History Has Taught Us…

These are all from last night. See that streak over the rig? One frame then poof. What is that?

We are in the midst of the next 9/11 and I’m being called naive and/or a state mole for pointing this out. Does that make sense? To me, no. Whether these people are fools or state moles themselves I don’t know. My plan, however, is to delete them at my leisure and in general to ignore them. I hope you all do the same. (Reply that they go away if you’re so moved.)

Trump. Is he even a part of what’s happening, as Bush/Cheney surely were for the last 911 (I’ll use ‘911’ without the slash to indicate a major PTB-created catastrophe/emergency, and ‘9/11’ as reference to the events of 9/11/01)?

I very much doubt it. His complete ignorance of what is going down is obvious and cannot logically be seen as an act of sly deniability; he is in the process of ending his presidency with his unawareness of the physical principles of disease outbreaks and exponential math. Trump is history; its just a matter of time. (Last week, Trump: ‘There will be no lockdown.’ Me: ‘Hey, Donald, Wanna fucking bet?’)

An interesting one. See the star in the middle near the top? See the smudge juuust over it? Now see the next image.

The CDC, NIH, FDA, and other lettered agencies are a different ball game altogether. The idea that they didn’t/don’t know what I (and others) know and predicted weeks ago is untenable. Laughable. That they are active participants in Trump’s downfall is obvious, although this is a minor part of The Plan. A ‘nice’ sidebar for the PTB. (Looks like I have been in error thinking that Trump’s election was a part of the overall Plan.)

Seriously, folks, during the next press conference, examine the head bobbers behind Trump and ask yourself how it could be that Weisbecker (and a few others) saw all this coming many weeks ago and they didn’t. Of course they saw it coming! (And were ordered to keep their traps shut and bob their heads.)  

Where did that smudge go? It was there for about a dozen images, not moving. 13 sec exposures.

As you know if you’ve been here a few weeks, my view is that COVID is a black op via a Western Intel faction of the PTB, the same cabal that did 9/11. One of you (Lynda) directed us to a link that backs up this view via very strong circumstantial evidence.

I’m going to quote liberally from the link, but I strongly urge you to go to it and read it carefully. The provenance of this information is not completely clear to me, so caution is suggested. The author, Larry Romanoff, credits…

A high-level Italian virologist, Giuseppe Remuzzi, has published papers in the Lancet and other articles in which he states facts not hitherto known. (1)

…but it is not clear if all of what follows is from Remuzzi or compiled by Romanoff. Perhaps it doesn’t matter. What matter is the accuracy. We’ll see. This stuff is bound to surface in other venues. 

Another one frame streak, just to the left of the tree.

Here are some salient points regarding the sources of the ‘outbreaks’ in South Korea, Italy, and a bit about China, starting with Italy (emphases in the original)…

The above statement is of crucial importance since it supports in itself the assertion of several simultaneous infection clusters and several ‘patients zero’. There are cases in Lombardy [Italy] that could not be placed in an infection chain, and this must also be true for other areas. (see below) Given that the virus broke out separately in disparate regions of Italy, we can expect the identification of independent infectious clusters in those regions as well. That would mean Italy was hit by at least several individual ‘seedings’ of the virus…

…Then suddenly there appeared new infections that were unrelated to China. On February 19, the Lombardy Health Region issued a statement that a 38-year-old Italian man was diagnosed with the new coronavirus, becoming the fourth confirmed case in Italy. The man had never traveled to China and had no contact with the confirmed Chinese patients.

A classic (common) one framer. Seen almost every night.

Immediately after this patient was diagnosed, Italy experienced a major outbreak. In one day, the number of confirmed cases increased to 20 and, after little more than three weeks, Italy had 17,660 confirmed cases.
Now South Korea…
After little more than three weeks, South Korea had 8,086 confirmed cases. It would now seem likely (yet to corroborated) that South Korea and Italy could have been ‘seeded’ at approximately the same time.
As with Italy, multiple clusters and multiple simultaneous infections spreading like wildfire – and without the assistance of a seafood market selling bats and pangolins. [As I’ve said, the proximity to the Wuhan market and bio-lab were likely staged, to create China as patsy] 
Getting to the point…

The next three are part of a long sequence near dawn. Look carefully at the right edge, at the swarm of objects (there are many separate objects here).

There are indeed bio-weapons labs easily within reach of the stricken areas in both Italy and South Korea – but they belong to the US Military.

Korea is particularly notable in this regard because it was proven likely that MERS resulted from a leak at the American military base at Osan. The official Western narrative for the MERS outbreak in South Korea was that a Korean businessman became infected in the Middle East then returned to his home in Gyeonggi Province and spread the infection. But there was never any documentation or evidence to support that claim, and to my best knowledge it was never verified by the South Korean Government.

There is also a (very secretive) WHO-sponsored International Vaccine Institute nearby, which is (or at least was) managed by US military biological weapons personnel. At the time, and given the quarantine mentioned above, the event sequence accepted as most likely was that of a

Twenty minutes later the swarm is still active, each line representing a different moving… something. There are over 50 frames like this one, repping scores/hundreds of objects.

leak from a JUPITR biowarfare project. (5) (6)

The Korean path is similar with that of Italy. If we look at a map of the virus-stricken areas of Italy, there is a US military base within almost a stone’s throw of all of them. This is of course merely a case of circumstance arousing suspicion, and by no means constitutes proof of anything at all. 

However, there is a major point here which cannot be overlooked, namely the fact of simultaneous eruptions of a new virus in three different countries, and in all three cases no clear epidemiology, and an inability to identify either the original source or a patient zero…
Multiple experts on biological weapons are in unanimous agreement that eruptions in a human population of a new and unusual pathogen in multiple locations simultaneously, with no clear idea of source and cases with no proven links, is virtually prima facie evidence of a pathogen deliberately released [backed up by Boyle, Cottrell and others via the genome sequencing which proves ‘bio-weapon’], since natural outbreaks can almost always be resolved to one location and one patient zero. The possibility of a deliberate leak is as strong in Italy and South Korea as in China, all three nations apparently sharing the same suspicions. [end quotes]

If accurate, this information is akin to a multiple murder investigation wherein of several suspects only one can be put at the scenes of the various crimes. It ain’t proof, but it’s very close. Here’s the page again.

Almost dawn and if you look closely you can still see them. What the hell?

As I’ve said regarding this and other matters, one can almost always finger the guilty by simply asking cui bono and then asking ourselves what history has taught us. Western Intel (mainly the U.S., U.K., and Israel) has left its calling card at more 911s than I care to list here, but which includes the various shootings and ‘vehicular’ murders (look for a lone shoe), bombings (like Boston) and commercial aircraft downings (like Malaysia Fl 17, wherein a calling card was via the media not mentioning a bomb as the possible cause).

I have other thoughts but want to get this out; I fear censorship of forums like this one is coming. That will be the real beginning of the end of life as we knew it.


Oh. You can formally put Greg Carlwood’s ‘The Highersidechats’ on the State Mole list, based on his recent coronavirus podcast (‘No worries, folks, it’s all a hoax!’) and his touting of Rappoport. (I fingered him based on his early Flat Earth support, his associates, and his continual use of the term ‘conspiracy’, including calling himself ‘America’s Favorite Conspiracy Podcast’.) The moles truly are coming out, all together (a dead giveaway), which is another indication that this is ‘Big One’ (as opposed to my misstatement calling it ‘The Big One’).   

Addendum: If I suddenly stop posting (for more than a week), something bad happened.

I’m going to stick this chunk of my last post at the end of every post until it’s no longer needed:

Bottom line is that the ‘numbers’ don’t matter, bogus or not, the ‘tests’ don’t matter, bogus or not, nothing the media says, bogus or not, matters. (Ditto, me.) If hospitals are being overrun and doctors dying, we have a pandemic, with Mad Max revving his Charger just up the block. If you haven’t dealt with it, that will be your problem. Hopefully you don’t have a family that you have betrayed. 


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