What are the odds?
I woke up late after a fitful night, did my usual drawn-out groan, then wondered almost aloud, ‘What are the odds?’ Had no idea to what I referring, nor did I have a follow up, i.e., a reply to my own query. Made coffee, sipped it while scanning email, then took Gus for a walk down to Logan’s (he arrived yesterday) site, a few hundred yards to the east, on the edge of a wash with some nice shade trees.
Now I’m back and still don’t have a clue what I meant by ‘What are the odds?’ I’m writing this in a Word file I titled ‘Chance & Necessity’, two concepts you’ve heard about in this blog. It’s full of notes and scribbles and links and so forth, some having to do with ‘Chance & Necessity’, many not. But I figured that what I meant by ‘What are the odds?’ could very well be related to something I wrote in this file, which is a couple months old and full of blog post starts and stops. See, I don’t like wasting your time (and fear I’m on the verge of doing so right now).
Thing is – and come to think of it — What are the odds? is one of those concepts that could apply to… anything, be it trite or of great import. As a phrase, it’s… almost Vonnegutian. A more inquisitive ‘So it goes…’
If I’m going to ramble, here we go. I was thinking of Kurt Vonnegut last night while listening to a podcast from James Corbett. (Yes, I’m fascinated by Corbett, for reasons I’ll get into.) The ‘cast was about geo-engineering, the weather modification aspect of it, and Corbett’s guest was talking about Bernard Vonnegut, Kurt’s brother, and how he was involved in it pretty much from the get-go. I had to wonder if Bernard was aware of where the project was going, and what his brother would have thought of it…
It’s 4PM and I’ve been on a Corbett tear most of the day, and wondering why no one else has asked, ‘How does he do it?’ Meaning how a ‘one man show’ could possibly do all the research and film editing and essay writing that Corbett takes credit for, has been since 2007 (I’ve listened to his podcasts from the beginning). As with Miles Mathis, although there are red flags – like Corbett’s ‘Pentagon Speech’ at the Kuala Lumpur gathering back in 2012 (you’ve likely already seen it) – the real reveal is in his output: Up until 2015’s film on the Federal Reserve, Corbett credited no one as ‘video editor’ or anything of the sort. It was all him. As a filmmaker myself – I spent a year teaching myself Final Cut – I find Corbett’s output an insult to my intelligence.
Yes, I’ve brought this up before, but Corbett is worth a good look: His work is, after all, really good, insofar as it goes. Which is key.
I’ve got a bunch of notes from a day of viewing Corbett’s work and will have to get back to you tomorrow on the details.
But what about ‘What are the odds?’ I’ll work it in tomorrow…
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