
Yes, I’ve already seen it.
PS – Still hanging on to a few of my brain cells, during what I’ve come to think of as the Global Economic Crush.
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