Out On A Limb

I’m working on a post about the coming vaccine, how it will show up sooner than expected, and the staggering amount of money that will be involved, plus a reminder of how a pandemic as bad as this one was almost a reality back in 2009 via a pharmaceutical company’s machinations, but meanwhile I thought I’d do a short one on the delicate position at least one alt media mole finds himself in, due to his PTB handlers’ order not to go near the evidence that COVID is man-made and its release another greed-driven move by Western Intel/Big Pharma.

In my last post I predicted that James Corbett (Corbettreport.com) would be one of the alt media moles that wouldn’t touch the mounting evidence that COVID is a black op; recall I sent him an email telling him of my prediction.

Well, James has just now released a short essay that is classic NLP (the use of language to misdirect) for how it means the opposite of what it says. Here’s the title…

The Things You CANNOT Say About Coronavirus

He goes on for a few paragraphs that say nothing other than there is COVID stuff he’s not supposed to talk about but…. being James Corbett…. he then tells us… Ooops, actually more nothing… Here’s how it ends…

So, allow me to voice some thoughtcrimes of my own. But be forewarned: I assure you that you will find at least some of my ideas to be offensive. You will disagree with them strongly. You will become irate.

The real question is: What are you going to do to those voicing opinions you disagree with? Engage in dialogue with them? Or demand that agents of the state scrub their speech from the internet and lock them in a cage for their thoughtcrime?

Well, either way, I’ve already committed thoughtcrime numerous times in recent weeks, I might as well share them with you. Are you ready? Let’s go.

If we don’t speak out against the “new normal” now, we might forever lose our ability to commit thoughtcrime. This week in The Corbett Report Subscriber newsletter, James says the things you’re not allowed to say about the Brave New Viral World. 

Corbett at the Kuala Lampur 9/11 Truth Conference, wherein he repeated 21 times in 20 minutes that Flight 77 hit the Pentagon, while talking about something else. NLP at its most effective.

Well, regarding that last predictive sentence, we’ll see, won’t we? (Unfortunately, since Corbett refused my money so I couldn’t comment on his forum, I’ll also be unable to read his newsletter. So I’ll rely on someone out there to let me know what sort of forbidden thoughtcrime the newsletter contains. I’m curious as to what ‘offensive’ information might a reader ‘disagree’ with, and get ‘irate.’)

My money is not a word about the evidence that COVID is a bio-weapon and a black op, likely perpetrated by a Western Intel faction of the PTB.

Addendum: Notice how Corbett’s little use of language instills the idea that there is nothing, no truth about COVID that James Corbett is afraid to tell you. Then, of course, he goes on to tell you… right… exactly nothing. This reminds me of how he handled pizza (pedo)gate. Did the same thing. Told us he was going to cover it extensively. Then, he told his forum members to do the research. (See my post on this.)

Me, I look at the above (and the rest of the essay) and wonder what the fuck he’s talking about. I mean, How is COVID any different (in the lies we’re told) from, say, 9/11? His mention of ‘thoughtcrime’ (he makes it one word so it’s memorable) is supposed to mean that he’s willing to commit it. Right? That’s the subtext. Oh, he doesn’t mean now. But it’s coming? Well, then, why not just publish the goddamn thing? 

Because he has no intention of doing that. But down the road his readers will have a (vague) recollection that he did do it. Something about committing thoughtcrime. This is NLP. (His startling duct tape over the mouth graphic will help in the recollection.)

If Corbett brings up Francis Boyle and the other censored scientists and researchers who have exposed the bio-weapon evidence, plus the deeper indications of where it originated (in the U.S.), then I will have to admit I’m wrong. I’m going out on a limb, aren’t I?

I know for a fact that Corbett would like nothing better than to shut me up, so, hey, I’ll even send him a link to this post, to add more motive that he do the right thing by his readers and give them the information they deserve. 

To lift a quote from my lunatic first novel, Cosmic Banditos: It will be interesting to see what happens next.


Here’s the email I sent Corbett right after posting this.

So far, as predicted, none of the other alt media ‘names’ on my Dirt List have spilled any bio-weapon beans. Nothing but more succinct crapola about ‘plandemics’, then a shuttered trap.

Addendum: I’m wondering if the email I sent Corbett yesterday provoked the writing of today’s little essay… The essay being such obvious bull shit, maybe he panicked, overreacted. Did you, James? Is it me?

For any newbies, here’s why James doesn’t like me.

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