‘Those With Eyes To See’

(If this is your first trip to this blog you oughta read some previous posts before this one.)

That it took me until this morning to accept that which is almost certainly true is evidence that I too am subject to deep cognitive dissonance/doublethink. It should have been within an hour of my first glimpse of the ‘car in space,’ but instead it’s been nearly two months: The whole fucking thing was faked, of course, from the ground up (so to speak).

I refer to the Musk launch, of course, which I’ve been working to not just expose but figure out. Are you all familiar with Occam’s Razor? Yeah? Maybe not..

‘Simplest explanations are usually correct’? Something like that?


More cloud problems: FAKED!

This definition misses the real point. ‘Simplest explanations that account for all the data are usually correct,’ is how it actually goes. So whadda we got with the Musk mission? ‘Car in Space’ done in a studio on earth, right? Faked. What else?

Photographic anomalies in the launch itself, i.e., different people saw/filmed different ‘events.’ (And this too.)

What else? A billionaire blabbing all over the media about ‘colonizing’ Mars with his own spaceship, which is impossible because of radiation. Musk knows he’s not going to actually shoot 100 people into certain death in space. So he must have a plan to fake that too.

Hologram technology explains it all, or at least fills in some big holes.

I’ve mentioned holograms, tentatively, because… I don’t know why. But about an hour of looking into them this morning (yes, on Youtube, I admit) and I realized that the launch had anomalies because, like 9/11, all the important imagery was either via holograms or special effect photography, or a combination.

Nope. No rhino was there.

Nope. No rhino was there.

You wanna see some wild shit? Check out the whale. No, I can’t guarantee the footage wasn’t CGI as opposed to a hologram — meaning I can’t prove the people sitting there saw what we see. So I did a lot more searching, to see what else out there.

It was the spooky TED guy that did it. (Same video as above)

Then there was the rhino in Dubai (ditto). Dunno why, but I bought that.

While doing my search on ‘holograms,’ what I was thinking as I watched was something like, ‘…and this is what’s available commercially. Whaddya think DARPA and NASA has stashed?’

See today's video for this one!

See today’s video for this one!

You should really listen to the whole creepy TED talk from my video. The guy is insane. And his hologramic buddy with the NASA T-shirt outright bragging that NASA uses holograms ‘for all kinds of things.’… Talk about their occult ‘eyes to see, and ears to hear’ dogma.

I’m going on the road for a few days so meanwhile get your head together, understand that they’re faking… whatever they feel like faking… and expect some wild ass shit in the skies near you, maybe coming soon.

Allan (still collecting ‘Yep’s in Subject Box…)

Here’s my quick vid to make my hologram point.