Day before yesterday I got the following email from Paul from the Netherlands, a long-time reader who had, back in 2014, indicated to me his tech knowledge – so I can vouch for his claim to know the process of making videos, which is my point with James Corbett: His output of videos (and essays, podcasts and so forth) is…
Category: Blog
What are the odds? Part Two
Hey, sorry I didn’t get this done today. I’ve been busy learning about the true history of the world. I’ll try to sum it all up tomorrow. In the mean time, if you’d like to know about World War I, watch these two films by James Corbett (about an hour total): …and this one: The question is: What are the…
What are the odds?
What are the odds? I woke up late after a fitful night, did my usual drawn-out groan, then wondered almost aloud, ‘What are the odds?’ Had no idea to what I referring, nor did I have a follow up, i.e., a reply to my own query. Made coffee, sipped it while scanning email, then took Gus for a walk down…
A Sky Diary
My silence is wearing on and getting distressing. The Too Much Stuff Syndrome. Tomorrow I’m going back to the ‘wake up thought’ method and see if it works. Whatever is on my mind within the first 10 minutes after returning to ‘reality’ is going on this blog, for better or worse. By saying this, I’ll have to do it. Presumably.…
Still Too Much Stuff (Plus ‘Censored Again’!)
Too much stuff! The above is the reason for my (latest) long silence. The more information I take in the more hopeless any important (let alone vital) communication… feels. I goddamn should have stuck to my ‘wake up’ scenario: force myself to write about whatever is on my mind after a night’s sleep. I mean if I’m not writing, what…
Lemme think…and Meanwhile…
My plan was to work in a few references to the Moon book whilst concentrating on Dangerous but it’s occurred to me that – given the insight of most of the comments – further analysis of the latter may not be really necessary. You have a pdf and if you’re not curious enough to read that (or buy the book)…
A ‘Dangerous’ Review, Part Two
The concept of causation is of such importance that I wanted to start the meat of my analyses of Dangerous and Who Built the Moon? (plus how they relate to the idea of a ‘Higher Power’), with a formal examination of ‘Chance & Necessity’, including what these words really mean and how – when we rule them out, causally –…
‘Chance & Necessity’?
The new deal I made with AT&T for Net access has had unintended consequences. Part of it was I get a new iPad with unlimited mainstream TV access (with Showtime as a kicker). I fired the sucker up this morning for the local extended weather forecast but stumbled onto CNN, and before I could figure out what to ‘touch’ to…
A ‘Dangerous’ Review
Given the Net’s predictive algorithms, anyone doing an online search for the book I have oft recommended, The Most Dangerous Book in the World; 9/11 as Mass Ritual, and who, in the process, has typed ‘the most dangerous…’ into the box, will see ‘game’ as the suggested/predicted next word before he can finish writing the desired title. ‘The Most Dangerous…
A ‘Harvest Moon’
Note: As I write this note on September 24th (2018) tonight will be this year’s ‘Harvest Moon,’ which means the full moon nearest to the autumnal equinox, a celestial event that already happened, a couple days ago, on Saturday the 22nd. Here’s a surprisingly accurate explanation, from On Sept. 22 at 9:54 p.m. EDT (0154 GMT on Sept. 23),…