Fury Road On Main Street

No, that’s not the moon. Dunno what it is. These are all from the last two nights. I can explain two of them, the rest not so much.

As I’ve mentioned, an ex-girlfriend is a doctor down in Australia, an ICU doctor, which in the Oz hospital system is higher up in the medical food chain than elsewhere; she was a heart surgeon in the UK and her ICU position is not a demotion.

She is pretty much awake, especially for a medical person of any sort but especially doctors, who have been heavily propagandized, brainwashed, really, via the trauma based mind control that is medical school and residency. The agenda here is primarily Big Pharma and the PTB in general, although it was the Rockefeller/Rothschild cabal directly behind the medical system in the U.S. 

One breakthrough I think was when she was having her first kid and I got her to think about why the PTB would insist upon a Hep B vaccine for newborns. When she inquired ahead of time about avoiding the Hep B for her upcoming delivery, she was only able to negotiate a delay — with no vax the child would  be a nonperson down there — and was also subjected to ridicule from her colleagues just for her inquiry.

Addendum: Hepatitis is transmitted primarily by sexual contact and intravenous drug use, unlikely circumstances for a newborn (to say the least), and if the mother’s status is of concern, she could be easily tested to see if the fetus has been at risk. They jab newborns within 24 hours of birth in the U.S., Australia, and New Zealand…   

… I went to look up what other countries require this jab for newborns and was shocked (I shouldn’t have been) to come across this…

 Some countries combine immunization of newborn babies/infants with older children or adolescents. Six countries have not yet introduced universal immunization against hepatitis B: Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden and United Kingdom.
…which seems to indicate that only the few named countries are not subjecting newborn immune systems (which are at best nascent) to the many foreign substances (including heavy metals) in vaccines.
There likely are several motives for this global policy, but an obvious one is simply to get us used to obeying nonsensical and even pernicious policies without hesitation or complaint. That there may be some outright sinister constituent is also possible. (When I was in grammar school I was subjected to the polio vaccine, which turned out to be laden with the long-term carcinogenic SV-40, a ‘Simian Virus’ that is likely the provenance of the cancer epidemic of the last half century or so. (For a stunning indication of the truly vicious crud vaccines are brimming with, view this interview with the former head of Merck Pharmaceuticals, Maurice Hilleman. This is a clip from the Len Horowitz exposé of the medical cartel, In Lies We Trust; The CIA, Hollywood, and Bio-Terrorisma must see.)
Although my ex wants to help in educating you — she approves of what I’m doing — for the sake of her job and future she needs to remain anonymous, so we’ll call her ‘Sheila’. The day before yesterday we talked about COVID and related medical matters for an hour or so. 
Addendum: Sheila and I met via email after she read my first memoir, In Search of Captain Zero. She was not a resident of Australia at the time and asked me where she could move to so she could get into surfing. I suggested Australia, which in theory would welcome a respected heart surgeon with open arms (not exactly true, as it turned out). And so forth. Eventually Sheila did some traveling that included the New York area; we hooked up and that was that, pretty much instantly. I even visited her in her home country then in Oz. Although our relationship didn’t work in the long run, we have remained close.
As mentioned, Sheila did heart surgery, which I was (and am) in awe of. I mean, not just having someone’s life in your hands… but literally doing so. See, I believe the heart is more than a blood pump. You can look up the incidents of heart transplant receivers taking on psychological or in some cases ‘spiritual’ traits of the now-deceased donor. It’s not for nothing that the heart is seen as the seat of the soul in many cultures and belief systems.
Anyway, I’m trying to give a sense of why you should listen to Sheila the way I do. From a lifetime of dedication and direct experience, she knows things you and I do not. I really cherish this in another person, once I understand I can trust them. You should too.
I asked Sheila to bear with me and assume for a moment that COVID is in some sense a hoax, maybe from the ground up, i.e., a completely engineered media fraud. Okay, she said, being used to this sort of thing from me, let’s see how that would have to work…
Turned out that Sheila has the same problems with the hoax paradigm that I do, while agreeing that ‘the numbers’ could, in a general sense, be manipulated to reflect whatever agenda the PTB might have. What they cannot fake, she said, is the situation on the ground at hospitals world-wide, especially Italy. See, Sheila knows some of the doctors that have appeared in the videos I’ve linked to (Sheila sent me some), if not by personal contact then via the many peer-reviewed studies they’d published or via ICU-related and other international medical conferences. 
Italy has maybe the best ICU people in the world, she told me, and, after listening attentively and without scorn to my devil’s advocate hypotheticals on how and why the numbers might be concocted, named one of the Youtube doctors as being too smart to be taken in by a fraud of that sort.
Even the numbers are not as manipulatable as one might think, for a similar reason. Sheila knows the medical system and how data is generated, and doesn’t believe a coordinated numbers fraud is possible, not on a large scale, because at their source they are compartmentalized by the doctors, the hospital, the city, and then the country. If false numbers were being hawked by the media, people she knows would notice. And just the reverse is the case, i.e., her medical associates world-wide are saying the situation is worse than the media image. The next day after our call, yesterday, she emailed me this:

This one’s especially weird. The ones with the lights on the left side might be helicopters. This one, huh-huh. All these are either 13 or 15 second exposures.

‘This is an excerpt from an email sent from my colleague’s relative in [her native country]… that he forwarded to our group: [Deleted] was talking to a colleague from [deleted name] hospital. Their ICU and converted theaters are full. 22 on ventilators (some borrowed from the private hospital) and nearly at the point of choosing who they treat. It has all escalated really fast. Over 100 have died and schools are all closing from Friday. [Deleted] was quite shocked when he found out about the hospital (same all over the city) and he doesn’t shock easily. …’ 

My old friend [deleted] transported a covid patient last week in full hazmat. The Italians have said that covid follows a distinct pattern – after 10 cases we will recognize it straight away. The pattern is quite unusual – profound hypoxemia with preserved lung compliance, presumably a massive shunt secondary to the ACE receptor mediated pulmonary arterial vasodilatation… I’m thinking aloud I haven’t seen any postulations on why this happens, but that would fit for a mechanism. [end excerpt]

I asked her to translate the above medical-speak for us idiots. She replied…

You have to look hard for this one but the smudge is there.

Usually with low oxygen level in context of pneumonia is associated with stiff inflamed lungs that don’t inflate easily (compliance decreases). In this case we’re being told that the lungs aren’t stiff but there’s profoundly low blood oxygen. This would mean a large volume of blood traveling through the lungs is not in contact with the air sacs to pick up oxygen (shunt). It’s possible that the ACEII receptor binding by the virus is causing the lung arteries to dilate to where much blood passes through the arterial tree without participating in gas exchange. (ACE (angiotensin converting enzyme) is involved in arterial constriction – ACE inhibitors are used to treat high blood pressure.) This is entirely unconfirmed by the way. Just conjecture based on what the Italian intensivists describe.
Most of the folks on this forum are aware that the ‘complete hoax’ paradigm is not what we’re facing, but, no matter if COVID is a black op or a genuine accident (which I personally doubt), we do have to assume that the numbers are either manipulated or erroneous to some extent. But we really do have to get past the hoax crapola which is touted by a small but noisy group here. 

This one’s a bit more obvious.

To those who can’t get past not trusting the media in anything they claim I suggest you do simplest, smartest thing, which is to assume the worst, i.e., COVID is real and spreading like wildfire in the U.S. (or wherever you live, given that it is now in 140 plus countries). The exponential spreading will either happen or not, and we’ll have the truth from personal knowledge sooner than you might think.

(If you still don’t get exponential math, check out this video. The pond/lilly analogy it starts with is all you really need. I use the above because it predates COVID and so cannot be part of ‘the hoax.’ But watch this one for a recent video that directly refers to the current situation.)
# (I don’t know why the formatting is so lame. WordPress needs to get its house in order.) 
So okay. I’m trying to figure out what’s really behind those of you who continue to shout ‘complete hoax,’ to the point of calling me a PTB shill and so forth. It’s just nuts. 
What’s really going on here?

I just heard Trump blabbing what really is no different from you shouting ‘Hoax!’ Trump says,

This one you won’t get: There is a star here that suddenly disappeared. A glitch in the matrix? Dunno yet.

repeats, ‘Everything is going to be just fine, and sooner than you think!’ In effect, how is that crapola any different from shouting ‘Hoax’? 

For whatever reason Trump plus the Hoaxers don’t believe exponential math is going to kick in. That’s the real bottom line, isn’t it? (Or maybe they don’t understand what exponential math is.) And both will be caught flat-footed and red-raced if exponential math does kick in. Right?
It’s of course worse than flat-footed and red-faced. You just might die for not being prepared. (‘Prepared’ not ‘panic buying,’ and ‘Thinking ahead,’ not ‘Fear porn’. You think you’re putting something over on us here with your NLP sayings and terms?  
But is that it? Are you Hoaxers just supporting Trump, whatever the clown says or does? And I have to ask (not that I’ll get a truthful answer if yes), are you being paid to do this? At least that would explain your behavior, because otherwise I’m at a complete loss.
Let me ask you this: Did you take my advice two months ago and stock up on essentials? Your answer has to be No, right? I mean if you’re a Hoaxer. Okay. Right now do you wish you had taken my advice?
Some will lie and say No to that. Then say Blah blah blah. Go ahead, see if anyone believes you. But if you are going to leave a Hoaxer comment, answer that question first, or your comment gets the boot. Fair? Did you take my advice and if No are you sorry you didn’t listen?
Enough. Almost.
Bottom line is that the ‘numbers’ don’t matter, bogus or not, the ‘tests’ don’t matter, bogus or not, nothing the media says, bogus or not, matters. (Ditto, me.) If hospitals are being overrun and doctors dying, we have a pandemic, with Mad Max revving his Charger just up the block, grinning like a madman. If you haven’t dealt with it, that will be your problem. Hopefully you don’t have a family that you have betrayed.
There’s some goddamn weird objects zipping through the continuum at night around here. No doubt about that.
Addendum (just before posting): Latest from Sheila down under:
The deaths aren’t fake. Italy has stopped counting. 13 Italian frontline drs dead. So whatever part is fake, the morbidity and mortality appear real I’d say. JR [Jon Rappopot] unfortunately loses credibility with such a staunch view in the face of rising deaths all around. (Sheila’s taken the time to read most of JR’s stuff and take it seriously. And recall that this is exactly what I said: How could he be so sure?)
Because of the delay and Trump’s ‘optimism,’ it will be worse here than it was in China. Whether this is part of the plan I cannot say, but I have my suspicions.

  99 comments for “Fury Road On Main Street

  1. Doug
    March 22, 2020 at 8:07 pm


    • March 22, 2020 at 8:15 pm


      • March 23, 2020 at 1:44 am


  2. Horst
    March 22, 2020 at 7:38 pm

    It is known, 911 has been announced in movies. Casey B has documented this and other rabbit holes deeper than most other channels on YT. He is over target with the C-Virus too.
    In his latest Video he decodes I am Legend, and the film that movie is based on. Don’t get repelled by the strange editing and his word games, he tries to beat the algorithms, copyright etc. . This is the new 911. These movies are disturbing, to summarize them, we are being purged. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ylFRKsYQ3v0
    The situation in Germany is getting serious. Measures intensify. My state already ordered everyone to stay home, public life is suspended. Exceptions allow work, and sports alone, pet needs, etc. The witch chancellor is in quarantine too, people wish worst for her. Healthcare and medical care are not troubled so far.

  3. jnan
    March 22, 2020 at 7:16 pm

    Love and prayers to all … stay safe out there.

  4. Doug
    March 22, 2020 at 7:12 pm


    • Doug
      March 22, 2020 at 8:19 pm


  5. March 22, 2020 at 6:25 pm

    Answer to question request: I loved to an “end of the road” spot years ago. I’ve always been a “prepper” so nothing has changed for me (yet) but….it hardly matters at this point if this is “a hoax” or real in every sense of the word, the PTB are going to treat it as such. I still have to wonder what is in the spraying (China) and what’s with all the beating up of people on the streets of China?

    It’s time to get as far out as possible, anyone in a big city is a sitting duck. Going rural isn’t the solution, but it will buy time and let you see what’s coming.

    • March 22, 2020 at 7:24 pm

      Thank you for answering my simple question, although I didn’t quite get your first sentence.

  6. Davido Davido
    March 22, 2020 at 5:56 pm

    Allan, thank you another helpful post!

    “(T)he ‘complete hoax’ paradigm is not what we’re facing, but, no matter if COVID is a black op or a genuine accident (which I personally doubt), we do have to assume that the numbers are either manipulated or erroneous to some extent.”

    Agreed. And the following is very helpful information. That bears repeating.

    “[C]ovid follows a distinct pattern – after 10 cases we will recognize it straight away. The pattern is quite unusual – profound hypoxemia with preserved lung compliance, presumably a massive shunt secondary to the ACE receptor mediated pulmonary arterial vasodilatation…”

    [In other words] “… we’re being told that the lungs aren’t stiff but there’s profoundly low blood oxygen. This would mean a large volume of blood traveling through the lungs is not in contact with the air sacs to pick up oxygen ”

    Lynda Craig’s statement is on target. “… testing the waters to bring in mandatory vaccination and martial law while simultaneously crashing the economy. ”

    The fact that the pandemic has thoroughly subsided in China is a strong indicator to me that it will also pass through the rest of the developed world with little to no change in our death rate. Governments will then remind us how their “effective actions” saved the people from disaster, and declare that strong governmental interference in our lives is necessary in each of the future disasters they bring us.

    We are facing serial disasters with crushing economic fallout. If China is the precedent, the global population is still to come. I would expect multiple serial incidents, that can each be readily controlled and manipulated, rather than major disasters which are much harder to control.

  7. Aaron
    March 22, 2020 at 5:52 pm

    What’s your/your ex’s take on the David Crowe angle? He was just on Higherside Chats.


    • March 22, 2020 at 8:45 pm

      Can’t access the podcast even tho I am a member and pay. No answers to my emails.

    • March 22, 2020 at 11:38 pm

      Am listening to it right now, in disgust. Carlwood is not asking good questions while this guy in effect labels my ex and all her colleagues and all the doctors in Italy as morons. Or in on a hoax. I’ve always figured Carlwood was a mole, and this ‘cast is further evidence.

      Looks to me like they’ve taken the gloves off with the disinfo agents, with deep moles like Rappoport and Carlwood exposing themselves. Let me remind you of how my post ended:

      Bottom line is that the ‘numbers’ don’t matter, bogus or not, the ‘tests’ don’t matter, bogus or not, nothing the media says, bogus or not, matters. (Ditto, me.) If hospitals are being overrun and doctors dying, we have a pandemic, with Mad Max revving his Charger just up the block, grinning like a madman. If you haven’t dealt with it, that will be your problem. Hopefully you don’t have a family that you have betrayed.

      Let me repeat: If hospitals are being overrun and doctors dying, we have a pandemic… Get it? You think ALL the info coming out of Italy is fraudulent or ALL those people are fools? Must be.

      If hospitals are being overrun and doctors dying, we have a pandemic… Period.

      We will see how it goes. Right now we are at the flat part of the exponential curve. If it peters out like the hoaxers say, fine, I’ve been had and will shut this blog down. (I don’t expect to get a similar promise from the trolls and morons who are so SURE of themselves and who don’t deal with the actual evidence in my posts or even answer a simple question.)

      By the way, in his wrap up Carlwood touts Rappoport. Predictably, the moles are supporting each other.

  8. jB
    March 22, 2020 at 5:07 pm

    Not contesting the death rates at all, but is the so-called COVID the cause, or just a cover, or, if the COVID is actually being detected (which seems questionable, just an additional symptoms.
    See the following article concerning what is happening.



  9. Kevin Ryan
    March 22, 2020 at 3:28 pm

    I just wanted to say thank you Allan. I was on board with you in January and living on an island brings varying heightened concerns but at least me and mine are a bit more “off the control grid” than many others. I was a bit confused at the start about the mixed messages as my go to thought process is to assume TPTB are telling us the opposite of the truth so my taking this seriously seemed contrary to my usual assumptions as this was initially soft pedaled.
    My thinking is that in the final analysis the elephant in the room is the overall, fourth turning, societal and economic crash that has now been initiated. Did you see Del Bigtree’s latest video?
    Thanks again my new friend.

  10. Paul Leschied
    March 22, 2020 at 3:18 pm

    Have you checked out this 3 part series on the current virus yet Allan? https://www.bitchute.com/video/mWcUoESRO0c5/ I know you’ve looked into the 60gHz connection, but this is a well done 3 part series explaining it.

    • March 23, 2020 at 4:43 am

      My cell phone connection has run out of fast data and I can’t bring up any videos right now.

  11. Bert
    March 22, 2020 at 2:06 pm

    IMO the answer to the medical conundrum is 60Ghz 5g radiation- this causes the anoxia described as oxygen at this frequency cannot be absorbed easily by the lungs or worse it is absorbed but cannot be used by the haemoglobin and not easily replaced by non irradiated oxygen.
    As stated, the people Ill in Norway had a similar presentation after skiing in the Tyrol – my hypothesis is that as they were at altitude the anoxia problem was made worse plus heavy drinking etc.
    I don’t think viral transmission is possible as such in air and by touch- they need the vaccines to transmit poisons – see the Bechamp vs Pasteur regarding germ theory debate which most medics don’t want to look at – which i know only too well as have one in my relations.
    There’s been a huge 5g switch on in the last year plus also in China there was apparently a new mandatory vaccination program in 2019 for all citizens. The vaccine toxins give a toxicity overload if you throw in radiation toxicity and other environmental toxins etc.
    I agree with you anyway that it’s not correct to call it a hoax but it’s a multi level attack with a huge psyop fear component as I believe most people will not get the serious lung problem unless they spend 24/7 next to a microwave tower. There effective solution to their created problem is what remains to be seen – I think they’ll ramp it down but mixed messages being given by them .

    • March 22, 2020 at 3:08 pm

      Please explain how 5G symptoms can be contagious and appear in clusters in places there is no 5 G etc.

      • Doug
        March 22, 2020 at 7:15 pm


      • jB
        March 23, 2020 at 8:00 pm

        If the following is true, then the statistics about who is dying where from Coronavirus are way off. In this case, people dying in certain areas may not have any so-called Covid19. So, pending further information that we know is reliable, it is possible that the people dying where there is no 5G are not dying from anything to do with Covid19, but from other causes … Certainly something to consider per the following:

        ——Bloomberg News has the story: 3/18, “99 percent of those whose died from virus had other illness, Italy says”:

        “More than 99% [!] of Italy’s coronavirus fatalities were people who suffered from previous medical conditions, according to a study by the country’s national health authority.”

        “The Rome-based institute has examined medical records of about 18% of the country’s coronavirus fatalities [so far, because it’s slow work], finding that just three victims [!!], or 0.8% of the total, had no previous pathology [disease]. Almost half of the victims suffered from at least three prior illnesses and about a fourth had either one or two previous conditions.”

        “More than 75% had high blood pressure, about 35% had diabetes and a third suffered from heart disease.”

        “The average age of those who’ve died from the virus in Italy is 79.5 [!!!]. As of March 17, 17 people under 50 had died from the disease. All of Italy’s victims under 40 have been males with serious existing medical conditions.”

        • March 23, 2020 at 8:41 pm

          Thank God for someone with their ear to the ground, and onto it – JB and the above.
          And I have a good report from our local hospital, and he doesn’t want to know.

          • March 23, 2020 at 9:21 pm

            I don’t want to know??? What the fuck are you talking about? And since when do you wait for permission before you blurt something?

      • March 25, 2020 at 3:34 am

        Why would there have to be only ONE cause for what is essentially lung congestion/pneumonoia-caused deaths? In any case (apologies if this link has been posted here prior): https://bit.ly/2WF8EJ9

  12. Lynda Craig
    March 22, 2020 at 2:03 pm

    I think this is biological terrorism, made in a level 4 bio-lab, directed at a few specific populations. Namely, China, Iran and Italy. I believe it will fizzle out in the rest of the world. I live in Canada, 37.59 million people, and as of today only 1200 cases for the entire country and 13 deaths. My best guess, to the agenda behind all this, is that TPTSNB (the powers that should not be) are testing the waters to bring in mandatory vaccination and martial law while simultaneously crashing the economy. 5G is involved in this diabolical plan too. This is a test, unfortunately with many dying, but the real worldwide pandemic is yet to come and I don’t think it is that far off.

    • March 22, 2020 at 3:09 pm

      I hope you’re right but don’t see how it can target those countries and fizzle elsewhere.

      • Lynda Craig
        March 22, 2020 at 5:17 pm

        This is one article that proposes this idea. Interesting reading if nothing else.https://www.globalresearch.ca/covid-usa-targeting-italy-and-south-korea/5707042

        • March 22, 2020 at 5:59 pm

          That’s a really big time important piece, Lynda, and if accurate it’s strong evidence that a Western Intel PTB faction is behind this — as I’ve been saying from day one. A combo of cui bono and ‘If history tells us anything’….

          I’ll talk about your link in my next post.

        • Todd
          March 23, 2020 at 5:38 pm

          Yes, I too suspect multiple origins, maybe including in the US too as far back as June/July if you look at the “vaping” issues or Sept. the earliest….

          And, are there multiple bugs going around?

        • March 24, 2020 at 3:10 am

          Sat thru 2 videos by Battar and don’t understand why your head is spinning. What is the news here? People die from other causes? Wow.

          Battar hasn’t mentioned exponential math and the fact that in the US we are in China’s position in December, looking forward. Does he not understand this? Also, does this look familiar?:

          Bottom line is that the ‘numbers’ don’t matter, bogus or not, the ‘tests’ don’t matter, bogus or not, nothing the media says, bogus or not, matters. (Ditto, me.) If hospitals are being overrun and doctors dying, we have a pandemic, with Mad Max revving his Charger just up the block. If you haven’t dealt with it, that will be your problem. Hopefully you don’t have a family that you have betrayed.

          How has what he says changed anything?

          • Lynda Craig
            March 25, 2020 at 4:13 pm

            Dr. Buttar is bringing all of the components together, exposing what is a massive agenda to remove our freedoms and exert control over the world population. This ‘pandemic’ is their first move and while the covid19 aspect is most definitely real and concerning, he is exposing the origins of the virus, (man-made in a lab in North Carolina), and other factors (such as 5G and environmental toxicity) that are working together to create an even more dangerous situation.

            As far as the exponential possibility, I believe he has shown that the numbers do not support that projection.

            As of today there have been worldwide:

            3,003,745 deaths from communicable diseases

            112,473 deaths from the seasonal flu

            19,786 deaths from corona virus.

            Here is an excellent article on this subject. https://www.zerohedge.com/health/covid-19-evidence-over-hysteria

      • Doug
        March 22, 2020 at 7:16 pm


        • Doug
          March 22, 2020 at 7:45 pm


          • March 22, 2020 at 7:59 pm


  13. Greg O
    March 22, 2020 at 1:53 pm

    Unfortunately I know people with this virus. It sucks and it’s real and a few friends are fighting for their lives. As to Tpanzie the Twitterdent in Charge…I spent too much time watching the “Q” documentary Fall Cabal 1-10…with some facts and lots of bad facts or alternative facts…yet it explains perhaps his stance on this virus. He might really be one of the “Q”. In which case….wtf? The deep state replacing the deep state with another version? I am too tired know to make sense…that fucking fall cabal killed some of my brain cells… for you …check it out as you are great at farming out the BS from the facts thrown in…. BTW…my daughter in Italy (half Italian -my first wife life) knows enough sick folks and dead folks too…this virus is real.

    • March 22, 2020 at 3:50 pm

      I just came across that movie — it was okay for a while, then got interesting with the pedo stuff then exploded into a crapola nuke bomb at the end. Had to turn it off — it’s pro trump fantasies were a joke. Proof: Trump has not in any sense even started to drain any swamp, we know that much, and the idea that he’s GOING TO arrest all his colleagues for pedo crimes is likewise a joke.

      The fantasy about JFK Jr.pissed me off. John Jr. was murdered, as John Hankey shows here:

      That film is a must see, as it shows how we (you and I) can root out the truth behind world events through open source research. That hardly anyone (no one I know of) has promoted this film and the truth behind it is another example of the corruption of the alt media.

    • March 23, 2020 at 4:46 am

      By the way, Greg, remind some of the fools shouting complete hoax don’t worry about it… remind them of what you know personally. Fools or trolls and with some I’m leaning toward the latter. I think we’ve struck a nerve here and are getting the Treatment.

  14. Miles MacQueen
    March 22, 2020 at 1:25 pm

    Once again, JC has an interesting take on the situation –


    He’s still behind the curve on no planes and haarp but he offers a lot of good insight into what might be coming.

    • Davido Davido
      March 22, 2020 at 5:37 pm

      Thanks Miles. JC’s video is well reasoned. Here are the highlights.

      I’m not suggesting that this is not a biological contagion. Quite the opposite. I’m suggesting that the N.W.O would definitely use a biological contagion, probably of its own creation, in order to create this crisis.

      …its really just an excuse to usher in all kinds of changes that we would otherwise never assent to. And just like 9-11 I believe there is lots of evidence to believe that that’s indeed the case.

      .. I have no question that there is a novel virus going around. I just have a question whether -its really just an excuse to usher in all kinds of changes that we would otherwise never assent to. And just like 9-11 I believe there is lots of evidence to believe that that’s indeed the case.

      We could have a relatively benign coronavirus which they’re using as a marker for a pandemic but its actually not the cause of all of the deaths. This has been suggested by more than one doctor including Doctor’s in China.

      “But actually all the deaths that are associated with this virus are simply the opening of the epithelium in the lungs and always a secondary infection like bacterial pneumonia kills these people.”

      This is probably the case. That it is actually largely benign They are using the spread of this novel, easy to track, -because they selected it to be easy to track. All they had to do was select a novel coronavirus from the BAT library. That was sufficiently different from the common cold and the common flu so that it could be tracked for a long time despite its tendency to mutate … This thing is mutating quite rapidly. And so they would have a problem if it was too closely related structurally or molecularly to known coronaviruses, because it would just be too tough to track and to hard to fool real scientists, that hey there is a novel virus going around.

      So this would also explain why the dual therapies of antiviral and antibiotic drugs are often having an effect on these severely ill patients. … If this is not a benign virus, then you’re still dealing with the New World Order.

      “This is about hiding the main (agenda). Its about distraction. Its about making sure that you have enough contradiction in your head so that you can’t think straight. … By giving you information that is contradictory all the time, you can never pick the truth. And that’s very …very psychologically damaging.

      • March 22, 2020 at 5:57 pm

        You say the bug is ‘largely benign’ and that…

        “But actually all the deaths that are associated with this virus are simply the opening of the epithelium in the lungs and always a secondary infection like bacterial pneumonia kills these people.”

        The fact that secondary illnesses are the cause of death does not make it ‘largely benign’, quite the opposite. Like saying AIDS is largely benign.

        • Doug
          March 22, 2020 at 7:27 pm


          • March 22, 2020 at 8:09 pm


        • Mol
          March 23, 2020 at 12:32 am

          Absolutely right Allan – as one who’s smoked tobacco & plenty else for 50 years I get nailed by viral bronchitis most winters; it’s secondary infections that damn near kill me & also that’s the reason antibiotics pull me through – ineffective against the bronchitis virus but they clear the bacterial infections accompanying it, giving my immune system a chance to get on top.

  15. Dave Clark
    March 22, 2020 at 1:07 pm

    I always read you Allan and rarely post but this one, not to mention the previous ten posts, has me quite alarmed and determined to grow even more vigilant in the suggested precautions. Provenance aside, politics aside, we are all into something very real here. Thanks for your work.

  16. Olaf Swolkień
    March 22, 2020 at 12:37 pm

    In Poland newborn baby’s are also vaccinated not only against H but also tuberculosi, parents who want to defend their children are strongly punished. Some Polish epidemiologists claim in media that the COVID has a lot features of being prepared by humans, the question is only whether it escaped or was spread consciously. What do you think about Francis Boyle’ hypothesis? https://m.cda.pl/video/478777733?fbclid=IwAR3kF5ZXhxIDfxGgjjpAo7tlKl4hItRE9U6pzYrKH-yX8TAwi8iVZ1yv4fU

    What is also interesting that scandinavian countries treat this virus rather lightly (Sweden) and vaccinations are not obligatory there.

    Best regards

    • March 22, 2020 at 3:56 pm

      Thanks, Olaf, but if you look at some of my recent posts you’ll see that I linked to the same interview and believe the man, based on his documentation, his cv, and his logic, although I disagree with his thesis that it was an accident. I suspect the Western Intel PTB faction (which includes UK and Israel) is behind this, with China as the Patsy. I’ll be searching out evidence but if history tells us anything, it’s them. This is their ‘next 911.’

  17. Jerry
    March 22, 2020 at 9:28 am

    Allan, it’s not “Nothing to worry about, it’s just a hoax”, but “Holy crap! This is it! With the pretext of a pandemic*, the world is being shut down in preparation for WWZ! Head for the hills!”

    * It really doesn’t matter that the pretext is a staged psyop – no bioweapon, no new virus – just the same old, same old deception. So, don’t get hung up on ‘hoax or not’, but similarly, if you think it’s the virus you have to worry about, you’re missing the elephant in the room (probably because it’s far more scary).

    • March 22, 2020 at 3:58 pm

      I’ve had to say this before (maybe to you?): If you’re going to comment, how about reading my posts first? I’ll not repeat still again what I’ve said about 10 times, but your comment reflects how little you retain from what I write.

      • Jerry
        March 22, 2020 at 10:38 pm

        And in turn Allan, you seem to mischaracterise the ‘hoax’ proponents as ‘nothing-burger-don’t-prep’ proponents, when the opposite is the case, i.e. the proposition is that a psyop on a global scale requires a global issue. You don’t even shut down a city to impede the progress of a cold among its proles – just whip ’em harder.

        The Covid as bioweapon angle leads directly to WW3, and that’s where it’s going to go. All alt-media have been given a 3 line whip that this is where it’s got to go – or else.

        Maybe you’ve been leant on to go there, who knows. Who cares.

        After the WW3 psyop (remember there aren’t even any nukes), things rapidly go down hill, and The Internet will become unavailable except to the military (which is safe, because they haven’t the brains to use it to find out WTF is really going on).

        So, it’s been swell. We can carry on chatting about this crap until the DSL light extinguishes…

        • March 22, 2020 at 11:20 pm

          You say, I ‘seem to mischaracterise the ‘hoax’ proponents as ‘nothing-burger-don’t-prep’ proponents, when the opposite is the case’…

          Really? Have you read their comments? How SURE they are, when the evidence could mean a black op and they say NOTHING about Boyle or the other evidence that says ‘bioweapon’? They NEVER deal with anything in my posts, just their troll-like bald assertions. And if I am mischaracterizing them, why don’t THEY answer my simple question?

          • Jerry
            March 22, 2020 at 11:47 pm


  18. James
    March 22, 2020 at 2:42 am


    • March 22, 2020 at 4:34 am

      Wait a minute. James, you promised you had some vital shit to do and would not be commenting for a while. Remember (it was just yesterday)? You had to dig a hole in a painting or something.

      You promised! Wha’ hoppen? Just couldn’t stay away? Or is pay involved? You sittin there refreshing this page all day so you can comment early? Come on, are you nuts or is pay involved?

  19. Mol
    March 22, 2020 at 1:28 am

    Excellent post Allan. Thanks for sharing “Sheila’s” insights – let’s just live in the facts as best we can determine them eh? That is all.

    • March 22, 2020 at 4:35 am

      Yep, that’s what I said all right. We’ll find out soon enough what’s real.

      • March 22, 2020 at 7:29 pm

        I’ll leave this one in even though you failed to answer the question: Whether you know it or not You are saying this is not contagious, which is bull shit. Whatever it is, you can get it from another human. Explain that.

        And answer my question or I will delete this one too, since it is likewise in denial about an illness. Give you until tomorrow.

  20. March 21, 2020 at 10:58 pm

    Here’s the way I look at it, meaning at those who make comments like ‘I don’t know a single person who has the virus.’

    I live on a river, right on water’s edge. Ten miles up the river is a huge damn. Sheila lives by the damn. One day she calls me yelling that the damn has broken and I should head for high ground. I look out the window at the placid river, the swirls of trout, the bugs rising.

    ‘Looks fine, dear,’ I say.’ You’re overreacting. In fact, come on over for dinner.’

    • Barry Williams
      March 22, 2020 at 3:07 pm

      I really appreciate the knowledge you bring. Five seconds before liftoff we’re at 3% on the good ship inflection point and post tower clearing she’s a brand new world. I hope you hang in Allan, we’re gonna need your interpretive intellect on the other side. Thank you so very much!

      • March 22, 2020 at 4:01 pm

        Thanks, Barry. Hang in there your own self. And no, it ain’t going to be easy, no matter the details of this catastrophe. And I do have to wonder what ‘the other side’ will be like. For myself, I’m glad I was born when I was. Was able to Live an interesting life and am getting a glimpse of the long term future of my species.

        ‘May you live in interesting times,’ as the Chinese (!) adage goes. We certainly have that.

      • Davido Davido
        March 22, 2020 at 4:14 pm

        Well said Barry.

        • drud
          March 22, 2020 at 8:39 pm

          In April 2016 Cathal wrote this

          The Spanish flu killed 50-100 million people in 1918. As if this was not enough, it also took two World Wars across the 20th century and some 96 million dead to reduce unemployment and stabilize the “labour problem.” Is this a rational and humane solution? Well, that depends on which class you’re in.

          Capitalism requires World War because Capitalism requires profit and cannot afford the unemployed.

          In June 2019 he wrote this

          Try to imagine the Black Death, World War One and Two, Maoist China and Spanish Flu condensed into 12 months and that’s only one year post Reset.

          He goes on in articles up to a few days ago but ending in Localization not Globalism. It’s not a pretty picture but fairly accurate one pertaining of events to come before the collapse.

          It requires a password. If one can’t figure it out I guess you’re not supposed to read it. If prone to fear ditto.


          • March 23, 2020 at 4:49 am

            Working the next post. I hope we can shake the trolls/fools and concentrate on the future.

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