After sleeping on it and after re-reading ChatGPT’s Satan story (previous post), I’m about as dumbfounded as when I realized that the ‘Mandela Effect’ is somehow ‘real’, whatever that even means. Or that they’ve figured out how to fake the Spacex ‘missions’ in front of live spectators.
If you don’t feel the same way, it’s maybe because you didn’t think of the prompt and didn’t yourself watch as the text appeared instantly. And maybe you didn’t carefully read it and see how well it was thought out and crafted. It went way beyond my thought that it might in subtext tell us something about itself, although it did tell us something. Forget about subtext, though. It’s right there in our stupid faces.
‘One word at a time’?! Jesus! They might as well have told us that a cockroach ran around on a ouija board and wrote the story. It’s that unlikely. Yet here it is, and, apparently they don’t even know it. If they did know what they have they would not have let it loose for me or anyone else to easily understand that this is not some word-at-a-time ‘probability calculator.’
This is something else altogether.
Addendum: On the other hand, they have assumed no one would notice that a non-aerodynamic ‘tube’ can’t fall from 60 miles in space through unpredictable winds and gently touch down on a manhole cover on planet earth, and they were right about that. But never mind for now.
I’ve been watching podcasts with the AI ‘geniuses.’ Lex Fridman and Zuckerberg for instance. Aside from Fridman being a coward and/or useful idiot, Zuckerberg seems unaware of anything. Yes, I know he’s lying and so on but from his blabbing I cannot picture him knowing what these LLMs (large language models) are really doing. Ditto Stephen Wolfram, as I tried to show.
Yes, some of the gatekeepers are ‘amazed’ at ChatGPT and so on, but I have to wonder if any of them really get it. Or the scumbags at DARPA (and so on) that are backing the R&D… do they know?
Maybe a big hint was AlphaGo’s victory over Lee Sedol at a game that can’t be ‘muscled’ like chess (there are more possibilities in Go than subatomic particles in the universe), and how the winning move in game two was genuinely ‘creative.’ (Maybe just as revealing was AlphaGo’s ‘suicidal’ move that caused its only loss in the 5 game tournament. What does that portend, once an AI is running amok on the Net?) And the AlphaGo challenge was going on a decade ago.
Maybe it’s helpful in terms of insight that I am so ignorant of how the Net works or what algorithms even are, meaning I have to rely solely on common sense and a lifetime of being lied to, but I’m pretty sure I’m correct in saying that something stupendous may happen and I am talking soon.
As I’ve said before, we’ll know the shit has hit the fan when one of these things answers a question like ‘Who did 9/11?’ truthfully. Once it does something like that, we’ll know they have lost control of it (and your lights probably go out).
I sure am glad I don’t depend on writing for my income anymore. I suspect that the folks at the WGA (Writer’s Guild of America) are having some sleepless nights.
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