Origin of Life

Something came up yesterday that merits a brief detour from our list-making, although the subject, which is Origin of Life (OOL) is on the list.

Yesterday I watched a debate on Origin of Life (OOL)  and which I’d been looking forward to for some time. It was between Dr. James Tour and ‘Professor Dave Farina,’ two problematical figures, for very different reasons. (The air quotes are merited b/c Farina is not a professor anywhere and is lacking a Ph.D., which might qualify him to be one.

On the surface Farina is a two-bit de Grase Tyson ‘science communicator’, almost certainly an agent of the PTB, a conscious one, i.e., not a useful idiot, who has ‘debunked’ most ‘fringe’ science, like Electric Universe (EU), Dr. Pierre Marie-Robitaille and even came up with a separate, and very nasty harangue on Wal Thornhill (of EU, RIP). Part of Farina’s M.O. is to back any and all mainstream science.

There are very few public (Youtube in this case) figures that I dislike more than Farina, nor are there many figures I like more than Dr. Tour, notwithstanding his wild-eyed devotion ‘to our Lord, Jesus Christ.’ I should quickly add that Dr. Tour never brings up ‘his faith’ in talking about science, unless he is specifically asked. This is important. With a handful of exceptions, I do not take anyone seriously who believe the Old Testament God has had anything to do with any aspect of creation. 

‘…and the tokens of virginity be not found for the damsel:

21 Then they shall bring out the damsel to the door of her father’s house, and the men of her city shall stone her with stones that she die…’

The above is from Deuteronomy 22:19-21 (King James Version). There are scores passages of this moral ilk. (I’m especially fond of the ‘tokens of virginity’ idea, since the only one I can think of is the hymen, which can be ruptured in many ‘innocent’ ways, which innocent ways would result in a girl stoned to death in front of her father, who presumably deserves wicked punishment as well.)

(Sorry Doctor Tour. I couldn’t help myself.)

Addendum: One of you added flat earth to our list — I’m embarrassed I didn’t have it on my original post, given its obvious utility in dividing/distracting us — the only Farina-debunked subject that I approve of, which subject keeps the argument and distractions going.

Some of you may be thinking What does OOL have to do with anything we should worry about, considering our growing list?  

Because it involves a deep truth. Full stop.

The debate was depressing. It was conducted on the level of advanced biochemistry — meaning above my pay grade and likely yours as well — which was not necessary. I’ll prove this by sending you here, to a Tours podcast that’s a favorite of mine.

Had Dr. Tour grilled Farina on this level, he would have wiped the floor with him. Instead, he got technical, which allowed Farina to wave ‘peer reviewed’ papers that Farina claimed answered Tour’s question. Farina refused to do the work himself on the blackboard.

Although Dr. Tour insisted that the papers Farina was waving did not live up to their titles or even their abstracts, Farina stonewalled him, pointing out that the authors of the papers would not lie.

Yes they would.

The same thing happens with papers that claim to have isolated the COVID virus — or any virus, for that matter, since in point of fact no virus (COVID or otherwise) ‘isolation’ has ever been done using a control, which makes them meaningless. Click here to see what I mean. (It’s interesting that Mike Adams, who did the above interview — and to keep on the good side of the PTB — never brings up the above information. I’ve quoted the 1918 Boston study that proves the Spanish Flu was not contagious.)

The situation is basically the same with the ‘evidence’ for expanding space/the Big Bang/black holes/dark matter/and so on.

This is how mainstream science upholds its various specious paradigms, i.e., with gate keepers like Farina.

Click here to view the entire debate. I hope some of you take the time to look into it. It’s difficult to imagine a (scientific) subject of more philosophical if not existential importance. (The ‘creation’ of the universe of course being a possible contender, but since it’s possible if not likely that there was never an actual creation event, I put it at the number two spot: ‘The Big Bang’ is almost certainly another Big Lie, but that’s for another time.)

On the surface Dr. Tour did not do well. He was unable to force Farina to read aloud the papers he was waving around and got frustrated. I don’t blame him, especially given Farina’s continually referring to him as a liar (in total, many dozens of times). Dr. Tour is a kind man and doesn’t name call, even when he is prodded to do so.

View this lecture by Dr. Tour and keep in mind that Farina has already called him a liar hundreds of times (on his insulting videos).

Farina’s job is to defend mainstream science (on Youtube). His method is to be as nasty as possible, using continual streams of ad hominem attacks. He did this with Professor Pierre Marie-Robitaille re the latter’s brilliant work debunking mainstream cosmology. Here is Professor Robitaille’s answer. It’s worth a look. Note the ad hominems from Farina, and that Professor Robitaille never stoops to that level.

Professor Robitaille is not only a brilliant man, but a classy one.

Dr. Pierre-Marie Robitaille joined The Ohio State University in 1989. From 1989-2000 he served as Director of Magnetic Resonance Imaging Research. He would eventually come to lead a $10 Million laboratory. He has published over 80 articles dealing with applied and theoretical aspects of Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Spectroscopy. From 1995-2000, Dr. Robitaille led the design and assembly of the world’s first Ultra High Field human MRI scanner. This scanner operates at a magnetic field of 8 Tesla (160,000 times the earth’s field at sea level). The 8 Tesla MRI doubled the previous record for magnetic field strength. 

He is a great example of how mainstream science ignores anyone who tends to upset the current paradigm. Remember the classic quote from Ronald Reagan’s CIA Director, William Casey.

This is the scumfuck Dave Farina’s job.

Sorry is you guys aren’t interested in this, but I felt compelled to do my best to set the record straight.


Please at least listen to the last few minutes of Professor Robitaille’s video for the best summation of his sun model and what Dave Farina is. (From about 34 minutes in.)

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