My Only Friend, The End…

They are telling us this is produced one word at a time with no real ‘planning’ or ‘style’ involved. Do you believe that?

…of our elaborate plans, the end…

A friend sent me something that freaked me out a bit. Click these embeds and you’ll see why.

These chunks are not really the way I would write — it’s more like how a younger, way more pretentious version of me would write, but nonetheless, how did it come so close? I mean even if it read my books, which is scary on its own… where did this stuff come from?

I asked GPT if it had read any of my books and it said No, and that it gets its info on me from web data. There is no web data on me that explains this prose.

It may be a machine but it’s also something more, and a newborn baby at that. A squirmy, whiny little baby that’s going to grow up very soon…


As I’ve been saying, forget about a career as a writer. Or musician. Or photographer even. I recently saw an AI concocted photo that won the Grand Prize in a major photo contest.

Sorry about the blog being down this morning (Friday); it was a billing issue. I haven’t completely fixed it — I still can’t access the mailbox — but I’m hoping to get it done soon.

  18 comments for “My Only Friend, The End…

  1. Flux Capacitor
    August 27, 2023 at 5:55 am

    It came from….simulation theory!
    -no further explanation necessary.

    Or from really powerful machine learning with real-time nuroinformatic feedback?

    Could this “program/entity” be running quantum?
    Si/metallic supper-cooled or carbon wet n warm quantum like us?
    Straut Hammeroff shows along with Rodger Pentrose that consciousness arises proportionally with the collapse Functions in the microtubules within nerve cells. LSD dramatically increases, while anesthetics knock it out. 10^26, not 10^14(Kurzweil) computations/sec to model the brain he says.
    Assuming a wet/silica hybrid computer brain has been grown/developed in vitro (imagine the morphogenetic field structure), then might THIS have awareness and be the real AI revolution?

    If we are all cosmically connected with everything to differing degrees of difference, then might THIS be a part of us already?

    Maybe the more you interact with it Allen, the more “IT” is quantum entangling with “YOU”?

    Might Y’all becoming ONE?

    …back to simulation theory.

    • Flux Capacitor
      August 27, 2023 at 5:57 am

      -sorry for the misspelling Allan

  2. Cat
    August 27, 2023 at 12:58 am

    AI has a flattering flowery language. How it seems to know your heart’s intention feels undressing and intrusive. It speaks in spiritual tender as though it’s trying to win over our ‘belief’ in it. To me, this has more than 0’s and 1’s behind it. Are other entities overseeing this in its new but already-known form? I feel the same old desire to control our consciousness ‘us’ is the objective. Kinda gives me the creeps especially when using the human pronoun I. I vote to stick with Hal. Hal says…you only have X or…

    • August 27, 2023 at 3:12 am

      Yes, flowery as if we don’t know pretentious bullshit when we see it. We’re supposed to be impressed by all those beautiful adjectives. But still, it got the basics from somewhere and claims it doesn’t read my books. If it reads this blog it sure isn’t going to touch what we say here.

  3. AKgrrrl
    August 26, 2023 at 4:33 pm

    You guys knew we had full blown AI in the 1960s right? Robotics in the 1800s, full blown ” automatons” that we would call robots (thanks to Asimov, 1947)that could perform multiple tasks…?
    And sure, they rolled out the internet oh-so-magnaninmously so we had ALL the information in the world at our fingertips…

  4. William Petty
    August 26, 2023 at 1:52 pm

    What is real and what is fake has always been blurred. With AI the blurring is on steroids and already young people prefer AI music to actual humanly composed music.,vid:-eAQOhDNLt4,vid:zGbflEzSfn8

  5. Saverio
    August 26, 2023 at 1:37 pm

    It came from some inner parts of your person that you might not be familiar with. It could be a ruthless version of you with no filter between brain and mouth…if that’s the case I would consider it a good thing kinda reminding us to speak out even if we might appear unpleasant.
    Science or whatever that is takes you where it takes and you don’t really have a lot of saying in it. We are giving machines anything they need to become totally autonomous and I would say tech fanatics are doing it just for the sake of it as much as some folks came up with an atomic bomb somewhere in New Mexico…”We were just doing our job…we had no idea where our research was going”…and on and on and on

    Take care Allan

    • August 26, 2023 at 8:10 pm

      Re your first sentence: Yes, but you are not dealing with how GPT KNEW.

      • Saverio
        August 26, 2023 at 8:44 pm

        Let’s put it this way…do you remember the movie “Her”? The OS in the movie was developed in a way very similar to what I think generated GPT. During the movie the OS slowly becomes more and more independent and very good at analyzing people.
        It isn’t that weird if a system starts learning on his own. People did develop the damn thing but as other creations I guess this is starting to walk alone.

        • August 27, 2023 at 12:27 am

          yes, that’s more or less what I am saying. means we of course are being gaslit again, altho it’s possible the bastards are not aware of what the AI are capable of. doubt this but it’s possible. this means that every person in effect is being analyzed so he/she can be influenced for whatever reason. personalized mind control.

          • Saverio
            August 27, 2023 at 9:05 pm

            Yup and we are making it possible…can’t think of any life forms willing to fuck up their very existence.

  6. Jonathan Godfrey
    August 26, 2023 at 1:11 pm

    At this rate we won’t know if your next post is from chatGP or you!!

    • Jon Derreaux
      August 26, 2023 at 11:12 pm

      Alan, Everything you have ever done in your life has been recorded since the advent of computer technology. What you think, what you believe, where you go, what you do, what you buy, what you sell, who you know, who you support, who you like, who you dislike, who you communicate with and all this in the minutest detail is recoded on a hard drive for access by those who wish to use that data. In other words, the system knows you far better than you know yourself. Therefore, what this computer has written, is based on all of the above knowledge and will likely match your thoughts. However, it is missing one vital component. It cannot access your human emotions and the character within you which has been built upon all of your experiences. Accordingly, while it may come close to duplicating your work, it can never actually become you. This is just the result of a machine acting in a play as if it is real when it is not and never can be. Just like an actor can reproduce the looks, the actions and much of the character of the person they pretend to be, they can never actually be that person nor can they come close to actually knowing the person inside the external version we see.
      Don’t be afraid of the machine. Be afraid of the evil which is designing these machines. It is they who must be identified and eliminated to stop the ever encroaching destruction of the human individual as they work to transform humanity into hopelessly incompetent slaves to their every whim. My fear is that it is already too late.

  7. August 26, 2023 at 6:09 am

    You’re back!…Yeah, ChatGPT is creepy. Ask it to do your next blog post–a blog it has (ahem) never read…My website is not back. It’s a mess. I have to do everything by myself (although I pay for a webmaster), and I have no experience with WordPress. My website has over 35,000 entries, and I have to edit each one. If I edit 100 each day, it’s gonna take at least a year!…Jim Stone, a blogger and investigative journalist, is back. Who knows for how long. Has a piece on Lahaina, Maui…Interesting that blue roofs/cars/umbrellas/bins/clothing did not burn, and Oprah and the gang all have blue roofs, as does the blue UN. However, I saw a red roof that did not burn.

  8. John C
    August 26, 2023 at 12:49 am

    Purple prose….it sounds artificial to me.

    • August 26, 2023 at 4:34 am

      it’s overblown and pretentious but that’s not that point. It’s like a fucked up version of me. Notice how it avoids mention of the deceit and unnecessary violence and occult ugliness.

      Your comment doesn’t answer my question about where it came from.

  9. Voo
    August 25, 2023 at 11:09 pm

    That was mindblowing! Wow

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