Some Grumbling, A Fire & Sky Portrait

I’ve requested before that you try to keep your comments at least in the general arena of my posts; I’ve also asked that you don’t make multiple comments when one will do. Several of you have paid no attention to these requests, and when I delete irrelevant stuff or refuse to OK it, I’m accused of censorship.

This is tiresome. I have to keep a lookout for shills/moles, and I know several of you are of that ilk. I had three attempts (one that worked) to insert a link to a theory that Jews are descended from Neanderthals. This is an attempt to discredit my information by conflating the crapola with diligent research.

Last night.

Last night.

More of this will result in… yes, banishment!

Another mole/shill-giveaway is long and rambling and irrelevant blather that includes deceit regarding what I actually said. This guy, ‘Jethro’ — who bailed out when he realized he’d been caught lying — is an example, although one never knows; Jethro could be just a genuine victim of of his own inability to process evidence.

As I’ve said, and which should be obvious to anyone whose been around this blog, Operation Mockingbird and its descendants is not only alive and well but very active in the alt media. These people are aware of me and don’t seem to mind my truth exposures: I believe they are curious as to what I will figure out next; I have too few subscribers to amount to any sort of real threat to them.

Adam is clearly looking across...

Adam is clearly looking across…

They do know, however, that I’m very good at sussing out their lies, especially the subtle ones, and the old ones that have survived for years, for decades, without exposure. My favorite recent one was my realization that Carl Sagan’s ‘Pale Blue Dot’ is a fraud. That expose came at the end of my essay on Sam Harris, the PTB mole.

Notice his eyeball. Looking up.

Notice his eyeball. Looking up.

Another favorite was my observation that Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel Ceiling has changed over the… years… timelines… whatever the Mandela effect actually is. If you don’t recall that post, here it is. The proof is in the eye line of ‘Adam.’ He’s looking up in one version and straight across (at God) in another. How to explain this? Who else has noticed this? Is this not  important?

Nope, can't be done

Nope, can’t be done, by Bezos either.

I could go on. The Spacex fraud. And yes, the other billionaire space boys are frauds also. Like Jeff Bezos, who, like Musk, is ignoring the laws of physics with his backwards-landing boosters. (I also found out that his company has not bought any liquid oxygen… at all… it’s needed for rocket fuel, you know.)

I look back at my posts and notice that almost every one has a gem that you will not find anywhere else. And what do I get (in comments)?

A good percentage of the Neanderthal posts are either irrelevant or (like Jethro) attempts to distract readers from what I have uncovered, or, as mentioned, to discredit my information with blackwashing. It would be nice if someone other than me pointed a finger at these people.

And it would be nice is a few more of you — those who realize my worth — would chip in $3.25 a month. As of now, the blog’s income doesn’t even cover expenses. I don’t remember the last time I brought this up; it was many months ago. As you know, I don’t do this for the money (a joke), but it’s a way of encouraging me to keep at it.

I believe my Neanderthal work is worthwhile, and yet many of the comments are on other subjects, or are an attempt to discredit, like the comment saying that Lloyd Pye was a mole, based on his military service record and nothing else. You never know, but absent other ‘evidence’… what’s the point of bringing it up?

A couple nights ago.

A couple nights ago.

Another comment included the ‘observation’ that an aspect of his lecture (Zana’s heritage) was completely off the subject of Neanderthal bones and primate strength.

Addendum: After an hour of Net-scouring, I was unable to find any actual evidence that Zana was anything but what Pye theorized — a real living hominoid, possibly an ‘alma,’ i.e., a Eurasian version of the yeti. The closest to anything of substance was an opinion by none other than Bryan Skyes, the mainstream author of the the book I took apart in my post. Is this where the commenter came up with his information? Pu-lease. If you’re looking to debunk something I say… I welcome it, but you should do better than this.

And finally, what possible motive could the PTB have for backing Lloyd Pye as a mole? Although an aspect of being a limited hangout is to include ‘good’ information with the crapola that’s coming, everything Lloyd Pye ever came up with was anti-Darwinian, and anti-Darwinian is the biggest no-no of them all. On the other hand, the best way to discredit Pye would be to spout specious claims/half-assed accusations…

I guess I’m in one of my moods today. To make up for it and since many of you seem to like my little videos, here’s another, from last night:


Addendum: August 22 and I’m not sure why I have to do this, but it seems some people don’t want to see what they don’t already believe.sistine2a

I’ve blown up the Sistine images to make it clearer (which anyone can do). Please, can we have a vote. If you see that in Number 2 Adam’s eye line is higher than in Number 1, please say so, and if it’s obvious or not.

sistine1Also, it makes no artistic sense that Adam is on the same level as God. God should be looking down on Adam (as in Number 2). Others have noticed this, also. Do a search. 

(Number 2, above.)

A better example is Mona Lisa, who now has an obvious smile. Her expression used to be neutral, ‘enigmatic.’ 

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