…It’s Another…
A lot so stuff has come up in the past couple of days; too much stuff. I’ll mention them en passant as a chess player might phrase it. A list of ‘Meanwhiles.’
Robert Willmann, Jr. — a member of this blog — realized that it’s possible (or likely) that Tucker Carlson has not actually been fired. Click here if you are interested in this (relatively) minor drama. I have to admit I’m interested, mainly to see What Happens Next.
Another of you turned me on to a bit of business from my old nemesis, Simon Shack (Simon is famous for his 9/11 opus, September Clues, plus his Clues Forum), and which I also find interesting. Simon (or his overlords/handlers?) has apparently come up with a new paradigm re the mechanics of our solar system.
I’ll not try to sum up Simon’s thesis except to say it’s quite revolutionary and purports to solve ‘many anomalies’ in the current heliocentric model. (I also admit I didn’t know there were many anomalies but — given that most of mainstream science seems to be built upon untruths — I don’t doubt the possibility, and will be looking into this claim. If anyone is interested in this, I’m all ears.) Click here for the presentation.
Addendum: Simon and I clashed back in 2014, although we started out as best buddies. B)y the end of the Clues Forum back and forth Simon was calling me ‘subhuman’ and a ‘two-bit Hollywood blah blah’ plus other ad hominem bullshit; he also banned me from his platform. I’d pointed out how he and his CF cronies were misdirecting in reply to my evidence that Miles Mathis is a psy op; I had no choice but to come to the conclusion that Simon and his Forum were likewise a psy op, probably out of Tavistock. I’d love to hear your opinion on this, plus his ‘revolutionary’ (maybe it is, via revelation of the method, or maybe I’m wrong about Simon himself) celestial finding.
Another beaut of a revelation is re the list of scum that are now known to have partied with Epstein, two of which are Noam Chomsky and Woody Allen. But Christ, it never ends, does it? What I didn’t need to hear was more proof that talent/intelligence/insight has nothing whatever to do with the capacity to delve into real Evil. I mainly refer to Woody here, as I’ve always known that Chomsky is not what he appears to be.
I mean here’s a guy who blurts that the JFK assassination was ‘just another murder’ and which affected world history not a whit, and who actually calls ‘9/11 truth’ a ‘conspiracy theory’ that is not possible because insiders would ‘fear getting caught.’ Yes, Chomsky has said this crap multiple times.
Two of the main jobs of agents of the PTB are the denigration of JFK (so we don’t care who killed him) and, mainly, debunk the idea that U.S. intel (plus Israel) had anything to do with 9/11.
As a disintegrating old fart myself, the image of those two flaming hypocrites buggering little kids (or anyone) is literally nauseating. (There is a long ‘likewise’ list here but I’ll keep it to myself.)

Views of Michelle’s dick. It’s not that I find the dick itself disgusting; it’s the degree of deceit.
For some reason, maybe related to my lingering disgust after looking for images of these two fucking monsters, I was reminded (via a glimpse at a photograph) that our 44th First Lady was actually a man. Although given the current cultural trend this is the sort of thing we should expect, the image of a drag queen corn-holing our president in the House that George Washington built was likewise a gross out. (Click here for Obama accidentally calling his wife ‘Michael’.)
Addendum: The PTB saddling us with a drag queen for a First Lady did two (subconscious) things that I can think of immediately: Further prepare us for the ‘gender’ horse shit that was then on the horizon, and alert our ‘enemies’ as to how soft and vulnerable we really are. (Oh, and maybe how ready we are to get buggered.)
What else came up yesterday? I’m listening to a podcast interview with Avi Loeb, Ph.d — touted as one of our most brilliant physicists — and before I could hit the mute button he’d mentioned: The Big Bang, black holes, Darwinian evolution, referred to the Apollo moon landings as if they really happened as we were told, ditto 9/11 (specifically, the towers ‘falling’ as if that was possible via damage high up), extolled the ‘wonderful’ photo The Pale Blue Dot as if that was genuine, and lauded Elon Musk as if he was genuine, indirectly saying he believes boosters can fall from 60 miles up through high winds and no airfoil surfaces and hit a tiny target. A physicist?
I know: This stuff is old news to you guys, but I needed to get off my chest the way it went yesterday. Why do I keep having days like this?
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