Shadows of a Doubt

I’ll tell you, folks, I’m right on the edge of knowing that we’ve been hoodwinked about nuclear weapons. In my last post I put it at over 80% surety of the hoax, but that’s a bit misleading. See, the implications of this one — assuming it is another one — are so staggering that…

When an 'appeal to emotion' goes this far, think 'psy op'.

When an ‘appeal to emotion’ goes this far, think ‘psy op’.

…another way to put it is how I phrased my nuke-hoax belief a few posts ago: ‘I think nuclear weapons are a fraud but I live my life as if they are real,’ something to that effect. Well, that’s bullshit, isn’t it? The ‘snowball’ effects (a.k.a. implications) we’ve been talking about in Comments are a good example of what I mean, why I would say something that dumb ass.

An example is the UFO business someone brought up: an advanced intelligence would not fall for a nuclear hoax, so why would they bother to disarm ballistic missiles, as has been blabbed about (even in the mainstream media)?

Point being that if the nuke hoax is the case, it throws doubts upon the UFO issue, or at least certain aspects of it. I mean, doesn’t it?

nuked wood 1

Could be all that’s left of your own grandma or grandpa, no? Do you buy this?

So I’ve been looking deeper into the issue; I started this morning with the ‘nuclear shadows’ imagery. See, one thing I’ve figured out is that the PTB in their big lies, frequently get too ‘cute’ in their ‘proofs’, especially when the motive is to tug on our heartstrings. Let’s look at some of their ‘nuke shadows‘, given this explanation of causation:

The intense heat of the atomic explosion caused what are called nuclear shadows. The blast changed the colors of surfaces like steps, walls, and pavement because of the UV radiation that was emitted. When things that were soon to be vaporized blocked whatever what was behind them, they didn’t allow this UV color change to happen. And, as a result, outlines of people and objects incinerated in the bombing left haunting shadow imprints behind on such surfaces.

Hiroshima shadow locations are found throughout the city, on everything from banks to temples. The shadows caused by atomic bombs are often the only remnants left of human beings. Those vaporized in the blast left imprints behind so the legacy of Hiroshima cannot be forgotten. Now, take a look at these Hiroshima pictures and see these shadows for yourself.

Addendum: Notice the NLP in the above (in bold)? Get your emotions pumping and you won’t ask questions about veracity. ‘See these shadows for yourself!’ As if the images are the shadows and not… just fucking visual lies.  One thing we should know by now is that seeing is not believing.

nuked wood 2You might want to google ‘atom bomb shadows’, click ‘Images and peruse the gallery. When I did so — and given the above ‘explanation’ — the first thing that came to mind was this question: ‘Since this is no different from an extreme flash of sunlight, shouldn’t everything be ‘shadowed’ in the same manner as these images depict?’

Do you see what I mean? If you’re standing next to a light pole looking at your own shadow, wouldn’t it be weird if the light pole didn’t cast one too? If there’s no light pole shadow, we have a problem, don’t we?

Look at the image of the metal wall with two wheel-handles. Pretty obvious shadow thrown by the one in the foreground, correct? Okay, so where’s the shadow cast by the one on the left? How could one wheel cast a shadow while the other does not?

Same problem with the image to the right. There are many protuberances here but only one is casting a shadow (the thing hanging down in the middle). Don’t we need an explanation?…nuked wood 5

I rummaged around the Net and found where some of these images come from. A military outfit doing a ‘USSBS’, or United States Strategic Bombing Survey. They even made a film we can watch on Youtube. A couple more clicks brought this up:

243.4.4 Records of the Physical Damage Division

Photographs (7,541 images): Used in the report, Effects of Incendiary Bomb Attacks on Japan, 1945-47 (R, 39 images). Atomic bomb damage to Hiroshima and Nagasaki, including injuries to civilians, 1945-47 (H, G, NP, HP; 7,502 images). SEE ALSO 243.8.

Notice that they were documenting the incendiary attacks on Japan as well as the nukings. Pretty hard to separate the two, i.e., what images were from the firebombing as opposed to the nuking. I see no differences between the two.

nuked wood wall

Also, the shadow is supposed to show what the wall looked like BEFORE the blast. Here the opposite is the case (explanation below).

Let’s examine another one. Looks like a wooden wall with a ladder and a person casting shadows, right? Do you have a problem with this one? Are you wondering, as I am, how a person could be vaporized by a blast of heat while the wooden wall is unaffected? Shouldn’t the wall have been incinerated?

In my opinion, this is not just puzzling; it’s flat ridiculous. But maybe that’s just me. I tend to be overly suspicious with imagery from the State.

nuked wood wall3

On the Google page it even says, ‘shadows etched on the walls at Hiroshima,’ which means this is outright deceit.

As I say, sometimes they get a bit too cute, and they assume that we’ll be so emotionally moved in picturing the unfortunate folks in their vaporizations that we’ll not think about the physics behind it. Let alone common sense. Talk about getting too cute, how about this little girl who got vaporized in front of a brink wall.

If you look closely you’ll see she’s skipping rope! Wow, bummer! This one is so over-the-top that I just had to look into it. Guess what? They admit it’s fake! But boy, you got to do some clickin’ to find this out. In fact, it’s only a paranoid nut case conspiracy theorist like me who would even do that, i.e., look into the image to see if it’s what they say it is. Only a nutcase would doubt that the image is real.

And why is ‘Hiroshima Shadows’ emblazoned across the photo? And why then (if it’s fake), when you search for ‘Hiroshima A-bomb shadow images’ do you find the same photo on the page along with ‘real’ ones?

The other thing that comes to mind if you’re a nutcase like myself, is the concept of what a shadow is. If you look at the explanation for the phenomenon of ‘nuclear shadows’ you find this:

The blast changed the colors of surfaces like steps, walls, and pavement because of the UV radiation that was emitted.

nuked wood 7

Also, the wall looks like wood, so how come it didn’t incinerate in the blast? But I’m repeating myself! Sorry!

What this seems to mean is that the area of the shadow is what the surface looked like before the bomb blast changed it. I mean, right? Keeping this in mind, look at the one of the plants (to the left), how their ‘shadow’ is pure white. This must mean that the wall was pure white before the blast. (Also look again at the image above of the ladder and human shadows. See what I mean in the caption?)

Does that wall look like it was white? Plus, I suspect that something as fragile as a slim plant would not stop a nuclear blast long enough to create such a startling effect. A nuclear blast would not be affected at all by a plant the thickness of a pencil.

nuked wood fence

Again, they are saying that the white is what the surface looked like before the blast and the dark effect was caused by the blast. It’s obvious that this cannot be the case, i.e., they are lying to us here.

And this next one, with the white fence posts. As I say, the point of these ‘shadows’ is that they supposedly prevented the blast from affecting the areas of shadow. Right? Right. Do you think the outdoor ground depicted here was ever white? In fact, if you look at the array of ‘Hiroshima A-bomb shadows’ images that comes up in a search, I think you’ll find that the shadow areas are not what those surfaces would naturally look like. See if you agree.

It’s obvious to me that at least some of the ‘nuclear shadow’ photos are frauds. So what does that mean? Given the real physics, at least as I see it, if they had to fake some of them, they are all probably faked. Why? Most likely because the laws of physics do not allow for the formation of ‘nuclear shadows,’ at least not the versions we’re subjected to.

Does this mean nuclear weapons are a hoax? No, not on its own. But at a certain point, when the fraudulent imagery and false ‘explanations’ pile up to mountain-sized (see the links in my last post), you have to start fucking thinking for yourself. 

You have to decide whether you are actually going to follow the evidence. 


Look, I just had a really distressing moment, and it lingers. In the midst of writing this I went to say goodbye to a guy I’d gotten friendly with here at the Rockhound State Park. Really nice guy, a fellow rubber tramp named Bob.

A couple nights ago, Bob borrowed a DVD of my film, Water TimeLoved it. I mean he really loved it. Went on and on about it and even re-borrowed it last night to watch it again. (If you haven’t seen the film this won’t mean much.)

Why don't the rivets cast the same shadow as the bolts (they are not 'nails')?

Why don’t the rivets cast the same shadows as the bolts (they are not ‘nails’)?

Yesterday I sent him a link to my interview with my old Montauk friend, Walter Iooss, the well-known photog. (Again, if you haven’t seen it this won’t mean much.) A few minutes ago I asked Bob what he thought of that one.

I’m not going to go into details here, but what I found out is that Bob is just like the people I interview in Water Time, and is just like my old (ex)friend, Walter. I say he’s like those people in that evidence does not matter.  Turns out Bob believes the official story about basically everything. No matter what I brought up (a few minutes ago), he had some insane crapola that meant… all’s well with the world. 

Then how could he like (love, actually) Water Time?  (How this could be is actually what has me freaked out.)

Here’s how it ended a few minutes ago:

Bob: I’m not going to upset myself by looking into this stuff.

Me: Do you have kids? (Bob is in his 60s)

Bob: Yes, I do.

Me: Then shame on you.

With that, Gus and I walked away. I hope I never see the guy again.

Goddammit. Goddammit. Goddammit. Goddammit.



About an hour later:

apollo 12 schematic

A couple thoughts. First, a actual explosion in this craft would likely have done serious damage, aside from the O2 loss. The other thing is that O2 itself is not explosive. It needs another element that it can help to burn or explode (the tank was in a vacuum). Not sure about this one; someone should check the physics.

I been meaning to tell you. About a week ago I watched a NASA documentary on Apollo 13. (I hope you’ve seen my video/radio interview on that.) I was thinking I’d maybe notice something (I’m good at that) and I did. You might recall that the cause of the ‘explosion’ (and ‘Houston, we have a problem’) was the stirring of an oxygen storage tank; they flipped the switch and boom! In the docu they tell us why they had to stir the tank: ‘We had to stir it because if the oxygen settles in the bottom of the tank, we get a false reading on the gauge.’

What I noticed was this: They were in zero-G so the oxygen could not settle in the bottom of the tank. In zero-G the oxygen would be absolutely, utterly evenly distributed in the tank at all times (except when they were accelerating, which they were not). In zero-G there is no ‘bottom’. Another example of getting too cute with the bullshit. And underestimating (and insulting) our intelligences.

There was no fucking reason to stir the oxygen tank!!! 

The ‘crisis story’ on Apollo 13 was based on a fake premise. By the laws of physics. (Why hasn’t someone else brought this up? Do I have to do fucking everything?)

Addendum: Sorry for that last parenthetical. I’m still upset about Bob.

Postscript: Seriously, folks, the possibility that we’ve been had via a nuke hoax has staggering implications. I’m depending on you all to list the reasons why this can and cannot be the case.

No bald assertions (‘It just can’t be true!’) 

Give me your best factual shot, either way. I’m still far from sure on this but everything I look at tells me there is something very wrong on this subject. (If you are going to chime in seriously, I urge you to read the Nakatani book.)

Six hours later. Out of nowhere something occurred to me. Look at the shadows and ‘un-shadows’ (where the ‘bomb blast’ hit) in these two photos:

nuked wood wall

nuked wood fence

In one, the ‘shadow’ is darkness. In the other, the ‘shadow’ is white. Given the ‘explanation of cause,’ how does this make sense?

  84 comments for “Shadows of a Doubt

  1. November 17, 2019 at 6:38 pm

    Dennis ONeill (no reply box on your comment) , – yes it is totally “glib and simple” , the Banksters fund BOTH SIDES of ALL the skirmishes and wars, – AND the fucking embarrassing projects that are a monster lying hound Fail. Because why admit (I mean I wouldn’t)something isn’t working, when you can keep throwing good money after bad at it??.
    And it’s real easy when it’s someone else’s money!!…ie the stupid tax payer. Mind you, they are printing it endlessly out of thin air, but they still expect the sheeple to stay on the hook as tax paying slaves, paying the INTEREST on that fake money.
    They are also stealing your ENERGY too Dennis.

  2. November 17, 2019 at 4:30 pm

    I’ll repeat this:

    I’m leaning towards the faking of the Japan bombs but they did eventually develop one. This is a 50 – 50 guess right now. Need a lot more research to pin it down, but the ancillary ‘snowball’ implications are really adding up, meaning a total hoax feels unlikely. I’d really like to know. Maybe find a smoking gun one way or the other.

    I appreciate your various comments. I can see this is of interest.

    • November 17, 2019 at 6:15 pm

      You are one of the best detectives on the planet, and you bring detail and observations forward that 99.99% won’t, or can’t. Good on you for your great blog Allan. And It definitely rings true with me every time you point where to look!.
      Keep up with the eye opening stuff!.

      • November 18, 2019 at 6:52 pm

        I’m going to suggest in my next post that you all contribute to the research in a more organized way…

    • X
      November 17, 2019 at 7:38 pm

      Once you discover the reason for the deceptions, you can readily determine their extent.

      • November 18, 2019 at 6:53 pm

        It’s more like you can determine it IS a deception but the extent is another matter. Like the nuke issue, it’s pretty obvious that the Japan bombings were faked, but we don’t know if they did develop the bomb later on.

  3. Philip
    November 17, 2019 at 4:20 pm

    If this has been noted already and I missed it forgive me. The Hiroshima bomb exploded at 1900 feet we are told. My geometry is not the best but doesn’t that mean most of the shadows would be mostly straight down and not sideways??

    • November 17, 2019 at 4:27 pm

      Mostly, yes, but something or someone a couple miles from ground zero would cast a bit of a shadow, i think.

    • November 17, 2019 at 6:18 pm

      Yeah, when I study them, many or most of them are all stuffed up for shadow inclination, – even if the bomb was miles away.

  4. James
    November 17, 2019 at 3:41 pm

    My take on this is that obviously the shadow images are fake propaganda but hey thats the game they always play to claim the tax dollars to fund their existence. Has anybody done research to find out if the personnel they sent in to these sites developed cancers and how
    many people died from ionised radiation burns ?
    Also being that another japanese city was almost completely destroyed by 223 superfortresses dropping incendiaries and then the wind finished it off .
    Wouldn’t the threat of firebombing alone be enough to scare the hell out of the worlds population?
    The reality is that the Japanese were on their knees and were trying to surrender but the evil planners in The Evil Empire wanted to see what the nukes could do.
    Recently there has been evidence that Israel Dropped a mini neutron bomb on a nuclear facility in Yemen ,also reports suggesting that that nice Mr Trump ordered the dropping of the famous MOAB on a taliban base in Afghanistan highly unlikely as TNT alone no matter how much can penetrate large footage of rock, most analysts have agreed on the more likely mini neutron bomb theory, hey but its hard to prove any of this shit j

    • November 17, 2019 at 4:29 pm

      I’m leaning towards the faking of the Japan bombs but they did eventually develop one. This is a 50 – 50 guess right now. Need a lot more research to pin it down, but the ancillary ‘snowball’ implications are really adding up, meaning a total hoax feels unlikely. I’d really like to know. Maybe find a smoking gun one way or the other.

      I appreciate your various comments. I can see this is of interest.

      • James
        November 17, 2019 at 8:28 pm

        Hi Allan I’m sorry to go off topic here but I’ve found something so diabolical that I had to warn you guys about this
        Please go on YouTube and put the name ANTHONY STEELE in capital letters scroll down and find 5g weaponry in Streetlights or something like it, they have got these LED streetlights that are actually damaging our eyes and bodies please look it up and warn all your people regards James

    • November 18, 2019 at 6:56 pm

      See, that’s the problem with this issue: All these implications. If the bomb is a total hoax, what’s up with all the crapola like the idea of neutron bombs, etc. etc. and so on. If this IS a psy op, it’s most complex continuing fraud since… I dunno, Christianity?

  5. Cat
    November 17, 2019 at 5:35 am

    UFO’s are not yet completely in our reality
    but are real and they know about us.
    We ‘all’ don’t ‘know’ about them.

    This is really a cool blog Allan as you search for the truth
    instead of feeling frustrated having to
    Eat what is spoon fed to us. It eases the depression and keeps
    Us/me from dealing with the zombies.
    Not being superficial becomes uncomfortable when
    spending placated time with those affected peeps.

    I understand. It’s scary out there in the dark, but I don’t
    Like being duped.

    I’ve been to the Arizona Memorial and the Hiroshima Memorial.
    Lots of Japanese in both places. Both places have many horrible pictures
    etc. and both feel like you’re attending a funeral.

    I once took a drive through the deserted Nevada desert on my way
    to Lake Tahoe and saw hundreds of mounds
    for miles and miles that were underground (movable) ICBM sites.
    That totally freaked me out knowing what they were,
    or were they?
    I hope they’re not real, but, I’d like to know.

  6. November 16, 2019 at 10:55 pm

    PSYOPS- CONTROL OPERATIONS- FEAR INDUCING MECHANISM’S creating many a negative emotion- anger, doubt, anxiety, frustration, hopelessness destruction of faith and eventually apathy from overload from the seemingly endless rabbit holes to dive into Alice……….
    What to do with the doubt that is created?- causing a mild insanity from the uncertainty that nothing is believable, nothing is real, that its all artificial construct on top of artificial construct- matrix like!

  7. Terence
    November 16, 2019 at 9:52 pm

    This post and the last are really good. The Galen Winsor link was new to me and it just throws up an awful lot in the air. I was about to say that I reckon maybe they hadn’t cracked the nuclear problem during the war but probably did after, but I see Allan you have suggested the same in a reply to a comment above. I guess this way it keeps things intact a little otherwise we are trying to deal with frauds and hoaxes within other hoaxes. For example if nuke weapons never work and don’t work, then why would say Pakistan and India claim to have them since they are competing with each other and not necessarily threatening the rest of the world. So it would be sort of pointless for them to go along with the hoax, unless of course they were real. In many ways it would make sense they eventually got them working after the war because in the development of any tech it always takes a long time to get things working right and reliably.

    A small question is how were the shadows faked on the ground and I would imagine some kind of team was maybe sent it and did it. It would be interesting to know what was the actual mechanism. Or could some sort of nuke device have been dropped that say was kind of a dud but still managed to release enough energy to create a flash but perhaps the bulk of the destruction was days or hours before by conventional means. But then again the “official” record says it was untouched up to that point. But how do we know that? So if there was circa 108 tonnes of explosive around the dud, it would still do quite a bit of damage locally. If the shadows are fake then they must have decided these would happen or else maybe no-one thought of it, but the dud managed to create one or two shadows very near the centre, then they figure hey this is great and created a bunch of others to make it more dramatic.

    The faking of the bomb tests may have started out to obviously scare everyone else (i.e. Russians) and it was vital to try and convince them they had a working bomb. I read something a while back which said prior to the Soviet Union exploding their own bomb there was widespread public discourse that the US should just nuke them and beat them now while they had the lead. But what if there was no lead because if they had the bomb by then surely they would have attacked them? I would assume the Russian’s would have figured out they were faking them, but that is unlikely to prevent them from trying to create one themselves. So if both sides managed to finally create a working bomb in the late 40s early 50s but neither had accurate 100% certain intelligence of the certainty and the US was never sufficiently sure whether it was safe to attack.

    And if nuke bombs were never successfully developed then it surely implies that the games between US, UK, France, Israel, USSR/Russia, China and North Korea who all apparently have it are just one big global game show. So what then is the point. Taking this line of reasoning. Lets go back to say 1900. Would we accept all those countries were independent before the “modern era” and US world power or were they not largely independent competing countries. At what point would they suddenly switch to all being puppets of a behind the scenes global master? Logically it makes more sense they they didn’t.

    We are still left with the danger or lack of, of radioactivity -aka Galen Winsor and what this means for energy production. It does suggest the fossil fuel faction are winning over the centralized nuclear power lobby because in the 1970s there was lots of talk that there would be soon 100s of nuclear reactors. Galen seem to suggest they were saving the uranium for the future -perhaps when cheap easy extractable oil has run out, but that suggests great foresight and planning. The idea that the fossil fuel faction decided to sabotage it through the “safety” makes more sense.

    • November 16, 2019 at 10:47 pm

      Yeah, the India/Pakistan issue is another complexity that — as you say — makes the total fraud theory unlikely. Ditto the rest of the ‘nuclear club.’ It presupposes the sort of grand conspiracy that actually IS too weird to work — as opposed to compartmentalized pranks like 9/11, Apollo, etc, which CAN work and did work, mostly because of people too dense and stupid to care about the truth.

      Re the shadows, christ, they can be faked via the photos; you don’t need to actually create them on the ground.

      • Terence
        November 16, 2019 at 11:49 pm

        I was under the impression that some of the shadows were still intact in Hiroshima at some kind of site near ground zero. A quick check in Wikipedia which I agree is not reliable seems to indicate they tried to preserve at least one at some stage. But one has to wonder since it was probably well after the event and they would be under orders from the US. So can’t really be trusted. Also it seems now the rest of the shadows consist of photographs in a museum there. And yes of course the photos would be easily faked.

        Wiki link is:

  8. November 16, 2019 at 8:08 pm

    ….Sorry, this blog format has a fault where we can’t EDIT (to add) ….AND it’s hard to find the latest comments.
    I just want to add, ALL military or govt reported UFO’s are tainted to “be afraid” psyops jobs.

  9. November 16, 2019 at 8:05 pm

    Allan, thanks for yet another awesome “thinking outside the square” post!!.
    Yes, I totally agree with your sharp observations on the nuke “shadows”, and many, if not all (probably all) are fake con-jobs to keep us – the people, in FEAR and of THREAT.
    Hey, with the 2 wheel handles “shadow”, the angle of the dangle is wrong, and there is no way! that shadow image would be projected at THAT angle on the wall.
    Very sorry to hear new friend has turned out to be yet another person lying to themselves, and unmotivated to call BS on the matrix of lies out there.

    But Wake Up people, UFO’s are REAL, and have been seen (also by friends and I) and photographed and reported by the million, with many cases leaving marks on the ground
    where they were. Were they really disarming bombs?, I don’t know. But they wouldn’t necessarily disarm only nuke type bombs (if they could be bothered) – right?. I mean those fire bombs, and phosphorus shrapnel bombs are nasty pieces of work too.

    Thanks once again Allan for your damn interesting posts!.

    • November 18, 2019 at 6:59 pm

      I agree re UFOs. No way they could be a total psy op, although aspects of it no doubt are. it’s very very complex. I mean I really like Richard Dolan (for ex) but am 90% sure he’s dirty. So how much do we believe? With him, a lot. But not all.

  10. Dennis ONeill
    November 16, 2019 at 7:45 pm

    It seems a bit of a stretch to connect the nuclear hoax and the alien hoax, as some have done on this comment section, but why not then wrap in the Apollo hoax as well, and deliver a plausible reason for these three seemingly or allegedly connected hoaxes?

    I am convinced that the Apollo missions had aspects of a hoax, as elaborate as it would have been to hoax lunar orbit and then multiple lunar landings, including killing astronauts on the launch pad, although I’ve never read a convincing reason why the purported hoax was developed and carried out, and it would be more convincing if just one, or even more, credible whistleblowers came forward with some actual evidence it was all hoaxed. So far that hasn’t happened. I wonder if the astronauts who died on the launch pad were part of the hoax and were really replaced by chimps, or test crash dummies.

    The Apollo hoax would also require that some of the astronauts lied about seeing UFO’s on the way there, and on the surface of the moon. What would be their motives for lying given that people who believe in UFO’s have historically been made out to be looney? Why have only one or two made these claims?

    Maybe all the WWII American fighter pilots and pilots from other countries who numerously reported so called foo fighters (maybe the band of that name is in on the hoax and convinced Tom Delonge to partner with the deep state in To The Stars) which made their electronics go hay wire were all an elaborate hoax, but why would all those pilots lie? We’re they all paid on the side?

    Are the numerous foreign declassified documents from the U.K., Canada, and elsewhere, and from the U.S. hoaxes that indicate in a universe with more than gazillions of stars (which make it probabilisticly nearly certain there is other advanced intelligent life in our universe) there has frequently been non human craft filmed, seen on radar, and seen by tens of thousands of people worldwide operating in manners that defy conventional physics and biology?

    Are the declassified nuclear docs hoaxes too?

    We’re the foo fighters and all the other crafts just Nazi spacecraft developed using Tesla’s work and the Third Reich’s Bell just really one big hoax being run out of Antarctica? Maybe Joseph Ferrell’s impeccably footnoted, often with primary sources, hypothesis are just disinformation as the folks at American Intelligence Media, who I otherwise respect, claim. Of course one would wonder why the Nazis didn’t weaponize their foo fighters.

    I can be convinced that the Manhattan Project was a hoax, except I’m waiting for reports from Japanese victims who survived the atomic bomb hoax to state that what they witnessed and survived was a conventional blitz krieg type bombing, and someone needs to explain Michael Lee Hill’s hundreds of hours of footage and his story, including his rare blood anomaly, and other even more fantastic elements of it before I’ll believe UFO ‘s are a hoax.

    The numerous photos of London, Dresden and other large cities of the scale of Hiroshima and Nagasaki that were relentlessly bombed at length look nothing like the photos from Japanese ground zeros.

    I’m rather certain from the university physics I studied as an engineering undergraduate that enriched nuclear material can be weaponized.

    On the other hand, I am fairly convinced that the Zionist terrorist state of Israel was, with the Bush regime, and our client state, Saudi Arabia, entirely responsible for 9/11 and that Bin Laden and Afghanistan and Iraq has not one thing to do with it so it would not surprise me that nuclear weapons and UFO’s are hoaxes, but elaborate alleged hoaxes like Apollo missions, nuclear weaponry and UFO’s require convincing rationales. So far those are lacking on my opinion.

    • Gary
      November 16, 2019 at 9:09 pm

      Well said;. Butt …the last paragraph? WTF? Lol

    • November 16, 2019 at 10:56 pm

      I take issue with your:

      The numerous photos of London, Dresden and other large cities of the scale of Hiroshima and Nagasaki that were relentlessly bombed at length look nothing like the photos from Japanese ground zeros.

      This is just not true, at all. No crater and no bald spots in Japan. Plus look at this:

      I don’t know what more to say about Apollo. You can’t have looked into it to buy that one. Re the astronauts claiming they saw UFOs, well fuck, OF COURSE they would say that, to muddy the waters and misdirect UFO types into believing they went to the moon. This is psy opery 101.

      Look at that state op, Richard Hoagland. Do you believe a word that prick says?

      Other than the above, you make some good points.

      • November 16, 2019 at 11:27 pm

        Large TNT Phosphorus and particulate air burst would have left little radiation………. yeah I scratch my head at the devastation and quick rebuild within Radioactive half lives…. The official narrative has moth holes in it.

      • Dennis ONeill
        November 17, 2019 at 12:20 am

        The bombs dropped above Hiroshima and Nagasaki were allegedly small nukes and were dropped way above ground and leveled everything for a large radius except for some small number of stone buildings directly below the bomb; and hence no crater which is not some unique signature of a nuclear explosion anyway as conventional explosives in large magnitude exploded under ground or at ground would like a like a bike create a blast crater. Post some photos of London or Dresden which were bombed into the stone age that look like Hiroshima. I’ve never seen one. Not one pilot of a mass conventional bombing of Hiroshima or Nagasaki or any of the many hundreds of support personnel needed for such conventional bombing campaigns ever spilled the beans. I don’t believe it.

        I don’t know about the veracity of Hoagland, but I trust Michael Lee Hill and Wes Penre.

        Until someone, just one person, posits a rationale for hoaxing Apollo missions, or just one credible whistleblower steps forward, or one person posits a rationale for hoaxing nukes and just one Japanese person retracts their account of what they experienced or one of their surviving children say their now dead parents always said they were subjected to conventional bombing for days, I am skeptical; and on the nuke hoax almost as skeptical as I am about flat earth or concave earth. On Apollo I reserve judgement until I do more research and read a decent refutation by an academic physicist or aerospace engineer. On UFO’s the amount of good evidence is copious and excellent academics like U of Connecticut psychologist Kenneth Ring and many others have done incredible research published in peer reviewed journals on UFO’s although I hold out for some weird mass delusion of consciousness given the research of the Princeton Engineering Anomolies Research lab. Rationale for such large scale hoaxes is always lacking unlike for Gulf of Tonkin, 9/11 and other smaller hoaxes.

        • November 17, 2019 at 8:00 am

          The bottom line is, it’s all about power & control of the tax paying sheeple.
          All wars are Bankers Wars, and they do anything and everything , to perpetuate the robbing of the working people slaves. All done with their rotten & ballooning , world-wide Ponzi-Scheme monetary scam, useless controlled & dead media, and their brain washing school system.

          • Dennis ONeill
            November 17, 2019 at 3:21 pm

            Too glib and simple but not parsimonious and not one iota of that addresses the rationale for hoaxing Apollo, nukes and UFO’s.

            I get the perpetual war mentality that Gen. Smedley Butler exposed and its role in the real history of the Bolshevik Revolution, the engineered Great Depression, how the Russian Revolution then morphed into Zionism as a terrorist, racial superiority, sociopathic ideology, and WWI, followed by WWII, both of which were fomented by powerful people in the UK, and then creation of the terrorist state of Israel as a divide and conquer wedge used to appropriate Middle East oil and gas, followed by the Korean War, the Viet Nam War, the never ending war on hoaxed Islamic terrorism, most often hoaxed by Israel, the US and the UK, all 3 of which are fascist, terrorist states. The real history and rationales behind those events are readily available. But nobody has offered any rationale for hoaxing Apollo, nukes and UFO’s and none of the evidence for these as hoaxes is remotely conclusive although Apollo has enough holes in it to lead one to ask more questions, a primary one being, why hoax it?

        • ea
          November 17, 2019 at 8:04 am

          “Until someone, just one person, posits a rationale for hoaxing Apollo missions” — and if such a person exists, and has posited one, you would know about it immediately, right? Because you’re looking so hard. Your antennae are attuned to this problem. They ache from oscillating.

          This is the ugly Chomsky dodge: “when i see some credible evidence ..”

          • November 17, 2019 at 3:18 pm

            Well put. The ‘Chomsky dodge.’ Yes.

          • Dennis ONeill
            November 17, 2019 at 3:26 pm

            Nice but ad hominem attacks are not an argument. Often they appear a signature of defensive conspiracy kooks who can’t pony up when questioned about their dogma. Your reply is akin to telling someone who questions the Assumption of Mary or the Virgin birth that they’re ignorant for not seeing the figments of imagination and that they’re going to he’ll for not seeing them. Okay, you win, you convinced me. Good job.

    • November 16, 2019 at 11:31 pm


    • November 18, 2019 at 7:02 pm

      Some good points here, Dennis, but quite a bit is iffy:

      ‘elaborate alleged hoaxes like Apollo missions, nuclear weaponry and UFO’s require convincing rationales. So far those are lacking on my opinion.’

      What? Haven’t you been paying attention?

  11. Kirby
    November 16, 2019 at 7:29 pm

    Different materials react to UV light in different ways. For example, brick may turn dark while wood or marble may turn light. The bigger question would be, why would a nearly defeated Japanese hire artists to simulate blast shadows after a massive carpet bomb? Too shorten the war effort? To fully investigate, one would have to research the Christmas Island test blasts.

    • November 16, 2019 at 7:41 pm

      Yes, a lot of research to be done, by those who give a shit about the future of the human species. Know what I mean?

      And btw, I doubt that ‘Japanese artists’ faked the shadows. Probably more likely done in the photo process.

      • Gary
        November 16, 2019 at 9:16 pm

        Gawed! You are Awesome!
        Just discovered you today.
        Remarkable works!

        I’m there as well.

        You will very much appreciate the facts of Anders Bjorkman.
        He literally proves Nuclear bombs are a hoax.

        The Heiwa company

        As are you

        • November 17, 2019 at 3:19 pm

          I’m afraid Anders doesn’t prove much. He’s mostly bald assertions. But thanks. Glad to have you here.

    • November 16, 2019 at 8:14 pm

      Hello, – like Allan mentioned, how did the wooden wall not burn away??…it would be gone mate!

  12. Rex in St Louis
    November 16, 2019 at 3:46 pm

    Art explains it. What about perspective, it would be interesting to see if all those shadows line up with line of sight from the detonation epicenter or they just found some good walls to paint on regardless of direction. My understanding is the “A bomb” exploded at altitude, so those vaporizing death rays would have come down from above, that little girl jumping rope must have had a trampoline too.
    Maybe the difference in black or white background only boils down to two different artists with opposite techniques.
    Or maybe it is the difference in bombs, the two bombs being of two fundamentally different designs. Big Boy left a black background from it’s vaporized victims and Little Boy left a white background. Only Big Boy was ever tested before use, unless Little Boy was the stolen NAZI bomb as used on the eastern front, as Dr. Farrell claims. I’m sure the U.S. army would just drop their latest untested techno-marvel into the enemies hands before making sure it would work. Art is the root word of artificial.

    • November 16, 2019 at 4:32 pm

      Great point. If the untested Little Boy had been a dud, the japanese would have had it to examine. There is so much rotten crapola in this issue….

      • November 17, 2019 at 10:11 am

        You haven’t lost me, Allan, but I’m trying to assimilate the type of research into these things with the sort of data I accumulate.

        There’s piles of it, isn’t there?

        My old USAF supervisor travels the country for a few months a year and just came by. He’s actually photographing homeless and transient people for a photo essay sort of thing.

        I suggested that was ironic, because, in a way, he is one of the transients; he just travels in STYLE and has his own little battery pack and solar array in his truck.

        The observation regarding the shadows is interesting. My father was a POW at a camp in Japan which is really not that far from Hiroshima or Nagasaki. Zentsuji POW camp… all three locations are in the southern third of the Island nation. So, Dad always thought it odd they didn’t HEAR the explosion or, if they did, it didn’t sound much different than the others. And, the guard at the camp who was crying the morning after Nagasaki said to them that their country had discovered a new kind of weapon that had killed more than 100,000 people at once.

        But, they didn’t notice anything really big.

        I don’t know if you can see this map, but if so… the dot is Zentsuji, only a couple hundred miles from both bombs.

        Interesting stuff, Allan… feel free to email me if you don’t want to post this.

        • November 18, 2019 at 7:05 pm

          Great comment, Maggie. Love the stuff about your dad. Is he still around and can you ask him what he thinks? Maybe send him these posts and get his reaction?

    • November 16, 2019 at 7:45 pm

      The most suspicious aspect of the Japan bombing was that they used a totally untested weapon for Hiroshima. Look into the details and it makes no sense if the official story is taken at face value.

      What does occur to me is that they didn’t have time to get the bomb working before the end of the war but did crack the problems afterwards. This would keep nuke weapons as we know them, even tho the Japan bombings were faked.

  13. Fleetfoote
    November 16, 2019 at 3:25 pm

    You just got to believe in something better than believing in nothing.
    I believe everything I can, and would believe everything if I could.
    But when you just accept someones else believes you let them do all the thinking.

  14. Davido
    November 16, 2019 at 3:21 pm

    Nothing wrong with questioning -everything.

  15. Mary Louise Phelan
    November 16, 2019 at 2:03 pm

    Let me see….Bob is living a contented good life with kids I assume he is in touch with and loves. He sees an old friend who has now had fights with publishers such that he could not negotiate such that a perfectly wonderful book he wrote was not greenlighted rather he was black listed for being a pain . When Bob sees his old friend , once again the old friend ranted about a subject Bob is not interested in yet the old friend INSISTED that Bob HAS to PAY ATTENTION to everything the old friend has to say about said subject. Old friend walks away from Bob to his truck and eccentric existence to worry about money again. Am I missing something?

    • Davido
      November 16, 2019 at 3:20 pm

      Mary Louise, Seems you are seeing pretty clearly.

      • November 16, 2019 at 8:18 pm

        Really, Davido? That’s how you see it? Not one word she wrote makes sense and this is your reaction? If so, what are you doing here? I need a sensible answer or you are out of here.

      • November 17, 2019 at 3:21 pm

        Davidio. What are you doing here? I won’t ask again.

    • November 16, 2019 at 4:38 pm

      What the fuck are you talking about? You have any idea how fucking stupid you sound?

      (For one thing, I just met him a couple days ago. This is completely obvious from the post but you did not grasp this important point. Again, how stupid are you, really, Mary Louise?

      Are you missing something? The main thing you are missing is why you spend your time reading and responding here, given your inability to process information.

    • November 16, 2019 at 8:18 pm

      Holy Moly you didn’t read Allans story! …. and why the fuck bring up “fights with publishers” for Gods Sake? …. you never had any trouble and all smooth sailing? – BS.

  16. Daniel
    November 16, 2019 at 1:50 pm

    Fakes images aside , what’s in all the missle silos and why are there radio active sites and what causes the mushroom clouds ? E=mc2 ? is that even true ? Why is uranium being mined ?
    Damn it you opened another huge can of squirming worms lol. Early winter here on eastern long island . Hope you’re getting proper nutrition.
    Best regards !

    • November 16, 2019 at 4:39 pm

      You’re not understanding the difference between nuclear power and an EXPLOSIVE nuclear chain reaction.

    • November 16, 2019 at 11:20 pm

      my friends on the Havasupai reservation have radioactive uranium contamination from mining sites that I have been just a few miles from while visiting…… it is a very elaborate lie involving many tribes/peoples all over the globe if what you are alluding to is true… what would Occam’s Razor say ?

  17. Jean-François Aubry
    November 16, 2019 at 1:44 pm

    Personnaly i think the nuclear war threat is exaggerated. A nuclear winter a thing wich cannot happen. The fact Hiroshima and Nagazaki rebuilt start in 1949 and people living there dont seem to have any crazy percentage of health condition resulting of radiation exposure show us long term poisoning dont exist. But the nuclear weapons are real just check the Tsar bomba footage its clear its not CGI or check this compiltation and its clear its not CGI or any “special” effect (opposiste of ISS or Russian an American first space walk wich both are poorly made piece of stop motion production ) …but i aggree those shadow effect seem to be fake for sure…BTW on a other subject im alone to question Greta Thunberg parents, where the f.. they are (her mom is a Swedish opera singer and participated to Eurovision Song Contest 2009) ? This Greta dont go to school and its like she can go everywhere at anytime (not in airplane of course) and its all good. We just see her trying to make us guilty to live, breath. Those freemason are creepy.

  18. ea
    November 16, 2019 at 7:20 am

    Atomic shadows are like Pompeii figurines, quotidian flies in amber. The latter may or may not have been ‘real’ — but they are surely the model. The idea is that ‘it can all end in an instant’ — any instant — right this instant!
    Like that old (1964?) election TV spot, the girl counting daisy petals: we simply can’t let Johnson win, or (Johnson says) we just can’t let Goldwater: it’s that serious. Edge of yr seat stuff. What a ride it’s been.

  19. Todd
    November 16, 2019 at 3:34 am

    Hey Allan, I was going to comment about the light vs dark shadows, but you beat me to it! I don’t see how that can be physically possible.

  20. Andrew Llewellyn
    November 16, 2019 at 12:15 am

    The UFO stuff as always been a hoax, although i did fall for it once, i used to listen to coast to coast AM radio and remember the guy called in saying he had just escaped from area 51 all out of breath saying he was being chased and they were going to Do him, that turned out to be a hoax!
    Most of the stuff about UFO’s, aliens is all strait from the military, which means it is pre approved propaganda and there are loads of fakes(Andrew Johnson)(the bases project) tis endless line of fuck all.

    As for space, when high above the land over the indian ocean(airplane) in the dead of night 2am i could not see stars nor could i see any curve, shape of the earth i can not prove either way, but back to space or maybe not, apollo fake, space x even more fake(rockets landing backwards) did you hear that? it was me falling from my chair pissing myself with laughter!

    Please keep writing as it’s a breath of fresh air against the MSN stench that flows everywhere else!

    • November 16, 2019 at 7:49 pm

      You say UFOs are a hoax. What research have you done? What books have you read, for instance? Are you aware of the many many declassified docs that say the govt believes they are for real? Do you think they are all fake? How about the Phoenix Lights? The thousands of sightings by reg people and military?

      • Andrew Llewellyn
        November 17, 2019 at 12:57 am

        All fake, who knows but as you write,
        Are you aware of the many many declassified docs that say the govt believes they are for real?
        I hate to be pedantic here but declassified means per approved propaganda, govt means pre approved propaganda which means it’s value is very low!
        Also heavily promoted by the science fiction crowd.

        As for research no but i can smell bullshit from a mile away, take a look at the moon lander with it’s tin foil and putty holding it together, why was the moon faked, for military gains, so the moon is fake, which begs the question have we really been out of the atmosphere, i think we have not, if we have not then methinks it maybe because we can’t as in something in the way.
        This ties in with the nuke thing, whatever they were blowing up they were doing it in the sky.

        What the fuck is the target in the sky, the roof!
        If we can’t get out then the opposite make sense to me.
        I know it sounds mad but so do they, fuck if i follow there model i should become a demolitions expert, i would use two aluminium planes and fly them into two steel framed buildings and then have a third unrelated building collapse in sympathy!

        Have a little read through this content and tell me it’s a legit outfit

        The enormity of the nasa fraud makes all other space related stuff suspect to me!

        • November 18, 2019 at 7:12 pm

          ‘Operation Fishbowl’ is another weird snowball effect. If there are no real nukes why go thru a fake op like that? There is so much stuff like this. Like the aforementioned India/pakistan imbroglio. They would have to be in on the hoax, both of them, which sure feels unlikely.

          This one is a doozy!

          • Andrew Llewellyn
            November 18, 2019 at 7:55 pm

            Yes it is such a doozy, thing is most of the nuke test footage is from the analogue era, the new digital film will not pick it up as it will just cause the camera to clip(overload), should have been the same for the old film as it would be to bright, just end up with a whiteout, same with film on the moon(batteries that can withstand temp swings in the 100s of degrees)(and no artefacts left on film).

            Also they started with the underground tests as i think they knew they were busted.

            I think with the military they just get told what to do and do not ask any questions why!

            Look over there guys, no that flash won’t hurt, no there is no ill effects this type of blast etc!

            But still a big steaming pile!



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