How Bad Things Are

Dusk, last night.

Many of you have stated How Bad Things Are and I hope you really understand how true that is. Folks are dropping dead from the vaccine and no one is talking about it, aside from good Virginia Stoner, whom some of you will remember from this blog. Her vaccine death piece should be front page news, given that the gross data is publicly available from the CDC.

Virtually no one is quoting the CDC’s own figures on vaccine deaths. 

What does this mean?

They are all under orders. Not just the MSM, but 90% of the ‘alt media.’ If you didn’t believe me before on this, how about now?


I have an intuition that they are getting set to run Rand Paul for president in 2024. I mean, who else do the ‘Republicans’ have? Talk about controlled opposition!

Cooke City, Montana, yesterday

I tried to leave comments at Senator Paul’s Youtube channel, asking why he is silent on the vaccine death issue and pointing out that this old wandering road bum had exposed the whole Wuhan leak/gain of function/Fauci/Batwoman/U of North Carolina crapola back in February of 2020, so why did it take him a year and a half to blab about it? And so forth.

I left a similar one on his father’s channel. Both comments were taken down within a minute. 

Still more evidence that we are surrounded.

It fits I’m wearing my Electric Universe t-shirt. Crazy dry lightning behind me.

(I’ve been suspicions of Ron Paul since the long ago prime time TV presidential debate when he kept his trap shut about the Federal Reserve. He had a bully pulpit to spill the beans from and didn’t do it.

So much for his ‘End the Fed’ bullshit.)


I had a decent photo day yesterday and thought I’d show you my semi-selects, from which I need to cut out all but four or five. Suggestions welcome (sorry I didn’t number them or whatever).

They are not letting me embed so click here.

Oops, never mind the above link! I just got an email from my Montauk friend, photog Walter Iooss (I guess he’s not mad at me), who said he liked my ‘The Art of the Boondock’ presentation, although it was maybe too fast. Then he asked ‘So where you been staying?’ (over the past seven years).

A spooky reminder from back in Arizona.

But Jesus, Walt had just been looking at hundreds of photos of ‘Where I been staying’!

So, for Walter, here are some post-‘The Art of the Boondock’ photos, slowed down for him. (You may have seen one or two before.)

Click here. These are from the past couple or so weeks.


Postscript: I don’t believe this Afghanistan fiasco is a ‘mistake’ or due to Biden incompetence: Anyone who thinks Biden is ‘running things’ is an idiot. No, this catastrophe has the feel of a mini-9/11 and will lead to something genuinely catastrophic. What, I don’t know yet, but it won’t be long…

  20 comments for “How Bad Things Are

  1. lamont cranston
    September 3, 2021 at 2:23 am

    Who really knows WTF is going on. 4-5 big news agencies run the racket. As will always repeat from Slim Pickens to Harry Dean in “Rancho Deluxe”, “Son, all large scale crime is ALWAYS AN INSIDE JOB.”

  2. Maggie
    August 29, 2021 at 12:34 pm

    I live in the Ozarks not terribly far (100 miles reach) of Ft Leonardwood Army Base.

    I saw a couple of helicopters fly over toward the base yesterday and had a “what if” moment…

    What if they landed on my property to come vaccinate us or worse?

    Crazy thoughts for someone honorably retired from USAF, huh?

  3. August 28, 2021 at 12:58 am

    Hey Allan – why do you have to get rid of any photo’s – keep em all!! (You are THE best photographer in the world for me).

    The insane rotten EVIL lies over here have now “ramped up” yet more notches – and most ALL pouring out of the shit box @6!! ….. lucky for you Allan – Gus doesn’t have your telly switched on for the news going in the background!.
    Enough to do ones head in here, and it is definitely fking over incomes, – mine has been slashed by a good third at least over the past 18months, as many folks are too nervous to spend anything they have to spare – if they have anything to spend at all.
    The onion layers of lies upon lies coming from our “leaders” is so obvious and ridiculous – but I can’t believe how many people are still buying it!!!
    BTW – STILL no “rona victims” we know of here….we are waiting on anyone we know to get crook or die from the jab, but nothing so far touch wood.

  4. Katie
    August 27, 2021 at 8:19 pm

    Yes, when Ron Paul ran for president, my son-in-law went to the caucus here in Washington State, and it was always a puzzle to him that the Ron Paul people were the most professional political operatives there. Seemed strange for supposedly a grassroots candidate. Controlled opposition?

    • philipski
      August 29, 2021 at 4:49 am

      Any happy thinking that I had toward Paul Jr. I threw out (up?) when I stomached the Jan 6 Congressional ratifying session or whatever on T.V. – Ted Cruz and a mere 6 others wouldn’t do it. “Any Rand” can sit at the back of nursing home shrt bus with people named after bob Dylan.

      Allan, I may understand now how you can think Trump not a hero – clearly, he’s a “salesman” type of figure, set up by father and recently having had his meds f’ed with – and I’d say the picture with Melania displaying glee at leaving the White House – and the nightmare it was for her family – says it all… But any thoughts on this…?

      I live in a (mostly conservative) state where gov has kinda backed off… this guy seems to be a Mike Adams kinda guy (selling stuff?), maybe not the worst kind of controlled opposition, but there’s the typical “I have sources”… “I’ve seen the documents” & “no, you can’t see it”.
      (Adams does have an interview w/ RFK Jr. coming up where he it’s said will explain how Cominarthy – or whatever – is not even the same ol’ vax.)

      Good Work!

    • August 29, 2021 at 3:17 pm

      Yep, I suspect they are planning way ahead on candidates, especially presidential.

  5. August 27, 2021 at 7:11 pm

    Billl Engdahl, as usual, is on top of it. Check out these essays: The Afghanistan Debacle, Zalmay Khalilzad and The Great Reset Delta Variants, PCR Tests and Cognitive Dissonance And We Should Trust ‘The Science’ of the Pharma Industry?

  6. Krustysurfer
    August 27, 2021 at 4:58 pm

    Divide and conquer, even within households factions and balkanization occur using any and all media constructs to do so… The PTB recipe and appetite for destruction is tantamount.
    Someday that dragon with be brought down by cosmic forces but in the meantime the villagers suffer death and destruction battling that beast… No easy answers
    Have a great weekend Allan and company blessings and aloha.

  7. Philip
    August 27, 2021 at 4:29 pm

    There are some very vocal doctors out there talking truth. Try Lee Merritt for one. She has many interviews on the web. As do others

  8. Jean-François Aubry
    August 27, 2021 at 3:54 pm

    yep…and a mini Saigon, people falling from plane give the same image than those wich falled from the tower. About Covid according to the official data the province of Quebec counted in 2020 around 8000 dead du to covid. I calculated in comparaison the number of dead if the spanish flu had strike last year and it could be close of 47 000 deads. Than I checked the front page of the main newspaper (Le Soleil) in the province from fall 1918 to winter 1919 and I can found almost nothing about the spanish flu, it is almost like it never existed…about the vaccine I counted 2 people related to my family, both around 75 years old, both died like one month after the shot.

  9. GB
    August 27, 2021 at 1:39 pm

    On the plus side Allan a lot of people are waking up as a result of Covid who otherwise never would have. I bet you get a better response now when talking to folk about 9/11 etc than you did when you made your doc all those years back. Those who aren’t awake by now are beyond help imo.

  10. DSKlausler
    August 27, 2021 at 10:56 am

    Are people actually dying at Kabul? I don’t know.

    How about this: “they” let those bad guys slaughter everyone (thousands… a bloodbath) available for such in Kabul. The moneymen get their new “war” as orders are given to simply bomb the shit out of everything – there.

    Infighting of the puppet organizations perhaps.

    • GB
      August 27, 2021 at 1:37 pm

      Laundering another few tens of million with Tax payer funded bombs to blow up tax payer funded black hawk helicopters would definitely make a few corporate bosses at Lockheed Martin smile.

    • Jean-François Aubry
      August 27, 2021 at 3:59 pm

      War is a Racket…Gen. Smedley Butler

    • David G Horsman
      August 27, 2021 at 4:59 pm

      Excuse the frivolous comment but I just wanted to say I appreciate your fearless position on the Covid issue. There were only a few sources challenging the narrative early last year.

      Keep up the good work. Why are the truth tellers either artists or comedians? While journalists have always been servants to empire we have hit a new low.

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