Human Nature?

What do these images have in common?

‘No one changes his/her mind about anything.’ In subtext add to this, ‘No matter the information/evidence he/she is supplied with regarding whatever subject is at hand.’ 

Someone asks me what’s with this sudden interest in photography, the above is probably as good an answer as any. No one changes his/her mind about anything. Not a day goes by, it seems, when I am not reminded of this sad fact. Which begs this question:  What’s the point of exposing the deceits, frauds and moral violence we are constantly bombarded with? 

I just had an email  exchange with an old friend who would not, and I mean would not, deal with in any way the fact that the ‘Spanish Flu’ of 1918 was not contagious, for to deal with it would expose the implications thereof, which would mean he is wrong about something.

A good friend of mine doesn’t speak to me anymore because I asked him to read Tom Cowan’s book (The Contagion Myth) and/or Artur Firstenberg’s book (The Invisible Rainbow) and insisted that viruses have been isolated then admitted that they hadn’t, but yelled at me ‘It doesn’t matter, bro!’, meaning that he’s still right about viruses causing COVID, no matter that he was wrong about viruses very existence, and anyway, he went on, Cowan is a disinformation agent!

What was behind this bullshit? The ego-fear of being wrong.

I recently lost another friend for the same reason. The two-big ego-fear of being wrong. (When someone waits a long time before bringing up a subject that, for two-bit ego reasons, has been bothering him/her, some history re-writing is likely in the offing.)

I could go on and on with anecdotes of this sort but my point is that looking at a good photograph, especially one that I have made, distracts me from thoughts of the above distressing aspect of human nature. Even better: The process of making a good photograph is at the same time similar to and the opposite of, the process of uncovering and exposing the deceits, frauds and moral violence with are constantly bombarded with. This process is also (somehow) the opposite of two-bit ego fears, be they mine or someone else’s. 

Most of the folks who have stuck it out with this blog are already awake to most of the deceits, frauds and moral violence we are constantly bombarded with and are mostly looking for verification that they are right (and not wrong) so my thought is that taking a break and looking at some good (or at least pleasing to the eye) photographs might do everyone some good.

So I made up another slideshow, and this one, I hope, will be especially relaxing (and ego-free), given the subject matter. 



  39 comments for “Human Nature?

  1. May 22, 2021 at 2:36 pm

    Please share the link William (Bill1) Engdahl provided AND Virginia’s personal work/link re US ‘vaccine’ deaths. These are ‘official’ numbers — none of the idiots can argue with them. A few heads will explode from cog dissonance, but fine, ok, let’s get it done.

  2. Cor
    May 22, 2021 at 2:11 pm

    Hey Allan,

    Thanks for another good blog post. I have been reading your posts for some time now and I totally agree with you about people not changing their minds cause of the implications to their world (tv) view.

    I have been posting tons of stuff about Agenda2030, SDG’s, World Economic Forum, Corona lies on FaceBook but also stuff like Tom Cowan’s book The contagion Myth and the The invisible rainbow. The proof from the Spanish flu research were they tried (in vain) to infect healthy people and lots more. I ask myself daily ‘what is the use’? People only want to change their views when they are ready to accept the consequences. So maybe just maybe I have planted some seeds and that is good enough for me for now. But also like you I need to distract myself from the madness and relax my mind.

    Greetings from The Netherlands

    • May 22, 2021 at 2:38 pm

      Thanks, Cor. We are getting down to a select few, as unsubscribes have increases lately, maybe those who are offended by non political slideshows.

      • Cor
        May 22, 2021 at 11:41 pm

        No worries Allan it is their loss when deprived of real authentic researchers !

        On another note I loved the Mostly Clouds still..amazing shots in there!!

    • May 24, 2021 at 1:51 am

      Yes! The FACT that the ‘Spanish Flu’ was NOT CONTAGIOUS (via a robust govt study) is what woke me up and I cannot fathom how anyone would continue to believe the bullshit after reading that study, notwithstanding that the researchers themselves didn’t understand the importance of their results. Truly, people do not change their minds…

  3. Ea
    May 22, 2021 at 7:15 am

    Hey Allan — i just found ‘Captain Zero’ (2001; first trade paperback edition 2002, but rebound hard) in the Grande Bibliothèque in Montréal. Wasnt looking for it (no offense)–it was shelved with the Mexico books, which makes sense for the first exact half. The French translation, i see, is considered a novel, and so shelved W.
    Anyway, i am very happy with my haul. Well worth wearing that FUCKING MASK for half an hour and pretending to squirt that shit on my hands. You’re a good writer, with a matchless perspective. Thank you for conveying that experience and those memories to us.

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