Senor Ponzi

About a dozen years ago I figured out that the world economy is a Ponzi Scheme (a.k.a. a pyramid scheme, like a chain letter) — an illegal fraud if done by private parties, but no problem via governments — and was wondering what the PTB would do when it collapsed, as it had to eventually. Well, the Great Reset is what they are doing. It’s their solution to an inevitable, almost gravitational, process.

Yeah, i know it’s the desert but my situation could be a lot worse.

It’s really as simple as that.

Addendum: Regarding the various ‘national debts’, smart folks have asked — regarding, say, the U.S. national debt — ‘Well, who do we owe it to?’ And the various debtees would be named, i.e., China and other countries (their national banks), plus, believe it or not, the Fed itself. Then these various debtees would themselves have national debts and other countries would be named as the debtees. 

Yes, musical chairs comes to mind.

So the best, the only, route to take would be to start over, a clean slate for all, before the house of cards collapses. (This is a simplification, true as it is.)

Starting over is the Great Reset.

Plus, ‘while they are at it’ a necessary (for our own good) aspect of the Great Reset — and we will be told that this is a ‘no choice’ situation — the new world currency will be digital, with all the control ramifications it would entail. (To put it simply, if they don’t like your attitude they just ‘turn off’ your access to… everything… and a ‘bad attitude’ will no doubt include a failure to accept whatever vaccinations they mandate, plus mask wearing and so forth.)

I realize that most of you already know this, but sometimes a simple cause-and-effect summation is necessary, especially when we’re endlessly bombarded with confusing ‘news.’

A bulletin you won’t see on CNN/etc.

There’s an international lawyer who is attempting to launch a class action suit in behalf of the world population. Although I see his pursuit as quixotic at best (he’ll have to find an honest judge, which is laughable), this sort of move is probably our only hope, short of armed rebellion. 

Yes, they also want to cull the population and so forth, but at bottom, an economic ‘salvation’ is the reason for this lunatic psyop. 

Just thought I’d mention it.


As with 9/11, the main operational arm of the COVID/election/etc. psyop is the media. Remember this one? Same shit with COVID and the election.

Just a reminder: The 1968-1969 ‘Hong Kong Flu killed 100,000 Americans, equivalent to 175,000 today (with no numbers fixing as with COVID). No lockdowns, no masks, no one even heard about it unless they or a relative had it. Talk about social distancing! Woodstock! Does anyone get it?

A suggestion: Look up ‘Fractional Reserve Banking,’ which is the way the U.S. economy works. Compare it to ‘Ponzi Scheme.’ You’ll get the idea.

Just one more, for a little change of pace: This is from the Wildlife Center Logan was working for. (Justin Beaver’! I love it: Until recently I thought the famous guy’s name was Justin Beaver.)

You can still contribute to the Wildlife Center, via the link at the end of the video.

  81 comments for “Senor Ponzi

  1. Azzy
    November 20, 2020 at 10:51 am

    Im not harassing ANYBODY.
    I am offended by Allan’s denial of a very dangerous virus that is killing Americans in the hundreds of thousands.
    I meant that I’LL be contacting WordPress to have his account looked at.
    Conspiracy theories are dangerous and have caused me much confusion.
    I might report Allan to the police, you mean. I think he’s dangerous and misleading, actually.
    So go ahead and dox me illegally and we’ll see who gets reported for harassment.

  2. Larry C
    November 20, 2020 at 2:20 am


    [The electoral college casts their ballots on December 14th…please forward this Jon Rappoport essay to your mailing list.]

  3. lamont cranston
    November 20, 2020 at 1:13 am

    ANYTHING from the “South” is ridiculed daily by the Deep State’s MSM. However, the PCR test is GOD according to them. (It’s actually very good for mold species analysis).

    Oh It was developed by a man who grew up in Columbia, SC and did undergrad at North Avenue Trade Skool (aka Georgia Tech).

    Cognitive Dissonance at its best.

  4. November 20, 2020 at 12:35 am

    Hey, folks, here’s the private email I got from Azzy, after I asked Brett not to encourage him:

    Heyyy, Al.
    If you can dismiss the work of Jack True and Ellis Medavoy just like that, then you’re a fucking idiot.
    Thank Grud your readers were worth mining.
    Just be careful I dont hijack your blog. And not just the comments. All it takes is a few keys and the right node. Et voila.
    So watch yerself.

    I wonder why he didn’t want to make that public. The asshole is actually threatening me. What do you guys think?

    • andy
      November 20, 2020 at 1:31 am

      in my experience of online trolls their bark is usually much more dangerous than their bite, but that one is obviously a bit unhinged, report him if you can, to word press or whoever you use, keep a logs of any further threats and if there are report to police for harassment, again if you can be arsed, or publish his email right here!

    • Azzy
      November 20, 2020 at 11:11 am

      I emailed u ALLAN in response to a very rude email you sent me quite recently after I innocently sent you some information I heard on a Jordan Maxwell interview. For some reason you dismissed this information.
      So if u mail somebody rudely, you’ll get mailed right back, mister!
      And ive kept your abusive and offensively worded tracts to me to show WordPress if necessary.
      Or even the state police at your location unless youve evaded them. Again.
      So back off and leave me be. This is a public forum where folks look for troof. Yallz.
      But you’re just posting lies.

    • DSKlausler
      November 20, 2020 at 11:30 am

      I have no issue with Azzy whatsoever.

      He has his beliefs, sources, whatever. It is valuable to read that side, that view.

      Consider all scenarios. Prepare in whatever way you feel is best.

      • Azzy
        November 20, 2020 at 12:35 pm

        Allan just dislikes me, sir. He always has ever since I told him about Flat Earth. Can u believe he thinks we live on a ball of rock a-hurtling through space?
        And, moreover, aside from the puerile logical fallacy of attacking me and failing to examine my ideas, his whole approach is ergo mindless, because every person can be criticized by Alloon for having a flaw. And boy does he like to criticize conflicting ideas to his own, y’all. Therefore, logically (ironically speaking), in Alan’s addled old mind, no idea under the sun is worth considering or putting into practice.
        So, I don’t even know why I bothered.
        He’s nothing but an illogical old fool.
        Go figure.
        And Caveat Emptor. As they used to say.
        Vielen dank.

    • Kevin Taylor
      November 20, 2020 at 5:15 pm

      It seems like Azzy is trying to disrupt your work. Why would he threat you? It bothers him that you invest a lot effort to sort out things. He likes the attention.

      • Azzy
        November 20, 2020 at 7:07 pm

        There’s no need to invest a lot of effort on loony toon’s part because Ive already told him how it all works.
        And given the background, too.
        All that bothers me is how much he still doesn’t get it.
        So I’m guessing medication, or just plain old low intelligence. Or both.
        If so, at least a few heads on here might get it regardless of his nibs spergy lack of grasp on the bigger picture.
        And because I feel sorry for him, and respect his readership, I wont be pursuing the matter of his gross lack of professionalism any further with wordpress.
        He already posted an address I use for, errr, correspondence (thats it) once b4.
        Sweet an’ lowdown, right?
        I mean, I even told yallz how to get fecking rich!
        What more can I do????
        And he still hates me,,,,,😭
        So, goodnight sweet princes.
        It was good while it lasted.

  5. andy
    November 20, 2020 at 12:25 am

    For those that are still light of heart,

    • andy
      November 20, 2020 at 5:22 pm

      Give it a rest, keyboard threats don’t bother me in the slightest, if you do not like it here then F@@K Off!

      • Azzy
        November 20, 2020 at 5:43 pm

        It’s not a threat, its called due process.
        Doxing is a serious crime.
        And I’ve committed none.

        • andy
          November 20, 2020 at 7:27 pm

          That would be fine, if indeed it was a threat, so maybe you could point out to me where i have threatened you specifically.

          Look you are coming across like a little child stuck in the corner screaming at the top of your lungs because the other kids won’t play with you, it’s not attractive.

          Be nice, be respectful or just go somewhere else!

        • Azzy
          November 20, 2020 at 8:15 pm

          I just want Allan to like me, sniff.
          Okay? Happy?
          And I want to feel important; that I have a role.
          Now, I’ve fessed up so tell Allan I’ll fuck off for a while provided he keeps posting and doesn’t get downbeat again.
          Look at Bug, ffs. Genius insights.
          And u suggested he dox me, mister. So don’t u go playing all innocent. I never said boo to you. Allan’s bug and hairy enuff to fight his own battles, ya’ll.
          Dont fall for the Trumpty Theatre. He’s out. And there’s a new agenda at play.
          Hint: tell me yallz dont look at Alexandria O.C. and sense a very, very dangerous time approaching for traditional, ‘white’ conservative elements of our society.
          You have all been warned, nicely and non threateningly!
          Happy holidays.

        • andy
          November 20, 2020 at 8:44 pm

          And u suggested he dox me, mister. So don’t u go playing all innocent.

          Please point out where i have said those exact words.

          See the thing about criminals and liars(believe me i have know quite a few as i have spent time in the big boys prisons on more than one occasion) is they always blame you for what they themselves are doing, it’s old hat to some of us.

          But feel free to point us in the direction of your own blog, please!

        • Azzy
          November 20, 2020 at 9:10 pm

          Jeez, have we resorted to this, ffs?
          Andy Pandy said: “,,,,keep a logs [sic] of any further threats and if there are report to police for harassment, again if you can be arsed, or publish his email right here!”

          That’s doxing. Booster.
          Now kindly go play with a stick of dynamite. And dont 4get yer matches.
          You’re as rude as AJW.
          And almost as irrelevant.
          I wouldn’t want you anywhere NEAR my blog. 🤧

        • andy
          November 20, 2020 at 9:52 pm

          Jeez, have we resorted to this, ffs?
          Andy Pandy said: “,,,,keep a logs [sic] of any further threats and if there are report to police for harassment, again if you can be arsed, or publish his email right here!”

          That’s doxing. Booster.
          Now kindly go play with a stick of dynamite. And dont 4get yer matches.
          You’re as rude as AJW.
          And almost as irrelevant.
          I wouldn’t want you anywhere NEAR my blog. 🤧

          No it isn’t , that’s making a statement.

          If you really feel I have threatened you then do something about it, but please just stop whining like a little bitch about it. Call the police, dob me in, do whatever the hell you like.

          Im not harassing ANYBODY.
          I am offended by Allan’s denial of a very dangerous virus that is killing Americans in the hundreds of thousands.
          I meant that I’LL be contacting WordPress to have his account looked at.
          Conspiracy theories are dangerous and have caused me much confusion.

          I shall say it again, i do not fear keyboard warriors!

          Allan please don’t post any more of this child’s comments he is trying to make you look bad by projecting his own bad behaviour onto you and your commentators!

          That is all I will say on this matter!

        • Azzy
          November 20, 2020 at 10:00 pm

          What is it with you Antipodeans.
          Go diddle a didgeridoo, Angry Anderson.
          And suddenly.
          Now I’m done, here. This is all sooooo beneath me.
          And it’s ULURU. okaaay???

  6. November 19, 2020 at 10:29 pm

    FYI, a list of “good guy” information sources. Maybe someone should add this blog?

    Today on the fear porn site known as the Drudge Report:


    A death in Europe (from any cause) every 17 seconds? OK, so that’s about 5,000 deaths a day, 1,825,000 deaths a years, and Europe has 742,000,000 people, so that is 0.25% deaths a year. Panic?

    Isn’t it clear that to all that they are ramping this up so we will all take the vaccine? How are all the criminals behind this not exposed and in jail? Besides the facts that they run all the media and control both political parties, still, can’t bad people who do this to humanity go to jail?

  7. November 19, 2020 at 4:50 pm

    Brett (and others), I have a favor to ask: Quit responding to Azzy. You are just encouraging him, giving him something to bounce his bullshit off. Seriously. If you ignore him he will eventually go away.


    • Azzy
      November 19, 2020 at 6:53 pm

      Stick your head in the sand, Allan.
      No skin off my arse.
      Just keep popping off the brass and stay frosty.
      You haven’t the slightest inkling of what’s coming down the pipe. Do you.
      Lucky you.
      Chat December.

    • Philipski
      November 20, 2020 at 2:03 am

      Sorry if I’ve been an even 10% influencer leading up to his meltdown on you, yet I can’t help but notice a “Britishism” as you’ve put it, in his comment below to you: “arse”. Part of the Mathis crew????

      • DSKlausler
        November 20, 2020 at 11:15 am

        I’ve addressed this with Allan before (Miles)… I too use “arse” and “shite” occasionally “cockup” and even “bollocks”. So what? I like the terms, simple as that. Oh, my whole life outside Chicago, as was my parents; zero Britain in my tree or travels.

        Not that this makes Miles’ works wholly his, but there are those strange people who can do something [with high focus] for hours on end… days even: painters, musicians, “artists” and yes, maybe writers too.

        • DSKlausler
          November 20, 2020 at 11:36 am

          I should have also mentioned that I do NOT use [going to] Hospital… or [attended] University. I don’t like the sound – too many years in americanized shit-speak.

      • Azzy
        November 20, 2020 at 11:38 am

        Miles Mathis is from Texas. Everybody knows that.
        And what you term Britishisms are actually proper English.
        If anybody melted down Allan did.
        I won’t break confidentially and show you some examples like HE does. I think WordPress have policies about that, too.
        But check that quietly unless Alan and Andy Pandy accuse you of threatening or harassing behaviour.
        Can you believe they actually DENY the camanovirus?
        I think Cass Sustein might be interested in these tin foil hat wearing loons.
        Anyway, I know when I’m not wanted. You guys are too smaaart 4 me anyhoos.
        Take care, everyone!
        CNN is there when u need a correct take on things!

        • Philipski
          November 21, 2020 at 1:31 am

          “Miles Mathis is from Texas”
          So you ARE one of his biographers???? Or just a back-scrubber?? Sorry, I didn’t mean to respond! Ask for a pay raise, alright???

  8. Terence
    November 19, 2020 at 3:22 pm

    This is really interesting. It is episode 2 of The Healthy Debate and from minute 21 onwards he reveals that WHO advised the health authorities of all countries to NOT isolate the virus as part of the test. Very good. Mentions that Health Minister in UK referred to Professor Carl Heneghan of Oxford as an idiot because he questioned things. Part of PCR testing is from about min 20

    It is probably the best clear cut evidence I have come across on how completely fraudulent the PCR test is.

  9. November 17, 2020 at 8:41 pm

    A favor. Let me know if you are seeing the old comments in past posts. I only see the current ones.

  10. Captain John
    November 17, 2020 at 12:32 pm

    Jon Rappoport keeps pushing the idea that Fauci stated on a podcast in the summer that if the PCR test is run above 34 cycles/jumps, it becomes useless for diagnosing COVID due to the number of false positives. In other words, the more likely it will diagnose a positive response.

    Jon states that the FDA recommends running the PCR test at 40 cycles/jumps which, if the labs are following these guidelines, are creating huge numbers of false positives. Supposedly, the NHA in Great Britain is running at 45 cycles, and WHO recommends up to 50 cycles.

    If anything over 34 gives you major false positives, what’s going on?

    I’ve contacted two people I know tangentially through blogs and forums who claim to be retired from working in infectious disease and virology to ask them if this is possible. Neither has responded to private emails or public forum questions. In fact, if you bring this up anywhere, it is greeted with silence.

    Does anyone personally have contacts at a lab running the PCR test who can say how many cycles they are running these samples through?

    • Captain John
      November 17, 2020 at 9:32 pm

      I did get a response from an actual infectious disease researcher. His response is very telling if indeed these labs are running above 34 cycles.

      He says, ” I’ve never run PCR cycles above 30. Real-time PCR gives a lot of artifacts from the amplification of junk DNA. I have serious questions about the accuracy of tests using 34 or 40 cycles. I think part of it is concern over liability over false negatives. e.g. someone gets a negative test and then comes down with an infection and dies, then the lawsuits begin. Of course, running up the count has financial benefits for some parties.”

      He agrees then with Jon Rappoport that over 34, (maybe over 30) cycles will give you false positives and that labs are either doing it to avoid lawsuits or, in my opinion, to cash in on COVID diagnoses. Or, perhaps they are being rewarded by the PTB to create as many positives as possible to control us all.

      • November 18, 2020 at 5:15 am

        The per test is useless so false positives etc are not relevant. It’s really important to understand this.

  11. Kevin Ryan
    November 17, 2020 at 11:02 am

    Another part of the propaganda will be that they will couch it as a “debt jubilee” so all the plebes will not notice the freedoms they are trading off. Thank you for providing a touch of sane analysis to an insane situation.

  12. Jean-Francois Aubry
    November 16, 2020 at 12:18 pm

    You dont know him. You dont understand what he say. But this guy nickname in the french one stream media is “The Pope of the Fake News”. He’s talking of the banking system as Ponzi pyramid since, at least, 2012. The thing is in Europe right now the people with over 100 000 Euro in their bank account have a negative interest rate. So the system is rigged and near to collapse. He say HSBC France was purchase by a company wich borrow his money from HSBC France to make the deal…lol :

    • Elisa
      November 17, 2020 at 10:19 pm

      Merci beaucoup Jean-Francois! Very interesting and funny! I appreciate!

    • Azzy
      November 17, 2020 at 10:10 am

      Food is gonna be the least of yallz concerns. Below, 90% certainty as of now.
      Those of you who can read more than a comic book, might want to peruse this one carefully.
      Have a strategy to protect yallseffs and yizzer lived ones, yall.
      Stay safe.

      • November 17, 2020 at 6:59 pm

        Do you seriously expect any of us to read any of that shit from that Trogan Horse of Death outfit?!.
        And if you are in their “high risk” group – Goodbye old man 😀

      • November 18, 2020 at 5:17 am

        So now you’re recommending cdc documents, huh, ass?

        • Azzy
          November 18, 2020 at 9:26 am

          Yup, this is the playbook, ya’ll.
          Drilled by FEMA for decades for this very time.
          Check it out elsewhere if ya like. But make no mistake: this is the methodology by which the Masters intend to break up resistant clusters before, during and after the gun seizures.
          And that’s bonafaaade.
          Dont say ya weren’t warned.

          • Azzy
            November 18, 2020 at 10:08 am

            Oh, and one more thaang. I think I’ve given yallz enough information that’s liable to upset some folks. This is unintentional. But the truth doesn’t go away jes’ coz ya’ll ignore it. Is it really so strange to believe that the days of rednecks with guns and supercharged urban tanks speeding around intimidating and knocking down folks are soon coming to an end? Very soon?
            You see, they believed– and still believe if u can believe it– that Trump was the leader of some new white utopia movement. And that ,,,well, you all know the story.
            But no. Trump is an actor who drew out these kinds of people for his controllers so that quantum AI could identify them. All of them.
            Next up is Shielding and isolation of these people. And God knows what else. Trust me, yall dont wanna know.
            Here’s a paragraph from the above that tells you they KNOW there’ll be much resistance to Shielding by healthcare and other professionals. And that they/we have factored this resistance into our plans.
            Some folks like Brett actually believe this stuff was written and prepared out of boredom. Or to scare folks. That it’s all just a biggg big joke, and that living on a remote sheep farm somewhere will protect you.
            There is no physical dimension in cyberspace Brett. And ya’ll have been well and truly mapped.
            So laugh away and roll your eyes.
            The government are all stupid and incompetent and dumb an’ shit, right?
            They couldn’t organise a wake in a care home.
            Sure ghey are, but the PTBe behind the rotating cretins know exactly whats happening and what will happen.
            We’ve been rehearsing this shit 4 decades.
            And lacing the internet with clues for the 5% who will act.
            Be one of them
            Heres the quote:
            “This approach has never been documented and has raised questions and concerns among humanitarian partners who support response activities in these settings.”

            In other words, drill how to shut these busybodies up. Done.
            Read the document and learn about what’s coming. And learn it well.
            Your survival depends on it.
            Echoes of Iron Mountain, Allan? You know it.

          • November 18, 2020 at 7:11 pm

            You have told us 5/8ths of Fuck All.
            And Allan has already indicated (and told) to us what “they” get up to for many years now.
            But look Azzy, you are the one treating everything as hilarious entertainment, – just have a look back at all your posts with the many “piss take laugh” pics.
            AND your deliberate “lets wind em up” *Southern Drawl* (is how I see it) way of communicating in writing, that is largely in some kind of hard to decipher code. What is up with that?.
            Dunno what to believe from you, you have done a 180 degree change on a few things, even with Bitcoin.
            I don’t know what the hell you are talking about with the “rednecks” intimidating in vehicles with guns thing! , there are NONE in my part of the world….you have watched too many MadMax movies??.

            Tell us something REAL, tell us where your vehicle to the Moon leaves from – YOU SAID EARLIER, and what fuel it uses – and what is on the Moon.

          • Azzy
            November 18, 2020 at 8:11 pm

            Brett, my good man. You live in a tiny fiefdom under Crown control- education, police, policy, you name it.
            You’re faaaar from any action.
            You are in fact owned; lock, stock and barrell.
            Watch how things pan out in the centres of the action over the next year or so.
            The cartel behind Donnie attacked China with a bioweapon and the other cartels aren’t happy about it. Simple as that.
            That’s why Donnies gonnie.
            However, the cartels do cooperate on a number of different projects, too. And globally.
            When you’re lining up for your Covid vaccine down under in a few months, you’ll get a taste of one of those shaded areas of cooperation. Where plans overlap, shall we say. And then some.
            Now chillax and stop freaking. Go grab a travel brochure.
            That holiday in the sun awaits. I believe there’s an air corridor to Sydney? 😂
            Hey, at least it’s a start!
            Chat soon. I’ll send yallz an update in December.
            Oh and by the way, it’s clear you haven’t read Mr Medavoys thoughts on how we operate, yet.
            Surprise Surprise.
            There’s a reason why you dont even know what yee dont know.
            And dont even want to know, it seems.

          • Azzy
            November 18, 2020 at 8:16 pm

            ps, I report Brett that’s all, yo!
            Quantum AI; data analytics; real time operators.
            Shit changes and fast.
            You want spoon feeding?
            You got the wrong blaawwwg, cowboy.
            Or sheep boy, whatever. 🤭
            Read between the lines and critically think. There’s a picture, and you’re not seeing it.
            Fawk me I should have mee own blog, yallz.
            Id get fawking disappeared reeeal quick, fo sho.
            Outta here b4 Allan freaks.

  13. Terence
    November 15, 2020 at 11:52 pm

    Yes, your summary is nice and clear and the previous article “The Election, My Take” was very concise too.

    Some (few) people who happen to be debt free and own their house may be thinking the Great Reset is only about resetting debt -(most of which is held by govts and corporations), and that somehow they might not be affected because they don’t have any. What they probably don’t realize is their savings will be reset too and any pensions they have, no matter how good, will suddenly go bust and be reset to nothing. This will leave them along with everyone else entirely at the mercy of the govt. Absolutely nobody will be unaffected including all those small time millionaires who think they are somehow insulated from all this.

    • November 16, 2020 at 3:46 pm

      Plus the Great Reset will involve constant ‘contact tracing’ supposedly for covid but which is actually for the tyranny/surveillance of the New World Order.

  14. November 15, 2020 at 11:10 pm

    And yes, The Great Reset is the fresh term referring to The New World Order. Sort of like when Global Warming became Climate Change. NLP/mind control 101: When a term becomes compromised or is exposed for what it is, merely come up with a new one.

    • X
      November 19, 2020 at 7:32 pm

      ‘The Great Reset’ and ‘The New World Order’ (novus ordo seclorum) are indeed equivalent. Moreover, both Global Warming and Climate Change were invented because weather and climatic changes were hypothesised to be likely just prior.

  15. November 15, 2020 at 4:40 pm

    Good analysis as usual, Allan. I’m riding these days with a Thrive II reinvigoration put together by Foster and Kimberly Gamble of Thrive I fame. They’re no Pollyannas, in fact they have characterized humanity’s status as “stage 4 metastasis cancer” as a consequence of the GDA (global domination agenda) you refer to.

    But they are nonaggression principle and Unified Field. Rationality grounded, thoroughly researched and Independent fact checked. Potentially HUGE.

    Specifically, wrt the global economy and covtardia–the so-called Great Reset–they have been in touch with the Dragon Alliance at the inner circle level. “He who has the gold makes the rules.” And the Alliance basically has the debt-slavery Rothschild GDA looters in a complete supplicant position with a TRUE and benign great reset of it’s own.

    Anyway, hope you will check it out and maybe even come on board with elements of your own Solutions Matrix.

    • November 15, 2020 at 8:23 pm

      I always liked Thrive and will check out Thrive II.

  16. brian
    November 15, 2020 at 2:55 pm

    Maybe rethinking your decision to liquidate your gold Allen?

    • November 15, 2020 at 3:14 pm

      Why exactly should we liquidate gold?

      • Azzy
        November 16, 2020 at 2:00 pm

        Because golds only value is as a medium of exchange.
        In other words, you exchange it for dollars when the price is up.
        The US dollar is backed by the US military and will be a major currency until later this century at the very least.
        Most probably in digital form tied in with Stablecoin.
        When crypto assets rocket so will Stablecoin and thus an awesome exchange rate for FIAT. To say the least.
        Smaaart folks know this already; chumps in the hump will have to buy crypto from a bank at massive markups after they ban fiat access to crypto mid to late 2021.
        ps Bitcoin will be the new gold. i.e. a medium of exchange.
        Anybody doubting all this go pay 100 bucks an hour for a financial advisor. Who’ll tell you crypto is for terrorists and drug dealers (while buying into it himself. Like JP Morgan have done for years. )

        • November 17, 2020 at 12:05 am

          This is what you do if the NWO come for you and your Bitcoin PROPERTY Azzy! 😀

          • Azzy
            November 17, 2020 at 8:43 am

            I told you b4 NOT bitcoin, Brett. And I said why, too. Do you even read stuff b4 commenting?
            You wanna start listening and stop freaking.
            I’m sure Donnies latest 5D chess move will give you a hopium dose soon, though.
            It’s secret for now, though. Right?

          • November 17, 2020 at 6:43 pm

            I am good at reading and comprehension, and you just said it (again) right here above!, you wrote – “ps Bitcoin will be the new gold.”

            No secret, the Don is getting in some golf before banging some heads together at about mid December 2020.

          • Azzy
            November 17, 2020 at 7:39 pm

            The don is gone, Brett.
            100% certainty as of Friday last. 7pm DC time.
            Right now he’s plea bargaining with the FBI.
            They need to keep 70 million blue collar rednecks with Barrett 50s happy until Bite-em’s handlers come for the guns hard next year. Details on this above your paygrade. Sorry.
            Trump will be rolled out at the occasional prepper rally from time to time, though until then. Dont worry. Youll get ur fix 🤭.
            And as for the crypto thang, lemme break it down into easy lil’ pieces for you.
            Bitcoin is a digital currency and will replace gold as a medium of exchange for wealthy investors and chumps who think they’re wealthy investors over the next decade.
            Capiche? It’s for the big boys. And so much easier than lugging around gold bars.
            (Chumps who still have assets, that is. Hint: there wont be many because middle class wealth will be confiscated or destroyed.)
            The fact that Bitcoin is mainstream should tell u thats the plan. And to keep wellll away.
            You should be looking at cryptographic ASSETS; stored on the decentralised (not on servers) blockchain and accessible to you only in your encrypted, unhackable personal wallet online and OFFLINE (if necessary with a bit of technical know how).
            Yours forever as a legitimate means of currency in cyber world.
            These assets will rocket in value next year. Up to 10000% in value.
            Cool right? Its called a ‘moon shot’ in the lingo. Decentralised finance will utilise these assets via a complicated but valuable thaang called ‘stablecoin’.
            Exchanged on the blockchain forrrrr, wait for it,,,,digital dollars!!!
            I know, I know, I’m losing you. And I know I might as well be talking to my barn molly and her lil’ ol’ cat crew outside about this as to you.
            But they’re just interested in fecking chicken.
            Lucky guys.
            Now, other folks on here might be inspired to research what I’m talking about in the unlikely event they dont know yet.
            Because you are clueless, Brett. And will be queing up on main st with the other chumps outside the bank with your COVID I.D. to purchase YOUR crypto currency — not assets as it’ll be too late for that–at a massive mark up after it comes online. Probably next summer after FIAT access to crypto is blocked in the meantime.
            Exchanges will be outlawed.
            Haha, funny right?
            Hahaha 😂
            And you know the besssst part? It won’t matter a fuck whether of not you believe COVID is real because youll be vaccinated and COVID id’d anyway!! Whether u like it or not. Haha. AND because you’ll need this pass AND the digital currency to function in normie land, an’ all. You’ll have no choice!!
            Hilarious right?
            Watch it happen. Hahaha.
            Except,,,,, not its not really that funny at all.
            Let us know how all that works out for ya. 😉
            We’ll be all ears.
            And thats an Azzy Promise.

  17. jclivenz
    November 15, 2020 at 1:46 pm

    Sitting on my bookshelf since 1974. You, from the land of the free (not any longer) where this came from can read it here More recently the writings of Ellen Brown and PBI are US based sources that explain money (credit) creation.
    Having just listened to Reiner Fuellmich again (an interview this time) I am perhaps more hopeful than you Allan at this time. He is tapping into the right names more and more.
    But in the end the germ theory has to be totally debunked in the collective minds of the populace or at least sufficient tip the scales that way.

  18. Raymond
    November 15, 2020 at 1:41 pm
  19. November 14, 2020 at 10:18 pm

    Thanks for another great post Allan.
    Anyone who isn’t Shocked To The Core when they finally understand the evil and ridiculous workings of the Banksters Ponzi Scheme, is either in a deep sleep coma or dead.
    And it is made to look as complicated as possible, but is simply isn’t complicated – “they” have been printing money out of literally thin air (at no risk or cost!) , and then charging every man and his dog “INTEREST” for it…since about 1663! (printed paper then).
    I was hopping mad when I found out , and I called my stupid bank manager and they told me the terrible story. I went to the police and made a complaint/case, and to cut a long story short, it is stuck in their “too hard basket” . They admitted I was dead right though, I did this about 15 years ago.

    • November 14, 2020 at 10:31 pm

      Yeah, I’ve done similar raps to bankers, from tellers to the heads of the local branch. In my case NONE of them knew what I was even talking about.

      I know this very very successful wall street hedge fund type, a woman. I asked her where money came from. She said ‘the Rockefellers.’ Hilariously, she was right (sort of), but for the wrong reason. When I dug deeper, she hadn’t a clue. This is a millionaire many times over.

      • November 14, 2020 at 11:11 pm

        They all play as dumb as rubber dog shit, from the front desk minions to at least middle management.
        I would guess about 10% of them secretly know how it works, and the other 90% “don’t want to know”.
        It took me about 3 months of “sorry I don’t know where your money (homeloan) came from” , till the higher up manager finally got sick of me calling, and he put me through to the head bank manager in Australia (all our “money”comes thru Ozzy).
        What I got on the phone there was a woman who sounded like she smoked about 6 packs per day..shortly into the conversation – she quickly reeled off what I have found to be their Mantra > “*It has to work this way, or you wouldn’t have got any money*” …. and I quickly reeled off – But you have CHARGED ME 70% INTEREST!!, I WANT MY MONEY BACK!!…- it had no answer and went dead silent on the other end.
        Which is the other CON, the interest a person pays will pay for at least 1 or 2 more houses – owned by the banks.
        And yes my super rich friends (only 2 multi millionaires) have no idea how it works, and aren’t interested in finding out!.

        • November 14, 2020 at 11:20 pm

          The smoking swamp monster stopped short of telling me WHO prints the money online out of thin air on the keyboard these days. I know it’s the Fed Reserve in the States.
          I have heard at least 20x more has been printed up online during this GFC (Global financial crisis) , than the 2008 GFC.

          • Coronald McDonald
            November 15, 2020 at 4:37 pm

            Yes, maybe so, but here in the land of the free, United States of A, NO COINS have been minted. Worldwide shortage of cheap metals, you know…

          • November 15, 2020 at 6:42 pm

            I’m not surprised no coins have been minted…why bother with that really if the money spider can just tap it out online for free?.
            Do you seriously still can it the land of the free??

          • November 15, 2020 at 7:04 pm


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