Layered Deception

Some of these are my dabbling in impressionism via slow shutter speed and camera movement.

Here’s how bad it is: Yesterday I went to the Eureka, Montana Humane Society to look for a puppy, a buddy for Gus, myself, and so forth. There’s a woman in there at the desk and I can see the kennels behind her through a glass door. I hear some yelps and barks back there. The woman asks what breed of puppy am I looking for. I say none in particular, I’ll know it when I see it. Fine, she says. So far so good. Let’s have a look, I say, referring to the kennel behind the glass door.

The woman is about to lower the boom. Seriously fuck up my day. 

You can’t go into the kennel, she says.

Why not?

The kennel is on lockdown.


A dog got sick so we put the kennel on lockdown.

On lockdown, I repeat mindlessly. The woman nods and says So it doesn’t spread.

You mean so humans don’t get catch whatever it is? 

No, it’s not that, she says, and now I’m going from confused to aggravated. I suggest I just take a little peak at the dogs.

The kennel is on lockdown, she repeats and actually sidles over a step so she’s between me and the kennel door. The woman suggests I come back in the middle of next week.

I state the obvious via this rhetorical question: By what means could my looking at puppies spread anything?

The kennel is on lockdown, she says one more time. 

This piece of business is a very, very bad sign.

The Eureka Humane Society in rural Montana, a red area in an already red state, is demonstrating its total belief in and dedication to, the COVID-19 fraud and everything it represents and will lead to. It’s doing so by perpetrating further health-related utter nonsense. 

What makes this so frightening is that the Eureka Humane Society is not obeying an order with its crackpot kennel lockdown. It has taken crackpottery a step further by incorporating utter nonsense into its operating philosophy. 

That this happened in rural Montana and not, say, East Hampton, New York, where the neo-liberal belief in obeying nonsensical government edicts is a way of life, is what really frightens me.

Orwell, in 1984, had it so right. The main route to total social control, he tells us in 1984, is to get the masses used to obeying nonsense. 

War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.


Another indication of how bad it is is the paucity of even a semblance of truth in the alt media (paucity in the MSM a given), further evidence that most (if not all) the alt media is controlled opposition. If not formally, then in effect.

James Corbett, whom I outed long ago as one of them, is an example of deception via silence. I went back six months in Corbett’s archives and could not find a single podcast or written piece that exposed any of the specific COVID falsehoods. Zip. He did participate in a webinar wherein he agreed that COVID is the number one existential threat to our way of life. So why no details, James? As with pedo-gate and other subjects too deeply revealing, Corbett is under orders to avoid specific COVID truth-spilling. Since many of his subscribers would pick up on outright misinformation, he’s smart enough to just keep his trap shut. (Which he didn’t do re 9/11, which enabled me to busted him on it.)

Looking at those alt media who do go into details, we find at work the concept of layered deceptions. Fox’s Tucker Carlson is a good example here. Although he seems dedicated to outing his fellow MSM’s falsehoods, he does so in a way that leaves unchallenged the underlying COVID false premise.

Tucker’s vociferous opposition to any sort of mandates — forced vaccinations and mask wearing, for example — presupposes that these measures have any effect on the ‘transmission of COVID.’ He in fact ballyhoos how effective the vaccine really is. His position that no one should be forced to undergo a medical procedure is inarguable, of course, but what’s left unspoken is the deadly truth about the vaccine itself. 

This is a current example of one of my favorite layered deceptions, evident in the question ‘Did Lee Harvey Oswald act alone in the assassination of JFK?’, which is itself another version of ‘Have you stopped beating your wife?’

These questions are layered deceptions. 

Carlson is a very public example of the state of ‘opposition’ to the COVID fraud. As I’ve mentioned, another is Senator Rand Paul, probably the most extreme example of COVID controlled opposition. Proof of this is the fact that everything he’s claiming now about the Wuhan lab having leaked the COVID bug is in my blog posts from a year and a half ago. (Ditto a very small number of other bloggers, especially Jon Rappoport, who was way ahead of me in the real depth of deceptions.)

The COVID-leakage story is still another example of a layered deception, since there is no actual COVID virus to leak from a lab. This is why the PTB not only don’t object to Paul’s ‘opposition’, but encourage it, since his position presupposes that there is a virus. And as with Carlson and the rest of them, Paul objects to mandates, but for the wrong root reason: His layered deception here is that the vaccine actually works, rather than the deadly truth of its deadliness. He objects to a mandate for ‘Constitutional’ reasons.

And it’s so easy to agree with him.

You have to understand: The PTB welcome these sorts of ‘conspiracy theories’ since they distract from the real truth. Paul (and others) waited a year and a half to bring up the ‘revelations’ from 18 months ago to give new legs to the fraud. They have to keep dribbling out ‘controversies’. There can be no ‘silence’ wherein folks might actually think.

I keep harping on the matter of Rand Paul’s year and a half of saying nothing about the ‘gain of function’/U of North Carolina/Batwoman/NIH grant money issue but I do so because it is so important. This is from my February, 2020 blog post:

(begin quote) I urge you to put up with (Alex) Jones (the interviewer) and listen to the whole interview, but to sum it up: A 2015 document Boyle unearthed fingers the Level 4 bio-lab (BSL 3) at the University of North Carolina as the U.S. participant in the engineering of the ‘COVID 19’ virus. Names are named, including the Chinese scientist from the Wuhan lab who bought and then transported the pathogen back to China. The deal was sponsored by the NIH (National Institute of Health) and the FDA (Federal Drug Administration), aside from the university bureaucrats. As Professor Boyle says, all involved should be prosecuted under the Bio-terrorism Act of 1989, which, again, Professor Boyle wrote. (end quote)

What possible excuse could Senator Rand Paul, that champion of liberty and all that’s right and good, have for not being aware of the above back in early 2020? I mean given that some old bum wandering around with his dog knew it?

Do you understand the implications of this?

My current question for the Senator is this: When are you going to quote the data on vaccine deaths? (Plus other horrendous ‘adverse reactions,’ like sterility and enlarged hearts.) I mean rather than touting how wonderful the jab is?

As with the ‘gain of function’/U of North Carolina/Batwoman/NIH grant money issue, the information is right there in front of you, Senator, a click or two away.

In fact, I think I’ll post some of this post as a comment in a couple of Paul’s self-righteous videos. (You might do the same.)


Addendum: Anyone who wants to understand the deceptions underlying the COVID fraud need only study Jon Rappoport’s blog, Dr. Tom Cowan’s book and videos, plus Arthur Firstenberg’s The Invisible RainbowIf you haven’t looked into these sources by now, I don’t know why you are reading this. (Assuming you’re not new here.)



  37 comments for “Layered Deception

  1. August 19, 2021 at 5:16 pm

    Hey, folks, I’m working on a post that will include the following link but meanwhile, when you have some time (it’s 34 minutes) take a look and see if this is riveting or annoying or somewhere on the continuum between the two. I may still make changes:

    • Rachel
      August 21, 2021 at 12:35 am

      Link is the same as Todd’s was that intentional? By the way Todd get vid.

  2. Todd
    August 18, 2021 at 4:56 pm

    A great vid recommended by Dr. Tom Cowan this morning about The Emperor Wears No Corona.

  3. Rachel
    August 17, 2021 at 1:37 am

    Bitchute video

    Another very good video, lots of info
    Dr. Zelenko gives some hope to those already jabbed that may have remorse.

    • August 17, 2021 at 7:24 am

      Dr. Zelenko is located right near me in the Hudson Valley….I still can’t believe that NYC Mayor de Blasio just basically banned me from New York City (effective today), and almost no one there fights back. All the NYC media is controlled, so even if a million people took to the streets, they wouldn’t report it. But almost no one is taking to the streets. You won’t be able to eat at a restaurant in New York City–even a McDonald’s–unless you have three shots of poison. Natural immunity is not considered. And the rules are going to apply to kids, as young as they can get them.

    • August 19, 2021 at 5:05 pm

      Thanks, Rachel, but why not supply the link?

  4. August 16, 2021 at 12:57 pm

    Compulsory moral bioenhancement ;
    [ pdf warning ]

    Read this and then tell me they are not experimenting on us.

  5. August 15, 2021 at 8:46 pm

    Tried to share 3 awesome vids , and the spiders have stopped them.

    I think the PTB saw you coming, and quickly set up that brainless wannabe cop woman to wind you up Allan!. (I would have told her to shove her dogs)
    We STILL don’t know even ONE covid victim here….But I am still seeing plenty of strife and unhappiness out there – private business wise (now stock supplies being hit).
    Of course the useless guberment employees paypackets are unaffected by anything, and they actually want more rona holidays.
    I love the photo of Gus barking up the tree! 😀
    Dunno if I like those blurry pics Allan ,Hmmm…..maybe some will….

    • August 15, 2021 at 8:49 pm

      …look up (on bitshute) Hawaii Attorney Michael Green files class action lawsuit….

    • August 19, 2021 at 5:10 pm

      Yes, that no one seems to know anyone deathly ill or dead from COVID is another proof of fraud. Looks like we now know for sure what’s up. Let’s move on to What to do about it?

  6. Rachel
    August 14, 2021 at 11:43 pm

    This is a bitchute video.
    I understood right from the beginning this was a hoax on humanity. That said I had questions in my mind, about all the deaths, because we have to admit people were dying and doctors were saying what they were seeing they couldn’t explain. Well I think this brave Dr. Bryan Ardis explains and answers very well any questions anyone might have.
    Please watch this vid or look up this doctor and share, because it looks like he knew from the very start why people were dying and it wasn’t from any so called virus, but Remdesvir. A drug that Fauci required docs to use. Apparently this drug was never FDA approved because of its uselessness and caused lung problems. There is so much in this video that you have to hear for yourselves.

  7. Cat
    August 14, 2021 at 8:32 pm

    I think Allan, that people have lost the good thought. It’s hard to come away from any human thought as truthful.

    So called educated are easily swayed by fear. The popular thought has bought into hate and envy. It’s blind rage stupifying the masses. Seemingly, most are easily emotionally controlled by the manipulators.

    The speed talking heads are a humming of ego ramping, but no thoughts of help for actions to stop the killings or whatever the cause.

    Love the photo of Gus making me wonder what she’s lookin’ at up in that thar tree.
    The sky with the small beautiful blue corner is a lovely contrast of hope to come.

  8. James
    August 14, 2021 at 5:26 pm

    A really educational film is 5G Apocalypse the extinction event on YouTube, it was made before the virus but explains how the 5G weapon works , my theory is that when it supposedly began In Wuhan the people actually died and collapsed in the street . In Italy the same thing happened and the doctors couldn’t find the cause of death. They had to swab the bodies and send the samples to a lab with am electron microscope Eureka! The lab found blood clotting in the lungs so small you could not see it with the naked eye.
    Then one doctor remembered he had a case where a jet airliner blew up at 40 thousand feet and everyone from the plane fell , the cause of death before they hit the ground was asphyxiation. Anyways I hope you enjoy the video .Stay scared everyone we are all in this together ho ho j

    • Krustysurfer
      August 14, 2021 at 5:43 pm

      EMFR sickness mortality……….. Just more Tesla based technology collateral damage from technology taken from Lucifer(Tesla referred to himself as such) and turned into useful everyday inventions/products the whole modern world runs upon and is addicted to like- AC electricity, induction motors, radar/ microwave data transmitter/receiver devices etc etc
      Clever humans unleashing demonic weaponry as we build our own digital prison for dark entities to cage us… Willingly in the name of progress and profitability…
      “A golden cage is still a cage” aloha

    • August 19, 2021 at 5:08 pm

      I don’t get it. Seems like no one is supplying links!

  9. guitardave
    August 14, 2021 at 4:15 pm

    Thanks, Big Al. Your observations are valuable.
    The latest Orwellian language fuck from the MSM, that to my sick and jaded sense of humor is uproariously funny, is, “Breakthrough Cases”…ROFLMFAO!
    You get the ‘clotshot’/’deathjab’, and afterwards you have a ‘breakthrough case’….hmmm.
    Imagine that!
    How fucking retarded do you have to be to believe that shit?

    For any ‘normie’ that might perchance stumble in here, know this….

    Thanks again, Allen.

    PS: A GREAT song for these times, (written in 1983)… CRANK IT UP!

  10. Todd
    August 14, 2021 at 4:01 pm

    Disturbing trends all around. Reality is being inverted everywhere.

    Regarding Corbett, he IS very quite and I noticed that long ago when this first started, a bad sign and re-affirms he is under orders. If you run a google search against his website using terms link lanka or virus isolation, you will find a few subscribers pointing out the fraud. But he ignores them completely and his paid troll moderator army helps him redirect at every turn.

    For example:

    • August 14, 2021 at 4:26 pm

      Good link/point!

      I’m on the road today and may not be online for a few days. Hope to see some more interesting comments when I come back.

  11. Eric
    August 14, 2021 at 3:40 pm

    Hi Allan,

    It occurs to me that in current times the multi-layered deceptions we are faced with have the character of targeted catch-all mind-fucks, kinda like 54 flavours, each one to suit a particular type of mentality. ‘Maybe some won’t buy this one but the close other will slide right on down’.
    Sort of “Can’t all be wrong now, can they?”
    I’m also put in mind of the blasted landscape of Cormac McCarthy’s ‘The Road’ through which the man seeks to lead his son towards some hoped for sanctuary transferred into the inner planes of our current reality. We (maybe not so) few ‘carrying the fire’ through the devastated mental landscapes of our deliberately engendered global catastrophe. Each turned against the other, intentionally confusing the messaging so as to atomise our shared mental idea of the world (as opposed to HTWRW). A major shaking of the reality box to reform world consciousness.
    Ordo Ab Chao for our time.
    I remain hopeful that in spite of all appearances that we may yet prevail against the evil forces that seek to plunge us all into a new dark age thanks in part to the efforts of such as your good self.
    Stay well and never give up the good fight.

    In friendship,

    Occasional Eric

  12. Jean-François Aubry
    August 14, 2021 at 12:43 pm

    I can feel the crapiness behind Ron Paul speech. Last Wednesday a false event happened in the city of Gatineau. A man is said to have uttered death threats against the Minister of Health. He allegedly promised that he would be remembered on September 1 in a video on FB where he can be seen firing an M16. And displayed with an M16 in a publication where he is in his underwear. All this to obviously provoke a violent reaction in people who feel challenged. By watching the video “MASS PSYCHOSIS – How an Entire Population Becomes MENTALLY ILL” we understand very well that what is happening is to create a collective psychosis which will have the effect of destroying morality. They go from a period of calm, such as the opening of the border (August 8), to strict restrictions planned for September 1 due to the famous Delta variant. These satanists have a very strange pastime. Their laughter is only laughter forced by their pain. I have little hope when I see what is happening in France by watching the monster demonstrations against the health pass totaling more than a million and this during the holidays. To conclude, I really believe I live in a manufactured reality. For example in 2018 I calmly threw 2 pieces of 25 American cents (total 50 cents) in front of the American Embassy in Quebec City. Just before my gesture there was a woman filming me with her cell phone in her car saying “No” while turning her head. About an hour after doing this, in front of the meat stall of my grocery store 2 young blacks in sporty clothes approached me and said “it’s cool what you did” (in French of course) . In my life have several occasions in conversations, even with my mother, the person I am speaking with contradicts himself, but corrects his contradiction but I see that the correction of the contradiction seems to come from another mind, from an internal conversation because the person is in listening mode for his internal discourse and has his eyes in the dark.

  13. Denis Oven
    August 14, 2021 at 1:59 am

    So, Jon Rappoport (probably) isn’t doing limited hangouts, right?

    • August 14, 2021 at 3:20 am

      Right. I was wrong. I’ve said this before.

      • Maggie
        August 14, 2021 at 1:46 pm

        The Veterans Administration is requiring all clinic personnel and staff to get the shots or lose their job. And, no unemployment insurance if they refuse.

        Great update, Allan.

        Just me. Not a troll.

        • Philipski
          August 15, 2021 at 11:47 pm

          I highly doubt that the insurance companies – even for unemployment for VA goons – are updated yet to that point with denying claims/policies. I was in – for a little more than training – that rotten profession for a while. They can’t have taken the time out to update much for this “Covid”. But why do health adminstrations – that’s why the “no unemployment” claim most likely is, an idle threat – threaten their staff so?

        • bill blaise
          August 18, 2021 at 7:21 pm

          Time to fight back and fill the court system up and unmask their lies.

      • Denis Oven
        August 14, 2021 at 7:32 pm

        Thank you. Allan.

        Maybe I’ve missed a post, or two, or, more likely, I’ve remembered the original better than the correction. (It’s an established tendency, which allows me to keep on repeating mistakes!)

        I’ll add that I’m not finding Richard D. Hall particularly limited, in what he hangs out.

        It’s so much easier simply to decide whom to trust, and then soak it all up!

        “Have no respect whatsoever for authority; forget who said it and instead look what he starts with, where he ends up, and ask yourself, ‘Is it reasonable?'” – RP Feynman

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