‘Plandemic; Indoctorination’; a Brief Review

Although all the meta studies show that masks are useless and even harmful, I did some digging on my own.

After viewing Plandemic; Indoctorination two and half times (plus a lengthy interview with the director) I’m still very enthusiastic about it and do hope you all have been sharing the hell out of it. My only problem with it is they didn’t cover the PCR testing issue, which, aside from the issue of Who Started It (more to come), is the single most important aspect of this black op.

As the producer/writer/director/editor of a full-length documentary, I do understand the need to ‘keep it as short as possible without leaving out anything important’, but in the case of the PCR issue, they probably should have saved screen time by nixing some of the Bill Gates bashing, which went on and on to the point of overkill, especially considering that so much of it was unrelated to the current crisis.

Addendum: Gates deserves all they point out, but… screen time is so precious! With Water Timeit killed me to have to cut the vaccine stuff I had in the first cut, but it was off-subject (who really killed my friend Donnie), and had to go.

The mask issue tell us one thing for sure: Our well-being is not of interest to the PTB.

I posted 20 minutes of the vaccine stuff separately on Youtube, and it remained up until this April, then was taken down for reasons of ‘community guidelines,’ which is significant: It was fine (or not noticed) by Youtube until they pitched in with their disinformation/censorship campaign re the COVID black op, and decided to delete it. Thing is, most of my material was footage from Congressional hearings on vaccines. Irony or what? 

On and on. They all say the same: Don’t wear masks.

So they could have cut 10 minutes of Gates stuff, plus given that the film is only 1 hour, twenty-four minutes, they had time to play with while avoiding ponderosity. As I say, the falsity of the PCR test (more to come) is vital and should have made it into the film. (I am not accusing anyone of limited hangout shenanigans!)

I suspect that the Who Started It issue was a bit too… touchy… a subject for a film that hoped to spill into the mainstream. Sort of like a 9/11 truth movie dealing with the evidence (lots and lots of it) that no jetliners/high jackers were used that day, notwithstanding the subject’s direct relevance to Who Did 9/11, i.e., the media’s vital role in ‘the attacks.’ Same thing here, no? In fact, in a post from way back on March 23 I supplied some of the evidence that the COVID black op was indeed a product of Western intel. Interestingly, the damning material I used was from globalresearch.ca and was scrubbed from the internet soon after I used it. What does that tell you? Anyway, I don’t blame Pandemic for avoiding the issue; it would take a whole separate film to do the subject justice.

But why the big deal? Aside from just knowing who did this, the knowledge itself leads to deeper knowledge, such as What else is part of this black op? Like what? Like the whole Black Lives Matter (plus Antifa and so on) divide and conquer agenda that is so so obvious. Or the transparently phony ‘Death of George Floyd’ and the ensuing agent provocateured riots that followed. (Another very bad sign is the dearth of alt media coverage of these fabricated events.)

Really: Where have all the truth-tellers gone?

Really: Think about it. (Ooops. This one is a duplicate. Sorry.)

Okay. A couple links via Logan. This one, from Pamela Popper, spills some more interesting beans re the uselessness (for us, i.e., the truth) of the PCR test in diagnosing COVID. Although this is nothing new, that it is on the record is vital, although we can count on the mainstream keeping a lid on it.

The other link is a video from Logan himself, from back in 2015. Give it a look and consider how exactly it fits with what we’re going through now. All goes well, you can expect some contemporary vids from Logan; he’s about as deep into this catastrophe as anyone. Hardly a day goes by when he doesn’t open my eyes to something important.


By the way, anyone wanting to support my efforts can click the ‘Buy a DVD of Water Time’ link. Add your mailing address and I’ll send you the first cut of Water Time, which includes a lot of footage from my Captain Zero trek, plus road footage from Mexico. Stuff I had to cut for reasons of brevity.


  23 comments for “‘Plandemic; Indoctorination’; a Brief Review

  1. August 23, 2020 at 10:45 pm

    I think I solved the ‘waiting for moderation’ problem. If you have a valid comment you should be able to post it.

  2. Kristen
    August 23, 2020 at 8:31 pm

    Crunch time is mandatory vaccines. I have read that 50% of Americans will refuse. Disobedient people will have to live apart from the vaccinated. They will be identified and squeezed mercilessly. No jobs, no education, no travel, no medical care. Unvaccinated lives will not matter. The only reason Bill Gates is becoming the hated target is because somebody bigger feels the threat of a new evil power in town. All sides are corrupted or mislead. Plandemic is more noise. What the planners have forgotten is that once one side wins all the goodies, the game is over and the board is cleared.

  3. Dee Cota
    August 23, 2020 at 5:18 am

    Allan and everyone else interested in what the PCR test is and isn’t. The following info is somewhat technical but if you what the correct info read it anyway.
    http://www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/polymerase_chain_reaction on the Wiki site
    1. Scroll down to Infectious Disease Application which is less technical and go to
    2. Limitations

    The above websites cover quite a bit of information if you are truly interested in learning
    about the PCR Test or you can go to http://www.startpage.com and search for (Who invented the original PCR test) Don’t use Google use http://www.startpage.com
    I’ll leave with this “Knowledge is Power” when you have the correct info you are able to overcome fear and not accept everything you hear.

  4. Kristan hinton
    August 22, 2020 at 10:40 pm

    FWIW, People reading this blog will get the impression that you & your readers believe the entire Covid19 Plandemic is a hoax entirely. That is to say that you believe the virus and sundry afflictions assoc with it (& deaths also perhaps) are a hoax, ie: fake & harmless. See comment by Brett, for example. Again, I must point out that the virus is most likely a very real chimeric SARS-based, GMO laboratory product, strengthened for potency and transmissibility via regeneration thru animal host populations (probably ferrets) with spike protein altered for affinity with human ACE2 receptors (similarity with ferrets). You don’t want to get infected with Covid, because its effects (long & short term) are UNKNOWN (or undisclosed!) and quite possibly incurable. While there is no question that the virus and the tests are propagandized & manipulated for maximum fear mongering effect (and societal control/manipulation) , I don’t know that you want your audience to believe the virus itself is a total fooking joke. I know that you know many people believe it to be exactly that (& they remain a danger to themselves and others).

    • August 22, 2020 at 11:47 pm

      Read the excellent note by ‘bmseattle’ (thank you!) on Allan’s latest great post above , including > “Combined with just looking around oneself, and noticing that people arent dying (let alone getting sick), how can the people stand for this injustice?”.
      That paragraph alone says it all! , – and about all the homeless still alive & kicking…

      But hey yes, the cold/flu bugs have definitely not got weaker, and as I have mentioned before a few times, that bronchitisy flu/cough that hit 2 years ago was terrible, the cough hung around for weeks, months, or years even – depending what you took to treat it.
      It even got me, and I found it was a real tough customer to get rid of – being largely Colloidal Silver resistant! :-O . Celery juice was the King remedy, and it knocked it on the head within a week.
      Btw Kristan hinton, you write & communicate like another secret agent of some sort.

    • August 23, 2020 at 12:54 am

      If you watched the film Allan reviewed you would see your concern is unfounded. People die (are murdered) in psychological operations…it heightens the fear and strengthens the deception.

    • Kevin Taylor
      August 23, 2020 at 1:49 am

      Unwarranted fear is the danger to everyone. Is there a vaccine for the cold? The danger is they are muzzling children to go to school. They are suffocating them slowly. How many children die from “Covid”? Following the Marxism narrative is the danger. The Communists are laughing at us. Mindless masses parroting slogans such as “social distancing” etc. We were asleep at the wheel and our culture and families are destroyed. For starters!!

    • Kevin Taylor
      August 23, 2020 at 1:55 am

      Open your eyes and look up at the sky. Spraying chemicals since 1995 all over much of the world. People are so far gone they don’t even realize that. Try social distancing the chemicals from 35,000 feet.

  5. August 22, 2020 at 2:17 pm

    I forgot to mention that yesterday I began to edit another video I posted a couple of months after the one Allan shared above. I felt it was one of the more important ones I created and it discusses how the leaders of the CDC feel about the value of black lives (or any for that matter). I am creating a shorter version that trims the last 4 minutes about the Electric Universe model. I also intend to change the title of the new version. Here is the original from June 2015: https://youtu.be/k8Cn_WaEscg

    • August 22, 2020 at 5:10 pm

      That’s a good one too. I tend to mumble and stutter in front of a camera or not.

      How many miles did you hike back then? Total? Including the bike?

      (You show up where I am and we’ll do some videos.)

      • August 23, 2020 at 12:55 am

        It ended up being a little over 4,100 miles, 1,100 on foot.

  6. August 22, 2020 at 2:02 pm

    Good work Allan! Greenmedinfo just uploaded a segment of the film to their YT channel (the Operation Mockingbird section). I was able to share that ti FB. All social media platforms are banning this every way they can. But you can download the entire film as well as 16 segments for free. So it is a game of whack a mole with the moles multiplying exponentially. I highly recommend the interview with the filmmaker Mikki Willis. I have to admit I have been fooled before, but my gut tells me this guy is sincerely trying to help tear this global psyop apart.

  7. Ea
    August 22, 2020 at 8:56 am

    Both links are now to Logan’s ‘Medical Monopoly’ (2015).
    i presume the Popper link you intend is this one —

  8. Larry C
    August 22, 2020 at 1:34 am

    Very interesting website…


    • Cat
      August 22, 2020 at 10:47 pm

      Excellent in depth study
      And eye opening
      Thanks Larry

  9. August 21, 2020 at 11:10 pm

    The biggest shittiest thing about this whole “deadly virus” bull, is the now millions of “split camps” I am finding – and experiencing first hand (and I hate it).
    Long time (many decades long) friends & family at – loggerheads, mexican stand offs, and “no speakies” over whether this is a plandemic or a pandemic, and not only that, but disagreements how the govts & their news are handling it.
    I am constantly getting “passive aggressive” retorts, low vibes, and threats, from many of those nearest & dearest.
    There is not much fun out there any more.

    • August 21, 2020 at 11:44 pm

      Part of the plan. Plus some folks are idiots…

      • Ea
        August 22, 2020 at 8:45 am

        Some folks being idiots is part of the plan.

  10. Todd
    August 21, 2020 at 9:44 pm

    Thanks Allan. The Popper link is broken (it goes to another of your blogs that didn’t have Logan or Poppers links)

    Mikki Willis’ interview by Rose and Bigtree goes into darker areas in more depth and it’s obvious Willis wanted to make it short, rock solid and to the point to get most impact with regular non-awake viewers – I felt the fact-checker part had to be said and needed time. Yes, PCR would have been nice too. I didn’t think the Gates time was too lengthy.

    I was surprised to hear Willis state Part 1 Plandemic got 1 BILLION views… Man, that’s a lot of views if correct.

    • August 21, 2020 at 10:10 pm

      Thanks. I fixed the link and added a paragraph on the implications of COVID being a black op that no one talks about.

      • Azzy
        August 22, 2020 at 3:49 pm

        That’s because most of the budget goes into the cover up, doofus.

        • Todd
          August 22, 2020 at 8:32 pm

          Like paying for human filth like you to troll this blog.

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