Still More Iffy Data

I’m a bit gun shy after subjecting you to my last post, which I suspect is… inaccurate, at least in terms of the numbers. I don’t doubt the truth of the premise — that COVID has, in the end, resulted in less deaths over all than in past years. It actually doesn’t matter much. COVID is a black op perpetrated by the same PTB cabal that’s been fucking with us for decades. 

This one is from Veteran’s Today.

I know, I know, I don’t trust VT any more than you do, but even a LH has to tell some truths. For example, I did an article for VT fingering Snowden as ‘still and always’ CIA a few years ago. But guess what? VT took it down after a few months. But it was all true. So the following may all be true as well. I offer it for your perusal. I tend to believe its authenticity, but keep in mind it it tends to support what I’ve been saying from day one. To repeat: COVID is a black op perpetrated by Western Intel (the same folks who gave us 9/11) to usher in the New World fucking Order they’ve been telling us is coming since I was a kid. This is not rocket science.

Make of it what you will. (At least I can stop complaining that no one is dealing with Who Did It. On the other hand, the lead-in is poorly crafted, which doesn’t help.)

This little article by Gordon Duff (who scrubbed my Snowden piece) adds a few details to my scenario. Here it is, so you don’t have to strain yourself clicking:

We have multiple confirmations that a vaccine for COVID 19 not only exists but has existed for some time, since 2019, perhaps as early as 2017.

We are also told that COVID 19, as VT reported in March, was deployed against China, then Italy, then France, then Iran and Spain and then the US as a “fund raiser.”

COVID 19 is the ultimate “sanction” and ultimate tool to bring about that “New World Order” we have been hearing about.  Now we see it as a reality.

Let us remind, do note that Boris Johnson got it, and we believe that, but so many others have not and there is a reason for that, they got the “million dollar shot.”

Check the record of COVID 19 in Israel.

John Hankey reports that Trump and his inner circle were vaccinated in November 2019, only days after the virus was deployed against China.

Months ago, VT traced the creation of the current versions of COVID 19/SARS COV 2 to a USAID-CIA funded and peer reviewed study done by the University of North Carolina by scientists closely aligned with America’s defense community.

We questioned the history of this and other studies on Wuhan Horseshoe Bat Virus there, at Tbilisi and at other covert DOD-CIA funded facilities.  We noted published articles but we also noted funding for vaccine programs but nothing published on these.

We knew the CIA funded programs were to develop a SARS related bio-weapon but we also knew that this would not be done without a vaccine and that vaccine programs would be highly classified.  You see, vaccines make this a weapon, not the disease itself.

Targeting with a virus is impossible without vaccines and how they are given out or sold is what gives the power to those who control the vaccines.  Key to this was causing a massive pandemic in the US because the vaccine would be worthless if the disease were quickly controlled.

Billions in black funding would be lost, something particularly painful in an election year when a mob owned president has failed miserably and made the US the laughing stock of the world.

I tend to doubt that Trump or anyone else at a high level of government would accept a vaccine jab from anywhere, let alone from the psychopaths at a three-or-more lettered agency of the state. But the rest of it might be true. More or less.

This is such fun!


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