‘You are not special. You are not a beautiful or unique snowflake. You are the same decaying, organic matter as everything else.’
If this sounds vaguely familiar, it should; it’s the scientism/ /materialism/reductionism view of biology and the universe in general — phrased more blatantly than do PTB puppets like de Grasse Tyson, (the late) Carl Sagan, and so forth. Of course, this current paradigm makes no sense, since consciousness is almost certainly primary, with ‘physical’ matter secondary, if not flat illusionary (a product of consciousness).
The quote itself is from Fight Club, ‘Tyler Durdon’ speaking to his other half, The Narrator (Edward Norton’s physical character is never named). This is the PTB once again telling us what they think of us. But why is there a bar of soap in our faces (in the poster), along with Brad Pitt’s intense gaze?
If you do a serious analysis of the movie, as this video does, and if you have ears to hear (etc.) you’ll see that every bit of the film, every subplot/subtext is a version of the soap message to us all.
The soap message? Remember how Tyler made his living? Making and selling… soap. What’s with that? See, Tyler’s brand of soap is made from human body fat that Tyler steals from garbage dumpsters behind liposuction clinics.
How much clearer could the storytellers be? Or the poster, for that matter. We are decaying waste you can find in dumpsters, and you (or the PTB) can make a cool living out of what’s left of us. (I mean, Nazis anyone?)
If you watch the above linked video, which is pretty good, actually, and read between the lines of the analyses — the guy doesn’t miss much, almost to a fault — you’ll find that everything points back to us peons as soap/decaying matter. Right. Useless eaters. That’s us, and they love to pound the message into our dumb ass heads whenever possible.
Notwithstanding the narrator’s (the video’s, that is) attention to detail, it’s surprising that the analysis misses the most obvious point of all: ‘The fight club’ is based on us beating each other up; if we’re busy doing this, we’re not unifying against the real enemy.
The meme of the fight club members destroying corporate symbols and headquarters — using the soap ingredients for bombs — is another ironic/comedic false hope ‘happy ending’ : As if the idiots who were mind controlled by ‘Tyler’ into beating each other up could ever pull that off. (V For Vendetta was an even more extreme example of absurd false hope.)

A Fight Club screen grab. Fear plus the PTB fave visual meme in the background. This image says a lot about what we can expect, and soon. Fear. And don’t forget to beat up your neighbors (which is what’s going on in the streets right now).
I’ll not delve deeper into Fight Club, rich as it is in PTB subtext; check out the video if you’re interested, although you’ll have to pay close attention since it’s almost certainly controlled op. The guy tells us what’s happening but does not go very deep into real subtext or implications thereof. But if you listen carefully the video is a good starting point.
This is the case with virtually all the ‘movie analysis’ sites, especially Rob Ager’s very popular ‘Collateral Learning’ site — a great name for a mind control website, no? I mean, ‘collateral’ pretty much means ‘on the side’ or ‘not obvious’ or, going further, ‘subconscious.’ These movie sites are important PTB ‘educational’ tools: You might notice that not a one of them ever mentions the checkerboard motifs (and other occult imagery) that are in the vast majority of flicks like Fight Club, or the Matrix series (and on and on). With the latter, the sex change of the W brothers is a powerful ancillary anti-family, pro-trans-humanism message, especially to their Millennial-age fanatical followers.
Addendum: An obvious Ager giveaway is his ‘deep analysis’ of Kubrick’s 2001, A Space Odyssey, wherein he scoffs at ‘conspiracy theorists’ who point out that Stanley was referring to the fake moon landings (and his participation therein) with his in-your-face Apollo imagery in The Shining.
Ager’s desperate ‘debunking’ of Kubrick’s Apollo imagery in The Shining is a dead giveaway as to who he is really working for. Especially hilarious is Ager’s list of imagery Kubrick could have used to punch up this ‘thematic subplot’, were it real — what I mean here is that The Shining has many subtext themes (The Federal Reserve, the plight of Native Americans, etc.), the faked Apollo missions being only one. I would also point out that Kubrick well knew that had he gotten too obvious, too inarguable, in his Apollo references he would have been breaking the code of silence, which he finally did in Eyes Wide Shut, and consider what resulted from that. (Having said this, the image of Danny as he stands up with his home-made ‘Apollo 11’ sweater (the launch), with the carpet pattern a replica of NASA’s Cape Canaveral 39A launch site, is about as obvious as you can get.)
Anyone who hasn’t looked into this subject should view Jay Weidner’s analysis, especially his video ‘Kubrick’s Odyssey’ — which I had something to do with, by alerting Weidner to this article, which proves that front screen projection indeed was used in the fakery (and therefore on its own proves fraud). I wasn’t able to find Weidner’s ‘Kubrick’s Odyssey’ online but this interview sums up his points. (If anyone can find ‘Kubrick’s Odyssey’ online, please put the link in comments.)
Kubrick was the first to use the front screen projection technique on a large scale (in 2001): Who else would NASA hire (in the mid-’60s) to make the most important film in PTB history?

Anyone who hasn’t seen ‘I, Pet Goat II’ should look it up on YT; it’s great, although I suspect it’s another PTB project. (Notice the checkers.)
Millennials are now the most important targets of H-wood mind control. I sense that most of you are beyond (or way beyond) that age and may have trouble picturing what it would be like to be born around the time of 9/11 (anyone born around 1990 or after); which would certainly mean that the event would not really register. (I suspect most Millennials are too busy being hypno-therapy-ized by iPad/Android screens to even think about the truth of 9/11, let alone the implications thereof.)
I can still recall Ozzie and Harriet, Leave it to Beaver, and Father Knows Best as the media ‘collateral learning’ I was subjected to as a kid. I mean, imagine a show (not ironically) titled Father Knows Best nowadays! Based on the thematic turnaround from shows like the above to what we have been subjected to (in the media) since then — shows that are based on dumb-ass or evil father figures and broken families — it’s obvious that the PTB made their ‘collateral learning’ move around the time I graduated from high school in 1966.
The above turnaround is a subject I’m interested in; if I had the energy I’d do an in-depth (maybe book length) analysis.

This is the next image after the title card of Unacknowledged. The Manson girls giving the all seeing eye sign. Mmmm. A double whammy. But what does it mean?
Anyway, the other movie on my mind right now is Steven Greer’s Unacknowledged, his magnum opus on the UFO phenomenon. I’m outright confused about this flick and Greer himself and could use some advice. The problem is that I’m close to 100% sure Greer is ‘one of them’ (a mole), yet this film pulls no punches in terms of exposing many of the more profound lies we’ve been subjected to from the beginning of the past century right up until the present.
My problem with Greer is his incessant touting of Apollo as real, plus his close relationship with many of the astronauts (plus various three-letter agency higher ups). Plus his uncle worked on the lunar module at Grumman, which is a gargantuan red flag, as is his total failure to point out the more recent NASA fake imageries, i.e., Spacex (etc.), the ‘star visibility’ contradictions, and so forth. (If you are still thinking Spacex is legit, go to my channel and scan it for my many Spacex exposés. Then ask yourself why a ‘researcher’ like Steven Greer hasn’t noticed any of the anomalies. Assuming he’s for real, I mean.)

Sean Carroll pointing at Carl Sagan’s famous ‘Pale Blue Dot’ photo. Why has no one (including Greer) asked ‘Where are the stars?’
Greer (in the flick) goes so far as to expose Carl Sagan as a PTB mole: It’s hard to imagine getting the ‘okay’ from higher ups to finger Sagan thusly. Plus, the sheer number of whistle blowers pretty much rules out that the film is an outright hoax.
Addendum: You all my recall my outing of Carl Sagan’s famous ‘Pale Blue Dot’ photo as a fraud. If not, go to this post and scroll down to the final addendum. We might wonder why a ‘truth teller’ of Greer’s notoriety has not pointed out this fraud, given the subject matter.
I’ll not go further here in analyzing Unacknowledged; if you’re interested in contributing to our knowledge base on this most important of subjects (the UFO phenomenon), you’ll have to view the film, which is free on Netflix (another indication of a thumbs up from the PTB) or viewable on YT for four bucks.
View it and let’s talk. And remember that the first question you should ask yourself is ‘What is the over all takeaway?’ from watching the movie. Then move on to the details.
Regarding the present on-going black op, this ‘Old Man in a Chair’ sums it up as well as I ever could. Especially note his quoted figures that show that there were more deaths in the U.S. in the first six months of 2019 than there have been during the same time period of 2020. This simple fact says it all about what’s going on.
I suspect that their next move will be to clamp down much heavier on free speech, since the truth is so obvious, and with the Internet so easy to pass along.
Note: Water Time is viewable again, on Bitchute. If you want to see an early cut of the film (with a lot of In Search of Captain Zero, Honey (my dog), and road imagery), use the sidebar DVD link. (If you ordered it and have not received the DVD, contact me by email; I had a couple come back due to an incorrect address.)
Four hours later Addendum: I just realized that Ager’s site is ‘Collative Learning,’ not ‘Collateral.’ A very different meaning, yes. But fuck it, it comes across collaterally.
Addendum ( a week later): I thought I’d add this, which is also in comments:
Thought I’d sum up how this COVID op works, although I suspect most of you are already aware…
The key to the COVID op is the testing, which can be managed for whatever effect. The tests are designed so they tend to give a positive result (say, 50 – 80% of the time) if the subject already has a particular substance in his/her bloodstream, which substance has, over the years, been inserted/infused into most humans on the planet, either by vaccinations, previous illnesses (antibodies), drinking water, or breathing them in (chemtrails).
This explains why early testing was so spotty, when of course it should have been wide spread. Had, say, the total population of the U.S. been tested early and it was found that, say, 200 million were positive, the game would have been given away.
Now whenever ‘bad news’ is necessary, they only need test a bunch of folks, and bingo!, ‘hot spots’ and/or another ‘wave’ can be claimed. So for the dreaded ‘Second Wave’, there need not be a second, more virulent, pathogen let loose on the world, although I’m sure this move is waiting in the wings should it be necessary, i.e., if the population is not sufficiently fearful.
The problem with this (for them) is that the death rate will not rise simply because more people are tested — we already know that the CDR (case death rate) is managed via false reporting. But this is being exposed. One counter-move would be if the test itself is designed to make a certain percentage of testees sick. This could easily be done by embedding another pathogen on the cotton swab they use for collecting nasal mucus (a ‘two part’ system for making folks actively ill).
So to be safe I would avoid being tested.
The only way to expose this aspect of the fraud would be a careful analysis of the test itself, although the system is certain to be very well hidden.
Goes without saying that avoidance of the coming vaccine is vital. So again, many months worth of food and supplies should be stashed, as it’s likely that some sort of proof of vaccination will be required to travel, make purchases, and so forth.
Good luck to all. The next six months (certainly the next year) will indicate how far they are willing to go to get what they want.
(For an example of the lengths they will go to, see my post, ‘Another Big Pharma prank?’ athttp://blog.banditobooks.com/another-big-pharma-prank/)
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