Logan’s Guest Post

Note: Logan’s health experiences (especially with respiratory issues) is relevant to what’s going on with the ‘Chinese Scare’ (CS) and the issues of health and biology in general.

The following is adapted from an email sent on February 12th

Pasteur vs. Bechamp or Germ vs. Terrain Theory

Hey Allan,

Sorry I haven’t commented on the recent blog series, been going through a real rough spell.  I was up all night coughing and blowing my nose…a miserable experience, but may actually be a positive development.  I saw my Naturopath last week who has been treating me using Rife technology over the last 18 months.  She thinks she’s finally uncovered the primary causative agent that may have triggered the dominoes of Lyme disease, mold illness, bartonella and the rest of the toxic mix I have been battling since 2011.  It is a unique organism called Mycoplasma Fermentans Incognita (MFI).  It had showed up years ago in my lab work but my then MD did not fully understand its roll in my illness.  I’ve since learned that

Drew and I speaking to the media in 2015 after I finished peddling the last 50 mile stretch of the 4.140 mile Trek for Truth (backpacked 1,000 and peddled the rest).

With Drew, speaking to the media in 2015 after I finished peddling the last 50 mile stretch of the 4.140 mile Trek for Truth (backpacked 1,000 and peddled the rest).

virtually all Lyme, Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, and Gulf War Illness patients test positive for FMI.  No surprise as the US Army actually holds a patent on this very specialized micro-organism.  One theory is this sort of hybrid bacteria was developed at the biowarfare lab at Fort Detrick and tested on military members via vaccines (a common drug testing practice for many decades). Mycoplasma are much smaller than typical bacteria and have no cell wall. Certain strains act like a parasite to human cells, invading them and co-opting their systems of energy production.

I had not thought about my website in a long time until you mentioned me in a recent post (thanks for that!).  I just went back and re-read my article on the life of Royal Raymond Rife, including the history of the germ theory vs. the terrain theory of disease.  I had this thought as I pondered the topics you’ve recently highlighted and recalled our conversations about the theory of plasma cosmology:



“Germ Theory is to Terrain Theory as the Big Bang is to the Electric Universe”

IMG_2762 copy

Where we first hooked up, some middle of nowhere in New Mexico.

Virtually everything we’ve come to believe about the nature and causes of disease is filtered through the lens of germ theory (much like our previous perceptions of cosmology were all filtered through the mainstream scientific narratives).  Anyway, I just found a very good article on Pasteur vs. Bechamp (Antione Bechamp championed the Terrain Theory of disease) and the history of these two competing models.  You can also reference the article on my website that tells the story of Royal Rife. Just click on his picture on my home page when it scrolls after the photo of Tesla (www.trekfortruth.org).

Here is the link to the excellent article I just found:


I also found a really good video about MFI infections and symptoms on You Tube.  This lady’s story is very similar to mine, and her conclusion that Lyme is a secondary issue and MFI is the primary insult. This makes perfect sense to me based upon my personal experience and many years of research.  Here is her 18 minute video: https://youtu.be/YNCewyKJ0Ng

As to how I was inoculated with MFI, there are several possibilities.  But the most likely seems to be via vaccines, perhaps those I received in the US Army in the mid 1980’s.  I received the normal set in 1983 when I enlisted (a bunch of them…do not know which I received).  I received another batch in 1984 when I was preparing for a six-month deployment to Honduras while serving in the 101st Airborne Division.  The first wave of so-called “Gulf War Illness” (GWI) emerged in 1991 shortly after the conflict.  According to the excellent documentary called Beyond Treason (2005), more than 250,000 of the 600,000+ troops inoculated and then deployed to the Gulf were later diagnosed with GWI (most did not actually serve in the combat zone).  MFI is a unifying factor among them all.  Below is a very good segment from a lecture by Dr. Garth Nicolson about mycoplasma, vaccines, biowarfare and Gulf War Illness.  Nicolson has been one of the leading Lyme disease and mycoplasma researchers over the last 20+ years.  He discusses the patenting of certain mycoplasma strains by a scientist employed by the US Army.


So last April when I had that dramatic improvement in my chronic pneumonia symptoms, I had a night where my sinuses purged for 7+ hours, much like what I experienced last night (and which continues as I write this).   My Naturopath sees this as a positive sign.  When she ran biofeedback last week, in addition to mycoplasma, anthrax also showed up as a key issue.  All Gulf War era troops were given an experimental anthrax vaccine.  This practice continues to this day. I am now using a set of Rife frequencies which target mycoplasma, anthrax and mold.  Time will tell if I respond, but early indications are promising.

I dunno what was zooming over the rig last night, but it wasn't a conventional aircraft.

I dunno what was zooming over the rig last night, but it wasn’t a conventional aircraft.

As we’ve discussed in the past, Terrain Theory betters explain the virtual explosion of so-called auto-immune and neuro degenerative diseases over the last 50 years. The combination of chemical and pharmaceutical toxicity coupled with the denuded nutritional capacity of the modern food supply (via soil depletion, toxic agents such as glyphosate, and the nutritional bullshit peddled by the FDA and AMA) has slowly dismantled the human immune system. The heart of our immune system is rooted in the health of our GI tract (our GI tract is literally our root system). When one researches the amazing depth and intricacies of the human immune system, the folly of modern toxic medicine becomes self-evident. Most allopathic medical treatments are literally trying to poison the body to recover health (via germ theory).

An average baby born in the US has more than 100 modern industrial chemicals present in their tissues at birth. Add the overwhelming burden of mercury, aluminum, viruses and bacteria found in the insane vaccine schedule, coupled with flooding young bodies with destructive loads of antibiotics and it’s no wonder that more than 50% of US children now have one or more chronic illnesses (asthma, anxiety, diabetes, allergies, autism, GI problems, etc.). Sorry for the long ramble…a number of synchronistic elements came together for me over the last month…many triggered by your research and writing.  I think you’ll find all this info useful.  Feel free to use however you choose.


1,000 miles in on the Appalachian Trail in 2013 on my Journey Thru Lyme trek.

1,000 miles in on the Appalachian Trail in 2013 on my Journey Thru Lyme trek.

P.S. Terrain theory does not eliminate the reality of infectious agents…sometimes called pathogens.  This is another “both/and” vs an “either/or” topic.  There are countless micro-organisms whose innate role in this grand design is to break down and recycle dead and dying biological matter.  These micro-organisms are essential to the greater cycle.  For example, Candida must exist in the human body to handle the daily process of breaking down dead and dying cellular matter.  Without the presence of candida our bodies would become toxic and the greater organism would die (and be recycled by other micro-organisms such as molds and bacteria).  But when Candida become over abundant in an immuno-compromised body,  it threatens the delicate balance maintained by a healthy immune system and begins to destroy/recycle the greater organism.  As our immune systems are systemically dismantled over time by the insults I mentioned previously, these normally benign and often beneficial organisms become pathogenic and destructive.

So it seems clear to me that many, if not most of these newly promoted viruses actually exist and are a real danger.  There is ample evidence that dangerous viruses, bacteria, fungus, etc. exist and cause harm to vulnerable people.  Many are completely natural, and others have been enhanced and altered in biowarfare labs.  The current strain of Corona Virus is likely the latter.  False dichotomies are a hallmark of social control narratives.  The mainstream media always uses this tool.

So I feel what Jon Rappoport is pointing towards has some merit (environmental insults are one key factor to the pandemic).  But he cannot exclude the biological (micro-organic) factors as well.  Hence my “both/and” reference.  There is without question a greater psychological operation (psyop). at work here.  As you and I have discussed, when you look back on the ubiquitous nature of multi-layered lies in the mainstream historical record, it is logical to presume that some level of psyop is at play in the mainstream narrative about Corona virus (as there was in Swine Flu, SARS, Zika, Ebola, etc.).  The mainstream narrative omits the role of toxins, and Rappoport’s narrative omits the actual presence of biological pathogens.  In my judgment both insults are present.  But the greater pandemic has been advanced under our collective noses of the past 50+ years…the systemic and long-term destruction of the human immune system and the promotion of toxic medicine.  How many hundreds of millions have perished over many decades and we are conditioned to believe it’s normal?

Cuz, a good dog (RIP), near Red Rocks, Az.

Cuz, a good dog (RIP), near Red Rocks, Az.

So in answer to your question about the motivations in Rappoport’s scenario, to me it all comes back to having the serfs police each other.  Infectious pandemics cause us to fear each other and then to view authoritarian bodies (governments, WHO, CDC, etc…) as our saviors.  When the fear reaches a certain level we will turn on our own.  We will demand that others are forcefully vaccinated, quarantined, silenced, etc.  Just like the Patriot Act was welcomed by the masses after 9/11 yet had nothing to do with public safety, this pandemic scenario is yet another demonstration of the Hegelian dialectic.  Problem, reaction, solution leads to the masses demanding that more power be placed in the hands of the relatively few parasites at the top of the pyramids of social control.  Anyway, this is the best I can do right now to explain my current interpretation of the events in play.  As always, new information may alter my understanding (one reason I get so much value from your investigations and conclusions).




Note from Allan: Today (Feb 17, 2020), Jon Rappoport’s blog talks about CS testing for Americans. I suggest you all keep an eye on Jon’s blog, for his perspective.

And thanks, Logan!

Click here to go to a glossary of terms and references and suggested links (a work in progress)

  30 comments for “Logan’s Guest Post

  1. Krustysurfer
    February 25, 2020 at 5:58 am

    Meaty Topic and conversation, thanks for going there. aloha Allan

  2. February 23, 2020 at 12:02 am

    I like this Doctor , here he talks about their rotten/corrupt attitude , to people who RIGHTLY don’t trust vaccinations , and the terrible “medical misadventure” that has gone down over history, and more > https://youtu.be/b5xV7-HZ4ng

    I just ordered plenty more Saw Palmetto yesterday, everyone should be alert to this, this is high on the cards as the years roll on otherwise > https://youtu.be/4xyOslkoj_o

  3. Cat
    February 22, 2020 at 11:45 pm

    Logan I appreciate your tenacity…
    In the end, regardless, I do believe the immune
    System has to win. I’ve been communicating
    With Dr. Saul for many years. He and other
    Docs use vitamin C in massive doses for inflammation
    Colds and viruses. Check it out and keep on trek’n !


    • February 23, 2020 at 2:51 am

      Yes vitamin C is probably the top dog vitamin for curing serious diseases.
      It is a miracle that this story hasn’t been pulled down by the PTB, check this story out folks – on deaths door in hospital, family DEMANDS vitamin C for their father, Dad comes back to life, and PROOF it was the vitamin C that worked! https://youtu.be/l772sEfYnRg

    • February 25, 2020 at 11:52 am

      Thanks Cat. I’ve recently been experimenting with High Dose Vitamin C therapy. Linus Pauling’s research on this topic is very compelling.

  4. Nigel
    February 21, 2020 at 10:51 pm

    There’s currently a lot of Chinese communist oppression stuff coming out on social media .

    This could be a propaganda exercise to unite nationalist working class – middle class (also qualifying as a psychological tactic in weaponizing a large group of people for future conflict – war) in western countries and also embolden support for Trump , Boris , anti EU etc …

  5. February 21, 2020 at 6:53 pm

    Thanks for the comments here, and sorry for my silence lately. I’ll try to get out a post within a couple days. I’ve been distracted by personal stuff.

    Everyone please send some positive vibes to Logan. His health isn’t good; he needs whatever support we can give.

  6. James
    February 20, 2020 at 12:18 am

    I am sticking with my original theory that the coronavirus was a devious way of laying a smokescreen to hide the killing of these poor chinese victims of the highly powerful 5g Directed Energy Weapon which is an Electromagnetic Pulse Weapon which is a FACT not conjecture. I have watched 2 more videos on you tube today ie Anthony Steele5g and Steele again under the name otto lund . I think that he is obviously an expert in the 5g + EMP weapons field .
    He is articulate and explains things in detail and with diagrams and isn’t slow like some commentators he is straight to the point. Steele has taken the local council o court and won the first part of the case . He also complained against the Poice as they refused to prosecute the council on the grounds that Steeles complaint was “fanciful” so Steele complained to the judge the Police appealed against the judges decision to order them to investigate further but the judge refused their appeal.
    So you see the Law is the only way to bring these criminal psycopaths to justice.

  7. frank
    February 19, 2020 at 11:55 am

    Anyone heard of panspermia ?
    And the derived idea of “panfluenza”, i.e. viruses “raining down” from space ?
    Like this one: https://www.panspermia.org/panfluenza.htm
    Not sure what to think of that, but worth a consideration.

    • February 19, 2020 at 9:16 pm

      More like raining down in plain sight from the chemtrailers above. They are so obviously spraying us like bugs it’s sickening.

      • frank
        February 20, 2020 at 6:18 am

        In theory.
        Considering the astronomical/meteorological explanation for the winter being flu season, chemtrails fall off. And chemtrails are certainly no explanation for pandemies more then 20 years ago, including the Spanish flu in 1918/19.

        • February 20, 2020 at 8:23 am

          More than in theory. It sounds like you think these chemtrails are all innocent clean ice trails & above board.
          Here is a monster one I filmed myself, back in 2012 > https://youtu.be/b1zCL3ZcATQ
          I reported it to the authorities (Police, Airport, Aviation Authority, Ministry of Agriculture & Fisheries) *they all “passed the buck”* , and they were all as dumb as could possibly be, and knew NOTHING. And about 1-2 weeks later, our shellfish farms down south a wee bit, were hit with a disease.
          Remember how Cliff Carnicom found those hollow fibres containing blood cells?.
          Really we are talking about what is going on TODAY, not 1918/19.

          • Ea
            February 21, 2020 at 11:32 pm

            When you posted that vid, Brett, this song here was already four years old:
            Wonder how many times ol’ Beck has performed it (as here, near Lakewood, Sept, 2018) … and if doing do has raised or anaesthetised consciousness ?

  8. GB
    February 18, 2020 at 6:59 pm

    Great Post Logan. One reason I believe Pasteur was heavily promoted and terrain theory (a development of wellness theory dating back to at least the Ayurvedas) was that the former implies passive acceptance of both the condition and the ‘cure’ (intervention with easily marketable allopathic drugs). In other words “it is not your fault that you are sick, nor is it the fault of the cell phone tower you live under, we have identified it as complexis tomuchforyoutounderstanda – however the good news is if you take these drugs everyday for the rest of your life you may get some relief from your condition!”. Any development of terrain theory (regardless of whether you accept a particular mechanism such as microzymians, disrupted flow of ayurvedic energies etc) places at least part of the ‘blame’ for a given condition on the patient and mandates that they become actively involved in the cure (life style change, improved diet etc etc). When the ‘cure’ is as varied as the number of patients it becomes very difficult to build a multinational company from it.

  9. Bill
    February 18, 2020 at 6:07 pm

    I find it interesting that Republican Tom Cotton (who I am no fan of) has been tweeting conspiracy theories about the virus starting in a bio lab in China.
    Also, Dr Dena Grayson has been all over Twitter writing fear stories about the coming pandemic.
    Plus the curious fact that cruise ships seem to be the way that the virus is being spread internationally.
    In that scenario you have thousands of unsuspecting people in a enclosed area like a ship, traveling each day to a new port of call and potentially infecting thousands more people.
    It’s already impacting the Chinese economy and who knows how bad it will effect the US selling and buying goods from China.
    The Chinese are known to brutally crack down on any dissent, so it seems really odd that a lot of photos, videos and death reports about the Coronavirus are getting out of China to news organizations in the west.
    I have no idea how it all ties in together.

    • Jerry
      February 18, 2020 at 10:59 pm

      All are part of the means of hyping a non-existent ‘contagious disease’ such that it is beyond corroboration, and can be used as a pretext for global financial collapse and/or world war 3 (bio-weapons).

      It matters not that other diseases are a thousand times more lethal.

      As long as the gullible masses are persuaded Covid19 is a clear and present danger to mankind, it is a goer.

      All you have to deduce is that a global pandemic (and its consequences) is more comforting than reality.

      So, what is the reality of our situation eh? As Allan observes, that’s the biggie.

  10. Doug
    February 18, 2020 at 1:58 pm

    Great stuff. Rife technology is the shit. There is a company that created a computer program that is able to replicate Rifes genius inexpensively and as your guest stated is the other side of medical genius.
    I believe Rife discovered certain frequencies would destroy different diseases and created a complete system using the frequency of each ailment and is able to eliminate them. There are actual systems being built but be very wary.

    I have family using a rife machine as they call it. I cannot speak whether I have seen it work as I have not but it’s talked up as incredible capabilities.

    I will repeat here my homeopath’s claim that if the government’s today would simply stop trying to derail homeopathic medicine and spend the same amount of money used to stop it to move it forward we would now be light years beyond our current state of health.

    This is today’s world. People fighting to find a cure to being guinea pigs. Pretty horrible sometimes but it’s all we have.

    Thanks for posting this.

    • February 18, 2020 at 6:50 pm

      I found the story of Dr Rife about 8 years ago, and he was an absolute Genius & light years ahead of his time back in the 1930’s.
      I even found heaps of his note papers, and records online somewhere. And that Rife machine only uses about 50watts of electricity, over only about 3 minutes of treatment time!.
      It uses a magnetic pulse wave, that changes it’s polarity from left to right and back again, flat out – at like 1.7 million times per second I think it was, to kill the average cancer cell.
      The bugs can’t handle this, and “burst” – as shown in the video’s.
      Dr Rife found out different diseases have different thresholds of bursting, so he made the Hertz of polarity adjustable. A perfect way to kill bad germs, without harming body tissues or the good bugs.
      All destroyed as much as possible till this day by Big Pharma & the Money Men.
      And BTW, that microscope he made, to see proof of what he was trying to do, was a MT EVEREST mission in itself….very very difficult requiring much sweat & toil.

  11. February 18, 2020 at 5:13 am

    I’m no fanboy of Jon Rappoport, but it’s incorrect to say that he DENIES a biological aspect to the Corona virus or other diseases. What he is SAYING is that there is no TESTING at all that proves VIRUSES are the cause.

    The PCR TEST might show the FRAGMENT of a virus inside someone’s body. But Jon is saying that there needs to be MILLIONS of these virus fragments in order to conclude that a virus is actually causing DISEASE in the body. PCR tests don’t conclusively show VOLUME, only scant fragments. This info was gleaned by his many interviews with medical scientists.

    ANTIBODY TESTS are now used to scare us into believing that a person is diseased, when it actually should be a reassurance that the body is DOING ITS JOB. Antibodies are supposed to fight diseases after all. Their presence in your body is a GOOD SIGN your immune system is working! The ORWELLIAN POLICE STATES want to scare you into thinking otherwise.

    Jon has reason to be skeptical, because we’ve seen this same scare pattern being run time and again since the “AIDS” epidemic of the late 1980s. He CORRECTLY observes and reports that the MEDICINES promoted to treat these viral illnesses are actually doing the killing, as well as the TOXIC ENVIRONMENTS in which all diseases thrive, which was certainly well demonstrated in the AIDS and EBOLA scenarios.

    So why would any reasonable and aware adult possibly conclude that ALL OF A SUDDEN, the Chinese Scare is the REAL DEAL? CHINA, a BRUTALLY REPRESSIVE Communist government, is all of a sudden playing nice and telling the truth? In the US, the story comes from the SAME SOURCES that brought you 9/11 and every other social farce and calamity we’ve been subjected to all our lives.

    Want to put a stop to it? Want a REAL EDUCATION in how to take your power back from these cretins? Then please read the following link and be RICHLY INFORMED AND EMPOWERED:


    Allan doesn’t think this info is worthwhile, which is why I act as a Gadfly to this blog. Americans will forever be dis-empowered until they understand and implement the info contained in that link. I’ve been happily INCOME TAX FREE for the past 17 years, despite living a wonderfully wealthy life. Looking forward to a Human-Friendly Future not populated by SLAVES. BIG LESSON in How the World Really Works contained in that link. Enjoy!

    • February 18, 2020 at 6:28 am

      Loving this blog, with great minds and information joining. Definitely can’t argue against any of it.
      And a lovely photo of ‘Cuz’ the famous dog & friend (among the other fine photo’s).

      • February 18, 2020 at 6:35 am

        That looks for all the world, like a meteor Mr!

        • February 18, 2020 at 7:47 pm

          Nope, not a meteor: the image is one of three that show the object. With the 15 second exposure time of each, that means the object was in sight of the camera for 45 seconds, way too long for it to be a meteor. Also the object was headed up not down. I get an average of one of these per night. Fairly bright lights that appear and disappear, usually two or three frames. Last night I got three separate tracks. They cannot be conventional aircrafts, which do not light up then kill their lights like this. Also, a steady white light is non-conventional. All white lights on aircrafts that are not landing or taking off are strobes, which these are not.

          I have some thoughts on what this represents. I’ll do a post after some further research.

          • February 18, 2020 at 8:34 pm

            Wow!!…now I see and understand, Nope not a meteor!! :-O
            I am most impressed & grateful for your excellent writings, and film captures.

    • February 18, 2020 at 6:32 am

      I would love a copy of “Crack the tax Code” that applied here (N.Z).
      I have a hard working and large Maori friend, who is very angry indeed, as they steal what they believe is THEIR money, out of his bank account – WITHOUT NEEDING PERMISSION OR PIN NUMBERS.

    • February 18, 2020 at 7:23 pm

      Whaddya mean i don’t think the info is worthwhile? Where did I say anything remotely like that? Just because I don’t buy everything you come up with, doesn’t mean I don’t agree with some of it. I read that link already and agree with what’s said. Sorry if I didn’t jump up and down about it but IT’S OFF SUBJECT to what we’re discussing here. Get it?

      Re the Chinese Scare, you are also off base on that. If you think it’s cool or insightful to disbelieve EVERYTHING you hear from the mainstream, then you’re living in a truther dreamworld. People are getting sick in China and it’s almost certainly via person to person contagion. If you don’t believe that, if you think everything on the news media is completely fraudulent, then why even bother to discuss anything? I assume you don’t ‘believe in’ Madagascar, for example, since (I assume) you’ve never been there.

      Explain what you mean by ‘THE REAL DEAL’ in your comment? Do you or do you not believe people are getting sick and dying in China and elsewhere from a communicable malady? I have never gone beyond that and have either said or linked to info that doubts the veracity of ‘virus’ theory. How about paying attention to what I say before blabbing? My main point lately is to persuade people to prepare for voluntary isolation, to stay healthy. You have a problem with that?

      • February 18, 2020 at 9:29 pm

        I did’t get past your first paragraph and will not bother to do so. I should ban your dumb ass from this forum, not because you disagree with me, but because you are a fucking LIAR (one who should use his CAPS sparingly). You say,

        ‘I wish I had saved all the many emails in which you have blown me off and dismissed the info of Peter Hendrickson over the years.’

        You could prove what I liar I am, right? If only you didn’t lose (or was too stupid to keep) ‘all my many emails’ that back you up. Pitiful.

        The truth is that I never wrote ANY emails dissing your hero. NOT ONE. So go fuck yourself, you nutcase.

        Be advised that I’ll leave this dumb ass comment for a day so anyone who wants to read it can do so. I’ll then delete it as the embarrassment it is. And your further comments will be vetted (and deleted) for more lies. LIES. Get it? No lies on this forum.

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