Guests vs Deadbeats

All from last night.

I’ll be on the road for the next couple days and may not be able to post anything, depending on cell coverage and how tired I am from driving. Now that spring is near I have to seek higher elevation to stay comfortable. The low desert is great in terms of clear skies for photography and mild winter temps, but when the equinox looms and heat gets oppressive I don’t tend to get much done.

Where I’m going has great skies, with 3,000 feet less atmosphere between my cameras and the heavens, and generally clear conditions. I have this feeling that my night sky-lapse documenting (now that it’s a formal enterprise) may lead to important conclusions, when coupled with related matters. I’m working on an essay about this but for now suffice to say that I’m pretty sure that whatever it is I’m recording virtually every night (sometimes multiple times, like last night) is directly related to matters I’ve covered before, like the moon numbers, intelligent design, some version of Simulation Theory — plus yes the dreaded Mandela Effect — and so on. See, there is a ‘higher power’ — the moon numbers tell us this quite inarguably — but what we don’t know is… hell, what we don’t know is everything. Maybe a clue is up there in the night skies. (And although less likely, maybe underground, hence my ACE 250.)

So yes, I have been wanting to move on from The Bug, but I can also see that what’s happening with The Bug could be the next game changer, in terms of how our lives will be lived on a daily basis. No small matter, right? And given that knowledge is power, we should all want to know as much truth as is possible regarding what The Bug is or isn’t, plus why and how it’s infecting us homo sapiens.

It’s very frustrating when folks who have been on this blog for a while and presumably agree with most of my conclusions re HTWRW (or why would you be here at all), make statements to the effect of The Bug as a complete hoax, i.e., there is no new pathogen and just the regular amount of people are getting sick and dying from seasonal flu. As I’ve said multiple times, for this to be a complete hoax, virtually every doctor, nurse, hospital worker, ‘patient’ (including relatives) and so forth, around the world, would have to be either in on it or be so dumb that they can’t tell the difference between an empty (or normally busy) emergency room from one which is overflowing with folks with distressed respiratory systems. Folks who believe the hoax scenario obviously have not thought to themselves how a hoax involving hundreds of thousands of people — many of them medically-trained — would actually be carried out ‘on the ground,’ with no one piping up on social media saying ‘Hey, everything is normal here!’ and ‘There is no pandemic at this hospital!’ and so on. The mind, my mind, truly does boggle.   

And the above is just the beginning, the tip of the ol’ ‘berg, of why a hoax of this magnitude is not what we’re looking at. I see comments listing the financial reasons why the PTB would not let loose a virus upon the populace, as if accruing money is the prime motive of the people who print the stuff. Honestly, I have trouble dealing with those who apparently listened to the Frances Boyle podcast, and then, apparently, delete it from their memory banks because they don’t like the implications.

There is a new bug and it was made in a lab. Get used to it.  

For me to read comments here that posit crisis actors and CGI (or whatever) as the explanation for the images of the deserted streets of China… for me to read that sort of nonsense from folks I normally take very seriously, is at first puzzling, then distressing, then, finally, depressing, as I am again reminded that no one ever learns anything they don’t want to learn. I mean I spent years making a film that proves this to be the default mental state of our species. When am I going to accept what I myself have proved? 

In some cases I assume the spouter of nonsense is simply a state mole, surfacing now because now is crisis time, and in crisis time the spreading of confusion and divisiveness and disinformation and so forth is their job. But then, as with Arthur Danu, I find out that the person is merely incapable of critical thought, in this case because he is distracted by his own self-importance.

And so on. 

So again, yes, I want to move on, maybe to a search for ‘glitches in the matrix,’ that sort of thing, evidence that the Mandela Effect is just a peek at what… reality… consciousness… call it what you will… and after we get past the language distraction/barrier (describing description), a sense of why we’re really here may surface.

Addendum: Hey, I viewed most of the mini-series of Stephen King’s The Outsider last night and it occurred to me that maybe King is an example of a ‘glitch in the matrix’ slash a sort of human version of predictive programming. I looked up the number and the guy has written about one hundred books. Listen, I’ve written three (plus a shitload of screen and TV scripts) so I know a little about what it takes. A hundred books in about 50 years, so we have two a year, most of them being densely plotted and highly complex. And about the supernatural. 

While watching the plot of The Outsider unfold, it occurred to me that King’s books may be ‘channeled’ (in some sense) from ‘the other side’ of ‘the matrix.’ (That King has publicly backed up the ‘Oswald as lone assassin’ of JFK would seem to be evidence here, but I don’t know of what.)

I know, sounds off-the-wall, but I’ll have more to say on the subject if we survive The Bug.

Look. I’ve had people tell me I shouldn’t ‘insult my guests’ and so forth, in my replies to comments. Then I get the usual: (whiny voice) ‘You delete people who don’t agree with you!’ My guests? MY GUESTS??? To anyone who has thought this, let alone blabbed it in a comment (my last straw with Danu) let me explain:

Yeah, needs cropping.

This is not a fucking garden party, and no, you are not my guests. And even if it were a garden party and you were my guests, if one of you spouted nonsense, then insulted me when I called you on it (as with Danu), I’d boot your ass across the street anyway.

You’d be a guest if I invited you to comment on my forum. 

No, it’s not a garden party, and no, you are not my guest, and if you are going to use my forum to spout nonsense or go off on a subject not covered in the post, I’ll delete you and ban you. Unless you are particularly nasty or dense I’ll warn you once. Then the boot.  

I’ll boot you if you make statements of cause-and-effect that are contrary to what I say in the post  without properly backing it up.

No, I do not boot people because ‘they disagree with me.’ They spout nonsense, (of course) don’t back it up, and continue to do so when I correct them. 

A statement like ‘the coronavirus is a hoax’ is a good example of the above because it’s impossible to properly back it up, it being nonsense and contrary to common sense on its face. Let alone critical thinking.

Okay. As I say, I’ll be on the road until Sunday or Monday, so see you then, and keep in mind that there is, to my knowledge anyway, no reason why what happened in China will not happen here (the U.S. or wherever you are).

I hope I’m wrong.


Another thing, now that I’m on a roll: Yesterday I spent nearly $500 to keep this blog online, and have spent some $5,000 in total. Point being that if there were a continuum with ‘Guest’ on one end and ‘Deadbeat’ on the other, and assuming you are a regular reader who makes comments and who is not contributing a measly $3.25 a month, guess which end of the spectrum you are closest to? 

  50 comments for “Guests vs Deadbeats

  1. March 15, 2020 at 7:06 pm

    There is no way in a million years, those wafer thin skinned Aluminium wings are going to slice through Steel , Chris.

  2. John Kobobel
    March 8, 2020 at 3:27 am

    The incessant need to publicly prove one’s belief against another is the first thing I will be glad to see perish once this @bioweapon attack manifests or not. We have many WEAK individuals among us that cannot think for themselves and I for one hope that the coming thinning of the herd removes them. Only then can honest and direct sharing of ideas happen that will move us forward as a species. We all have many trying months ahead of us and I only wish the best for everyone….but that is up to each individual and you alone. Take stock of those around you and either grow or fall aside.

  3. March 7, 2020 at 10:30 pm

    JC on a Bike replied to my comment re the Coronavirus, specifically the possibility that it accidentally leaked from a lab (we know it’s lab-made). Here is his reply:

    @A.C. Weisbecker Sorry I haven’t had a chance to reply to your blog. One thing I can say is that your discussion of BSL4 safety precautions, etc. really got me thinking and researching exactly that. You are 100% correct that previous accidents (esp. in China, but also EU and USASA) were all in lower level labs.

    I am still not totally convinced. The previous leaks/accidents were indeed at BSL2/3 labs, but that could also be at least in part due to the fact that before the lab in Wuhan, the Chinese had no BSL4 viral labs if I am correct.

    I feel like (as you so aptly point out) there are too many lead in hint to this event. Event 201. All the viral articles published and not publicized beyond very local biology circles ever since the first gain of function uproar. Someone with a tinfoil hat on would see a media preparation campaign to get us ready to accept the idea of a pandemic, or to program our response. But we YouTubers don’t wear tinfoil. It’s bad on camera for lighting and reflection.

    I don’t want to step too far outside what I feel pretty certain about. I can definitely speculate through a number of alternate scenarios wherein the USA is the culprit, or China, or any number of other countries.

    I can’t argue with anything you posit on your blog, least of all the intense and single motivation of the PTB to profit from this pest, whatever it’s origin might be.

    And I read your book in English. Be well.
    Show less

    • Miles MacQueen
      March 8, 2020 at 2:07 am

      This is exactly the kind of cross-pollination that makes your comments section worthwhile.

    March 7, 2020 at 2:13 am

    Great video about Trump saying this is a Hoax

  5. Davido Davido
    March 6, 2020 at 6:49 pm

    Allan, this comment from you is poorly thought out.

    “As I’ve said multiple times, for this to be a complete hoax, virtually every doctor, nurse, hospital worker, ‘patient’ (including relatives) and so forth, around the world, would have to be either in on it or be so dumb that they can’t tell the difference between an empty (or normally busy) emergency room from one which is overflowing with folks with distressed respiratory systems. ”

    You yourself view 9-11 as a hoax, not that the buildings didn’t fall (not that people don’t get respiratory illness), but the hoax is that planes brought down the WTC buildings (the respiratory illness is a novel virus of unusual virulence and/or lethality). So your comment quoted above is very much akin to saying, every fireman, reporter, police officer and emergency responder at the twin towers would have to be either in on it or so dumb that they can’t tell the difference between a plane bringing down the towers and an intentional demolition.

    As to the emergency rooms being busier than normal, that is exactly what would be expected after weeks of constant multi-media hype. The media has created hyper vigilance. People who are sick, but would otherwise stay home and handle it themselves, now seek medical support and confirmation that they would normally do without -do they have the virus? Constant hype results in more people worried about their loved ones and themselves, and of course busier more hospitals.

    Surely you recognize that if the media was hyping suicide like they are the CoronaVirus, the suicide hype alone would create a dramatic spike in suicide?

    • March 6, 2020 at 10:28 pm

      No need to reply, for this reason: Most here will immediately see your faulty (9/11) reasoning/comparison for what it is. Those that don’t see it will not change their minds anyway.

      • Metatoast
        March 7, 2020 at 1:00 am

        Those that change their mind do so as a culmination of their own thought processing combined with a culmination of persuasive argument. Other means include trauma based mind control which can be ignored for the time being. If repetition conveyed by a subservient media is effective then we have an example of how the mind can change. We need to work on that. The fact remains that not everyone who is partially persuaded by our efforts will tell us so we can feel some sense of progress. When they finally arrive at something as tangible as an opinion they might just think they did it all by themselves. Fine by me.

      • Davido Davido
        March 8, 2020 at 5:05 pm

        Alan, If “Most here will immediately see (my) faulty (9/11) reasoning”, then I’m unfortunately way slower than average. Seemed like an appropriate analogy to me. I’m still missing the faulty reasoning. Are you saying that their can’t be massive misdirection and hype about a real illness? Just like there was massive misdirection and (terroristic) hype around a real act of destruction?

      • Davido
        March 11, 2020 at 11:29 pm

        Allan, you do well to counsel preparedness. Especially, since the global economy has been set up to eventually implode -with or without an extraneous cause. Still, I’m only an hour’s drive from Seattle, which is reported to be the US epicenter of the Corona Virus pandemic. Here is what our local health care workers said today about the pandemic on our local news radio (KIRO), March 11th.

        “‘Where all the patients? What we’re seeing on the television and the media is creating this widespread panic and fear, but here we are in the hospitals and the intensive care units are not filling up with patients,”

        • March 12, 2020 at 12:25 am

          I knew it, I knew what they were doing all along. I smelt a rat from the get go.

          Could tell from the STUPID MS media, and their “be afraid be very afraid” film spins (for just one stand out detail).

    • Hank
      March 19, 2020 at 3:12 pm

      Davido says, “So your comment quoted above is very much akin to saying, every fireman, reporter, police officer and emergency responder at the twin towers would have to be either in on it or so dumb that they can’t tell the difference between a plane bringing down the towers and an intentional demolition.”
      Most of them thought it was a controlled demolition, because obviously, that’s what it was. And of course, no planes hit WTC7, and it dropped in symmetric free fall, which is quite literally physically impossible without an expertly executed controlled demolition.

  6. March 6, 2020 at 5:28 pm

    Hitting the road now.

    • jnan
      March 7, 2020 at 7:21 pm

      Allan, be sure to get yourself checked out by a doctor, or get the vaccine .. since you are traveling and could encounter anything, anywhere … you just don’t know where it’s going to hit next.
      Stay safe out there.

      • March 8, 2020 at 5:29 am

        BAD advice Jnan, very bad. You should know Allans stance on vaccines, and it’s the same as ours – it’s evil toxic shit full of nastie’s , and history has shown us just how Evil it is.
        You are lucky Allan has been too busy driving, to give you a talking to, and with plenty of expletives!.

      • March 8, 2020 at 5:32 am
  7. Brewer55
    March 6, 2020 at 3:32 pm

    I think this may indeed be the year that everything converges. Coronavirus collapses the economy over the next several months. Trump, Capitalism and Conservatives are blamed for the ultimate crash. TPTB are already saying paper money carries the virus so, can you say ‘digital currency?’ The democrats platform of socialism now does now sound so bad to those uneducated idiots. Biden selects either Hillary Clinton or Stacey Abrams as his running mate. He is selected in the brokered convention and Bernie the communist is once again out. Biden is elected (because the economy is in shambles) and within 6 months to a year, he is taken out of office by either his dementia or he is ‘arkancied’ or ‘Epsteined’ (whichever you prefer) and then either Hillary or Stacy is the new POTUS!

  8. Ray
    March 6, 2020 at 3:25 pm

    Safe travelling Allan . Having said that , I really don’t pay attention to the chit chat much more but tend to pay attention to a few that have struck me as having a valid point backed up by Scientific and cycle explanations that show valid data of past events and show a higher percentage of repeat into the future. One particular individual that I follow was thrown into maximum security prison for 7 years with a contempt of court order with No charge or conviction for simply not compiling with the order to hand over a life time of computer programming on cycles in the world wide financial system. He eventually got out and has been forecasting the collapse of the monetary system and the central bank’s heading into 2022 starting with the failure of the EU banks . The Repo Market is part of the massive failure. Now, whether or not the virus thing magjig is part of this going down , I have my own opinion . Look over here , but not over here type of thing. I don’t know but the financial melt down is coming and according to him the biggest, badass thing we have ever seen. Ray

  9. Hank
    March 6, 2020 at 3:19 pm

    Allan says, “For me to read comments here that posit crisis actors and CGI (or whatever) as the explanation for the images of the deserted streets of China… for me to read that sort of nonsense from folks I normally take very seriously, is at first puzzling, then distressing, then, finally, depressing, as I am again reminded that no one ever learns anything they don’t want to learn.”

    This describes how I feel when I see you push your “no planes hit the towers” nonsense – except I find it more puzzling than depressing. Not only does the evidence *prove beyond any and all doubt that one plane hit each tower*, but denial of that irrefutable fact makes truthers look like delusional nut jobs, which is exactly how the real terrorists want them to appear. That sort of laughable nonsense perpetuates the wars of terror by helping the terrorists get away with their crimes. Even someone who confuses obviously real planes with holograms, CGI, or a massive (and impossible) video and photo editing conspiracy, should be able to understand why their beliefs harm the 9-11 truth movement and help the terrorists.

    • Miles MacQueen
      March 6, 2020 at 3:58 pm

      As evidence, Allan has offered that not one single part with a serial number associated with either of those planes has been located. I cannot refute that evidence, can you?

      What evidence can you offer that an airplane (aluminum can) could severe those massive exterior perimeter columns (steel) and not have any identifiable debris fall to the ground? Excepting, of course, for video evidence…

    • March 6, 2020 at 5:22 pm

      Christ, YOU’RE back? Hiding in cyberland, waiting for…. listen. YOU, if you are not a state mole, are the best example of what I’m talking about. Period. I know you have seen this:

      And have said nothing that debunks it. Thanks, Hank, for showing everyone what I mean. HAVING SAID THAT, now that you’ve said your piece, keep it up and out you go. I’ll give you one or two more tries. Deal with the interview or shut up.

      I’m on the road in a few minutes….

      • Hank
        March 8, 2020 at 2:03 pm

        Allan, you show videos taken from different vantage points and at different points in time and wonder why they aren’t the same – makes no sense at all. And even if someone did fake one or more videos, that certainly doesn’t mean all the videos showing planes hitting the towers were faked. There’s also a reversed video of WTC7’s demolition with added in flashes that was created to dupe truthers. That one edited video certainly doesn’t prove that all the other videos of WTC7’s demolition are faked. It *only* proves that someone edited one video. One real video is all it takes to prove a plane strike was real.
        No planers often refer to a 250,000 pound mass of aluminum, steel, and titanium as an “aluminum can”, which is more laughable nonsense, because it denies the existence of the air frame, landing gear, and engines . They also refer to the 1/4″ thick steel in the perimeter frame as “massive”. And they claim no 757 parts were found, when the most basic research shows that a woman was severely injured by a piece of landing gear, and other parts were also on the ground.
        And then people make the crazy accusation that people who know that one plane hit each tower, are somehow denying that the towers were brought down by controlled demolition and that 9-11 was an inside job. That’s also completely irrational and dead wrong – the evidence also proves beyond any and all doubt that the towers and WTC7 were brought down by expertly executed demolitions. A team of 9 international scientists discovered the highly refined military grade nano-thermitic material used in the demolitions.
        Also, the planes were not piloted by the alleged hijackers who were incompetent clowns. They were remotely guided using state of the art GPS guidance systems that were built into those planes. This fact is also proven by the evidence.
        And no one addressed my last point, which is this – even someone who confuses obviously real planes and real videos with holograms, CGI, or a massive (and impossible) video and photo editing conspiracy, should be able to understand why their beliefs harm the 9-11 truth movement and help the terrorists. The no-plane insanity is the first thing defenders of the “official” conspiracy theory will cite when they want to dismiss truthers as delusional nut jobs, and it works very well.
        Here is a collection of 18 different videos of the plane strikes. If just one of them is real, that proves a plane hit a tower. No-planers must prove all of them to be fake in order to prove their case. They also must prove that the hundreds of eyewitnesses who saw, heard, and felt the plane strikes are either lying or delusional. They must explain how wrecked parts from a 757 ended up on the ground, and they must prove that something other than a plane what made the plane shaped hole in WTC1 exactly where a large commercial jet was seen, heard, and filmed hitting it. Of course, that’s not possible.
        No planers are like a cancer on the 9-11 truth movement, and there is *NOT ONE* legitimate 9-11 researcher or group who shares their delusions. Repeatedly pointing out their disinformation for close to 2 decades is a discouraging and tragic waste of time for those of us who seek to expose the truth about the government’s 9-11 conspiracy myth. No-planers are helping the real terrorists get away with their crimes by portraying truthers as delusional nut jobs. Please stop doing that.

    • Doug
      March 6, 2020 at 9:08 pm

      You said –> “no planes hit the towers” nonsense

      I am not the biggest researcher generally but being I live right here where the “planes” hit the towers it was simply insane that the media went right along with the 3 buildings falling into themselves, only possibly by some type of planned demo.

      Remember 7 World Trade Center was never hit by anything yet it amazingly caught fire and equally amazingly fell down.

      Prior to 911 we are told that there had never been a high rise building collapse from fire. Actually that is still true since those towers did not fall into themselves because of a plane.

      If you had spent a little time researching you would understand that it is impossible the towers went down from planes.

      1.The wind shear alone of the turn they supposedly made would have ripped the wings off.
      2. An aluminum wing on a 737 or similar could not rip through the steel reinforced outer tower walls.

      Just those two are huge. The Road Runner cartoons show when Wile E. Coyote runs through a wall. The joke of course is you see his exact image. If you believe that then I understand why you believe a plan cannot do such a thing.

      Therefore the only logical solution is there were no planes. The fact that there are news reports and video showing a plan means what? That they can create videos?

      The fact the people heard and saw the planes was the hardest part to understand until the Lear Jet guy showed us reality.

      NO PLANES. Sorry BUB it just works. Three buildings do not fall into themselves. That alone makes the case that something is very wrong. Again NO PLANES is the best theory. Let us know otherwise how those wings cut through steel girders. SPEED does not do it. Physics.

      Hologram Technology exists. Let us know how they did it if not by using Holographic technology to make it obvious there were planes.

      • Denis Oven
        March 7, 2020 at 12:10 am

        You appear to be reinforcing the official assertion that the towers “fell down”. There is compelling evidence that the towers were pulverized in mid air (including video footage of ejected material disintegrating in flight and analysis of seismic data.) An internet search for “Dr Judy Wood” should enable you to learn more about this than I know.
        The question of whether the aeroplane or the facade would better survive a collision is not easily definitively settled, as analysis requires detailed examination of the respective structures and materials (as an alternative to a “re-enactment” experiment). However, I do not think there can be serious doubt that the facade would be the stronger body, except amongst those who give credence to the purported video evidence. Were the wings and fuselage truly able to break through the facade, I would expect to find substantial denting of the facade, around the impact area, rather than the plane body neatly cutting its silhouette into the facade, since aeroplanes are designed to cut through air and not steel.

      • Hank
        March 8, 2020 at 2:09 pm

        Doug says,
        “1.The wind shear alone of the turn they supposedly made would have ripped the wings off.
        2. An aluminum wing on a 737 or similar could not rip through the steel reinforced outer tower walls.”

        You’re mistaken on both of those points, but correct that the towers and WTC7 were brought down by controlled demolition. Here’s some info on the perimeter frames of the towers. Obviously, a 250,000 pound mass of high strength aluminum alloy frame, steel, and titanium traveling at 500mph would easily penetrate the perimeter frame exactly as we see in all the videos, and exactly as expected by the engineers who designed the towers.

        • Doug
          March 9, 2020 at 11:48 pm

          First of all that link you sent shows nothing. No facts no statements yet you talk as if you sent the word of God.

          Here is the actual pics of the WTC as well as the reason the p[lan could not possibly have cut through the steel with Aluminum wing TIPS.

          It requires you to read the whole thing and then understand it and from there if you still are not clear then I do not know what to say.

          Here is evidence

          The leading edge of the Wings cannot have cut through the steel as any speed. If you search a bit you will find the actual tests where they show a similar a plane on a rocket sled going into a facsimile of the WTC.

          • March 10, 2020 at 12:41 am

            Doug, that 911 site ‘Hank’ sent you to has been known forever as controlled op, as is Hank himself. Too much to go into but I outed him years ago. He just keeps coming back… Don’t waste your time trying to reason with him, is my advice.

          • Todd
            March 10, 2020 at 4:53 pm

            Thank you Doug for the new (for me) link and I saved it. Agree, there are no planes (ones that allegedly hit anything or crashed anywhere directly related to 911). Once you know no planes did the dirty deeds, what does that tell you about just about every other alt-media/truth establishment. Allan’s Walter vid is still one of the best outing the MSM bastards.

          • Hank
            March 15, 2020 at 4:32 pm

            Doug says,
            “First of all that link you sent shows nothing”

            Why are you lying so blatantly and stupidly?

            Here is a collection of 18 different videos of the plane strikes. If just one of them is real, that proves a plane hit a tower. No-planers must prove all of them to be fake in order to prove their case. They also must prove that the hundreds of eyewitnesses who saw, heard, and felt the plane strikes are either lying or delusional. They must explain how wrecked parts from a 757 ended up on the ground, they must prove that something other than a plane what made the plane shaped hole in WTC1 exactly where a large commercial jet was seen, heard, and filmed hitting it, and they must explain what caused WTC2 to sway after the jet impact. Put up or STFU.
            And no one addressed my last point, which is this – even someone who confuses obviously real planes and real videos with holograms, CGI, or a massive (and impossible) video and photo editing conspiracy, should be able to understand why their beliefs harm the 9-11 truth movement and help the terrorists. The no-plane insanity is the first thing defenders of the “official” conspiracy theory will cite when they want to dismiss truthers as delusional nut jobs, and it works very well.


    • Metatoast
      March 7, 2020 at 2:19 am

      I can imagine a forum that is able to accommodate off topic postings if they tie into a comprehensive context that maybe suffers from vaguery, as it is perhaps too much of a subconscious volume, too fragmented and in need of becoming more comprehensive. Context, if seen as essential to everything we try to thoughtfully convey, cannot be ignored, especially if it is significantly ruined. What I refer to as Hub 911 is inadequately governed by a context that is existent but compartmentalized due to the enormous size of the relevant topics. In other words, I don’t want to assist any devious distractions, nor do I want to miss opportunities to influence a perpetual transparent focus on 9.11.

      This compartmentalization is like cells in the body. They have no independent life and rely on an overview of guidance and design via communications that remain largely mysterious to us. The analogy of the human individual and the human cell is false and full of mischief. The more people that believe we function in the body politic as analogous to the cell in the biological body, the more people carry the idea that the brain that suffices for an individual can be emulated by the government.

      We know that the truth of a matter can be withheld from publication simply because of a sparse likelihood of it being believed. Controlled demolition was my first evaluation of the destructions, and my first encounter with ‘no planes’ provoked skepticism. It was later received well after study, as: “there were no plane crashes on 9.11”. Somehow that change of phrase made it seem more plausible. The undesirable prospect of dealing with 9.11 at this time made me want to find an easy way out. See if this link, for which we should thank Hank, isn’t an excellent reply.

      • Hank
        March 8, 2020 at 2:15 pm

        From “metatoast’s” no plane disinformation link.

        “Try punching a steel girder. No matter how fast your hand is traveling, you will not be able to break through it.”

        Strangely, that sort of laughable nonsense seems to make sense to no-planers, and “proves” to them that no planes hit the towers. That’s why they’re dismissed as delusional nut jobs by rational people. Thanks for the link, toasty. 😉

        • Doug
          March 10, 2020 at 12:38 am

          Yes Thank you. Sorry I reposted the same link as I did not see you had posted it already.

          It is so weird to hear someone arguing that an Aluminum wingtip can pierce through a steel girder simply because it is going fast.

          While its true if you drop a penny from 100 stories up it will embed it self into someones SKULL but the Penny it would likely flatten on concrete though that would have to be tested.

          But to argue that Wile E Coyote and the RoadRunner cartoons are examples of how real life works then we are all in for a heap of trouble.

          If you run into a Boulder fast enough it will not eventually allow you to pass through the boulder. It will just squash you up in different ways.

          This is not complicated but there is not one instance where the plane hits the building that does not look like CGI. The way it just dissolves into the building. But the absolute most egregious evidence for me is the wing tips making it through the Towers out steel girders.

          Give me a break. I had three guys downtown that morning. One of then was in 15th street near the Hudson River (NYC Bus depot). He told me last month that they all heard the plan going SOUTH over the Rover flying LOW to the point where he claims everyone hit the deck.

          This is a big guy and he was with another 30 or 40 drivers. Claims they all saw it fly out towards the Statue of Liberty and circle around to fly north into the second building.

          I was absolutely blown away by this as I know this guy and he is not unaware of his surroundings. That said if Holographic technology exists then I assume the sound and the visuals are something that are also very possible to fake.

          People saw planes. Yet the supposed planes in every video are not physical planes. That is CGI.

          Hey I am no genius with this stuff. I am a VP Engineering at a Photography Software company. We deal with Green screen Blue screen and every type of image manipulation. We were doing AR 10 years ago. It sucked but it existed.

          • Doug
            March 10, 2020 at 12:40 am

            Sorry I meant RIVER —> Not Rover

            SOUTH over the Rover flying LOW

          • Chris
            March 13, 2020 at 2:09 am

            You cannot kill someone dropping a penny from 100 stories. The Empire State Bldg is 102 stories high, so mythbusters made a gun that shot pennies at the same speed it would reach being thrown off the Empire State Bldg. They ended up shooting each other with it.

          • Chris
            March 13, 2020 at 2:23 am

            Also speed has everything to do with it. If you travel towards the boulder fast enough (maybe a spaceship you eject from?) you will disintegrate the Boulder, and yourself, but you will pass through the boulder. If it is a square grid steel reinforced boulder, you will create a hole the size of the steel grid in the boulder, which your body would then be extruded through like play doh, and then creating a vacuum behind your mangled body that sucked any remaining pieces into the hole. Like the airplanes. Except the airplanes traded mass for speed. They were full of fuel.

      • Todd
        March 10, 2020 at 4:57 pm

        Thanks for the link Metatoast.

  10. Mary Louise Phelan
    March 6, 2020 at 3:16 pm

    everything changes i.e.everything mutates. Every birth is not a replicate but a close copy of the what gave it birth. Some new generations make it, some don’t . If the new generations change in a manner that make it “work” better, adapt better, live better, then that is biological success hence EVOLUTION. The virus was not made in a lab, the virus (which reproduces at a rapid rate hence quickly making new copies) evolved from existing copies that were not as quick or clever as these new successful copies. It is easy now for the virus because they are in a crowded paradise of human hosts

    • Miles MacQueen
      March 6, 2020 at 3:51 pm

      Are you fucking kidding me with this comment? Did you even read the post?

      Are you trying to give Allan aneurysm? You’re giving me one and it’s not even my blog.

      A grade school level explanation of your understanding of evolution followed by a proclamation that the virus was not made in the lab…

      Show us some evidence. How about properly backing up your claims.

      You do realize that BSL-4 labs are real, gain-of-function research is real, and we actually are making chimera viruses (in those labs), don’t you?

      Allan has offered gracious plenty. Your turn.

      • March 6, 2020 at 5:25 pm

        Right. Thanks, Miles.

        • elpolvo
          March 6, 2020 at 8:41 pm


          happy to see you’re pursuing your search for truth skyward. love the time-lapses of the night skies and your thoughts/comments about what’s turning up in them. kudos!

          i don’t know mary louise but i’ve read most of her comments here on your blog and i followed a link to some other forum she frequents. i see her as sincere and trustworthy so it pains me somewhat to see her so quickly trashed here. she just has a bit more “zen-like” approach to reality – as do i. writing her off would be a mistake IMHO. i could be wrong but so could you. i prefer to err on the side of kindness but i’m not totally naive. ’nuff said.

          if you’re passing by anywhere close to ABQ i’ve got a drone for you if you can pick it up. boxing and shipping it is a little beyond my capabilities right NOW. check your email for the info.

          safe travels amigo,


    • March 6, 2020 at 5:24 pm

      I would expect no less of an example of nonsense from Many L P. Great. Those that are here to annoy me are chiming in. So, MLP, you didn’t listen to Boyle, I take it, or did listen and deleted him from your memory bank. Maybe just shut up. You had your say, fine, now enough.

    • Chris
      March 7, 2020 at 1:31 am

      Viruses mutate and evolve rapidly.

  11. Greg O
    March 6, 2020 at 2:20 pm

    As far as LA County is concerned they are the ones labelling them as having the virus. One friend in hospital was told by the doctor that he didn’t want him there(hospital is minutes from me -where my kids were born-Tarzana Hospital). I just got word that another from that group of 13 has been diagnosed with it-lives in another country … more bad news is that four from that group are on another adventure ski trip in Whistler Canada and may or may not have any idea. This group is made up of relatively healthy male adults 50 and above. You must be healthy to ski this much…and they are going down.

  12. Doug
    March 6, 2020 at 2:01 pm

    You are always pissed off about something. Yet no fucking question this is your corner of the web and your Guests, hahaha, need to straighten up and get with the rulebook.

    Basically every illness is blamed on Wuhan now. Like people never get sick. So now 4 people came from Italy and they are in LA it must be the Corona Virus. No testing required. Just assume.

    100% success. Fear is the goal. I friggin hope that the idea about 5G opening our cells so the Virus can jump in is bullshit because it unquestionably is a very uncomfortable idea. Cocksuckers are certainly insane.

    Zerohedge has got to be the most depressing corner of the web if this is not competing as the most neurotic.


    I put a smiley so you cannot get angry with me!

  13. Greg O
    March 6, 2020 at 1:37 pm

    My wife and I have 4 people hear in LA all infected. One in hospital not doing well at all. They were on a ski trip in Italy with a group of 13. One of the group was stuck in Munich and actually slipped into coma. That group comes from all over the world. Not one airport checked or asked where they were.

    • Phil
      March 6, 2020 at 2:05 pm

      Has the corona virus been confirmed? If so by and where? And did they know when they traveled?

  14. Jerry
    March 5, 2020 at 11:46 pm

    What does it tell you when Facebook refuses to publish comments that mention the following link – because ihe linked article ‘violates community guidelines’?

    Do you think this is the TPTB’s way of encouraging people to believe the virus is a hoax?

    Bear in mind you are coming across just like any other blogger that will not tolerate ‘Apollo deniers’. Virus as psyop is not quite the same as ‘flat Earth’ misdirection.

    • March 6, 2020 at 1:32 am

      This is exactly what aggravates me. You are not paying attention at all. The fucking virus IS a psyop. What is with your comment?

      • drud
        March 6, 2020 at 6:13 pm

        Psyop to cover for a reset due to man’s greedy interest in betting thin air for more thin air so they can buy more power to insulate themselves from the insecurity of not having enough power.

        Ok I’ll send some dough since I have been here awhile and have recovered from being called a moron. Just don’t use it to empower yourself cause insecurity doesn’t go away no matter how much thin air the hackable computers say you have.

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