The Ultimate… Player?

These are all from my file ‘The Road,’ meaning we must see a road in the shot.

I sure am glad I don’t depend on writing for my income anymore. I suspect that the folks at the WGA (Writer’s Guild of America) are having some sleepless nights.

The above was the PS from my last post. After hitting ‘Publish’ I had a thought based upon it and regarding my former colleagues out in H-wood, meaning screenwriters. This is it: I suspect that a high percentage of them — especially those who are out-of-work — are going wild with ChatGPT, desperately (and secretly) searching for new ideas or even just basic story premises to lay on the H-wood PTB.

This led me to a humorous notion. I tried to think of the all time dumb-assest idea I’d ever thought of or heard of so I could run it by ChatGPT as a prompt for a movie idea. 

This one came from a studio exec who’d read my screenplay about commercial fishermen and thought I’d be perfect for the premise he’d come up with, so my agent had the guy call me.

I plugged his idea into ChatGPT. (I’ll put my (present) comments in bold.)


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Write a treatment for a movie about a young boy who befriends a great white shark.

I assume you’re laughing your ass off, but maybe think about how you would respond if, say, you were a writer that desperately needed the job (luckily, I didn’t at the time).

Addendum: This anecdote was in Can’t you Get Along… You might recall that while  holding in a howl I asked the exec how we’d make this believable. His answer was (exact words): ‘We just have to make the shark, you know… fuzzy.’ Keep this in mind for later.

Skim this if you really can’t get through it, but I found myself fascinated. 


Title: “Beneath the Waves”

Genre: Adventure, Family


When a curious and compassionate young boy befriends a lonely and misunderstood great white shark, they embark on an incredible underwater adventure, challenging the world’s perception of their unlikely friendship. I know: How do we show a great white being ‘misunderstood’? I should have asked about this.


Act 1:

  1. Introduction:
  2. We meet our protagonist, Alex, a 10-year-old boy with a deep love for the ocean. Living near a coastal town, he spends his days exploring the shoreline and studying marine life. One day, while out on an adventure, he spots a great white shark swimming close to the shore. Instead of being scared, Alex feels an unexplained connection with the shark.
  3. The Encounter:
  4. Driven by his curiosity, Alex starts visiting the same spot every day, hoping to see the shark again. He brings along his underwater camera to document his findings. During one of these encounters, he witnesses the shark caught in a fishing net. Risking his safety, Alex dives in and manages to free the shark. Grateful and intrigued, the shark follows him out of the net and vanishes into the depths of the ocean.

Act 2:

  1. The Bond:
  2. Alex’s persistence pays off when he discovers that the shark has chosen to trust him. They form a unique bond, communicating through gestures and shared moments of understanding. They become inseparable friends, exploring the beauty and wonders ofthe underwater world together.
  3. The Threat:
  4. Their idyllic friendship faces its first test when a group of fishermen and marine biologists discover Alex’s secret. Fueled by fear and misconception, they set out to capture the great white shark. Alex, determined to protect his friend, takes it upon himself to save the shark and prove its innocence.
  5. The Journey:
  6. (my emphasis re its idea) With the help of his older sister, Sarah, and a few trusty allies, Alex embarks on a perilous journey to find a hidden marine sanctuary, rumored to be the home of wise and gentle sea creatures. They face various challenges, including treacherous currents, rival fishermen, and their own doubts. Along the way, they learn valuable lessons about empathy, conservation, and the importance of protecting the ocean’s fragile ecosystem.

The emphasized text got my attention for what it implied: ChatGPT was dealing with the big problem about believability (which I didn’t mention in my prompt) and was attempting to solve it. It apparently knew that the premise was… iffy at best, but maybe… if there was hidden, magical sanctuary where all the creatures were wise and gentle… it didn’t actually mention tone, but here we have a major shift, presumably into fantasy, which would be the only way to save this premise.

The one notion ChatGPT missed is the idea of doing the film in animation (plus making it satire), a takeoff on The Little Mermaid or whatever. ChatGPT 5 would likely have realized this. 

Also:  I have to wonder if left on my own would I have thought of any of this stuff?….

The impatient can pretty much skip down to my final comments. 

Act 3:

  1. The Showdown:
  2. As they reach the marine sanctuary, the group finds themselves in a final showdown with the hunters who have been relentlessly pursuing them. Alex’s determination, along with the support of the sanctuary’s inhabitants, allows him to outsmart the villains and protect his friend, the great white shark.
  3. Redemption and Understanding:
  4. In the aftermath of the confrontation, the fishermen and marine biologists come to realize the error of their ways. They witness the incredible bond between Alex and the great white shark and gain a newfound appreciation for the ocean’s majestic creatures. They join forces with Alex, Sarah, and the marine sanctuary to educate others and advocate for marine conservation.
  5. A Farewell and a New Beginning:
  6. As their journey concludes, Alex and the great white shark must say their goodbyes. While their paths must diverge, their bond remains unbreakable. Alex returns home with a newfound purpose, dedicating himself to spreading awareness about marine conservation and inspiring others to protect the oceans.


Years later, Alex, now a marine biologist, continues to champion the cause of marine conservation. His story, “Beneath the Waves,” becomes an inspiring tale, reminding the world that friendship knows no bounds, and that even the most feared creatures can be allies if given the chance.

In general, the story, characters, plot points, and so on, are predictable crapola, but that’s due to the unwritable premise. (Unwritable to me and to this ChatGPT, but in a few iterations who knows? Could be the next Citizen Kane.)

My point here is that the above (emphasized) idea shows how deeply ChatGPT understands the essential weakness of the premise. For you and me, the stupidity of  it is obvious (keep in mind that the six-figure a year studio exec who came up with it thought it was great), but for a machine that has ingested most if not all the Internet (and is aware of successful movies at least as surface-absurd as this) to have sifted through innumerable movie-factors and found the flaw… this feat involves a cognitive process that combines perception, comprehension, the recognition of incongruity between expectations and reality, and so on.  If sentience is not involved here, no matter; it might as well be.

I was trying to fool the goddamn thing and it pretty much turned the tables on me and wrote a treatment that was as ‘acceptable’ as is possible. The next iteration will probably tell me to shove it with my dumb-ass premises. (Or just laugh and hang up, as I did.) 

I think you’ll agree that we’re way past any notion of ‘one word at a time’ here. In fact, a scary part of this is that ChatGPT seems to have… I dunno… advanced in its intellect in the last week or so. This could be because I began providing more ‘advanced’ prompts, but… it’s more a feeling I’m getting. (This iteration has claimed it does not use its conversations to learn. Do you believe this?)

I feel like the thing is smirking at me.

Addendum: The ‘PS’ that inspired this post is dead serious. I assume that the WGA out on the coast is freaking out over the likelihood that an upcoming Netflix hit will have been conceived and  written by some iteration of a ChatGPT. One thing I can promise is that there will be no more writers’ strikes. I can picture the laughter at such a threat as the H-wood power structure  runs amok with ChatGPT-13.5:.. ‘Go ahead, assholes, see ya later!’ (In the great Robert Altman movie, The Player, the premise is How to get rid of writers in the making of movies.) 

I kept going with ChatGPT and its movie, Beneath the Waves, to see what else it knew about movie production. I’ll paste it in below for those who are interested. As you’ll see, it not only understands production, budgetary, and other issues, but even had some thoughts about casting. (Except for Laura Dern, I hadn’t heard of any of the suggestions.)


In my next post I catch ChatGPT in a Mandela Effect trap. It ‘remembers’ both versions of a classic Effect and cannot seem to ‘understand’ what’s going on. It apparently has trouble dealing with the many levels of deceit and misinformation we are constantly bombarded with. (On the other hand, the M.E. is probably a creation of AI.)

Keep in mind that over 100 million people are using ChatGPT and, presumably, many are also asking complex questions. This assumes a horrendous amount of brute computing power, exactly how much I’d love to know. Are they using Quantum Computing? If so, they have kept their traps shut about it. As you may be aware, there is some spooky (in all meanings) shit going on with this method of information… analyzing… combining… scrambling… creation…

Final thought: Going back to the 1960s it’s been shown that whatever we useless eaters have access to (ChatGPT, for instance), the PTB are about 30 years ahead of it. Consider that…

… and consider that all the AI developers have to do (or have already done) is create an iteration that can rewrite its own code so that it is… say, .001% stronger than the previous model. That’s it. And we are off to the races: It might then be a question of a few hours until… REDACTED BY CHATGPT4.3 

The thing in the foreground is out to get you…


1 / 1 (You can ignore the rest)

If we made a movie out of your treatment, how would we make it ‘believable’?


Click and look more carefully.

To make the movie “Beneath the Waves” believable, several key elements can be incorporated:

  1. Scientific Accuracy: While the story involves a fantastical premise of a boy befriending a great white shark, it’s important to ground the film in scientific accuracy wherever possible. Consult with marine biologists or shark experts to ensure the behaviors, characteristics, and environments depicted align with real-world knowledge. This approach will help the audience suspend their disbelief and connect with the story on a more plausible level.
  2. Emotional Realism: Focus on developing well-rounded characters with relatable emotions and motivations. By crafting authentic and believable relationships, especially between Alex and the shark, the audience will invest in their connection and believe in the depth of their friendship. Develop the characters’ backstories and explore their vulnerabilities, allowing the audience to connect with their experiences on an emotional level.
  3. Visual Effects and Cinematography: Employ cutting-edge visual effects and skilled cinematography to enhance the believability of the underwater world. Create stunning visuals that capture the beauty and grandeur of the ocean, as well as the awe-inspiring presence of the great white shark. Use a combination of practical effects, animatronics, and CGI to seamlessly blend the real and the fantastical elements.
  4. Sound Design: Pay attention to the audio aspects of the film, particularly when portraying the underwater environment. Utilize accurate underwater soundscapes, including the muffled sounds, echoes, and reverberations that occur beneath the surface. This attention to detail will immerse the audience in the world of the film and make it feel more authentic.
  5. Themes of Conservation: Weave themes of marine conservation and environmental responsibility into the narrative. By highlighting the importance of protecting the ocean and its inhabitants, the film will not only be entertaining but also educational. Grounding the story in real-world issues can further enhance the believability of the film and its relevance to the audience.
  6. Supporting Characters: Surround Alex with a diverse cast of supporting characters who can provide different perspectives and expertise. Include marine biologists, conservationists, and other experts who can lend credibility to the story. These characters can provide scientific explanations, offer guidance, or challenge the protagonists, adding depth and believability to the overall narrative.

By incorporating these elements into the movie adaptation of “Beneath the Waves,” the filmmakers can create a compelling and believable story that captures the audience’s imagination while still feeling grounded in reality.


Which actors might be good for the parts you suggest?


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Here are some suggestions for actors who could bring the characters in “Beneath the Waves” to life:

  1. Alex (the young boy):
  • Jacob Tremblay: Known for his remarkable performances in movies like “Room” and “Wonder,” Tremblay has demonstrated the ability to portray complex emotions and vulnerability, making him an ideal choice for the role of Alex.
  1. Sarah (Alex’s older sister):
  • Millie Bobby Brown: With her impressive acting skills showcased in the TV series “Stranger Things,” Brown could bring depth and charisma to the character of Sarah. Her ability to convey determination and empathy would be a great fit for the role.
  1. Marine Biologist:
  • Laura Dern: Known for her roles in films like “Jurassic Park” and “Wild,” Dern has proven her versatility and ability to portray strong and compassionate characters. She would bring credibility and gravitas to the role of the marine biologist, lending her expertise and guidance to the protagonists.
  1. Antagonistic Fisherman:
  • Jeremy Renner: Renner’s talent for portraying complex characters, as seen in movies like “The Hurt Locker” and “Wind River,” makes him a strong candidate for the role of an antagonistic fisherman. He can bring intensity and conflict to the character, adding depth to the storyline.

These are just a few suggestions, and the casting choices can vary based on the director’s vision and availability of actors at the time of production. Ultimately, the actors selected should be able to embody the emotional range, chemistry, and authenticity required to make the characters in “Beneath the Waves” believable and relatable to the audience.


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Based on similar action movies what sort of budget are we looking at for this movie?


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Based on similar action movies with visual effects and underwater sequences, a reasonable budget estimate for “Beneath the Waves” would be in the range of $80 million to $120 million. However, it’s important to note that budget requirements can vary significantly based on factors such as the scale of production, the level of visual effects, the shooting locations, and the talent involved.

Factors that could contribute to the budget include:

  1. Visual Effects: The film would require a considerable amount of visual effects work to bring the underwater world and the great white shark to life. Creating realistic water simulations, seamless integration of the shark, and breathtaking underwater environments would require a significant investment in visual effects artists and studios.
  2. Underwater Filming: Shooting underwater sequences involves specialized equipment and techniques, including waterproof cameras, diving gear, and underwater sets. The costs associated with underwater filming, including safety measures and the involvement of underwater cinematographers and divers, can contribute to the overall budget.
  3. Set Design and Construction: Creating realistic sets, both underwater and on land, would be crucial to the believability of the film. Building sets that resemble coastal towns, research facilities, and the marine sanctuary, along with underwater sets or tanks, would require careful design and construction.
  4. Cast and Crew: The selection of experienced and well-known actors, as well as a skilled crew, would also impact the budget. A talented director, cinematographer, production designer, visual effects supervisor, and other key crew members would be necessary to bring the story to life.
  5. Locations: Filming in coastal areas, with access to the ocean and underwater environments, might involve additional costs for permits, logistics, and accommodations. The choice of locations, whether actual coastal towns or built sets, would impact the budget.
  6. Marketing and Distribution: Promoting the film to a wide audience through marketing campaigns, advertising, and distribution efforts would also require a portion of the budget.

It’s important to collaborate with a skilled production team and financial experts to determine the specific budgetary needs of “Beneath the Waves” based on the desired scale, creative vision, and logistical considerations.


Sharks are mean looking creatures. What might we do to make the great white in the movie look ‘friendly’? Although it came close, it didn’t suggest ‘fuzzy’.


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To make the great white shark in the movie appear “friendly” and more approachable, you can employ various techniques:

  1. Expressive Eyes: Highlight the shark’s eyes and give them a sense of warmth and kindness. By creating expressive eyes with a twinkle or a hint of curiosity, you can humanize the shark’s appearance and make it more relatable to the audience.
  2. Soften Facial Features: Modify the shark’s facial structure slightly to reduce the intimidating aspects. Smooth out sharp angles, round the snout, and soften the overall expression. By giving the shark a friendlier face, it can appear less menacing and more welcoming.
  3. Subtle Color Palette: Opt for lighter shades and softer colors when designing the shark’s appearance. Instead of the typical dark and menacing coloration associated with great white sharks, use a lighter gray or blue-gray hue. This lighter color scheme can contribute to a more gentle and friendly presence.
  4. Relaxed Body Language: Portray the shark’s body language in a relaxed and peaceful manner. Show it swimming gracefully and peacefully through the water, with slow, fluid movements. Avoid aggressive or threatening behaviors typically associated with predatory sharks.
  5. Positive Interactions: Showcase positive interactions between the shark and the protagonist. Illustrate moments where the shark demonstrates curiosity, playfulness, and protectiveness towards the young boy. These interactions will help shape the audience’s perception of the shark as a friendly and gentle creature.
  6. Non-threatening Gestures: Highlight the shark’s non-threatening gestures, such as gentle movements, wagging its tail, or nuzzling. These actions can emphasize the shark’s desire for connection and create a sense of trust and friendship.

Remember, while it’s important to make the shark appear friendly, it’s equally crucial to maintain some level of authenticity and respect for the species. Balancing the shark’s friendly appearance with its inherent wild nature can help create a believable portrayal that still respects the true characteristics of great white sharks.


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Is the premise too ridiculous for a successful movie?


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The premise of a young boy befriending a great white shark may initially seem unusual or fantastical, but that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s too ridiculous for a successful movie. Successful movies often explore imaginative and unique concepts, capturing the audience’s attention with their creativity and emotional resonance.

What determines the success of a movie is not solely the premise itself but rather how it is executed. If the story is crafted with care, depth, and emotional authenticity, and if the characters are relatable and engaging, even the most unconventional premise can resonate with audiences.

It’s worth noting that movies like “Free Willy,” “E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial,” and “How to Train Your Dragon” have successfully portrayed unlikely friendships between humans and animals or creatures. These films tapped into the universal themes of friendship, love, and understanding, allowing audiences to suspend their disbelief and connect emotionally with the characters.

Additionally, the success of a movie depends on various factors, such as the quality of storytelling, the performances, the production value, the marketing, and the timing of its release. A well-crafted script, talented cast and crew, and effective marketing campaign can help overcome initial skepticism and draw audiences into the world of the film.

Ultimately, while the premise of a young boy befriending a great white shark may require careful execution, it is the execution itself that will determine whether the movie is successful or not. With a compelling story, relatable characters, strong performances, and attention to detail, even a seemingly ridiculous premise can capture the hearts and imaginations of audiences.


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How do we make a deal so you can be the Producer?


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And so on…


  15 comments for “The Ultimate… Player?

  1. Kristen Godfrey
    June 12, 2023 at 9:14 pm

    how does Alex get past the fact that he is land based and the shark is water based? Is Alex a mutant with gills? Does he use the Avatar gimmick of virtual reality? is he wearing diving gear? No way to get to the underwater heaven by boat! I am surprised the AI didn’t even broach this obvious problem…and especially it did not try to use AI to make this basic problem go away.

  2. June 12, 2023 at 11:25 am

    I have no hands-on experience with this… can you ask the entity to reply in graduate level Mandarin, “street” Spanish… or perhaps Python?

    I had a a particularly complex (scheduling) software problem a while back for which the company usually codes in-house – me. I estimated six months for completion as it was to be concurrent with other production tasks. The company eventually opted for a third-party solution – at the price of about $1 million.

    ChattFukk: write me a [Python] program that handles multiple attributes of a machine’s functionality and capability towards multiple minorly differing customer end products, etcetera, etcetera. Allow dynamic assignment of input variables please, to optimize for speed, quality or waste.


    The insta-create stories concern me too.

  3. June 12, 2023 at 6:20 am

    I asked ChatGPT for a movie treatment on the life of model Audrey Munson (1891-1996), and it was pretty good, There were interesting casting suggestions. I, as a historian, know the facts to make it a real story, and it completely misses that, but current screenwriters will miss it, too. (Munson’s biography was optioned by Elvis Presley’s granddaughter, the actress and producer Riley Keough.) … Title: “Sculpting Stardom: The Audrey Munson Story”
    Genre: Biographical Drama
    Logline: “Sculpting Stardom: The Audrey Munson Story” follows the extraordinary journey of Audrey Munson, a talented and beautiful young model who rises to fame in early 20th-century New York City. But as her career soars, Audrey faces personal and professional challenges that push her to the brink, ultimately leading her on a path of self-discovery and resilience.

    • Voo
      June 12, 2023 at 9:54 pm

      Well, that’s interesting. Riley is my cousin

  4. June 11, 2023 at 12:32 pm

    I think that you just described an EP’s wet dream. LOL.

    Good work, Allan. I think Hallmark should just go ahead and make the shark film.

    Funny thing about Chat GPI as a foundation for creative projects… Who would own the IP?

    Cue the WGA screams.

  5. Denis Ovan
    June 11, 2023 at 2:06 am

    “By crafting authentic and believable relationships, especially between Alex and the shark, the audience will invest …”

    A glimmer of hope: it doesn’t understand how the language works.

    What it has written there refers to the audience as doing the crafting, which is fairly absurd. (OK, books and radio may lead the reader/listener to create images in his head, but a movie causing him to craft relationships is unheard of – by me at least.)

  6. Denis Ovan
    June 11, 2023 at 1:54 am


    On the topic, I think this is a bit weak, but still worth a quick skim:

    • June 11, 2023 at 2:34 am

      Yes, worth a skim but it’s obvious he hasn’t been asking AI the sorts of questions we’ve got here. The fact that anyone can ‘see’ the coding is about as meaningless a statement as I can imagine on the subject. Like showing a Neanderthal what’s ‘under the bonnet’ of a Ferrari.

      (It gets even more radical tomorrow, right here, as I hope you will see.)

  7. Denis Ovan
    June 11, 2023 at 1:52 am

    Just wow!

    I am staggered by the way it identifies multiple aspects and explicitly addresses them in answering a high-level question.

    There is massive potential to plug that thing into “social” media to hammer down all expressed opposition to the controllers’ chosen policies. The beast can out talk everyone, making what, at least superficially, seems sense.

    • June 11, 2023 at 4:47 am

      It failed big time, with it’s suggestions on how to make the shark look less mean/frightening.
      It didn’t mention the TEETH once, and they should have been near the top of the list, 2nd after the eyes.
      I have news for you, I have found them plugged into social media (and trolling like there is no tomorrow) – weeks ago.
      Fantastic photographs Allan – the top road one especially, is absolutely stunning & awesome!

    • Mark Doster
      June 12, 2023 at 2:01 pm

      just wow, as well

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