Star Spangled Skies

Most of you have seen my chemtrail film showing the aerial attack this part of Arizona was subjected to from November 20 to November 23. I made two versions, a short one and a longer one with some information included. Maybe check out the latter if you haven’t yet seen it. (And maybe forward it to your email contacts if you found it of value.) From your comments, the aerial spraying appears to be somewhat nation-wide; this may be an indication that the spraying is related to the current psyops, i.e., COVID, the ‘election’, and the general divisiveness the PTB are creating in the populace.
Both Logan and I woke up in the wee hours on November 21st with burning eyes, raw throats, general fuzziness, crankiness and then even bad dreams, once we managed to get back to sleep. Neither of us have any doubt that these were reactions to the toxic clouds having wafted to earth and into our bloodstreams. As many of you know, they are and have been (for several decades) poisoning us with nano-particles of aluminum, barium, and strontium, heavy metals that are  major causes of Alzheimer’s, autism, and other mental disorders. 
These heavy metal particulates are what we know we are absorbing from the poisoned air. There are unknowns that may be even more damaging in the long run, the horrendous Morgellons particulates for one. Whatever’s in there, it is all of the nano variety, which means blood-brain barrier intrusive. And heavy metals are cumulative; they do not dissolve or ‘go away’ with time. They build up and have nasty upshots.
Logan and I both especially noticed how cranky we both were for the days of the aerial bombardment (the skies are back to azure-clear today). Although I’m pretty cranky in general, Logan is a mellow guy, and he really noticed the difference. Something minor would happen — we can’t find something in our respective RVs and so forth – and we’d hear the other guy cursing, ‘God fucking damnit!’ being my favorite, along with ‘Shit ass rat fuck!’ if the former isn’t a sufficient vent.
If the PTB agenda is to divide us and maybe cause a civil war, what better way than to make us pissed off at… at nothing in particular… that way we take it out on each other. (Anyone else — those who had recent heavy local chemtrails — notice that you or those nearby were acting like assholes lately? Dumb question, huh?) 
Hey, if you haven’t read The Invisible Rainbow yet — I’ve recommended it many times — how about you do so, read the fucking thing, goddammit. (See, I’m still a bit cranky.) I’m mean whaddarya doing here if you won’t even take my advice on a book to read?
Listen, folks: I know I’m not the writer I was a few years ago, and my general absent-mindedness seems to be worsening almost by the month. I’ll give you a scary example: A couple weeks ago we were on the road headed here from Flagstaff and I was listening to an eBook (the title to which of course escapes me) and the movie Pulp Fiction was mentioned. Yeah, I thought (more or less), ‘Whatsisname as a director has me hooked, although I find his style to be too self-referential, ???? even. (Here we have a good example of how my mental thesaurus has faded. What’s the fucking word I’m groping for? — a free lifetime subscription to this blog to the person who hits the nail hardest and fastest; use comments.)
Anyway, I couldn’t think of the director’s name. After a while it really freaked me out. I decided not to look it up and see how long it would take to conjure the asshole’s name.
Eight hours.
Yeah, I’m fucking old and so forth, but I’m 90% sure that my issue is one of heavy metal poisoning. Add to that the constant EMF (electric and magnetic fields) we’re all surrounded by and it’s amazing I’m even coming up with this crapola. 
Okay, what else was I going to say here? Fuck…
Right. My short, continuing take on the ‘election’ fiasco.
I hope you all saw the Giuliani et al press conference wherein they summed up the election fraud ‘evidence’ they’ve gathered. On the surface it was pretty impressive, in my view. If even a quarter of their claims is true, we have proof of a stolen election. (Of course it was rigged, but I’m referring to court-room type evidence.)
Addendum: A good example are the ‘over-vote’ stats, meaning the percentage of actual votes cast compared to the number of registered voters (or even residents) of any district. Anything close to 100% is a for-sure, absolutely guaranteed indication of fraud, and, according to Rudy & Co. there were many districts with numbers up to 200%, which is utterly absurd. Significantly, after the press conference none of the Trump team has re-mentioned this spectacular allegation, which to me indicates a bit of fraud on their part. 
The following video is self-explanatory, except the end part, which relates to the seemingly nonsensical title of this post. Hang in and you’ll see that the title is not related to my incipient dementia.
Well fuck! The fucking thing is supposed to Imbed (or fucking Embed) right here. Of course it doesn’t. Why should it work the way it’s supposed to? So you’ll have to click here, if it isn’t too much fucking trouble. This screws up the whole visual rhythm of this thing. Tough. Deal with it. (Can you tell why Logan has been staying the fuck away from me lately?)
Yes, it was hilarious that shoe polish was leaking down Rudy’s stupid face, but my point is this: One thing we (or I) know for sure about Giuliani is that he was a major co-conspirator in the 9/11 operation. As mayor of New York City, he could have blown the whistle on any number of dastardly deeds, the destruction/removal of the Ground Zero evidence being the most obvious. (The whole Building 7/bunker/controlled demolition farce being another.) This is really important. 
You Trumpers and Trumpettes who felt bonded or something to Giuliani after his crapola spouting might consider that he’s a fucking traitor and colluder in mass murder. I mean before you kiss his ass, metaphorically, or whatever.
What this means is that Giuliani is, in the operational sense, not many levels down from the top in the PTB hierarchy. No doubt about that. So he likely knows exactly what’s going on with the election psyop. Okay? Now what is the real goal of the election psyop? Right: Divide the populace to the point of civil war, if possible. Get us all to hate each other. And, as a sub-goal, to put Biden in office.

This is why the evidence of fraud is meant to sound so conclusive, so apt to stir the pro-Trump masses. Doesn’t matter if all the ‘evidence’ is subsequently ‘debunked’. Once you get their blood up, the Trumpers’s confirmation bias will kick in and bang-zoom-to-the-moon we have a street-fight revolution, with the Soros et al-funded opposing forces waiting in the wings to be ‘the good guys’ battling the evil ‘fascists’. Next stop Martial Law and the Great Reset.

Right, this is fucking water vapor like when you exhale on a cold day. And I’m…. some writer that… writes real good.

Anyway, this is my heavy metal-muddled take on the news of the day. Your comments are welcome. Mostly.
In case my prose was soooo fucking eloquent you couldn’t stop reading it to watch the video, and figured you’d come back to it later, here’s the link again. You probably forgot about it, due to the…. something or other… the chemicals you’ve been breathing for the last few decades and which have made you stupid. Stupider.
Btw, The Invisible Rainbow has almost 900 Amazon reviews and they are all 5 stars. Find another book like that. 

  69 comments for “Star Spangled Skies

  1. Pedro Leal
    November 27, 2020 at 12:36 pm

    Hey Allan.
    Hope you’re both ok and going as well as possible.
    You let me wondering about their supposed immunity about anything that they will throw at us. But if you think for a minute, there are lots of weird stuff going, in the background.
    Think about supressed or hidden technologies,cloning,trans-humanism, the ‘all digital’ thing, almost infinite stocks of blood, stem cells, organs, etc. In a sens, all un-Natural. It’s sick.
    These people are betting on immortality, so anything goes. I call them the Ennemis of Life,EoLs. In their delusional minds, we are ‘disposable’.
    I can hardly imagine a group of people pulling such move, without some confidence that they will ‘get thru’, unscated (?).
    You remember the old thing,create the problem once you have the solution? Again and again.
    I live in France, but keep an eye on what’s going on, around the planet (like most of us, I suppose, it helps, in having a larger view), and what I see, is different cards beeing played, in different countries, but all ‘corona’ related. One example, Portugal, with a devastated economy (their plan was to make it the European California, for tourists, without the native Portuguese, gigantic fires been there for 30 years, no one cares), but the Education’s minister come to public to felicitate the population about it’s the behaviour (?) during the ‘crise’, and that the population showed that school (!), could, from now on, work entierely ‘on line’.
    Another example,in France you need to have a look at the new law about the ‘freedom of the press’, where if you’re not a acredited reporter, you are forbiden to take photos of ‘any representative of the law’. Meaning, you are forbbiden to film or photograph, police abuse. This law, not only makes it a crime, but reporters, press, witnesses, loose their immunity. We’ve seen reporters, clearly identified as such, beeing beaten by Terminator type cops.
    I try to post the link, if you don’t mind…? But it’s all connected. They’re playing a wide chess game, but keep advancing their game.
    Sorry for the length, if I diverted a bit, and for my bad English.
    Most of all, hope you’re both ok.

    Here the link about ‘press freedom’, a high form of censorship against all independant sources

    Take care.

  2. November 26, 2020 at 5:59 pm

    One of the few journalists left, – awesome Gerald Celente >

  3. November 26, 2020 at 4:38 pm

    This is the inventor of the PCR test method (not actually a diagnostic test) they are using in the covid psyop, as he exposes the HIV fraud:

    If he were only still with us…

  4. November 26, 2020 at 3:55 pm

    Btw, this is a good video if you are unfamiliar with Morgellon’s syndrome:

    • Kevin Taylor
      November 27, 2020 at 11:32 pm

      Wow. Thanks for the video link on Morgellon’s syndrome. It covers a lot of territory including the Falkland War, Balkans War and vaccines etc. Black Goo is amazing. And apparently is linked to chemtrail’s and lyme disease………

  5. Larry C
    November 26, 2020 at 4:37 am


    (And, no…this is NOT off-topic.)

    {please share with your mailing list.}

    • November 26, 2020 at 4:22 pm

      Yes, please share Jon’s open letter. it’s IMPORTANT.

      • Larry C
        November 27, 2020 at 10:01 pm

        Check out the comments section in Rappoport’s Letter to Patriots, for a discussion of postings to various websites, that go AWOL….Enter ‘Kia Kaha’ in your search box; it will be the second reference to that pseudonym.

  6. November 25, 2020 at 9:45 pm

    And wonderful story of the injectable-trails, too. Those covering it up and even the ignorant sheep who lie to themselves that the skies are no different than they were 20 or 30 years ago need to be boiled in oil and ostracized from society, respectively. Of course the ones who commit the crime against earth and its inhabitants also deserve a special place in hell.

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