Derren Brown

I was going to get back to my Open Letter to Sam Harris but then something happened. I caught a video from Brit superstar/’mentalist’/magician/whatever Derren Brown, in whom I have had some interest. Something occurred to me about Brown, sort of out of the blue, and I’m pretty sure I’m right.

I’m bringing this up now as an alert as what I’ll deal with next; it’s indirectly related to the Mandela Effect. So if you have time and are interested, give Derren’s videos a look on Youtube. You might try ‘The Push,’ although any of the longer ones will do. His slight of hand stuff is entertaining but not my real interest. Some of his premises are flat out outrageous. These are the ones I’m interested in; Brown did a ‘proof’ that Sirhan was under mind control during the assassination of RFK. This is the first one that got my attention..

Thanks for the thoughtful comments.


Someone asked about the ‘moon numbers.’ If you don’t remember what that refers to, go here and scroll down to ‘Another Line of Evidence.’ It’s related to all we’ve been discussing lately.



  26 comments for “Derren Brown

  1. Julie
    March 16, 2019 at 7:23 pm

    Hope it’s okay to post this here – it’s not really staying on topic. Do you think we (this planet) could have been infected by something not entirely human? Psychopathy both interests and horrifies me. The cold, clinical callousness of it.

    It seems there’s a battle for our souls, our conscience. I particularly fear for the (so-called) millennials because, unlike us who have lived a pretty long life and have understood the learning process of bad decision making where we have, hopefully, tried to be a better person and live by a decent moral code, they have no real history to feel a part of, no real grounding. I’d hate to be a youngster in this frightening world, all the garbage being thrown at us. I just think we’re more we’ll-equipped to cope with it.

    If I sound patronising regarding our youth, I don’t mean to be. I remember peaceful times, not being worried about finding employment and not having to deal with the myriad political correctness corrupting everything, the stifling control and particularly the steamrolling preoccupation of sex with all it’s confusion and gender ‘choices’. The violent, dark films and just the dog eat doggedness of it all.

    Were psychopaths really part of our creation? Are secondary psychopaths being made?

    Don’t know if you’ll let this through, but thanks if you do.

  2. Julie
    March 16, 2019 at 4:07 pm

    Darren Brown attended spook school Bristol University. Apparently he was introduced to magic via Jerry Sadowitz at the International Magic Shop at Clerkenwell, London. Sadowitz attended Shawland Academy (more spooky stuff). Stephen Fry who ‘starred’ in one of Brown’s shows (being shot), attended Queen’s College, Cambridge – biggest spook school of the lot. See the alumni of these ‘schools’:

    Allan, Darren Brown states he doesn’t use NLP because of ‘knowing the dangers it can do’. He certainly uses everything else in his bag of tricks though.

    • March 16, 2019 at 8:10 pm

      I don’t rule out the demonic connection with Brown and his ilk. Have you seen the video ‘magicians prove demons exist’ or something? If 1% of it is legit, we have a problem kind of thing. Not ruling it out that the PTB and their occultism are connected. and so forth. Too much truly high strangeness around these days.

      There are several commenters here that are into disrupting. Just be advised and ignore them.

      • Julie
        March 17, 2019 at 11:31 am

        Thanks for the heads up.

        Allan, any chance I can buy a pic of you with your lovely dog? If so, could you email it to me? No problem if not.

  3. Gregory Oberman
    March 15, 2019 at 1:09 pm

    Was talking to a friend on these issues…woke this morning with an email from him and this quote he found: Quote I’m pondering —
    “Old George Orwell got it backward. Big Brother isn’t watching. He’s singing and dancing. He’s pulling rabbits out of a hat. Big Brother’s busy holding your attention every moment you’re awake. He’s making sure you’re always distracted. He’s making sure you’re fully absorbed. He’s making sure your imagination withers. Until it’s as useful as your appendix. He’s making sure your attention is always filled. And this being fed, it’s worse than being watched. With the world always filling you, no one has to worry about what’s in your mind. With everyone’s imagination atrophied, no one will ever be a threat to the world.”
    — Chuck Palahniuk

    • Krustysurfer
      March 15, 2019 at 1:26 pm

      Agreed! (Chuck is semi hero status) Entertained to death, overstimmed to apathy, and brain candy to deal with the fallout. get into your place and pray for a happy ending…….. except for Tyler Durden………………….. and, were not allowed to talk about it…………….

  4. March 15, 2019 at 2:18 am

    The Sun’s radius is 695,510 km.
    The Moon’s radius is 1,737.1 km.

    1,737.1 km x 400 = 694,840 km. That’s a difference of 670 km.

    670 km!! That’s a very big difference. The 400-angle is not correct. If even 1 fails the entire construction/premise fails.

    384,400 km is the alleged distance between the Moon and Earth. Times 400 = 153,760,000 km

    The “official” distance between Earth and the Sun is 149.6 million km.

    4.16 million km difference is just too much for me. Like I said, if one angle fails the entire premise is false.

    • March 15, 2019 at 2:53 pm

      ‘If one angle fails the entire premise is false’….

      This is your view of the ‘moon numbers’?

      Wow. Looks like we have another problem with critical thinking/logical fallacies (or should it be ‘logical fallation’?)

      (By the way, why have you not provided the provenance of your numbers. Why is this, if you’re going to make a big point of them?)

      I contacted Knight and Butler for the provenance of their numbers, having noticed that their distance to the sun was… hard to verify. Never heard back. Got pissed off, for reasons that by now should be obvious.

      Altho I’m still pissed off, I realized that all these numbers are slowly evolving (over many centuries) and in unpredictable directions and magnitudes, notwithstanding scientism’s boasts. What this means is that the ERA (a million year spread, say) that is…. ‘now’ is very ‘special’. In the past and in the future these phenomena — the perfection of the solar eclipse and the rest of the numbers — will no longer work…

      …which makes the obviousness of the intelligence behind the numbers all that more amazing — whatever/whoever it is, it ‘knew’ when we’d come of age scientifically, and timed the numbers to occur… in our present era.

      Re the numbers, in any case, how about you list the numbers in my post (which you were very sloppy in quoting and did nothing to really debunk) and tell us all how close they’d have to be to ‘impress’ YOU. Given measurement tolerances and the evolution of the distances, etc.

      Given the astronomical unlikelihood of just the perfect fit of the moon and sun, if even just ONE set of numbers were matches, that would be enough for a trillions-to-one improbability. If several on my ‘list’ are ‘close enough,’ we de facto ‘proof’, for then we can assign some odds, whereas with just the moon/sun fit, we cannot.

      Just what sort of number would YOU need for proof of ‘higher power,’ and I’m getting tired of responding here… do you get the idea? I don’t care for poorly thought-out comments like yours and expect the next one to be better.

      [Try this:
      Although this is not where I got my numbers, this should do for now, and even if some of the numbers were massaged or fudged, it does not matter. At a certain point, the truth is right there in our stupid faces, if you get my drift]

      • March 16, 2019 at 1:50 pm

        YOU have to prove where you get YOUR numbers. It’s YOU who is claiming stuff that you don’t back up with anything.

        I mere point out your mistakes … and don’t give me the “yeah but its 399 something” and any other kind of distractions. 400 is 400. Period. If it isn’t then say so but don’t spread lies because I’ve come too far to now have to find out that you are not honest. I thought you were OK. Your AI-elections angle was great and that is what made me hope for the best. Now you just try to worm yourself out of this by stating that it’s 399 etc.

        Come on Allan, there’s no shame in admitting your mistake. I’d respect you for it even after this little back n forth.

        “So why would this commenter say what he did?

        It’s important to the PTB that we do not believe in ‘intelligent design’ (for lack of a less baggage-laden term) in this universe because it would imply a power greater than theirs.”

        Clearly, it’s time for you to reassess your mind and perceptions. Too long in the rabbit hole is extremely unhealthy.

        I don’t buy any of your 400 BS and anything of you trying to imply that I am some kind of agent for anything other than myself.

        That’s really low Allan, I would have expected MUCH more from you. MUCH more.

        • March 16, 2019 at 5:39 pm

          This about sums you up: ‘Now you just try to worm yourself out of this by stating that it’s 399 etc.’

          399 point anything over 5 rounds out to 400, you utter asshole. I have to wonder if anyone, ANYONE reading your comment actually buys it.

          • Todd
            March 16, 2019 at 7:36 pm

            Not buying his comments either Allan – he never answered your question. Seems to me he’s trying to also draw eyeballs to his honeypot website that recently went online this year and was ‘immediately’ sanctioned by Paypal for ‘violating their rules’ just as the site launched…..I seem to smell the stench of bullshit somewhere.

            Get this, from his own website: “Forget PayPal. I can’t use that anymore. They blocked my account the same day I registered this website.”

          • Chris
            March 17, 2019 at 12:39 am

            There’s no rounding like that in astrophysics… It’s like “Hey, you missed the side of the barn.” “But I hit the right city…”

  5. Jim
    March 14, 2019 at 4:55 pm

    Damn, Alan. You is awwn FAA-Yaaa, these days! Nothing like a bit o’ heat to get that crusty arse in gear. Like it or leave it; and fundy Xian lunatics’ opinions, aside: we bipedal, rational monkeys jes’ luuurve a bit if verbal/physical fisticuffs to motivate our saggy carcasses.
    Good show, old bean!

  6. Alger Cavalloro
    March 14, 2019 at 3:36 pm

    He uses NLP like an artist. Mostly hypnotic techniques, and linguistic “slight of mind” techniques designed to work “person to person”. I’m sure I’ve mentioned this before. All NLP is derived primarily from “Modelling” Milton Erickson, M.D. at one time purported to be the greatest living hypnotherapist. It’s all looks like Magic, until you know how it works.

  7. Krustysurfer
    March 14, 2019 at 7:50 am

    ME is Slight of hand……. Aloha

  8. James
    March 14, 2019 at 2:58 am

    Very interesting I have seen the derren brown show which seems to prove something I learned many years ago, all the hypnotists that I saw maintained that a person who was hypnotised couldn’t be made to do something against someone because their conscience wouldn’t let them, in other words the theory of the Manchurian candidate(assassin) was not possible.
    But how about when they hypnotised sirhan sirhan the hypnotis told the subject that the gun or guns he had contained blanks and Bobby’s death was faked then he could do it,waddaya think?

    • Larry C
      March 14, 2019 at 9:50 pm


      This in response to the above link, “An open response to Nick Bostrom”:

      “Schauberger’s view was that the sun was an icy cold, dark body that only appears to radiate light and heat…”


      Of course, our sun is a star.

      For an exhaustive introduction to Schauberger, see the Callum Coates trilogy.

      • Chris
        March 14, 2019 at 11:15 pm

        Some people are more suggestible than others. Some people kill other people because their dog told them to (a tough point to hold up in court, no matter how great your canine communication skills are). There is a sliding scale of mental disabilities, distorted views of reality, drug abuse, and other factors that can lead to delusions and succeptability to suggestion. Eg. 4 people frying on acid, all at the car. One person goes, “ aww man, all the tires are flat.” Everyone looks at the car and can clearly see the flat tires. Ahh man, bummer. But 10 min later, someone goes, “wait, they’re not flat.” Everyone looks back, and sure enough, no flat tires. Everyone has a good chuckle.

      • March 15, 2019 at 12:08 am

        I’m entirely missing your point.

        • Krustysurfer
          March 15, 2019 at 1:21 pm

          new rabbit hole 🙂

        • Larry C
          March 16, 2019 at 12:42 am

          OK, the below is taken from the live link in your March 14, 2019 blog entry, entitled ‘Derren Brown’

          “An Open Letter to Professor Nick Bostrom

          Regarding your Simulation Hypothesis (SH), my main goal at first was to ask ‘So what?’ – this so I could continue my research into evolutionary biology (my conclusions bear directly on your paper). But, to your credit, it didn’t work: One of my videos (I’ll link to it again later) contains clips of about a dozen astronauts (starting with the Apollo crew) claiming that the sky is dead black once you leave the atmosphere, i.e., from low earth orbit, cislunar space, and from the moon. In other words, the stars are not visible. (‘What’s the use of the Hubble then?’ one might ask. Good question, but a separate one, for now.)

          bostrom1 portrait1
          Professor Nick Bostrom

          Until reading your paper (and then others) I assumed that the astronauts were simply lying, probably because they either haven’t been in space at all and/or have to maintain the original Apollo lie, Armstrong, Collins, and Aldrin claiming they didn’t see any stars from the surface of the moon; regarding cislunar space (in a separate interview) Armstrong says, ‘Space is deep black except the earth, sun and moon.’ I assumed these statements were related to a NASA deception, not the nature of space itself.

          (Again, these apparently absurd statements are echoed by many astronauts, as shown in the linked videos.)

          One problem with the ‘they’re just lying’ hypothesis is virtually all the videos and imagery from balloons, private rockets, etc., that go above 99% of the atmosphere (over 100k feet) show the sky flat black; ditto almost all NASA space imagery. I tried tweaking the images in Photoshop and still got no indication of stars in the dead black sky. (The view of the heavens – with no atmosphere to scatter light — should be spectacular, like removing a soda bottle from in front of our eyes.) I had to assume these photos were faked, like NASA’s often are — my assumption being that they couldn’t get the star positions exactly right so they tell us stars don’t show in photos.”


          My mention of Victor Schauberger, was meant to be an alternative explanation for the possibility that the astronauts were actually telling the truth: that in fact the heavens are indeed very black once you get a certain distance away from the earth. This theory was posited by Schauberger, a brilliant chap with a keen eye for natural processes whose family had been in the employ of Austrian royalty as foresters for centuries, if memory serves. I’ll admit that the idea of a cold, dark sun sounds preposterous. On the other hand what do our astronauts have to gain by claiming that the heavens are as black as the bottom of a coal mine? If the fix was in and our space program was a complete fraud, why draw unwanted attention to that fact by spouting such nonsense. Which makes me wonder if perhaps Schauberger was on to something….the guy was apparently another one of those (unheralded) stone-cold geniuses and from what I can gather his history had been pretty much expunged from the record – that is until Callum Coates came along …

          • Chris
            March 16, 2019 at 3:47 am

            oh my god, the stars in the sky photography exposure ignorance. You are just scientifically illiterate about how fucking bright it is in space and on the moon when the sun and/or Earth is out (which is huge, and reflects a lot of light). Film and eyes can’t adjust to both the bright stuff and the faint starlight at the same time. You want a picture of a spaceman, lit up? No stars. You want a shot of the sky without the bright stuff in it? Stars. It has been debunked so many times you are just being willfully ignorant. It’s not really a debatable thing. You are ignoring facts in order to keep unreasonable beliefs.

        • Chris
          March 16, 2019 at 3:31 am

          Re: Allan

          A few people are very suggestible, and join cults, religions, etc. They could be more easily influenced. Whilst possible, it seems pretty damn unlikely for the assasination of a govt. official by a secret cabal of other govt. officials. More likely an accident would happen, or heart attack or something. Maybe if you were Russian, polonium poisoning. Secret hypnotized assasin, I don’t think so. What if it doesn’t work right? What if he remembers? Even the guy doing the show didn’t know if it would work. No professional would use such an unreliable and unproven method for a political assasination. It’s ridiculous in so many ways. Proving something is possible is not proving it happened. The easily swayed will be convinced of a conspiracy theory because it is possible, assuming that it is true not needing proof. The skeptical need proof. People can be put into suggestive states, but it took an expert with years of experience, hundreds to choose from for their suggestibility, and lots of work just to prove that it might be possible, maybe. But unlikely.

          • March 16, 2019 at 5:26 am

            Hey, Chris. That’s enough for this post, okay?

          • Larry C
            March 16, 2019 at 7:16 pm

            Chris- you’re ignoring the obvious: the *EYEwitness* testimony of the astronauts.

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