Expert Photo Analyst Agrees With My Musk-Fraud Videos

Hi folks,

As mentioned last time I’ve kept 23 ‘alt media’ names informed of my research on Musk’s Falcon Heavy (FH) ‘mission to Mars,’ or wherever he claims the Roadster is going. I finally got an answer from one of them, Marcus Allen (not the football player), who publishes Nexus Magazine, and is an acknowledged expert photo-analyst. Here’s the relevant part, after thanking me for the two video links I sent him.

You make very good points – the different light levels on the car’s front wings – the blown-out image as the ‘door’ opens – the lack of tumbling without stabilizing thrusters.  These all point to questions as yet unaddressed by Musk or his crew.  They are legitimate questions to ask.  They should be quite simple to answer, assuming Musk is on-the-level, and the launch of the BFR is what he claims for it..    Doubts about his veracity would certainly be raised if he or his team do not engage realistically with your questions.

This is from a few weeks ago. I'm at the beach now.

This is from a few weeks ago. I’m at the beach now.

Although I was at first pleased that Marcus agrees with my observations showing fakery, the subtext of the paragraph after the first sentence seems to go as follows, as far as Marcus is concerned: The obvious fakery could well have an explanation that Musk and his followers just haven’t gotten around to addressing. If they never address them, doubts will be raised.

‘Doubts will be raised?’

My videos go well beyond raising doubts. Aside from one error (in the first video, the ‘sliver’ could be a camera strut), if I’m correct about anything we are looking at a fraud just this side of Apollo in magnitude.

‘They [the questions] should be quite simple to answer, assuming Musk is on-the-level…’

What? There is no explanation for the light fall off observation in my second video, other than this: The Roadster is lit by a light source no more than 20 feet from the car – not the 93 million-mile-away sun – as Marcus implicitly acknowledges. And the FH Roadster stage’s lack of thrusters (to keep it from tumbling and to impart the slow spin) makes the views we got virtually impossible. As a photo analyst and science writer Marcus Allen knows this.

IMG_2345 copy

But I’m getting ahead of myself. I meant to post this only to show that an expert photo analyst agrees with the observations in both my videos. This one and this oneI’ll have more to say on the implications of the dead silence from my ‘colleagues’ in the ‘truth community’ and the strange ‘verification’ from Marcus (and it is a verification).

I will also analyze the possible motives behind the fraudulent images. Why would they do it, given that the FH launch was witnessed by thousands on the beaches near the Cape? Why would they need to fake the space imagery?

Point is they did fake it. The Why? of it is the important part. And Why? is Elon Musk – with the help of both the mainstream and the alt media – promoting a Mars ‘colonization’ scheme that is utterly doomed, according to the laws of physics.

An hour ago: This is from 4 feet above sea level. A ship anchored...

An hour ago: This is from 4 feet above sea level. A ship anchored…

If you don’t find these interesting issues, best you unsubscribe via the button at the bottom (there’s a button somewhere; I’m sure you can find it). Which reminds me: I’m trying a new system of blog dissemination and need a bit of help to see if it’s working.

I also very much want to know how many there are of you out there who are interested in HTWRW (how it really works) from my sorry ass point of view. I do put a lot of effort into research and would be more motivated to share it with you if I knew you were listening.

If you are reading this right now please email me at acwdownsouth at If that’s too much trouble, use the reply button, but I have more faith in my personal email. Just put ‘Yep’ in the subject box. If you have anything to say, please do so, but I really need a quick email.

Shot from the roof of my RV, 15 feet above sea level. Notice a difference?

Shot from the roof of my RV, 15 feet above sea level. Notice a difference?

In fact, I may end up only sending to folks who contact me in this way. It will save me some bucks. But if this new system I’m trying works out, you will probably hear from me a couple times a week.

By the way, huge thanks to those of you who have stuck with sending me $3.25 a month ‘gas money’, especially given my long silences. Every time I see a ‘You have a payment’ from PayPal in my Inbox I am encouraged to hang in there. (FYI, it barely pays for my blog system: Hey, the more the merrier, if you can afford it.)


I shot second photo from HIGHER up. Do you FEers get it?

I shot second photo from HIGHER up. If there is a flat earther reading this, please explain why we see more of the ship…