Sorry for the long silence, folks, but I’m having a tough time of it with this one. Too much stuff! I’ve decided on another Open Letter, this one to Sam Harris. If you’re not familiar with him: He’s an interesting character and worthy of note, if only for what he represents. I’ll be a few more days in working this out. In the meantime, if you like to follow my thinking you might take a look at this guy. He’s quite the ‘intellectual,’ along the lines of Christopher Hitchens. If you do a search on ‘Sam Harris’ on Youtube you’ll get the idea.
What pushed me over the edge with Harris is his recent eBook titled Lying, in which he assures us that he had an epiphany while in college which resulted in his making the point in his life of never lying. According to Sam Harris, even ‘white lies’ are extremely destructive and should never be indulged in. And so forth. Right: When I come across hypocrisy of this magnitude… I just cannot help myself. (In Water Time I make the point that there is no English word or term to describe monumental hypocrisy; ‘Unspeakable’ was the best I could do.)
So stay tuned.
Meanwhile, here’s a little (very little) ‘video-photo’ from the last couple days. And hey, thanks for the encouragement.
Oh. One of you sent me an interesting link. The person was wondering if it’s for real…. I’ll give you a moment to check it out…
Many of you will be way ahead of me here, but this is my take on it: It’s part of the PTB A.I. algorithm that keeps track of Who Believes What, no matter how ridiculous, and, further, What They Do About It. In other words, the key part of this hilarious piece of work is not so much who listens to it, but what they do immediately afterwards. Like me, now, writing this sentence.
One more thing. I re-watched an old documentary called Pumping Iron (1977), which I recalled from back then. (Pretty entertaining, especially re Arnold.) I watched it to see how they’d handle famous bodybuilder Franco Colombo’s last name, which (in our ‘current reality’) is now Colombu, with a ‘u’. I may have mentioned that as kid I got Franco’s autograph, in which he spelled it correctly, with the ‘o’.
Interesting. In the credits and even on the cover of a magazine from back then it is spelled the ‘new’ way, with a ‘u’. But the three times Franco’s name is mentioned (quite clearly) in the flick, it’s ‘Colombo’ with an ‘o.’ Taken in context of what I know to be ‘historically’ true, this is inexplicable.
I’ve also been delving into the ‘changes’ made to the Bible. I have to tell you that there is no doubt whatsoever that it’s different ‘now.’ It may be worth your while to give this a look.
Bill Bean is a well-know Bible thumper. Take your pick on these videos/podcasts.
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