History Has Taught Us…

These are all from last night. See that streak over the rig? One frame then poof. What is that?

We are in the midst of the next 9/11 and I’m being called naive and/or a state mole for pointing this out. Does that make sense? To me, no. Whether these people are fools or state moles themselves I don’t know. My plan, however, is to delete them at my leisure and in general to ignore them. I hope you all do the same. (Reply that they go away if you’re so moved.)

Trump. Is he even a part of what’s happening, as Bush/Cheney surely were for the last 911 (I’ll use ‘911’ without the slash to indicate a major PTB-created catastrophe/emergency, and ‘9/11’ as reference to the events of 9/11/01)?

I very much doubt it. His complete ignorance of what is going down is obvious and cannot logically be seen as an act of sly deniability; he is in the process of ending his presidency with his unawareness of the physical principles of disease outbreaks and exponential math. Trump is history; its just a matter of time. (Last week, Trump: ‘There will be no lockdown.’ Me: ‘Hey, Donald, Wanna fucking bet?’)

An interesting one. See the star in the middle near the top? See the smudge juuust over it? Now see the next image.

The CDC, NIH, FDA, and other lettered agencies are a different ball game altogether. The idea that they didn’t/don’t know what I (and others) know and predicted weeks ago is untenable. Laughable. That they are active participants in Trump’s downfall is obvious, although this is a minor part of The Plan. A ‘nice’ sidebar for the PTB. (Looks like I have been in error thinking that Trump’s election was a part of the overall Plan.)

Seriously, folks, during the next press conference, examine the head bobbers behind Trump and ask yourself how it could be that Weisbecker (and a few others) saw all this coming many weeks ago and they didn’t. Of course they saw it coming! (And were ordered to keep their traps shut and bob their heads.)  

Where did that smudge go? It was there for about a dozen images, not moving. 13 sec exposures.

As you know if you’ve been here a few weeks, my view is that COVID is a black op via a Western Intel faction of the PTB, the same cabal that did 9/11. One of you (Lynda) directed us to a link that backs up this view via very strong circumstantial evidence.

I’m going to quote liberally from the link, but I strongly urge you to go to it and read it carefully. The provenance of this information is not completely clear to me, so caution is suggested. The author, Larry Romanoff, credits…

A high-level Italian virologist, Giuseppe Remuzzi, has published papers in the Lancet and other articles in which he states facts not hitherto known. (1)

…but it is not clear if all of what follows is from Remuzzi or compiled by Romanoff. Perhaps it doesn’t matter. What matter is the accuracy. We’ll see. This stuff is bound to surface in other venues. 

Another one frame streak, just to the left of the tree.

Here are some salient points regarding the sources of the ‘outbreaks’ in South Korea, Italy, and a bit about China, starting with Italy (emphases in the original)…

The above statement is of crucial importance since it supports in itself the assertion of several simultaneous infection clusters and several ‘patients zero’. There are cases in Lombardy [Italy] that could not be placed in an infection chain, and this must also be true for other areas. (see below) Given that the virus broke out separately in disparate regions of Italy, we can expect the identification of independent infectious clusters in those regions as well. That would mean Italy was hit by at least several individual ‘seedings’ of the virus…

…Then suddenly there appeared new infections that were unrelated to China. On February 19, the Lombardy Health Region issued a statement that a 38-year-old Italian man was diagnosed with the new coronavirus, becoming the fourth confirmed case in Italy. The man had never traveled to China and had no contact with the confirmed Chinese patients.

A classic (common) one framer. Seen almost every night.

Immediately after this patient was diagnosed, Italy experienced a major outbreak. In one day, the number of confirmed cases increased to 20 and, after little more than three weeks, Italy had 17,660 confirmed cases.
Now South Korea…
After little more than three weeks, South Korea had 8,086 confirmed cases. It would now seem likely (yet to corroborated) that South Korea and Italy could have been ‘seeded’ at approximately the same time.
As with Italy, multiple clusters and multiple simultaneous infections spreading like wildfire – and without the assistance of a seafood market selling bats and pangolins. [As I’ve said, the proximity to the Wuhan market and bio-lab were likely staged, to create China as patsy] 
Getting to the point…

The next three are part of a long sequence near dawn. Look carefully at the right edge, at the swarm of objects (there are many separate objects here).

There are indeed bio-weapons labs easily within reach of the stricken areas in both Italy and South Korea – but they belong to the US Military.

Korea is particularly notable in this regard because it was proven likely that MERS resulted from a leak at the American military base at Osan. The official Western narrative for the MERS outbreak in South Korea was that a Korean businessman became infected in the Middle East then returned to his home in Gyeonggi Province and spread the infection. But there was never any documentation or evidence to support that claim, and to my best knowledge it was never verified by the South Korean Government.

There is also a (very secretive) WHO-sponsored International Vaccine Institute nearby, which is (or at least was) managed by US military biological weapons personnel. At the time, and given the quarantine mentioned above, the event sequence accepted as most likely was that of a

Twenty minutes later the swarm is still active, each line representing a different moving… something. There are over 50 frames like this one, repping scores/hundreds of objects.

leak from a JUPITR biowarfare project. (5) (6)

The Korean path is similar with that of Italy. If we look at a map of the virus-stricken areas of Italy, there is a US military base within almost a stone’s throw of all of them. This is of course merely a case of circumstance arousing suspicion, and by no means constitutes proof of anything at all. 

However, there is a major point here which cannot be overlooked, namely the fact of simultaneous eruptions of a new virus in three different countries, and in all three cases no clear epidemiology, and an inability to identify either the original source or a patient zero…
Multiple experts on biological weapons are in unanimous agreement that eruptions in a human population of a new and unusual pathogen in multiple locations simultaneously, with no clear idea of source and cases with no proven links, is virtually prima facie evidence of a pathogen deliberately released [backed up by Boyle, Cottrell and others via the genome sequencing which proves ‘bio-weapon’], since natural outbreaks can almost always be resolved to one location and one patient zero. The possibility of a deliberate leak is as strong in Italy and South Korea as in China, all three nations apparently sharing the same suspicions. [end quotes]

If accurate, this information is akin to a multiple murder investigation wherein of several suspects only one can be put at the scenes of the various crimes. It ain’t proof, but it’s very close. Here’s the page again.

Almost dawn and if you look closely you can still see them. What the hell?

As I’ve said regarding this and other matters, one can almost always finger the guilty by simply asking cui bono and then asking ourselves what history has taught us. Western Intel (mainly the U.S., U.K., and Israel) has left its calling card at more 911s than I care to list here, but which includes the various shootings and ‘vehicular’ murders (look for a lone shoe), bombings (like Boston) and commercial aircraft downings (like Malaysia Fl 17, wherein a calling card was via the media not mentioning a bomb as the possible cause).

I have other thoughts but want to get this out; I fear censorship of forums like this one is coming. That will be the real beginning of the end of life as we knew it.


Oh. You can formally put Greg Carlwood’s ‘The Highersidechats’ on the State Mole list, based on his recent coronavirus podcast (‘No worries, folks, it’s all a hoax!’) and his touting of Rappoport. (I fingered him based on his early Flat Earth support, his associates, and his continual use of the term ‘conspiracy’, including calling himself ‘America’s Favorite Conspiracy Podcast’.) The moles truly are coming out, all together (a dead giveaway), which is another indication that this is ‘Big One’ (as opposed to my misstatement calling it ‘The Big One’).   

Addendum: If I suddenly stop posting (for more than a week), something bad happened.

I’m going to stick this chunk of my last post at the end of every post until it’s no longer needed:

Bottom line is that the ‘numbers’ don’t matter, bogus or not, the ‘tests’ don’t matter, bogus or not, nothing the media says, bogus or not, matters. (Ditto, me.) If hospitals are being overrun and doctors dying, we have a pandemic, with Mad Max revving his Charger just up the block. If you haven’t dealt with it, that will be your problem. Hopefully you don’t have a family that you have betrayed. 


  43 comments for “History Has Taught Us…

  1. March 25, 2020 at 6:45 pm

    bill blaize , keep your blinkers on then.
    You think I am lying – your choice.

  2. Drewiduation
    March 25, 2020 at 3:38 am

    Great analysis ! I am excited to see where this thing goes from here. I think it’s a page from the protocols of Zion (Albert pike) …these bastards manage society in terms of centuries and millennia. It’s easy for them to control a news cycle that is much shorter.
    Keep writing !

  3. drud
    March 24, 2020 at 7:01 pm

    What if the virus was real in China, Iran, South Korea and Italy but here in the USA only celebrities, politicians and sport stars caught the ‘virus’.

    • March 24, 2020 at 7:55 pm

      LOL! , here is my on the ground Hospital report .

      Last Sunday night, by shear chance, I had to kill 2 hrs at our big Hospital.
      A bit of a story- but I raced someone there, after they had nasty sudden chest pains.
      We were there from 8:45pm till 10:45pm………and guess what?? zzzzzzzzzzzzz,
      –The place was about as quiet as a library.
      NO coughing or hard breathing people to be heard or seen.
      NO staff and/or patients everywhere wearing masks (other than 2 Chinese)
      NO cars or other vehicles coming in and out at the emergency foyer ……
      ….. it was the only entrance open after 8 pm (and I was watching of course).
      NO cars to speak of, parked in the huge public car park (proof by itself of F.All going on)
      NO problem finding a bed for my “patient” at all…..
      ie -> A big NOTHING BURGER.
      For the first time in my 60 years, I was amused when one of the many staff members coughed twice haha! (but I contained my amusement 🙂

      The MS Media FEAR MONGERING beat up here, has been an absolute sickening disgrace. The economic suicide is beyond terrible (already of course).
      My biggest wish in life, is to see all the hard working people FINALLY WAKE UP, and bring the “lever pullers” of this latest attack (especially) to their DEMISE.

      • Miles MacQueen
        March 24, 2020 at 8:13 pm

        How does your anecdotal evidence refute anything that we know is happening in Italy and elsewhere?

        It’s like me saying that I don’t believe in UFO’s because I have never personally seen one (I haven’t). It’s a hopelessly naive and ridiculously egotistical position,especially when Allan has clearly shown us – something is going on up there.

        Having been asked many times to stop with laughable certainty, why on earth do you persist?

        • March 24, 2020 at 8:29 pm

          Are you the Sheriff around here?…I bet you would love to be a policemen, and would go around and do your best to stop people from speaking out about the corrupt governments.
          I am STILL finding a mountain of outright scaremongering fraud in the MS Media – that’s why.
          BTW, there are a heck of a lot of old people near the end of their life in Italy.
          And indications are 5G = bad for the old folk especially.
          The NWO want the older generation of people GONE, because they can remember how life used to be so much more FREE.

          • March 24, 2020 at 9:02 pm

            That you can’t answer my question says a lot about you, as do your comments, which I am glad to leave alone, given that they indicate what an idiot you are way better than anything I could come up with.

          • Miles MacQueen
            March 24, 2020 at 9:03 pm

            I would like to say, I am legitimately curious. Allan has asked you time and again to stop with the hoax certainty to the point of asking you to just go away, and yet you persist. I would ask why?

            But I don’t really care about your reasons, it’s just frustrating to watch this play out (over and over again).

            You do realize that you are completely discounting and dismissing his efforts each time you insist that it is nothing more than regular flu and old people dying, don’t you?

          • March 24, 2020 at 9:49 pm

            There seems to be some misunderstandings going on.
            Any dumb cluck with his ear to the ground knows this is a “911” type attack on earths citizens , and NO HOAX there.

            Please explain your ways out of my quiet, “nothing happening” hospital report.

            Where are all the sick people here?.
            AND STILL no one but no one here, knows anyone with more than a cold or flu
            And if you think I am lying, that is sad & your choice.

          • bill blaise
            March 25, 2020 at 12:19 pm

            Hospitals around the country are not allowing anybody in except the patient. My niece was rushed to the hospital a week ago with a ruptured artery from previous sinus surg
            ery. Her husband and father not allowed in. You just waltz right through a hospital. Hmmmmm

      • John Kobobel
        March 26, 2020 at 2:52 pm

        Your methodology of constant badgering other commentators ideas leaves me to believe that you have a major EGO problem. This is something every reader, of any forum, needs to learn to recognize and just immediately distance themselves from. Ignore Brett until he starts to provide any actual info that is relevant. Thanks to Allan for your active role in participation of the discussions!

        I love to read comments from Davido, Supergirl, Terence and many others because they are sharing their opinion or questions with a follow-up link for me to research for myself. No ego, just what do you think? In my mind the virus is secondary as I believe it is easy to harden yourself against it. just go to twitter and search for #chaga_gangsta and read the posts and watch the videos and decide for yourself.

        I work nights restocking the shelves at a major construction box store south of Denver so KNOW i have been exposed. I have not had any symptoms yet but am sure I will and they will be mild. I am also caring for my 78 year old mother and she is following the same regimen. Liposomal VitC(1600mg twice daily) VitD3 (40-50k IU throughout day) Chaga Mushroom(500mg twice daily). We are still both healthy even with my increased level of exposure. No lockdown for me as overtime is 2X and bonuses, and I have my “paperwork” that I am required to carry with me, etc.

        When the truth comes out we will know whether this “lockdown” was warranted. The economy has been spiraling out of control long before this and I welcome it’s demise so that we can start fresh. Hopefully we will not be afraid to try something new. My vote is for true capitalism with zero nanny state interference.

        My concern is solely about the power grab that I believe the elites will use to further control ALL of our daily lives. And I believe this is what Brett really wants to express but is doing it in a way that alienates people from the his idea.

        Video to watch and ponder and discuss is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1JLBXfKDbbI

        This is where I think the discussion we will be moving in late summer or fall as they begin to roll out their ultimate plans. I pray that I am wrong because that is a world that I will have no choice but to fully resist with all my being.

        With respect my friends.

        • March 26, 2020 at 7:51 pm

          That’s RICH coming from you John, your Ego is about 6x bigger than mine, and you don’t even realize it.
          Do you know you are rattling off a lot of points & “wishes” up there, that we all know and agree on?? – yes we do – less government, (money men killed too), and more freedom.
          I don’t know what you mean by Badgering???.
          Why didn’t YOU THEN, thank Arthur for not being a fraidy Cat Sheeple and coming out with a positive position and new information??. I know the answer.

          John, you said – “Ignore Brett until he starts to provide any actual info that is relevant”…..What the hell are you talking about??….I just gave you great news with what I found at our local Hospital. And you think it isn’t relevant?.
          I will find more good news for everyone, and post it above.
          I live in the NOW, and NOT in FEAR.

          • John Kobobel
            March 27, 2020 at 12:24 pm

            I guess I should have included anger issues also.

            I have no idea where you live but I totally disregarded your hospital story because I spent time the day previous to reading your comment at a hospital with my best friend who’s 20 year old son had just tried to commit suicide because he lacked any real life experience to put all that is happening to us into perspective. I spent a few hours in the waiting area trying miserably to console my friend and during that time I was able to talk to nurses/orderlies occasionally and they were tired and scared. Their comment was that they can still manage this, but just barely. Their common fear was how they would cope if the trend in new patients continued to grow.

            I am happy that you do not live in fear as that destroys all chance for rational conversations and growth. I also do not fear either this virus (for reasons given in my comment) or the economic collapse that I know I will live through in the coming months.

            I look forward to any good news that you may discover and choose to share.

            I saw this story on The Burning Platform and it gave me a moment of happiness. It is probably an old story that has been spread many times but I think it captures what it means to be a human being that adds value to those we randomly meet.


            With respect my friends.

  4. Davido Davido
    March 24, 2020 at 4:58 pm

    Regarding U.S response to the coronavirus, U.S. Secret ary of State Pompeo pronounces,
    “we’re in a live exorcise here”

    Trump interjects,

    “I wish you would have told us.”


    COVID-19: A US Scheme for Greater Consolidation of Wealth and Power? by Stephen Lendman


  5. SuperGirl
    March 24, 2020 at 4:13 pm

    Allan, don’t be so quick to assume that because the PTB now want Trump gone (or are at least okay with it) means that you were wrong about his election being part of The Plan. Both his election and removal/loss next round could easily benefit the PTB. As you say, cui bono – and there could easily be benefit in both circumstances. Consider this: He m check jay still have some usefulness, but someone else may have even more value. And if circumstances change, well then, outcomes have to change to keep The Plan on track.

  6. Davido Davido
    March 24, 2020 at 4:10 pm

    “I fear censorship of forums like this one is coming. That will be the real beginning of the end of life as we knew it.”

    And this is quite helpful,

    “there is a major point here which cannot be overlooked, namely the fact of simultaneous eruptions of a new virus in three different countries, and in all three cases no clear epidemiology, and an inability to identify either the original source or a patient zero…”

    • March 24, 2020 at 9:05 pm

      Yes, and you can be sure that the info you quote will not be heard by the general public. To say the least.

    • March 24, 2020 at 9:57 pm

      They pulled one of the best forums in the world down already, years ago.
      Incredible “OMG you are right” sources of information were on there by the truck load.
      Especially in the comments about War & History movies. I never watch those movies.

  7. Terence
    March 24, 2020 at 3:46 pm

    Not sure if you are familiar with Thierry Meyssan but there is some interesting background information in this article, particularly about Iran which I was unaware of.

    Probably one of the most interesting points is that a video by Professor Didier Raoult (in France) who says China has a proven drug (Chloroquine) to treat Covid-19 but this was censored in France and Meyssan is really saying they don’t want this known as otherwise they can’t justify their lockdown.
    This article below explains what is in the video which is in French and therefore is probably as good.

    Overall though he is no closer than anyone else to figuring out the actual precise agenda. He makes no reference to the fact it is a bio-weapon. Not clear why that would be unless he is a mole/disinfo agent but Meyssan if I recall was one of the people who said it was a missile that hit the Pentagon and not a plane, on 911.

    Whatever is the outcome after this initial “attack”, presumably the division will remain in world powers USA and it’s vassels versus China & Russia.

    Could it be all related to the talk for years that the world reserve currency status of the dollar is at great risk of failing and China & Russia have been working and carefully planning against it. Maybe it is a pre-emptive strike in that regard to prevent China & Russia from capitalizing from its demise. Such an explanation all seems a bit too financial though when the main emphasis so far has been creating real fear.

    • March 24, 2020 at 9:09 pm

      Good info, altho I have to check out the links (busy doing a post). I’m very familiar with Meyssan from his 9/11 work and would give him a pass for now on his failure to mention the bioweapon aspect. But he had better smarten up soon. And yes, of course, the financial world war is very much a part of this. But I’m taking one step at a time re what’s coming.

  8. Greg O
    March 24, 2020 at 2:43 pm

    Thanks for your work Allan. Trolls molls and assholes please use your time elsewhere:) We all gotta duck…when the shit hits the fan! Big Love & Concrete Respect. Be healthy and stay in touch!

  9. Ea
    March 24, 2020 at 2:42 pm

    i applaud yr use of ‘’911′ without the slash to indicate a major PTB-created catastrophe /emergency’ (which is what we ‘ve got, all right).

    The institution of the 9-1-1 phone number by AT&T in March 1968 too was a 911, or at least the hint of one, had we but known.

    might i suggest the use of ‘9.11’ with something not yet a slash to indicate the subset of this sort of event that literally (numerically?) occurs on the eponymous calendar date. Thus not only was Salvador Allende’s overthrow (1973) a 9.11, but so was GWB’s NWO speech (1991).

    to belabour the point, 2001/9/11 was both a 911 and a 9.11.

  10. Ron
    March 24, 2020 at 1:17 pm

    Allan, been reading yer ramblings, plz don’t take that offensively, ya do meander, for a couple years now. Would love t sit cross/fire from you and banter all night but we reside in different worlds. Maybe this will fizzle, maybe not. For those naysayers, ya don’t need t spread yer cheeks, they’ll do it for you! Stay in the safest place y can sir and hope to see ya on the other side of this latest debacle.

  11. Casey Cooper
    March 24, 2020 at 1:16 pm

    It has been a long time since I have sent a comment, but here goes. What I have experienced in life is that the business of money (i.e. wealth management / wealth accumulation) whether by an individual, a business, a large corporation, or a government only “works” if it is fluid or moving. It does not matter which way a market (stocks, mutuals, etc. for example) is moving just so long as it is not stagnant or “the status quo”. When the stagnant condition is reached, there will be disruption interjected by a person, a group, or a government to move the needle off dead center. A good example of this would be the military industrial complex needing a conflict (war) to provide an improved wealth pathway for the “players” to proceed down. In this case, young humans are used up to attain the mission goals. A result is that now the worlds societies are over loaded with aging individuals who are basically unproductive and a drain on the “wealth managers”. This produces a need to rid the world of this negative asset.
    Enter the corona virus to solve the problem. Mission accomplished.
    When an entity ( i.e. group, industry, government ) has the ability (power) to drive a market up or down to suit their wealth needs, then they have the upper hand over all of our lives. An example would be of a group of wealth managers driving the stock market up and down to suit their financial desires. A stock broker only makes money when you or I buy or sell a stock. Have you ever noticed that if you or I are the type of person who buys and then holds equities long term, our brokers don’t want to talk to us.

    • March 24, 2020 at 9:13 pm

      Good to hear from you, Casey, and yep, I basically agree with you, although there are many other issues on the table right now, meaning aside from $ and moving it. There are other sorts of Power.

  12. GB
    March 24, 2020 at 12:51 pm

    I agree it is an agenda. Fear is the best propaganda tool. To run a country you need a threat to the country, to run a hemisphere you need a threat to that hemisphere (Cold War). To run the world you need a global threat which means alien invasions (hard to stage) or a plague (quite easy). Present a solution (vaccine and movement restrictions) and fear of the threat will allow control. I disagree with you in that personally I think the threat to life is relatively minor for the fit and healthy. The PTB would hardly let a major plague lose as they may well be on the receiving end. I would suggest this is little more than regular flu with possibly increased mortality rates against those with exposure to a secondary ‘accelerant’ (for want of a better term). This might be 5G – it might be something else.
    In the UK we are at 335 deaths as I type. The annual death rate due to regular flu is typically 20K a year. I doubt we will exceed this in 2020 given that it is nearly summer. Global COVID19 deaths are currently 15,436 out of a typical annual 470,000 i.e. about 3% (https://sharylattkisson.com/2020/03/coronavirus-vs-flu-the-actual-stats/) . Again this will rise but will it exceed the regular flu total? Personally I doubt it given the UK experience. So to me this is an attempt to gain global control without a world war. Maybe this is a good thing but typically global wars follow global recessions so I don’t think we are out of the woods yet.

    • March 24, 2020 at 9:16 pm

      You say…

      I disagree with you in that personally I think the threat to life is relatively minor for the fit and healthy.

      When did I ever say different?


      ‘The PTB would hardly let a major plague lose as they may well be on the receiving end.’

      They have a vaccine (or whatever) for themselves. Pu-lease.

  13. ScuzzaMan
    March 24, 2020 at 12:43 pm

    Firstly, “they” (the alphabet soup agencies, the “experts” the people who are supposed to know and advise presidents beforehand) that the USSR was about to spectacularly collapse. “They” were in fact still feeding and arming the soviets to the very last, and playing their pretend games of existential threats.
    Secondly, just because you cannot identify an infection vector for a particular person does not mean it does not exist. Is it possible that US military labs seeded Korea and Italy? Of course – the Pentagon has done much worse things before now. Is it possible that the Italian Patient Zero was infected by some other means that simply hasn’t been traced? Also yes.
    The absence of evidence for both cases is not evidence for one of them.

    • drud
      March 24, 2020 at 6:34 pm


      It is now virtually certain that COVID-19 was brought to Wuhan by American troops taking part in the city’s World Military Games last Oct. 18-27.

      The 300-strong US contingent stayed 300 meters from the Huanan Seafood Market where China’s outbreak began (see map below) at the Wuhan Oriental Hotel.

      Five of the US troops developed a fever on Oct. 25 and were taken to an infectious-diseases hospital for treatment.

      42 employees of the Oriental Hotel were diagnosed with COVID-19, becoming the first cluster in Wuhan. At the time only 7 people from the market had been thus diagnosed (and treated before the hotel staff). All 7 had contact with the 42 from the hotel. From this source, the virus spread to the rest of China.

      The American Military Games team trained at a location near Fort Detrick, the military’s viral lab closed down by the CDC in July for various deficiencies.

      The big question now is whether the transmission was planned, or accidental.


      • March 24, 2020 at 9:19 pm

        Good stuff and re planned or not: When something works out so PERFECTLY for the PTB, I pretty much rule out accidents or coincidences. Could I be wrong? Sure. Is it likely? Nah.

  14. Horst
    March 24, 2020 at 9:26 am

    So it starts looking more realistic, considering it has been seeded in multiple locations, it’s not an uncontrolled “outbreak”. I assumed this in posts before. Of course, I’m still wondering, so take my post here as humble. Globalresearch has the same taste as veteranstoday, sometimes they lift the curtain a little bit, there is info, but you are drowning in BS on these.
    Concerning Germany, there are reports speculating why the virus “is not that deadly here”.
    Italy has a history of onslaughts by intelligence, like the Bologna massacre – 1980. All is possible in Italy, inflating numbers too. On the other hand, Italian villages are like retirement homes, been there. A flu is always bad in places like this.
    Time will show, maybe a big move is ahead, quantum money, cleaning house show on the east coast…

  15. Larry C
    March 23, 2020 at 9:23 pm

    And now a word from The Rooskies…HEY…I’m just the messenger…back off!

  16. Todd
    March 23, 2020 at 8:58 pm

    Thanks Allan, I hope nothing does happen. For reference in case DNS stops resolving Allan’s website, try using its IP address. You can also insert a static DNS (Domain Name System, resolves hostnames/websites to IP addresses) entry into your Windows, MAC, or Linux system if you have to. There are a lot of YT links showing how to do this.

    Name: http://www.blog.banditobooks.com

    • March 23, 2020 at 9:40 pm

      Thanks, Todd. The ‘Interweb’ stuff is black magic to me.

    • John Kobobel
      March 24, 2020 at 2:45 pm

      Awesome advice! We are all going to need to get educated and creative to fight off the coming censorship of information. There are ways….and we will save those until they are needed. With respect my friends….

  17. Larry C
    March 23, 2020 at 8:52 pm

    More on the Italian Job connection, from persona non grata, Jon Rappoport…https://blog.nomorefakenews.com/2020/03/19/italy-coronavirus-new-explosive-information/

    • March 23, 2020 at 9:45 pm

      My answer, one more time is…

      Bottom line is that the ‘numbers’ don’t matter, bogus or not, the ‘tests’ don’t matter, bogus or not, nothing the media says, bogus or not, matters. (Ditto, me and ditto Rappoport.) If hospitals are being overrun and doctors dying, we have a pandemic, with Mad Max revving his Charger just up the block. If you haven’t dealt with it, that will be your problem. Hopefully you don’t have a family that you have betrayed.

      And why hasn’t Rappoport — during this unfolding crisis, WHATEVER it is — advised his readers to stock up?

      • Axel
        March 24, 2020 at 5:23 pm

        JR is a city boy. It probably never even occured to him to stock up. He was, according to his books, an artist in what sounded like downtown New York. I doubt much has changed for him besides location. I’m sure he likes the city for its convenience, as food and supplies are everywhere all the time. It’s possible to be a very intelligent person and still fail to predict every possible outcome of a given situation.

      • jnan
        March 24, 2020 at 6:44 pm

        Ditto Allan, on everything you’ve said …. but ……
        “And why hasn’t Rappoport — during this unfolding crisis, WHATEVER it is — advised his readers to stock up?” Maybe … just a thought … he assumes that he is talking to intelligent, thoughtful, common sence adults who could figure that out on their own, without having to be spoon fed, about what they need to do, in their own best interest.
        Again, just a thought ………..
        Stay safe and well.

        • March 24, 2020 at 9:20 pm

          Maybe, but given his spectacular output (reminds me a bit of MM), you’d think the subject would… come up…

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