Are You A Silent Spreader?

I need you all to view a video I made three years ago, The Power of Big A, which is about Artificial Intelligence Algorithms and how they are and will be used against us. You need to be aware of the full force of surveillance that is about to come down on all of us… and it will be at our own insistence. It’s not long and it’s worth your time:

Keep in mind that the above was from 2017, and at the time ‘Artificial Intelligence Responses to Disasters’ was not ostensibly about a pandemic; it was mainly hurricanes and other natural disasters. But what was the first and main use of the A.I. algorithm? 

Predicting an influenza outbreak.

Last night was even busier than the night before. Don’t have room for all of them.

Let me make a prediction. Soon they will be telling us how the social tracking of infected people is the only way to stop the pandemic, and the best, the only way, to do that efficiently is through A.I., how it can combine all the personal information of each of us, including our search histories, buying behavior (recall how the Target algorithm knew the girl was pregnant before her family did, and maybe before she did), movements (through continuous cell phone triangulation), and, yes, through our electronic communications (emails, texting, and intercepted phone calls), and so forth.

Recall that after Snowden, all the talk was about limiting the collection of our private data, especially by the intel agencies. Aside from the fact that it was just talk and nothing was ever done, COVID gives them the excuse to not only keep up with the Constitutional law-breaking, but to hugely expand its reach.

Another classic ‘one-framer,’ meaning it came and went in less than 13 seconds.

Anyone even complaining about illegal data collection/surveillance will now be branded a menace to our national health. Aside from the above means, with the combination of cell phones/laptops/etc. serving as room bugging devices and A.I., they will be able to tell if you are symptomatic and hiding it. This will be the rationale, anyway, and expect a load of media stories about not only ‘silent spreaders’ but unpatriotic and dangerous hooligans who are not cooperating with voluntary measures.  

If Apple can hear you say ‘Hey, Siri, play some music’, they can hear everything you say. Not only hear, but filter through their A.I. algorithm, so as to know anything they want to know about you and those around you. They wouldn’t be doing this, of course, except to save lives. 

There are two, both just to the right of the tree on the left.

The term ‘silent spreader’ will soon be akin to ‘sleeper cell’ after 9/11, and the rooting out of these ‘dangers to us all’ will be our job as well. Remember the ‘See something, say something!’ Homeland Security meme from the 2000s? COVID will boost the idea of informing on your neighbors into a whole new level. Right out of Invasion of the Body Snatchers. 

Watch for subtext media messages telling you to be observant because anyone could be a terrorist , uh, silent spreader… 

‘Never let a good crisis go to waste,’ as Rom Emmanuel tells us, and as the PTB have been doing since… well, since forever. Speaking of which, other 9/11 echo-memes keep coming: 

‘No one saw this coming,’ from Trump, and, actually, he wasn’t lying. The head bobbers standing behind him certainly saw it coming, but he did not (because they didn’t tell him). 

‘We are at war,’ once again from Trump, mindlessly beaming at being a ‘wartime president,’ and completely oblivious to how little time he has left.

‘The American people will unite and blah blah blah,’ Trump like Bush atop the rubble at the WTC.

Another vertical trajectory one-framer. Ballistic ones are tough to explain.

‘We are up against an enemy we can’t see,’ referring to the tiny little COVID terrorist, and so forth and on and on. 

Fill in the 9/11-meme blank and odds are you can apply it to COVID. What did I say many posts back? Lemme look… Here it is…

Bingo! There is nothing about The Bug that is not perfect in terms of The Agenda. The most obvious perfection is the long (at least a week) dormancy period, which was genetically implanted in The Bug at the U of North Carolina and maybe in Australia (listen to the Boyle link). People A-symptomatic (not sick) yet contagious for that long? A Bill Gates wet dream. (Another PTB feature of this designer bug is how it can go away — with the patient ‘recovering’ — then come roaring back, more potent and more contagious than the initial go-round.)

Addendum (later today): I keep wanting to add stuff… Trump’s press conference today… I’m vibrating in twisted hilarity (I’m way beyond anger)… he finishes off by thanking the CDC, NIH, and so forth personnel for ‘The tremendous job they’re doing.’ Hey, that’s Bush thanking the CIA for protecting us on 9/12/01. It’s not sort of like that. It’s exactly like that. How could he not realize what an utter fool he is? 

Barbara Honnegger, who did the deepest and most revealing investigation of the 9/11 Pentagon attack and who worked for Ronny Reagan/GW Bush before busting them for their ‘October Surprise,’ sent me her recent essay on COVID. As I told her, I pretty much agree with all she says, except for her assumption that Trump is ‘in on’ The Plan.

Just to the left of the tree in the middle. Is all this spooky night-business coincidental re COVID? Yes, almost certainly…

No, as I say, Trump is soon to be history. In fact, let me go out on a long limb and suggest you watch as Trump comes down with COVID, winds up in ICU, and maybe even croaks. What a perfect sendoff! And what a perfect way to scare the shit out of everyone and get them to agree to anything. 

In her piece, Barbara reminds us that the Spanish Flu of a century ago was almost certainly another black op or, hey, maaaybe it was an accident, this time via good old Fort Detrick:

‘Not only is the original 1918 Spanish flu agent now known to have originated in a U.S. Army base, a U.S. scientist, Dr. Yoshihiro Kawaoaka, resurrected the DNA of this very Spanish flu for the Pentagon and developed a way to increase its lethality 200 times. Moreover, the PNAC Manifesto by the same ‘neoconservatives’ that Bush and Cheney installed before the 9/11 false flag event articulated big plans for the use of bioweapons. In the PNAC report of 2000, there was a proviso calling for the development of new and ethnically-targetable bioweapons.’ [end quote]

Although I’m working on a list of alt media dirt who are showing their true colors with their coverage (or non-coverage, as with Corbett) of COVID, I’m going to try to make these posts relatively short and to the point (maybe two points). So back to work. See you soon.


Oh, and no, I am not enjoying this, and I will not enjoy being right about anything. As to ‘May you live in interesting times,’ I’d rather be relaxing on a beach or even on the desert, playing with my dog in daytime and recording the heavens at night. 

Addendum: It’s 4:39 PM my time in the desert. Got up at about 8 AM and collected my night-lapse cameras. Editing and archiving took several hours (a lot of staring at the Mac screen as the night slides by, twice, one session for the Canon, one for the GoPro), then to work on this post, which took up the rest of the day. Good to keep busy, but a couple or so bucks a month donation from a few more of you, would make it better. I’d feel like an actual writer, which I did used to be. (Is ‘did used to be’ grammatically correct?) 

Hey, if I come up with proof of some ultimate weirdness in the night sky, you will be the first to hear about it.


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