Addendums and Addendums

Addendum: Having some formatting problems. Bear with me. (Imagine the drop down spaces as you read…)

I’m at a Love’s truck stop dealing with tire pressure issues and thought I’d be in touch.

To those who give me added crapola about the fact that your first comment has to be moderated: This is mostly to avoid filling the comment section with Spam; so I spend a lot of my online time ‘moderating’. It ain’t fun, the cyber-world being so chock full of assholes and all, although I do get an occasional chuckle. Like this one:

amputee girl dating manti te o online dating
I'll probably need a new outdrive in May. How about chipping in $3.25 a month?

I’ll probably need a new outdrive in May. How about chipping in $3.25 a month?

About half my Inbox is stuff like this, stuff I try to keep off my forum, so you don’t have to put up with it. (As curious — or god forbid, turned on — as someone out there statistically speaking is likely to be, pu-lease don’t click the link. It might somehow come back to haunt us (or you).

Also, now that I have to cut living expenses so Gus and I can afford the boat and possible ‘Great Loop’ trip come May, I calculate that this blog is costing me over $300 a month in various fees and online services. (I just coughed up $180 for a Verizon hotspot so I don’t lose touch.) I don’t like to bring this up but will today: If you’re getting something out of my observations about how the world really works, how about a tiny monthly contribution? $3.25 ain’t what it was when I started this current extravaganza five years ago but it would be much appreciated.
I’m on my way to a lower elevation New Mexico state park to keep the ambient temp the way I like it (60 – 75 F range) and on the road have been listening to some podcasts and such. One outlet that I keep an eye on is the ‘Joe Rogan Experience,’ which I’ve said before is almost certainly a deep state LH/misdirection op. Part of my reason for saying this is Rogan’s meteoric rise in both fame and Net traffic (meaning money). It seems — and I can’t find the link to this stat — that over the past five years Rogan interviews have had over a billion views. Yes, with a ‘B,’ which stat likely makes him the most listened to interviewer on the planet.

Jan Irvin on the left. The Rogan of the past in the middle.

Jan Irvin on the left. The Rogan of the past in the middle.

In order to see how this could possibly happen to a guy who was (note the tense) very tight with Jan Irvin, I did some archive surfing. Rogan Poscast # 116 (he’s up to over 1,300 now) is interesting (I found it via a ‘Rogan + Jan Irvin’ YT search). Rogan launches this one with a pitch for how, through his website, you can get a 15% discount on sex toys  for men. (My emphasis, to point out his sexist leanings — why no toys for babes? — not to mention the utter sleaze of it). Amidst the verbal jumble, and this is in the same paragraph as the sex toy pitch, you’ll hear Joe assure us that ‘If you have any doubts whatsoever: I’m interested in selling out.’
 Mmmm. Also notice that this 2013 ‘cast even now has less than 17,000 views (even after crazed fanboys no doubt went back to hear all of Joe), compared to over eight million on a current one I’ll talk about in a bit. Right. Eight million — and there isn’t a tumbling cat or a moron belly-flopping into a drained pool in sight.
Although I don’t advise you spend more than a few seconds on the 2013 babbling travesty, it is interesting to note not only how far Joe has come but how he’s changed. Catch (right up front) how he belittles Irvin for not watching television plus his utter scorn for anything remotely ‘scholarly’ or even… intelligent.  (I bit the bullet for your all’s sakes and listened to the whole two hours of it.) You catch the ‘current’ Joe and you’d think he’s a PhD. candidate somewhere…
[Random Rogan sentence of note: ‘I’ve drunk my own piss eleven times, but I don’t make a habit out of it.’
rogan irvin2‘My friend, Jan Irvin’ is Jan’s intro, plus Jan gets a third of the screen; according to Irvin/Rogan, the two had been tight for ‘eight years. You may be thinking ‘ So what?’ or ‘Who’s Jan Irvin?’, but my initial suspicions about Rogan were sparked by my ‘relationship’ with Irvin, best summed up in my Open Letter to Jan Irvin (almost exactly five years ago). As Irvin and I ‘battled’ it out, Irvin, in his various rages, would somehow bring up people who ‘fucked’ him, and would invariably add that they were ‘dirty,’ words to that effect. Aside from Richard Grove (of, Rogan was on Jan’s ‘dirty’ list. I know: Irvin is unstable, etc. but you can make assumptions about a person from who their friends were and enemies are. Sort of like Sofia Smallstorm referring to (flat earther) David Weiss as ‘a friend of mine.’ I suspect that many gov’t moles get their start through referrals from ‘friends.’
[Random Rogan Sentence of note: ‘I know some smart people but Jan actually wrotebook, (holding it up) and it has references and a glossary and shit!’
I don’t expect you all to automatically believe me when I say someone is dirty, and in this case, Rogan’s case, it almost doesn’t matter. But if you don’t believe that a lot if not most of the alt media are part of the PTB agenda, you might be on the wrong website. It’s that obvious to me, and if you look back at previous posts, in many cases I do have the evidence to back up my contention.rogan irvin7
Random Rogan Sentence of note: ‘I have no idea who any of those people are.’ This after Irvin spoke about Allen Dulles, John Foster Dulles, Walter Lippman and several other spooks/cultural intelligentsia, and it’s clear Rogan was proud of his ignorance, and scornful of Irvin’s getting so ‘deep.’ 
But my purpose today is not to out Joe Rogan, only to suggest that assumptions can sometimes be made by the subject matter of his podcasts/videos. What recently got my attention was Rogan’s interview with Commander David Fravor, who is one of the Navy airmen featured in the recent ‘tic tac’ UFO encounters. (This is the one with eight mil views.)
In fact, I would hope you all have noticed the evolving mainstream attitude toward UFOs in general, especially the New York Times piece of about a year ago; a shitload of MS sources jumped right on the wagon in its wake. Commander David Fravor and his ‘Tic Tac’ encounter of 2004 has been on Tucker Carlson, just for example. And they are all suddenly taking UFOs very seriously.
rogan irvin9This documentary film, about a half hour and very slick and professional, is worth a look, if you are unfamiliar with the issue. Thing is, it isn’t only the 2004 encounter that’s ‘in the news,’ but a more recent spate of Top Gun witnesses from the East Coast (the Tic Tac encounter was off Mexico/California). I’ll leave you to do your research, since my point is not that UFOs are ‘real’ — to anyone with a modicum of curiosity about HTWRW, this is very, very, old news indeed.
Here’s my question to you guys: What’s the real issue here? Take a moment if you have to… while you’re thinking, maybe notice something about the above documentary… notice how it must have been made with the complete cooperation of the Navy?
Yes, that was a big hint.
I’ve watched maybe a score of video interviews with the Navy airmen (pilots and radar people and ground crews) and very quickly noticed that what would have been my first question to the guys is not asked by anyone. rogan irvin9b
Okay, okay, enough hints.
Why are you telling us this now?
A closely related question… it’s not even a question but rather an observation… is this: You are under orders to spread the word that UFOs are real, right?
Addendum: Rogan is up front in this piece because I believe he’s often an entré, a sort of hint, as to what’s the next Big Lie or Deception we’re going to have to deal with. See, a few months ago Rogan had a guy named Bob Lazar on his show, and raved about how ‘legit’ Lazar is. Lazar claims to have worked at Area 51 back-engineering alien spacecrafts. Thing is, you watch the show and you sure do not notice how ‘legit’ Lazar is. In fact, I know more about astro-physics than he does. 
I hope you all understand the significance of the fact that the above two questions (‘Why now?’ and ‘You’re under orders, right?’) are the crux of the matter of ‘UFOs in the news.’ The crux. 
East Coast sightings up the wazoo.

East Coast sightings up the wazoo.

And if you need evidence that Rogan is dirty, you have it right here. How could Rogan not have asked these questions?

And why is the Navy (read: Intelligence Services) cooperating with a documentary film about UFOs outperforming the best aircraft in our arsenal. (Notice the quality of the ‘re-creations’ in the film.)
Addendum: You gotta love the baritone-voiced narrator telling us how these ‘brave and honest airmen have had the courage to come forward.’ Riiiight. As if they are not under orders….
Why is a Navy squadron commander all over the media (MS and alt) saying shit like, ‘We’re not alone’?
Everyone thinks the Big News is that UFOs were sighted by reliable witnesses. Pu-lease….. The Big News and it might be REALLY BIG NEWS, is that these guys are telling us this stuff now. 

Addendum: Sorry if you’re tired of this question, but here it is: Why am I the only Net-place where you’ll hear this matter even brought up?

Some the 'brave and honest Navy airmen' who have 'come forward' to 'tell you we are not alone.'

Some the ‘brave and honest Navy airmen’ who have ‘come forward’ to ‘tell you we are not alone.’

Again, UFOs have been making fools out of various high end military aircrafts since WW II, so why the sudden attitude switch from smirk to Gee Whiz?
This is today’s question, kids. I know I can rely on some smart comments below in answer to it.
There is a really good book on this general subject, titled After Disclosure; When the Government finally Reveals the Truth About Alien ContactIt’s by Richard Dolan, the go-to limited hangout guy when it comes to matters UFO. (As with so many others, his casual support for the Apollo fraud is the giveaway.)
Again, sorry for the sorry-ass formatting. I have no idea why WordPress is fucking with me today.

  39 comments for “Addendums and Addendums

  1. October 11, 2019 at 11:44 pm

    It’s Great, right to the very end – 4hrs40mins.
    Notice how they (all) hated his tee shirt :-D, some one said in the comments > “I see why this man is banned he knows way too much”…too true.
    Joe R is never/will never be allowed to talk to people like – Edward Griffin ( ‘The Creature from Jekyll Island’ author), John Perkins (‘Confessions of an Economic Hit Man’ author), Ken O Keefe (Ex War Machine Marine), to name just 3.

    • October 14, 2019 at 1:33 am

      I just found this, what Alex Jones told Joe R & Eddie B (back in 2017 podcast), about the ‘moon missions’ >

      • Todd
        October 14, 2019 at 6:45 pm

        What’s interesting is that on at least two occasions in the 2019 podcast and at least one occasion in the 2017 podcast is that Jones flat out states to Joe that ‘…dude [Joe], you’re worse than I am about facts… You’re absolutely on target. You know everything I know… you just pretend you’re not knowing all this stuff.’

        I certainly think there is quite a bit of truth to this slip-o-the-tongue – especially after having a few drinks of Tito’s and some smoke.

        • October 14, 2019 at 8:40 pm

          Hi Todd, yes I noticed too.
          But also I have noticed these guys make the odd “mind game” statement sometimes. Like in the 2019 talk, Joe Rogan asks Alex Jones if he has ever ‘hit his head’ or ‘had a head injury’….later on in the talk, Alex Jones suddenly blurts out (for no reason! ) ‘I’m Retarded! … – WTF?.

  2. Larry C
    October 10, 2019 at 11:52 pm

    UFOs??? Aliens??? What nonsense! Do you have any idea how far it is just to the nearest star??? There’s NO WAY the aliens could get here in their covered wagons!!!

    • October 11, 2019 at 12:50 am

      Have a listen to the Joe Rogan/Alex Jones/Eddie Bravo podcast, and think outside the square.
      Don’t have to be anywhere near the nearest star.

    • October 11, 2019 at 4:08 pm

      ‘UFOs’ and ‘aliens’ are two different subjects, but if you don’t think UFOs are up there (‘UNIDENTIFIED flying objects, i.e., they don’t get identified) means you haven’t been paying any attention whatsoever to the subject.

  3. Todd
    October 10, 2019 at 6:31 pm

    Allan, I too observed Lazar was a whole-lot-o-noth’n – complete disappointment.
    Excruciating to watch – he offered little to no specifics, and anytime the conversation steered towards anything remotely requiring specifics he would either have a brain fart or headache – then on to another topic, and contradicts himself way too much. Him trying to explain gravity with gravity was hilarious. He was there like 6 months – i don’t think he got anything done based on what he said.

    HOWEVER, the interview with Cmdr. David Fravor – I’ve gotten halfway thru and it’s just the opposite of Lazar’s. Certainly compelling.

    Haven’t taken a look at Joe’s work in a while until you pointed this stuff out – wow, what an eye opener – he does a lot of blabbing, but nothing of any real detailed significance. Just spot check another interview with him and Abby Martin re JFK and MLK. A lot of blabbing, but no real meat, throwing in misdirection and still ridicules conspiracy theorists.

    • October 10, 2019 at 7:12 pm

      Yesterday (on a mission to get ANYTHING out of Joe R’s interviews), I managed to mow through nearly 4 hrs of Joe talking to Alex Jones (love him or hate him), and Eddie Bravo..
      It is the most Amusing, & often Hilarious!, pod cast I have ever yet seen anywhere!! 😀
      I can tell you now, – just by Joe’s EYES and words, and especially Eddie’s, they definitely call Bullshit on the Apollo moon landings.
      Alex Jones confidently says *they went!*, but refuses to tell us how….and he KNOWS A LOT.
      Alex knows some shocking and eye-popping stuff, about humans with Aliens, and their hybrid “breeding programs” , including some Horrific stuff about stolen babies etc.
      Joe is great mates with Alex J, and sadly,he gets a lot of hate for it.
      The comradery between these 3 guy’s, is heart warming to say the least, and what they had to say,- especially Alex Jones (who is up to his eyeballs in legal bullshit right now) is very enthralling & riveting….I want to watch half of it again.
      IMO, if you want a ‘pick me up’ – and ears opened, watch Joe with Alex Jones and Eddie B.

    • October 10, 2019 at 7:59 pm

      Yeah, Fravor is a different deal altogether. It’s like the U.S. Government saying ‘We’ve been lying for decades. UFOs are real. It’s very significant. But still: Why now? What’s coming that the PTB would have this guy come out with these truths (I don’t doubt anything he says. I only want to know what he’s not saying.)

      Rogan. Another state mole, IMO. Groomed and told what stuff to promote and how to promote it. A lot to learn from his shows, if you pay attention to the subtext, and realize who’s behind him.

      • October 10, 2019 at 8:44 pm

        Definitely right about Joe Rogan Allan.
        I wish he would/could be honest, and spill his gut’s on what he knows.
        His Alex Jones talk is the most Outrageous that I have seen so far, lot’s of pointers came out of that, they even all agreed about building 7 being pulled, AND how it’s demise was reported by 5 news outfits, 27 minutes BEFORE it fell down.

        • October 10, 2019 at 9:49 pm

          I’m watching it now. It IS hilarious, and some of the bizarre crap Jones is rambling about is true. He does know A LOT, but he’s under complete control. Still, he’s so crazed he’ll spill stuff sort of by accident.

  4. Mehdi
    October 9, 2019 at 8:27 pm

    Hi Alan
    I bought all your books. Why don’t you write a book so we can buy it?

    • October 9, 2019 at 10:08 pm

      I appreciate the thought and thank you for the reading time, but I don’t know if I have another book in me. I’m so pissed off at the lies we’re told — as you can tell from this blog — that I think I’m losing my sense of humor. A dying sense of humor equals no book. Any writer who says different is either lying to you or to him/herself.

      Best I can do for now is spit out a few words now and then on this blog.

    • October 9, 2019 at 11:43 pm

      I just bought (the first of my collection) one of Allan’s books – In Search of Captain Zero, which is still in transit to me from overseas, and I am very much looking to it. But I have a feeling it wont put much gas in the RV or boat tank off one book.
      I wouldn’t mind at all, pitching in a wee bit more per month, and if you ever get stuck “between a rock & a hard place” , just sing out, and I will see what I can scratch together.

      IMO, they are only interested in ushering in the old fake Alien Invasion, because advanced races with the serious & magic technology, would reveal the sickening Oppression/Suppression here, and Ripoff Rort monetary system AND it’s owners. It’s so Obvious.

      • October 10, 2019 at 12:26 am

        Thanks, Brett, I appreciate your concern; absent a random catastrophe, I’ll be ok, altho I just found out my boat arrived sans dingy and generator. $1,000 poof. Pisses me off. Really tired of thieves and liars. So many out there….

  5. October 9, 2019 at 4:20 pm

    Richard Dolan just put out a video on these encounters but failed to mention what I’ve brought up here about these ‘courageous Navy airmen coming forward’ being under orders (from the highest levels of the PTB), and that their ‘We are not alone,’ statements are totally scripted.

    He does not wonder why no one in the media (or the Rogan ‘alt media’) has asked them Why now? and Are you under orders to do this?

    Here’s Dolan’s video:

    Nothing new here, not even from Richard Dolan. No one wants to bring up the real importance of these events.

  6. jw
    October 9, 2019 at 3:54 pm

    About the subscriptions-

    1. Anyone who comes to the site as a regular thing ought to kick in, in my opinion.
    AW has told us he needs the money, and I doubt he liked having to do that.

    2. The 3.25 rate is very low. An increase to 5.00 would be very reasonable. I think those who are giving would stand the bump.

    Any comments from other subscribers?

    • October 9, 2019 at 6:44 pm

      Thanks, jw, but no worries about the bucks, be it 3.25 or five. I don’t even know how to change the paypal doo-dad anyway. Someone wants to send more, they always just hit it twice, but mainly I like seeing the notifications in my Inbox, ‘You have money’. Means someone is listening… Like writing a book, you don’t usually meet your readers or know for sure they are out there. Which is why I appreciate amazon reviews. Reminds me that someone is reading the work, even if they don’t like it.

  7. GB
    October 9, 2019 at 1:25 pm

    Hi Allan. You are spot on with respect to Bob Lazar. He has very obviously been ‘handled’ from an early stage to leak disinformation. I suspect Lazar himself knows this (not all do) or he would not have been caught out in so many lies regarding his education etc. If this is accepted though then the metadata surrounding his information – the ‘what’, ‘why’, ‘when’ etc -becomes all the more interesting (as you correctly point out with the current US Navy ‘leaks’).

    As to the ‘why’ others have covered below but worth re-iterating that ’In-group’ cohesion is directly proportional to ‘out-group’ threat. To control a country you need a country wide threat (‘the war on…..’) ; to control the planet you need a global threat. Could be ‘disease X’ (no offence intended ‘X’!), could be aliens, could be currency collapse, – could be a triple whammy of all three.

    • October 9, 2019 at 6:48 pm

      Yes, it could be any of these things — a coming collapse, a false flag, just making us nervous. (Which the regulars here already have mentioned, below.) Or it could be that they know something is bound to happen wherein they can’t deny the reality of UFOs any longer and want to be able to say, ‘See, we admitted it. Can’t blame us for a cover up!’ This would be total BS but it’s like the usual plausible deniability….

      But don’t be surprised if something happens fairly soon.

  8. October 9, 2019 at 1:24 pm

    I need to go Surfing…………………………. Aloha

  9. frank
    October 9, 2019 at 1:23 pm

    About the strange first-time comments: I believe they are created by web-crawlers, i.e. programs that search for any website looking somehow like a forum, and automatically dump their shit there. Perhaps with a little manual help. I have seen similar stuff on technical (SW engineering) fora quite a lot. I suppose nothing personal towards you.
    For Joe Rogan, I suppose he is catering towards a certain target audience. One with limited brainpower and a vague aversion against anyone using loanwords (i.e. seems smarter). Swearing and cursing helps a lot with those people …
    Well, and for UFOs & the military – I realized some years ago that all of this is a distractive snow job, I never read an article or watched a video about that since. I suppose it is predictive programming, for an “Alien Invasion” using SpaceX holotech.

    • October 9, 2019 at 6:50 pm

      Thing is, tho, UFOs (whatever they are) have been around… maybe forever. How they are related to other things (like human origins, intel design, the ‘moon numbers’, etc.) is the subject of my next post.

  10. October 9, 2019 at 1:05 pm

    Last winter when I was camped in AZ, I listened to an NPR interview with the “journalist” who supposedly first broke the Bob Lazar psyop 20+ years ago. It was a very long piece, and I wondered at the time, “why is this being resurfaced in MSM coverage now?”

    I watched The Nimitz Encounters around the same time and had the same reaction as you Allan. And now this Navy pilot making the MSM rounds…geez! In WW2 the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) was at the top of the intelligence agency pyramid, above the OSS and all the other spook agencies. Take a look at the cast of characters (AKA lying sacks of shit) that have paraded through naval intelligence through the decades…

  11. Daniel
    October 9, 2019 at 12:53 pm

    Hi , would you go on Rogan’s podcast if you were invited?

    • October 9, 2019 at 6:50 pm

      I would never, ever be invited. That said, sure I would, if it was done live.

    • October 9, 2019 at 7:17 pm

      He would NEVER invite people like Allan, who would tell the TRUTH, AND knock his toys over on his desk (just have a look at the state of his desk :-D).
      Honestly, it’s one big fluffy duck bullshit show, mostly with expert guests bitching about things in the PAST, like erosion on the Sphinx for gods sake.
      I mean, I don’t dislike Joe R. , but I hate his owners who control him….he is addicted to his $$$GravyTrain$$$ position, he bought a $5mill house not too long ago.

  12. Miles MacQueen
    October 9, 2019 at 2:37 am

    Nothing like a staged alien invasion to usher in one world government. The existential threat of the carbon based climate change hoax doesn’t quite seem like it is going to get them to the critical mass necessary…

    • JS
      October 9, 2019 at 2:44 pm

      I think this is where all of the recent ‘disclosure’ phenomena is taking us.
      They must vilify ET in order to create fear, justify an offensive military response and keep the MIC ticking along.

  13. October 8, 2019 at 8:06 pm

    Joe Rogan’s high view counts?, – he has had a massive boost start, by spring-boarding off at least 1/2 dozen or more quite popular TV shows, where HE was the centre of attention.
    We used to love watching his ‘Fear Factor’ show!.
    He also has a GIFT for hosting and interviewing people, right down to his pleasant voice IMO.
    BUT, no one will learn a damn thing (I found out quickly) about How the World REALLY Works, from all or any of his podcasts, because he is “owned, ordered, and payed ” by you know who.

    ALL of those films (like The Nimitz encounters), that use those words like *FEAR*, Shaken, Haunted, – are government Psyops jobs.
    It is nothing but shear amazement and beauty, when you finally see something.

    • October 8, 2019 at 8:15 pm

      …..Oh, that drinking piss thing?…he has had a go (I wouldn’t! :-D) at that Weird “health” regime. Research into it on the webs 😀 :-D….in India *Sacred Cow* is the health fixer.

    • October 9, 2019 at 6:54 pm

      You all are on the money with your comments. i would only suggest that there may be even more going on than the issue you list. Gotta think this one through. Might be important!

      Really a disappointment that Dolan was silent about the more subtle issues. I know he’s not one of us, but I like the guy. You can’t start liking people if you want to get to the truth.

  14. Todd
    October 8, 2019 at 7:50 pm

    TPTB may have run out of ‘terrestrial boogie-men’ after going thru the Germans, the Russians, ‘terrorists’ of varying ethnicities – mostly middle eastern (sprinkle in a few left/right winger home-grown/domesticated ‘lone nuts’), the Chinese, the Syrians, the Iranians, oh, and the North Koreans, etc…etc… It’s one of their last playing cards to cause fear, panic and CONTROL among the clueless, dumbed-down, sickly population known as the (ahem) ‘useless eaters’.

    • Andrew
      October 8, 2019 at 10:29 pm

      Yep. yep. yep. I’m waiting on the global tax for an alien defense shield.

      Allan – In the video’s, podcasts, conferences, etc are the Navy and SSP ever mentioned in the same sentence?

  15. X
    October 8, 2019 at 6:49 pm

    Extreme epiphenomena warrant extreme distractions.

    I suspect TPTB aren’t quite sure whether WW3 is going to be distracting enough, and so need something that skeptics can believe WW3 is meant to distract them from – hence alien invasion/infiltration.

    • October 9, 2019 at 6:57 pm

      I’m tempted to say, ‘If X thinks Y, we should look elsewhere.’ But I won’t say it. 😉

      Seriously, tho, I’m surprised you don’t have more to say about this. You know, hinting at a deeper knowledge of the issue, and so forth.

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