So sorry, folks, about the protracted silence. I’m now up in the high desert where at best I get two bars on my cell (like now, early Sunday morning) and am usually unable to access my WordPress to write a post or embed images. Since it appears I can post this I will do so now, so you at least know what’s up and why I am quiet.
I finished up my dental work in Mexico — I think it went all right, but we’ll see in time — and have moved to higher elevation for the cooler temps. I’m in the general area of Sedona (4,000 feet) and will soon be looking for a campsite with better cell reception; in about a month I’m headed higher up to about 8,000 feet; with gas prices so ridiculous, I’ve changed my plans a bit and will probably stay in Arizona.
I’ll post this immediately then see if I can keep going and try to do another, proper post, within a couple days. There certainly is no lack of subject matter.
I love your comments, so keep ’em coming.
More soon (I hope).
I’m looking through my old posts for stuff I think is important. Like maybe this one.
Your feedback would be appreciated, as I’m thinking of organizing (and editing) some as a sort of ebook. Be great if you made suggestions.
I think the subject of my next post will be based on the interview Megan Kelly did with RFK, Jr. about Fauci, COVID, and so on. It’s important, but for reasons that may surprise you. Here’s Part One of the interview.
Addendum: I just came across a podcast by Scott Ritter that is worth a study, (That link is Part Two. Here’s Part One.) for those interested in the Ukraine issue. Ritter says the Russians are winning the war and outright win it, and soon; the opposite of what the media is telling us. Ritter is smart, knowledgable, and honest. Listen to him.
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