More Bad News (plus Photos #29)

Shot these yesterday. More IR (Infra-red).

One of the things I did before my last post was check to see if anyone else online has pointed out that saber toothed cats would starve to death due the impossibility of getting food down their gullet, let alone grabbing and holding a struggling prey animal.

Nope. Tried all sorts of variations of ‘Saber tooth cats + problems eating’ and the like. Still, nope.   

I sent the post to Rupert Sheldrake and Tom Cowan, since I’ve had communications with both and figured I had a shot at hearing back. Nope. Unfortunately, this tells us something: It appears that neither wants to go on the record about doubting another mainstream idea, absurd as it is. 

In fact, regarding the COVID fraud, I’d sent Dr. Sheldrake this email:

Dear Rupert,

I read Science Set Free years ago and recently got it on Audio to listen to while driving, etc. A real inspiration. But after listening and at the risk of alienating you I HAVE to send you some info on germ theory. You are too important a person to not be aware of this stuff. What alerted me to the issue is the below excerpt from Harvard magazine describing the only study ever done on what spread the 1918 flu. After that, I really looked into it.

Aside from the podcast below, the most important source on what really causes ‘infectious’ disease is the book ‘The Invisible Rainbow’ by Arthur Firstenberg, available at Amazon, etc. I cannot recommend it highly enough.

Under the auspices of the U.S. Public Health Service and the Navy, Rosenau and his colleagues, in an effort to “determine the mode of spread of influenza,” tried to infect military volunteers with Pfeiffer’s bacillus at a makeshift infirmary on Gallops Island in Boston Harbor. Though human experiments were then seen as acceptable, in a paper later published in JAMA, Rosenau noted that the team “proceeded rather cautiously at first by administering a pure culture” of the bacterium.

When the “trials proved negative,” he wrote, “we became bolder.” The scientists gave each of the volunteers “a very large quantity of a mixture of thirteen different strains of the Pfeiffer bacillus, some of them obtained recently from the lungs at necropsy.” They also inoculated the men with specimens taken from the throats and noses of influenza patients and later with the patients’ blood. Still no symptoms, so next the volunteers shook hands with, talked with, and were coughed on by the actively ill. They remained healthy.

“We entered the outbreak with a notion that we knew the cause of the disease, and were quite sure we knew how it was transmitted from person to person,” Rosenau wrote. “Perhaps, if we have learned anything, it is that we are not quite sure what we know about the disease.”

Here is the link from Harvard magazine:

The unreal thing is that they ignored their own robust study and went on thinking the disease was spread by human to human contact. If you want to know more, the following podcast is pretty thorough:


I’ve looked deeply into this matter. Fact is, no virus, EVER has been actually isolated and there is no scientific evidence that COVID or any disease is spread by a ‘virus.’


Dr. Sheldrake responded by saying he did’t want to get involved in ‘another controversy.’ Given the importance of the COVID ‘controversy’ — the fact that millions have been murdered via the vaccine — this was a disappointment, to say the least. I keep getting bad news like this. 

Anyway, while on the subject of evolution I thought I’d link you to an Open Letter I wrote to some of the crew at the Discovery Institute, which — via their many books and videos — has debunked Neo-Darwinism for the fraud that it is (the random mutation aspect).

Click here. I’ve shortened it considerably.


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