How I Caught The Coronavirus

Yes, right, a ‘click bait’ title. And yes, I wouldn’t mind if a lot of people read this post. See, the more readers, the better chance I have of doing some good: What if I get one person to behave rationally and prepare for the catastrophe (of whatever sort) that’s coming? Wouldn’t that be great!!!


I’ve been offline for a day or so and had to do some traveling to finish my stocking up of supplies, doing one more laundry load, plus topping off my water tank (including jugs for 10 gallons extra); I now only need to make a quick post office and pharmacy run (they are in the same building here) and I’ll be secure for at least three months, should the ‘virus’ (if it is a virus) bloom stateside, which seems inevitable, if any of what they are telling us is true.

‘How I Might Have Caught The Coronavirus’ is the proper title of this post and if I did catch it, it was probably yesterday in Yuma, Arizona, which is a pretty big city, with a pretty big and busy airport.

Addendum: I just heart that the Chinese posted some new figures, the one of interest being the number of ‘confirmed cases’ from yesterday (the day I might have caught it): Around 15,000 is what I hear. A one day jump of 15,000. Dunno if it’s true, dunno if anything is true, but it might be true, or some version thereof.

Oh, and the military is preparing for a pandemic. 

And the media is downplaying the danger. 


See, I’m out here in the desert and rarely go where there are a lot of people. Or any people. Yesterday, though, I did some Walmart shopping in Yuma and I might have caught the virus there (assuming there is a virus, etc., but I will not keep repeating caveats).  But I needed a bunch of dog food, and they were having a sale.

I saw a person at Walmart, a middle aged woman, wearing a surgical mask as she shopped; I made a mental note that she was the first…

I watched as the woman picked up some shampoo, read the label, and put it back. (I made a mental note that she wasn’t buying food; she was cart-less and looking at grooming products.) The thought occurred to me that if someone with the virus performed the same behavior within, say, the last week, her mask might have been useless; she wasn’t wearing gloves.

Let’s assume the worst, just for grins: Let’s say the rumor that the dormancy (you have it but no symptoms) period is 24 days, rather than 14, is true. Let’s say. And let’s say symptoms don’t usually occur until those approximately 24 days have passed.

Oh, and let’s say the R-0 number is 4, as has been theorized.


See where I’m going?

Yesterday at Walmart (just to start) I paid more than the usual attention in watching human behavior. I watched as people touched stuff and moved on. And yes, I watched as people kept touching their faces. I noticed how often I touch stuff and move on, and how often I touch my own face.

See, in the worst case, it’s just a matter of numbers, and where you’ve been, what you’ve touched.

If that dormancy period is the case, we could already be in the midst of a deadly pandemic here in the USA, and not even know it. We could already be in the third or fourth ‘generation’ of ‘passing,’ which would put the number of cases that will be confirmed in the thousands, right now, even if only one person was the ‘case zero’ for our country. Think about the numbers. One becomes 4 which becomes 16. That’s two ‘generations’ (there’s a word for this but I forgot what it is, and ‘generations’ sounds appropriate). If 16 give it to 16, we get 256. So the fourth generation would be just past 4,000, in cases that will soon be confirmed.

That’s if only one person started us off to the races. We already know the number of U.S. cases was way more than that. We need only figure the number of folks they passed it on to before they were put in isolation.

A reminder of my theory if there is a pandemic. Avoid people.

A reminder of my theory if there is a pandemic. Avoid people.

Fear porn? So I can get fucking clicks?  If you think I’m that useless, why are you reading these words? I’m trying to persuade you to do the smart thing.

In the last post, some idiot commented that he wasn’t going stock up on essentials because he saw a movie. Wow, I was thinking, maybe I should see that one. I mean, imagine a story that is so powerful… so mind-bending… that it persuades you to sacrifice your family’s well-being. Maybe their lives. 

So I did. I fucking rented The Trigger Effect. It was about human behavior when the infrastructure fails. The guy who wrote the comment was apparently incapable of imagining this scenario, so the movie filled him in.

Load of crap movie, story-wise, holes everywhere in the story-logic, but, aside from that, if someone able to operate a computer and find this blog and peck out a coherent message in Comments is capable of being so easily steered into ignorant, self-destructive behavior…

…based on a bad movie?…


The next post will likely feature a guest writer, my road bud Logan McCullough, who has some interesting stuff to tell you.


  56 comments for “How I Caught The Coronavirus

  1. John Kobobel
    February 14, 2020 at 8:59 pm

    New here and reading older stuff to learn more about you. Like what I see so far. You are spot on. Beware of the miracle solutions being touted (colloidal silver, mms, etc.). DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH! don’t trust some internet person to KNOW the truth. Understand how these things interact with all your bodily functions…so first step is to educate yourself on how your body works.

    I am taking a traditional approach, Vitamin C (lyposomal), D3 (in larger doses as it is cold outside and I am not getting enough sun), B complexes and some C-60 because it causes no harm and may make a difference. Finally after reading some Chinese posts, medicinal mushrooms in powder or tablet form. Chaga (as long as harvested from Birch bark) seems to be mentioned a lot over there as being an effective treatment for this one.

    It all comes down to each of us taking personal responsibility for our individual beings. We are only in the beginnings of this episode so I wish everyone here the best of luck. As Alan said, if you are reading this it is because you want to survive and learn more.

    Clif High has always resonated with me and I trust his instincts in directing me where to look.

    • February 15, 2020 at 7:50 am

      I did tell people to look into the Colloidal Silver for themselves already – i.e do their own research.
      You didn’t read all the posts.
      A bit sad, when I am telling you all about C.S, and my nearly 20 years of using it – to great effect, and not being trusted here. I don’t make and SELL the stuff.
      And those other vitamins you mentioned above, simply don’t work to kill these germs .
      They only assist with general health.
      Also, only the serious vitamin C INJECTIONS work miracles, and they cost the earth.

      • Doug
        February 17, 2020 at 5:47 pm

        Liv-on Vitamin C is as good as injections according to Natural Cancer fighters.

        Lypo-Spheric Vitamin C, 1,000 mg Vitamin C Per Packet, 30

        Amazon carries it of course.

        • February 17, 2020 at 7:46 pm

          Haha!…more than just a few 1000mg of those will give most people the skitters – falls out the back end.
          Those lypo-spheric vitamin C’s are too damned expensive – $40 for a tiny packet of 30 servings (big pharma at it again)….and they are NO WHERE NEAR as effective as C.S!!.
          Vitamin C injections are miraculous, and about 100x more effective than those ordinary C’s…but they cost about $250 each here.

    • February 15, 2020 at 6:05 pm

      Clif is interesting, although i would not totally trust him. he is too close to LHs like Forum Borealis. check my stuff on Borealis.

  2. Cat
    February 14, 2020 at 8:08 pm

    Happy Valentines Day !
    I like elpolvo’s take. It would be
    Awesome if everyone got the love-bug.

    Species jumping virus’s are scary. Here’s
    A site I found that compares corona,
    SARS and MERS:

    • February 15, 2020 at 4:10 pm

      Well, ‘Live Science’ also tells us that Climate Change is ‘the worst it’s been in the last 2,000 years,’ so I would take them with a grain on the virus. (To repeat: None of the AGW liars mention that the tiny sea level rise has not changed since they have been keeping track, about 150 years, nor do they suggest you go to the site that proves this, NASA’s own:

  3. jnan
    February 14, 2020 at 7:25 pm

    As usual lots of good info … A Stephan Molyneux podcast The truth about the coronavirus – COLLAPSE?! has a very good take which backs up what Allan is saying about prep, should any of it be true. In any event, being prepared to my way of thinking is common cense … something I fear is lacking in to many people.
    In my comment from Allan’s previous post about the Know More News podcast re: the virus had a lot to do with a book written by Jack London, The Unparalleled Invasion 1910 referenced by Ea in the comments above/below. Interesting side note Jack London’s epic Call of the Wild has just been released as a major motion picture. Timing they say, is everything.
    What does any of this mean … ????????

    • February 14, 2020 at 7:44 pm

      Beware what that guy says. One day he was talking about Circumcision of all things, and he was so wrong, and knew fuck all.

      • TheOldBadger
        February 14, 2020 at 10:29 pm

        Again Brett, we are on the same page. Absolute barbarism. I cried when I realized, in my former ignorance, what I had done to my son.

    • Nigel
      February 14, 2020 at 7:54 pm

      Stefan Molyneux is likely disinfo and main stream media is theatre directing humanity in a direction chosen by the ptb . Be very careful on who and what has your attention .

      • February 14, 2020 at 7:58 pm

        Yep. Allan is the real deal.

      • February 14, 2020 at 8:11 pm

        yes, Molyneux is almost certainly dirty (did you get the one where he says Trump’s speech made him cry?) but that does not mean you should not assume the worst and protect your family. that I even have to say this is depressing.

        • February 14, 2020 at 8:48 pm

          Yessiree!, the tears for the Trump speech LOL!! 😀

  4. February 14, 2020 at 6:41 pm

    The guy that writes the Simpsons knows HTWRW and whats going on.

    And I found this little bit of info in the comments below this video >> “t’s all a load of BS!! Someone told me the other day. Their mate came back from Hong Kong. Everyone was going about their daily business. The only people who were wearing masks were the ones that didn’t like the air pollution. There was no curfew. Nothing. Remember that there were thousands of protesters? Well the government sharp sorted that one out.

    They’ve built ghost cities. I bet that’s where they filmed it. In these huge high rises zootropolis empty city. Why would they build all these huge cities and not have anyone live in them? They want them all in these control sustainable cities.”

    • February 14, 2020 at 8:26 pm

      hilarious Simpsons. are there others here who think it’s somehow bad or ignorant to have supplies stashed? If the current scare turns out to be nothing, does that mean I’m ‘wrong’?

      • February 14, 2020 at 8:44 pm

        Allan, you are right, and we totally agree on a decent stash of supplies, just like you said -, for threat,scam, a what if, or if nothing else, just to have some “fat” in storage.
        I started stashing water, and even used engine oil (for fuel for my diesel vehicles), about 10 years ago….and I am wondering if our water is still OK in it’s plastic milk containers under the house.
        We do have a stream nearby, but it would definitely need filtering (which I have).
        I must admit, our tinned and dried food stash should and could be bigger.
        I am not expecting, having to resort to it anytime soon.If ever.

        • Dee Cota
          February 15, 2020 at 11:55 pm

          Dear Brett,
          I am sorry to tell you your water in plastic milk containers is no good. You can only save water for a year due to the fact that plastic is not a safe storage container. Check online “How to safely store water for emergencies?” You will get all kinds of good info about emergency supplies.

          • February 16, 2020 at 12:50 am

            Yep I know BUT – it’s only the polyethylene plastic that is bad news after a fair while, NOT the PETP plastic – which is fine.
            Undesirables like BPA (I think that is it’s abbreviation) leech out of polyethylene. Takes a wee while but it does.
            A lot of my water is sitting in PETP plastic.

  5. elpolvo
    February 14, 2020 at 5:48 pm

    Happy Valentine’s Day Allan and All… (this includes “them” and “they” and the “shills” and “moles” and “TPTB” and the “naive” and the “ignorant” … just for today… not for tomorrow, because it never comes.) Let us ALL be happy and spread love, just for today. Wouldn’t it be cool if love were contagious? …It could be… who knows? Let’s try it… just for today… NOW.

    Never thought of this before but it’s cool that your name starts with All. Thanks for the photos and videos you share here, NOW… I love ’em all.

    Love to All… (just for today)

    -elpolvo (the dust)

    ps- No prepping for me. I don’t need it. I’m already on hospice care (cancer) and today’s efforts are focused on pain management. The love spreading is just because it’s Valentine’s day. <3 <3 <3 (I know, I know… I should do it every day) In the words of my wise and loving grandmother, "Be nice Dusty Deer… even if it kills ya. Always Be Kind."

    • Nigel
      February 14, 2020 at 7:56 pm

      Sending love to you elpolvo .

      • elpolvo
        February 14, 2020 at 9:04 pm

        Thanks Nigel… back atcha.

    • February 14, 2020 at 7:58 pm

      Happy Valentine’s Day!

      Alan? There are a LOT of comments on the post of yours I shared on TBP… this one is my buddy from LA… via El Paso, I think. (He goes by El Coyote, but EC for short… today, he is Wuhan Wang.)

      • elpolvo
        February 14, 2020 at 11:19 pm

        Thanks for the roses Maggie. Saw your “almost” article on TBP. Interesting comments there… kinda like here… but different – ha ha. Don’t be hurt by Allan’s response. Following him for 30 years has taught me a new word… apophenia. Fortunately, it’s not contagious. 😉

        I still love him.

    • February 14, 2020 at 8:28 pm

      I didn’t know that… Are you in hospice at home, Dusty?

      • elpolvo
        February 14, 2020 at 9:02 pm

        Yes. It’s the only way to go. Hospitals’ll KILL ya!

        • February 15, 2020 at 6:09 pm

          I took care of mom at home with hospice. Nicest people I ever came across. Night mom died the lady was there in 10 Minutes. three in the morning.

  6. Doug
    February 14, 2020 at 4:38 pm

    The masks are stated to be useless in relation to obtaining the virus. 100% no use.

    But the masks are worn, “They say”, by instructions of the State, to prevent the spread of the virus.

    If there was a virus that seems more likely.

    As Jon R states anyway and he sure seems like he feels strongly about it.

    You had said Jon Rappoport was an LH at one time. 🙂

    I think you were pissed off at everyone that day so it will slide thinking….

    • February 14, 2020 at 4:59 pm

      Well if Jon R feels strongly about something, you better behave as he says! Did he tell you not to prepare for an infrastructure breakdown? No? So what’s the point of your comment?

      (If Jon R were to say ‘don’t prepare for a catastrophe’, he would be worse than a LH.)

      Reason i said he might be LH is that he is very close to the SSP group, most of which is LH.

      • Doug
        February 17, 2020 at 5:34 pm

        I made no comment on not being prepared nor did I state Rappaport said as much.

        Of course we must always be prepared. I assume it’s much harder for you being mobile but I have always maintained a minimum of 30 days of supplies including pet supplies.

        Being prepared should not be done because of some announcement but it’s the only way to live when an extended power outage could end civilization as we know it.

        Bad enough if I walk a block I can see NYC. So I am never comfortable. I have many reasons why I live here and won’t get into them here. I do my best, that’s all I can do.

        Just to suddenly get prepared is not how smart people operate. Always be prepared otherwise your not prepared. DUH!

        So lighten up. I do not see why you attack people that support you. It’s plain dumb. Jeez. No benefit of the doubt. Nitpick what you want from a comment and go off like you are saving the world.

  7. February 14, 2020 at 2:58 pm

    Did I miss something in the ultimate result of actually acquiring and growing this alleged virus? Is it not just overblown flu, that affects (severely maybe) mainly the very old, the very young, and the infirm – else, again, it’s just the fucking flu, pneumonia or some other relatively common malaise?

    I’m sticking with fake numbers – on both sides. I’m sticking with, ultimately, fear-porn and attention grabber. I see the biggest [potential] issue as that which Rappaport mentions: the path to a FORCED world-wide vaccination – which is both a purposeful health attack, and a HUGE money maker.

    • February 14, 2020 at 6:07 pm

      “the path to a FORCED world-wide vaccination – which is both a purposeful health attack, and a HUGE money maker.” – Exactly right Mr!!

      • February 14, 2020 at 8:43 pm

        see, if this is to get us into camps or forced vax, then being self sufficient is the best defense. they will scoop you up in a shopping frenzy, not if you are home and safe. Commenters that criticize me in subtext (NLP style), should ask themselves the purpose of their words before hitting Send.

  8. Greg O
    February 14, 2020 at 2:46 pm

    Hey Now, Better safe than sorry-my family is generally always ready…even with kits in our cars as we are in earthquake land…just made the stock fuller
    …here is an interesting perspective:

  9. T
    February 14, 2020 at 2:40 pm

    Thanks for the update Allan. I’m caught between Chris Martenson and John Rappoport. Cliff High just lost his shit also. I have a deep respect for your insights having followed you since you landed in my front yard way back when…point being, When will we hear from you again re Covid19? BTW I’m safely tucked away deep in the heart of Switzerland but my baby girl is on her global tour and inside an Ashram in India. She’s completely isolated for the next 26 days. Best,t

  10. February 14, 2020 at 1:04 pm

    All right, Allan… you are ON… I hope you folks get some bites from the monkeys at TBP, but mostly, I hope Allan gets lots of clicks and lots of people who learn a few things here like I have.

    You folks are weird but you are not as stupid as they (you know… THEY?) say.

    I’m near that old Kentucky Home, so I’m okay and I’m alright.

  11. February 14, 2020 at 3:38 am

    Allan: See, the more readers, the better chance I have of doing some good: What if I get one person to behave rationally and prepare for the catastrophe (of whatever sort) that’s coming? Wouldn’t that be great!!!

    ME : I think the writer of THE BOOK OF REVELATION had the same idea! My point is, 2000 years or so later….there is always the potential for something BAD to happen on this planet of ignorant, crazy individuals. You can stock up and prepare for all kinds of disasters if you wish. A meteor or asteroid could come zipping along and whack the planet at any moment, too. You could have been the victim of a mass shooting while shopping for dog food in Walmart. An Alien might abduct you and anally probe you while you’re stargazing all alone in the desert. Sean Penn might send one of his Goonies to get even with you. Donald Trump might have you arrested and tortured for blowing NASA’s cover and busting up the Secret Space Program.

    But if you are writing a blog about How The World Really Works, I’m telling you that you are getting OFF TRACK by getting sucked into the fear game. I gave you better credit than that.

    You ask why I read your blog. I told you before, YOU ENTERTAIN ME. As a writer, shouldn’t you be taking that as a COMPLIMENT? Do I take you seriously? Absolutely not. You’ve demonstrated that your not interested in being serious. I’m cool with that, too.

    You got a lot of comments in your last post, and I’m glad I served as INSPIRATION for you to write this one. That makes me a CO-CREATOR in your act. The least you could do was give me a credit by name in the story. Sheeeesh! What’s a guy gotta do to get noticed around here? Like Rodney Dangerfield used to say, “I DON’T GET NO RESPECT!”

    • February 14, 2020 at 9:37 am

      I’ve seen another reference to military mobilization. Have you folks seen evidence of it there? I’m in the Ozarks… we don’t see nuthin except the rain…

      • February 14, 2020 at 2:31 pm

        You should allow comment editing, Alan. And do please delete MOST of my comments here but try to comment on the link at TBP. Thanks for your patience. I’m just trying to get the snooty snoots from the east coast to talk to you fruits and nuts on the west coast.

        I’m out here in flyover world, Podunk Ozarks.

        • Dee Cota
          February 16, 2020 at 12:15 am

          Allan spells his name with two LL’s IMO if you are going to write something to a person the least you could do is spell his name correct.
          Just a friendly suggestion.

    • February 14, 2020 at 2:29 pm

      Am hoping Alan sees the post at Burning Platform… a few folks commenting on it. This one would be a good one to respond to…

      • Dee Cota
        February 16, 2020 at 12:18 am

        You misspelled Allan’s name again as I stated in my last post-Allan spells his name with 2 LL’s

    • ea
      February 14, 2020 at 2:39 pm

      Mr Danu, it is far from clear that the Wuhan thang is bogus (almost inconceivable, i d say, at this point)–therefore the mere mentioning of it cannot be any sort of porn. Cases in the Lower 48 are officially extant. Numbers are likely to be, as in the Volksrepublik, higher than reported.
      What is clear is that we have a familiar divide at work upon us: Big Tech Left praising Secretary-General Xi and underplaying the global threat (for stock market reasons, or depopulative ones), Health Rangers and other High Plains Drifters talking doom (or preparèdness). if the ‘right’ is practising fear porn, then isnt the ‘left’ practising Nothing-to-see-here porn?

      For yr reading pleasure:
      The Unparalleled Invasion, by J.G. ‘Jack’ London (1910)
      The Eyes of Darkness, by D.R. Koontz (1981)

    • February 14, 2020 at 5:03 pm

      ‘Sucked into the fear game’ is how you read me. Sorry, Danu, but what an idiotic assessment.

    • February 14, 2020 at 8:46 pm

      This is what I mean. I am getting into the fear game? How about the stupidity game?

  12. February 14, 2020 at 1:48 am

    Okay, I will submit this on TBP to see what sort of reaction they give you, IF you would like me to submit it. It is the sort of thing that JQ might decide is too MUCH clickbaitish, so I’m going to add (almost) between i and caught.

    Okay with you? If you say it is, I’ll submit it and see if it posts tomorrow. It is the sort of post that might bring you a lot of attention, both good and bad. Yin and Yang.

    • February 14, 2020 at 2:06 am

      I just submitted How I “Almost” Caught … at TBP.

      • February 14, 2020 at 2:10 am

        Unless he rejects it, it should post by morning. We shall see what kind of monkeyshines you draw from there.

  13. Todd
    February 14, 2020 at 12:10 am

    Ya, you bring up a good point. Masks alone will not work or may not be foolproof. My co-workers wife (a nurse and claims adjuster) says masks don’t really work all that well and they can harbor stuff on their outer surface [from touching of course and droplets, etc.] and in them. It’s mostly the hand touching your face and eyes that cause the transfer issues. People touch a lot of stuff each day, that’s for sure.

    Knowing that, I bought masks anyway (N100 type), so I’m slowly adding to my emergency prep, just in case of something.

  14. February 13, 2020 at 11:52 pm

    Thanks Allan. Ask Logan if he has heard of colloidal silver.

    • February 14, 2020 at 3:27 pm

      I’ve used colloidal silver off and on for years…and am using it now at the recommendation of the Naturopath I’ve been seeing for the past 18 months.

      • February 14, 2020 at 6:03 pm

        Great Logan!, yes it is awesomely effective stuff, I have been making and using my own for nearly twenty years.
        It also kills sunspot cancers on the face etc, for that you soak it in a cotton ball, and leave attached to it with sticking plaster overnight… 90% of the time the spot will be dead in the morning – even falling off!…more stubborn spots could take 2 or 3 nights.
        But just the 3 teaspoons per day, keeps away crap like conjunctivitis & runny noses.
        I have found the most effective brew is newly made, as the silver slowly “migrates” out of the water, and onto the inside of the glass vessel – gradually forming a type of ‘mirror’.
        THAT is why you need to keep your own C.S making plant handy.
        I know more than most people about this stuff (even Naturopath’s), if anyone has any questions – fire away.
        BTW, I don’t believe for a second I’m gonna need it for this latest virus bullshit.

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