Tucker’s True Colors

I’ve been saying positive things about Tucker Carlson, pegging him as the most worthwhile of the limited hangouts we’re subjected to via the media/social networks, but his dismal performance in his Trump interview has me shaking my head and wondering what the fuck happened.

I never listen to Trump’s blabbing because nothing important is ever said, and I assumed Tucker would a least bring up the sort of subjects that would keep me awake, but not so. 

Not a word about COVID or the deadly vaccine that Trump championed.  

Not a word about January 6th.

Not a word about the Maui… catastrophe.

Not a word about the RFK Jr. candidacy, his statements that the CIA killed his uncle (and so forth), nor about why Trump, during his presidency, refused to turn loose the JFK documents that by law were supposed to be declassified.

And hey, not a word about the UFO bullshit, how the recent disclosures are still more gaslighting, but no.

And hey, some smart people think that JFK was whacked because he was going to disclose the truth about ‘the alien presence on earth’ (the exact words from E. Howard Hunt’s lawyer, Douglass Caddy, who got that from Hunt personally). And this is why Trump did not release the docs. Me, I dunno, but that’s a different subject for now.

Not a word about AI, notwithstanding that we’re all gonna die from it, or so the pundits say.

Not a word about the war in Ukraine. (Or if there was a word, remind me.)

And so on.


What was said? I actually don’t remember. Something about Epstein, Trump saying he did kill himself and Tucker letting that piece of utter bullshit slide. (He laughed but that’s not enough.)

But those first two, COVID and January 6th, those are the doozies. The hour (or whatever it was) should have covered nothing but these two subjects, plus their many implications.

What a fucking disappointment.

That’s it for today. 


The interview was valuable in the sense that we now know that Carlson is capable of anything. Along the lines of Elon Musk even; that’s how deep he is embedded. At some point he’ll surface again with his true colors. I’ll still watch him, but with a whole other attitude.

Addendum: Just came across this, supposedly from the James Webb telescope. Problem is, the view lets us see a couple of Jupiter’s moons but as usual there are no stars in the background. If we can see the moons (which are not visible to the naked eye) why can we not see stars? This is the same principle as the one I bring up re the Pale Blue Dot photo, also a fraud. (They mention ‘distant galaxies’ that are supposedly visible, which likewise makes no sense if stars are not visible. See, the problem is that juxtaposing the stars accurately is too difficult, always has been, so they keep feeding us this nonsense.) 

It really looks like anything having to do with space is fraudulent. The implications of this are pretty fucking staggering.

  12 comments for “Tucker’s True Colors

  1. Richard Raymond
    September 3, 2023 at 4:11 am
  2. Richard Raymond
    September 3, 2023 at 4:10 am
  3. William Petty
    August 26, 2023 at 3:07 pm

    What happened to my comment? Also, if you all hate Trump so much, fine, but who should we be supporting and what are they going to do? Just asking.

  4. Ellington Duke
    August 26, 2023 at 1:10 am

    I’m glad to see your site’s still up, because, yesterday, when I was clicking on the usual link, I wasn’t directed here. I didn’t watch the BS interview. I’ve already rendered my opinion on Tucker and I’ve seen nothing to cause me to waver. Quite the contrary, actually. The Andrew Tate idiocy just confirmed he’s another team member. Anybody they give any sort of platform to is not to be trusted. There are no white hats with decent exposure.

    As for Trump, or as I prefer to call him, McNugget, I don’t have the words to express my disgust that he’s still “a thing.” I don’t know how anyone with two functioning neurons hasn’t long since dismissed that asinine tub of goo.

    The mug shot, all by itself, should tip people off that we’re being trolled, yet again, that this indictment and trial is an extended psyop. I still think “they” want him back in the WH in 2024 to finish off the U.S. If you thought 2020 was bad with the all the psyops, wait until next year. We’re already in a recession, and we’ll be in a full blown depression no later than 2024 in my view.

    But it doesn’t matter whether it’s McNugget or the present LARP in chief, or some other team player, e.g. RFK Jr. I’m of the opinion that it’s all downhill from here. Whether it’s some collection of blue states or red states, the plan is national disintegration Prepare for secession movements and all sorts of attendant chaos as we near the middle of this awful decade by design.

    But back to”the Trial”. Unless some new development arises, the court date has, surprise, surprise, occult signatures all over it, as so many events seem to lately. I’ll expand on that shortly. 10/23/23, which sums to 11, is an occult favorite, and 23, is as well, and they have it doubled. Halloween is sure to be special this year.

    As for the other events and their occult signatures, Maui, obviously fit the bill, but the Prigozhin psyop, fell right on a MOTB day, which I had marked on my calendar for while. I was actually expecting something connected to the BRICs event in South Africa, but it turned out to be something unexpected as it so often is. I don’t think there was ever a march on Moscow by the Prig, but we were meant to think so, and to think that this was the pretext for what is being characterized by the usual suspects as an assassination.

    So, what would turning Prigozhin into a ghost accomplish? Technically he and Wagner can now operate as a non-state entity with covert sponsorship to carry out the dirty aspects of war, all the while providing plausible deniability for the sponsors. It’s really no different than someone like Osama Bin Laden and Al CIAda.

    • glenn
      August 26, 2023 at 2:01 pm

      good insights, thank you.

  5. August 24, 2023 at 9:34 pm

    Great posts and pictures all the way Allan.
    But Trump (and his bosses) are such control freaks, they would have had all the questions allowed, prescribed in a list already, and the questions we all want answers to – shut down, and not allowed to see the light of day, – right?.
    Yes, they are still doing funny stuff with these telescope pictures and the stars (and more), and why the hell they are doing all this, I honestly don’t know, because we can see the stars awesomely from earth with our own naked eyes!!
    It’s bloody disappointing, because we still find, we can’t trust a single picture or image they show us.

    • August 24, 2023 at 10:11 pm

      ….I have a theory – they are hiding UFO Space Craft “not of this world”, by wiping out the detail with the stars. It has to be that.
      BTW, don’t you just love it, how they never show us the MOON close up.
      I have red a number of cock & bull stories about why they “can’t” zoom onto the moon surface, but of course they don’t stack up, and they are lying bull shitting Bastards all the way.

    • August 24, 2023 at 10:27 pm

      Tucker is friends with Hunter Biden, doesn’t question 9/11, pumps the alien stuff, etc. I didn’t watch the interview, but not to mention all that is pretty pathetic…OT: Today’s Google Doodle is the Indian moon landing yesterday. Google Doodles are usually made weeks in advance. https://www.google.com/doodles/celebrating-the-first-landing-on-the-moons-south-pole

      • August 24, 2023 at 10:35 pm

        They wouldn’t have to bother with the 0.012″ thick (I kid you not!!) foil walled model, in the studio of 69 (back in the ‘old’ days). All CGI today.
        Tucker would go the way of Alex Jones if he talked – yes?

      • lamont cranston
        August 25, 2023 at 8:03 pm

        The ATARI-quality video of the Indian spaceship landing was laughable.

    • August 25, 2023 at 5:41 pm

      Tucker would not or should not agree to bullshit like that. either way he fucked up.

      Sorry for the site being down this morning. I really need some help on hosting if anyone knows anyone.

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