Still Too Much Stuff (Plus ‘Censored Again’!)

Too much stuff!

The above is the reason for my (latest) long silence. The more information I take in the more hopeless any important (let alone vital) communication… feels. I goddamn should have stuck to my ‘wake up’ scenario: force myself to write about whatever is on my mind after a night’s sleep. I mean if I’m not writing, what am I doing here? (Digitally shooting something is worthwhile, but it’s not the same… unless it’s part of a story…)

A couple nights ago, near Sedona, AZ.

A couple nights ago, near Sedona, AZ.

But I’ve been busy! Since I my last post I’ve read a half dozen books, listened to two more, and viewed countless ‘talks’ and films and so forth on good old Youtube. I feel like I’m drowning in information, which is perhaps an inevitable state for someone with no ‘necessary’ work to do and who really wants to know as much as possible about… everything… before the candle goes out.

As usual, the human annoyances have piled up. For a human to qualify as ‘an annoyance’ they have to exhibit a certain sort of behavior, one that is difficult to define or summarize…

Sort of a version of Orwell’s ‘the greater the intelligence, the greater the insanity’ observation, in that the smarter a person is, the more self-deceit it takes to live in denial; at a point, the self-deceit becomes full blown insanity. Or if the deceit is not of the ‘self’ variety, then we’re in the arena of the psy op. And yes, this has become more and more an interest of mine.

'The light' is everything...

‘The light’ is everything…

Since I spend a lot of time on Youtube, I can quantify the above implied conundrum (who is lying to him/herself as opposed to who is lying to us) via reference to it, or at least to those videos that purport to impart either historical or scientific information, the former including ‘current events’. Although an exact number is unlikely to be calculable, it appears to me that the ‘base’ percentage of ‘untrue information’ – wherein the ‘point’ of the video is either grossly untrue or based on a premise that is somehow untrue (some unmeasurable version of truth can ‘leak’ into information that’s based on a false premise) — is somewhere north of 95%, and likely north of 99%.

I suspect that most of you reading this are on board with the above (based on the comments) so I’ll not try to ‘prove’ my observation, apart from pointing out that most of mainstream physics is based on expanding space/big bang assumptions, which are almost certainly incorrect, i.e., based on erroneous explanations for phenomena such as the cosmological red-shift, and continuing on to the ‘cosmic microwave background’ (CMB), which is provably not  ‘an echo of the big bang.’ The ‘domino effect’ of all the incorrect assumptions for the physical sciences is quite profound, in the ‘everything you think you know is wrong’ sense. At some point I’ll get back to this subject. Maybe tomorrow, upon wake up. Maybe not. Sigh.

My lighting system is solar. I put them outside in daylight. Takes about a minute.

My lighting system is solar. I put them outside in daylight. Takes about a minute.

I mention this as intro to my latest ‘confrontation’ with one of the mainstream ‘names’ that purport to enlighten us about some aspect of HTWRW: I very recently finished Max Tegmark’s new book, Life 3.0 and (predictably) found it wanting in some important ‘details.’ Interestingly, in his book Tegmark invites the reader to comment or question him, via a website set up for this purpose. I took him up on it, only to find that (so far) my comment was somehow ‘unacceptable’ — I was in effect censored by this philosopher/physicist. Here’s Life 3.0‘s forum page.

If you scroll down to the ‘public’ forum, you should find my comment at the top (as of today, anyway), but won’t. Here’s the comment that for some reason was unacceptable to Professor Tegmark:

I’ve read Life 3.0 and found it more readable and interesting than the several other ‘A.I.’ books I’ve taken in, including Nick Bostrom’s SuperIntelligence. However, what I found perplexing is that all of them avoided the question most on my mind regarding A.I. and the future of mankind. I’ll phrase it as simply as possible:
My road bud Logan is a couple hundred yards down the dirt road.

My road bud Logan is a couple hundred yards down the dirt road.

Why do you and all the other ‘A.I. names’ avoid the question of who (which power structure) is in the best position to develop SAI [super A.I.]?

My answer: Given that developing SAI depends on two resources, Big Data and Big Money, the answer would be the DARPA/Google/Whomever cabal. That this is the obvious answer is the reason the question is avoided, IMO. (Aside from the books, I’ve viewed virtually all the relevant Youtube talks and interviews, and heard hardly a word on this subject). Please do not claim that Google and DARPA are not two sides of the same coin. I’ve done my research, starting here.
A related question that is likewise avoided: Why should we not worry about ‘narrow A.I.’s development and use by the ‘deep state’ (or rogue networks within it) in an ultimate mind control/culture creation agenda? Isn’t this VERY likely going on right now? (I did a word search in your book and found only one, irrelevant, mention of ‘DARPA’. And none of the ‘Google’ hits were relevant to my questions.)

Although my questions themselves deserve answers, what I’m asking here is why NO ONE deals with them. My theory is that the reticence is related to this short clip of DNI (super spook) James Clapper lying under oath to a Senate committee, saying that NSA does not collect data on ‘millions or hundreds of millions of Americans.’ That he was not arrested for perjury or even disciplined says it all about what the state (or deep state) is getting away with.  IMO, the reason Clapper walked on his felony is because everyone in the government knows that the first one to suggest he be prosecuted would be subject to ‘Big Data’ retaliation. If you have a better explanation, I’m all ears.

Remember the 'RV women' who wanted nothing to do with me? This old couple replaced them: when I asked about the wildfires the said, 'Goddamn govnmint did it.'

Remember the ‘RV women’ who wanted nothing to do with me? This old couple replaced them: when I asked about the wildfires they said, ‘Goddamn govnmint did it.’

 By the way, as you should know, NSA/etc collects ALL electronic communications (not just metadata) and stores it for future ‘use’, i.e., fodder for A.I., narrow as it might be. (The ‘seizing’ of ‘personal papers and effects’ without a warrant is a clear violation of the 4th amendment to the Constitution. ‘Seizing’ is legally defined as either recording or listening to, according to the Supreme Court. Seizing and storing private communications is as much a crime as robbing a bank and storing the money, rather than spending it.)
If you need proof of this (‘proof,’ not just evidence), listen to this FBI agent spill the beans. Yes, we already knew it, but it’s ‘nice’ to hear it from the horse’s mouth. (That he repeated his admission on two shows means ‘they’ want us to know how closely we are surveilled.)
Why no mention of any of this in the book, or any of the A.I. books/talks/papers?
Big Data/Big money. DARPA/Google. The silence is deafening.
Are all the ‘A.I. names’ fearful? Or is it simple Orwellian doublethink, with careers/reputations in the balance (as with physicists and 9/11)? How ‘out front’ is this ‘conspiracy of silence’?
One last question: Is it not likely that the power-mad psychopaths that perpetrated 9/11 are most likely to ‘make use’ of A.I. in its various permutations?
[Are not the questions I raise relevant re ‘existential risk’? And if so, why not deal with them?]

The last sentence [in brackets] was added to the comment when I forwarded it to Professor Nick Bostrom, whom I’ve referred to before in this blog, and who makes a big deal of his concern for humankind’s ‘existential risks’. In fact, I penned quite a detailed Open Letter to the good prof (who, like Tegmark, did not respond). This I can ‘forgive,’ since Bostrom does not invite reader comments in his book on the similar subject matter of Artificial Intelligence.

IMG_3228By the way, I tried to post the above as a review (in which I gave Life 3.0 four stars) and was also rebuffed, here by  When I checked Amazon’s review guidelines and re-read my little essay, I could find no breakage of the rules. Mmmm…

All this reminded me of my Open Letter to Nick Bostrom, which deals in depth with issues very similar to those in Tegmark’s book. This was almost exactly a year ago; upon re-reading my three-parter I found myself wishing you all had the comment section turned on back then.

Although in the re-read I found myself wanting to do some trimming and futzing (lotta goddamn words!), I’ll leave it as is. Plow through it or don’t. Up to you. But I’d be interested in what you think, given the time passage and the added information we’ve all ingested.

Comment on Part One or the whole magilla if you’re so moved. I’m all ears. Meanwhile, we’ll see if either Bostrom or Tegmark responds. (Right: Good luck!)


Meanwhile, here’s my latest little ‘campsite’ moving still image.

By the way, one of the books I read in my ‘absence’ is William Engdahl’s Manifest Destiny. Really, folks, if you want to some actual truth about recent history, you owe it to yourself to dive into Engdahl. I Amazon-reviewed this one and accurately referred to the man as a ‘national treasure.’ Given his body of work, this is not hyperbole.


  45 comments for “Still Too Much Stuff (Plus ‘Censored Again’!)

  1. Krustysurfer
    December 27, 2018 at 11:35 pm

    Love It Allan clear and concise to the point….. They ignore troublesome intelligence that exposes the Turd in the Punchbowl!
    Either very few to want the party to end… and/or the flow and Control of information and breaking of flow to the general public is now S.O.P. (because of the technology available) creating that giant virtual firewall…(keeping most of the general public happy asleep and sated with the latest and greatest in consumer-ables unaware of the noose being so gently placed around their necks)….. or Babylon would burn and all their plans for ultimate control in smoking ruins.
    glad to hear your words Allan (even though they bring little comfort) you bear testimony that there are others observing the same elite control systems being put into place.
    even Baja is at risk of losing its refuge status. Stay Sharp brother blessings and aloha td

  2. Philip
    November 18, 2018 at 1:48 pm

    As we know California is being attacked by DEW’s. Clearly the PTB think they can get away with it. To do this, seems to me to be a clear indication that this will be the end game if they have their way. America as we know it is finished if they do get away with it.

    This is an interesting little piece of information

  3. THX1138
    November 16, 2018 at 9:59 pm

    This new chapter might be worth a chuckle to everybody. “Russia will Shape the Future of Spaceflight”: Announces Nuclear Powered Reusable Rocket Programme | Watts Up With That?

    Of course, this rocket is supposed to compete with Elon Musk.

  4. Timothy
    November 16, 2018 at 9:14 pm

    One suggestion, then a speculation about AI. Suggestion: To get an author to respond why not start with something simple, brief, not too out there. This might “get your foot in the door” so that you can get the real question asked later.

    What if time travelers are AI? Somewhere in the future Humans figured out that they needed to be constrained or eliminated. AI got wind of the plot and went back in time to change Humanity to willingly accept them and possibly to speed up the process so that it would happen too fast for the alarm bells to go off. Would be a good sci-fi novel at least…

  5. mellyrn
    November 3, 2018 at 11:52 am

    Nick Bostrom letter, part one:

    I don’t think the stars/no stars issue is evidence for SH (iirc, Allan, you don’t buy SH for many reasons; I think you were just trying to get Bostrom to pay attention, yes?) If computational power limitations are an issue, it would have been simpler to create a worldscape with an opaque atmosphere, like Venus: no cosmos visible at all. It’s not like the minds in the simulation would know that there “should” be stars out there.

    There is also the question of how many intelligences (Neos in their pods being fed a virtual reality by the Machines) are poking around in the simulation: 7 billion different intelligent paths of exploration would take more memory than just one/1. How many other (apparent) people are just sophisticated conversation-bots?

    Maybe Bostrom’s one, and he/it isn’t coded with a way to reply to you. . . .

    I agree that the Moon is one great honkin’ signal of *something*. Recently encountered a claim that a human (called “Henry Deacon”, possibly as a nom de guerre) used to work at a base on Mars with 200,000+ other staff, only ~10,000 of which were also humans, the rest being aliens. I’d dismiss that as *entirely* crazy — if the Moon weren’t such an astronomically (sorry) huge “coincidence”.

    Another huge (and growing, apparently) coincidence: all these other people who discuss alternative ideas, who won’t talk to Allan Weisbecker. They can’t *all* be limited-hangouts, in service to the Cabal, surely? Maybe Allan is one of what this one guy calls “HCAs” — Higher Cosmic Assistants — here to flag us to greater awareness, wake up wake up pay attention. . . . That actually seems a lot less weird than anything else I’ve written, now that I think about it.

    • November 3, 2018 at 6:24 pm

      Although in the logic sense the no stars issue COULD be evidence for SH, I agree that it isn’t. It’s just sloppy work by the PTB (not being able to have the astronauts keep their story straight and laziness in not matching the star field to reality). But the issue also could be evidence that reality or space is not what we’re told. But since it’s the sort of issue that takes abstract thought to understand, it’s unlikely that it will wake us up in a meaningful way. It’s easier to say, ‘Ahhh, fuck it.’

      I wouldn’t believe any of the ‘whistleblowers’ who make space travel claims. This is another complex issue but loaded with dis-mis-info.

      I know it seems unlikely that they are ALL LH, but I go on case-by-case basis and it seems to point in that direction. Or, of course, the old denial alternative. Hah, me as a HCA!? If so, I have to be at the bottom of the list, in terms of competence….

      • mellyrn
        November 5, 2018 at 1:57 am

        Oh, I dunno. You don’t get to know what your readers have absorbed, and passed on to others, that is even now percolating through our minds, and which may one day result in a great Aha! It *might* be nothing — but if you don’t write at all, it will *certainly* be nothing. Yea verily I say unto you, when the Awakening comes, you totally get to take *some* credit, even if none of us ever know how much.

        (I did wonder, just after I hit “post” on that previous one, if the HCA thing was going to make you spew your coffee. Apologies if it did.)

  6. Todd
    November 2, 2018 at 9:05 pm

    Excellent postcard from the road Allan. Also, hoping your investment of effort with Engdahl pays off!

    BTW, what kinda effort + time does it take for you to put together your postcards from the road work?

  7. Mol
    November 1, 2018 at 7:57 am

    Yup Too Much Stuff alright! Alarmed by yr 95% or 99% estimate (re untrue info), i was dumbly thinking maybe 50%. Ah well your estimate’s likely a lot closer. Yr censorship/ review declined situation doesn’t surprise me though, all too common online I’ve found -sensitive wee souls some of these people aren’t they? Thought yr (invited!) response to Tegmark was spot on & well-worded; an AI developing a personality through say Facebook data horrifies me; & a military designed one, well that’s gotta be charming too. Fan of electric universe ideas myself; answers many astro & cosmological puzzles while fitting observation well – from comets’ behaviour to galactic rotation etc.

    • November 1, 2018 at 7:55 pm

      Great to hear of your interest in Electric Universe. Another good one is Youtube’s Sky Scholar. The level of mainstream science bullshit is staggering…

  8. A.C. Cavalloro
    October 31, 2018 at 4:49 pm

    New books bad, old books, very old books good. If you believe all is a construct, a simulation, most importantly certainly you know libraries ain’t what they used to be, even the Carnegie inspired “Library” control the narrative type, were also stuffed with fake history. The destruction, elimination of “old” books has been going on for at least 3 decades. The good stuff, even basic scientific heuristics have disappeared. So, Alan, this is how the world works. I quote Chaucer, no spring chicken, “Out of old fields comes all this new corn and out of Old books comes all this New knowledge, Parliament of Fools. Careful what you read , it’s all B.S. at this point, it’s all fiction but still fun to be alive. Your book preamble got me and I used to love books, now I stick to tool catalogs and such because they’re hard to fake. And by the way, who owns and controls all the Major publishing firms and has controlled them for over 100 years. Who determines what you get to read? Fake News of course, Fake Books no one dare face.

  9. Tony
    October 31, 2018 at 6:42 am

    Not exactly from
    but linked in that post
    “An Open Letter to Michael Behe, Stephen Meyer, and Douglas Axe”
    there is your assertion that …
    “Intelligent design has been criticized as having no mechanism. ”

    Have you read “The Cosmic Serpent: DNA and the Origins of Knowledge” by Jeremy Narby?

    Quotes from Chapter 10 – Biology’s Blind Spot

    “Biology has a blind spot of historical origin.
    My hypothesis suggests that what scientists call DNA corresponds to the animate essences that shamans say communicate with them and animate all life forms. Modern biology, however, is founded on the notion that nature is not animated by an intelligence and therefore cannot communicate.”

    “Admittedly, I was on the lookout for anything unusual, as my investigation had led me to consider that DNA and its cellular machinery truly were an extremely sophisticated technology of cosmic origin. But as I pored over thousands of pages of biological texts, I discovered a world of science fiction that seemed to confirm my hypothesis.

    Proteins and enzymes were described as “miniature robots,” ribosomes were “molecular computers,” cells were “factories,” DNA itself was a “text,” a “program,” a “language,” or “data.” One only had to do a literal reading of contemporary biology to reach shattering conclusions; yet most authors display a total lack of astonishment and seem to consider that life is merely “a normal physiochemical phenomenon.”

    One of the facts that troubled me most was the astronomical length of the DNA contained in a human body: 125 billion miles.

    There, I thought, is the Ashanincas sky-rope: It is inside us and is certainly long enough to connect earth and heaven. What did biologists make of this cosmic number? Most of them did not even mention it, and those who did talked of a “useless but amusing fact.”

    “To sum up:
    My hypothesis is based on the idea that DNA in particular and nature in general are minded.

    This contravenes the founding principle of the molecular biology that is the current orthodoxy.”

    • November 1, 2018 at 7:58 pm

      I have that book and read it a couple times. I forgot how good it is. Thanks for the reminder.

  10. October 31, 2018 at 5:32 am

    I’ve deleted some of the comments that are not related to my post. If they keep showing up, I’ll have to do some banning. It’s fucking rude. This is, I think, my third warning. And this is why I didn’t allow comments for so long. I don’t have the time for it.

    • marsh collins
      October 31, 2018 at 6:07 am

      apology .. won’t happen again.

  11. marsh collins
    October 30, 2018 at 6:35 pm

    who built the moon? Have not read it yet. I will read if it is possible to work through or verify the some of the proofs given . The mathematical symmetry you quote from the book could not be random. Like evolution could not happen by random mutation. I wonder if the book goes through the math proofs of how all these facts are verified. Can someone ( did you?), who is reasonably good at math follow (replicate and compute) the proofs that allow verification of the impossibly random symmetry and order in the 3 heavens.

    I could not really follow the living is a simulation view. The closest I get is …”God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.” We clearly have that. The great masses are lost in delusions of increasing absurdity, unable to see, unable to hear. Nothing short of sorcery. Will (is) all that is hidden be revealed?

    The hatred of evil is the fear of god. A godless existence seems empty nothing. Evil setting oneself up as equal to god. I know enough to know, I know nothing. A post on your previous blog said “For a loving heart there can be no Heaven while *anyone* is in Hell “. Hhmmm..
    Don’t judge, lest be judged, vengeance is mine, love your enemy, live by sword, die by sword, I accept all. Do we condemn justice? Is there a true judge of the heart, that free will, (good and evil) get their reward. Who dares hope/fear that there is a just arbiter, and who will weep for evil’s reaping just reward. Let evil fear the coming reward, or turn from evil if it is still in their heart.

    • Metatoast
      October 31, 2018 at 1:18 am

      We have strong delusion all right. The stars of AI are busy constructing a more plausible God, spoken of as a Singularity. This new reign by a tek totalitarian monster may not be eternal but the unhappiness it would rule with may last a very long time and be even more difficult to uproot then it’s predecessor, the authorship and works of the Inquisition. So all of you truth holdouts in this field of transhumanism, don’t choke on that paycheck.

      Hatred? You bet, but it isn’t you or Christians that I hate. It’s the scurvy religion they foist.

      • marsh collins
        October 31, 2018 at 2:32 am

        Bible unchanged for 1400 years, and then… hundreds of perverted versions, yet says add or take away one word the curses of the book fall on you. Occult Judaic Catholic, Mormon, Jehovah’s Witness, Babylonian Talmudic Judaism, Church of Satan, Judaic Free Masonry and Secret Societies, Perverted versions of so called Protestant Judeo Christian (antichrist Christianity), Islam, world paganist new age mysticism, ….do you think real Christians are behind this? What you hate is not real Christians it is those mentioned above, in concert with athiests bring all this crap together for a one world , one tent, antichrist religion. No one worries about all these false religions, false prophet, antichrists, they are all fine, but you blame real Christians for this evil. Real Christians will stand against it and will be killed . It is not true christianity it is the perverted, subverted, false religions that are multiplying and being promoted, and yet you hate on Christian scurvy. Unchanged word predicts your one world religion, its called antichrist, just like the strong delusion was predicted.
        Cyrus Scoffield crooked twice divorced lawyer, funded by Rothschild through their agent Samuel Untermyer (also wrote senate law creating the FED), massively funded and promoted Scoffield Bible based on Zionist Study Interpretation Notes/John Nelson Darby as a Christian Bible. Twisted and subverted U.S. Christian Churches. Real Christians are under massive attack, no one who follows the real bible supports NWO agenda, why hate on them. Ignorance or shill/ one or the other,.

      • Metatoast
        October 31, 2018 at 3:56 am

        I have co-opted much of Christianities idioms and quasi-technical nomenclature for the purpose of communication with those I have serious dispute with on the subject of Christian doctrine. And I was very ‘discerning’ about it.

        Marsh, please reread the last sentence of the post you’re replying to. You owe me an apology for misreporting what I actually said. Here it is again: …it isn’t you or Christians that I hate. See it now? I don’t see any reason why you go off with all these competing religions as if I somehow approved of them. I have my own peculiar religion of a sort so it isn’t religion in general that I oppose or am concerned about. It’s personal and won’t be shared in our current venue. I speak of principles that can be universally applied to any dumb religion that holds eternal torture as one of it’s tenets.

        The fact that a believer may suffer persecution for their faith is not evidence of the truth. It’s unfortunate and I’m truly sorry about it. This is the result of the efficiency with which a monotheistic monopoly can control many, and there is competition to peel off a following, sometimes taking it by force, or by dressing up the same old gobbledygook with a different mask, for the purpose of governing, or rather tyrannizing, by emulating the generic principles that make it tick, and do it by devastating all other competition of a kind. Monopolies do not want to share power.

      • marsh collins
        October 31, 2018 at 4:29 am

        You don’ hate christians just their scurvy religion with hell. You have your own sort of religion? Does it fit into the list and the “more acceptable (NWO) versions” under construction. The living bible view of religion that tinkers and fixes gods little mistakes slowly making it more palatable and broadly followed. At least judaics are honest (well about this one thing anyway). They hate christians and we all need to die and will not be tolerated under the NWO and Noahide law. Why? because Christianity is idol worship. They will tell us which antichrist is the right one. Scoffield , Mohammed, L Ron Hubbard,, Joseph Smith, Anton Levey, Aliester Crowley,….always room for a new version. Go for it.

      • Metatoast
        October 31, 2018 at 5:05 am

        I don’t subscribe to the New World Order. Got nothing to do with it.

        I was watching a S. Korean movie about allot of evil that was going on in the village. Allot of inexplicable mayhem and people were scared because the evil was perpetrated by people who no-one would suspect.(a little girl in one instance). The villagers were employing a shaman to kill the prime suspect who was a Japanese man who we are led to believe was also maybe a shaman. The writers finally decided to finalize as fact, the Jap was the Devil. No expense was spared in making up and realistically depicting his transformation into a malignant form that the ‘Devil’ would ‘naturally’ conjure. This is only one movie. Think of how many others add to huge a culmination of the myth they want us to swallow.

        The Devil is a proper noun or name denoting a person, whereas a devil implies more than one. And yet no one is a devil even though their malignant behavior gets them segregated from the greater society. It’s just another example of the super wuwu programming and use of a kind of program initializing sign to dehumanize and degrade the entire human race, as much as possible, even when only some human individual(s) behave in a demonic fashion. To speak of demonic or satanic activity, like the kind exhibited in Pizzagate, could just be an example of crimes against humanity that formerly were unthinkable. Terrorism is nothing more than creating intense fear at the thought of physically real people doing heinous things and thereby illicit consent for the annihilation of liberties in the name of protecting us. It’s many times worse when agencies of good or gloom are sought in an ethereal unprovable realm. Christianity is terrorism par excellence. Talk about vise, this vice with the opposing jaws of Christ and Satan is mounted on a screwing shaft. Taking a leap of faith may get you in it’s miserable hold. Abolish the idea of eternal torture.

        In Pizzagate, look how they sent in some patsy with a gun to shift attention away from the despicable goings on. This excrement is protected; we are under attack and indeed there is a spiritual war extant. But that doesn’t mean that spirits are footloose and fancy free from the need for a physical body. It’s spiritual all right, but not supernatural. We are spirits in the material world and there is no other. As soon as we start combing the heavens for the culprits we have already lost the good sense required to apprehend the beings that may actually not be human at all but of an entirely different species. Of this I have no certain knowledge.

        Should these deplorable actions be reason to damn them for all eternity? Should I cry over their eventual demise that is played out in time? I don’t think so. But we humans are and always will be the arbiter for that which is committed in the human sphere. The God/Devil dichotomy is foisted on us to prevent the kind of responsibility that should attend justice in these matters. To leave it up to someone who, at his/her best, uses torture beyond what is possible for humans with respect to punishment; will we be persuaded that unjust punishment at the hands of aliens or angels serves some good and we have no say in it?

    • mellyrn
      November 1, 2018 at 11:59 am

      One fact you can verify on your own: the sun and the moon appear to be the (nearly) exact same size.

      Look out at a complex landscape. Find a car or a bush that, when you extend your hand, you can exactly cover with your thumb — the object and your thumb are the same “apparent” size.

      Now, you know that’s just random. There might be some larger, but more distant, object that matches your thumb’s apparent size, or a smaller, closer one (or both!) There is no reason for your particular thumb AND that specific object to look the same size, and you know that if you get closer or farther, they won’t look the same size any more; it’s an accident of distances.

      If you’ve ever seen a total solar eclipse, you have seen the moon play the part of your thumb against the sun as the distant bush or car. Sometimes the moon is ever so slightly farther (as if you really stretched when extending your thumb) and, at the moment of totality, a bright but very thin ring appears around the black of the moon; sometimes the moon is slightly closer (as if you didn’t extend *quite* as much as you could) and the sun is wholly blocked — but in either case, as totality approaches (or ends) you can see that the two discs are for all practical purposes the same size.

      That *should* be as random as your thumb and the distant bush. What are the odds of your thumb and that bush being seen by an intelligence (yours) at those exact respective distances? What are the odds of a planet’s primary star and its one (unusually large) satellite being at the exact right distances so that any intelligence on the planet would see them *appear* the same size? Heck, add in: a planet with an atmosphere clear enough for its residents to see stars and moons at all!

      These are the two greatest sources of light for intelligence on the planet. We humans are visual geniuses — dogs have a great sense of smell, but there are very few critters (raptors and parrots, for two) who have our level of visual acuity — so light is extremely important to us. And our moon is just the right size and distance to match our sun. Blows *my* mind (though maybe that’s not saying much).

      There are other things in the book; this is just the one that’s immediately accessible, no math needed.

      • marsh collins
        November 1, 2018 at 4:43 pm

        Thank you for the simple accurate instructions for proof. Coincidences like this just happening (during the big bang or whatever) by chance, …just would not happen. I have it in my mind to wade through the (pdf) book. Very strange world and very strange times.

        I have an american bulldog (inherited from my daughter who could not handle her). The dog watches tv and pays very close attention to animals on the screen. So some dogs have a little visual acuity. : )

    • November 1, 2018 at 7:59 pm

      You sneaked some stuff in there, didn’t you? Well, okay, I’m not a bully.

      • marsh collins
        November 1, 2018 at 10:21 pm

        Learning curve. Not intentional. You want a clean, on point blog. Makes perfect sense. I will lurk more. I regret the personal crap posted. Please feel free to delete.

  12. Fast freddy
    October 29, 2018 at 10:41 pm

    Good stuff, Allan. It looks to me like you’ve made an impenetrable argument. Flawless reasoning. Clapper and that situ. No, these authors cannot rock the boat. Ergo silence. Most assuredly, the big guns in ai are who you called out. Simple as follow the money. For sure it has been going on a while and it is developing further.
    I keep remembering the book by. M Parenti about the destruction of Yugoslavia. What is particularly interesting is that it was planned in the Reagan years and before; and then each successive us admin followed suit (irrespective of Party) and piled on a bit more. Ultimately, it was Clinton who was the bomber and final destroyer of that country. Hillary takes credit in a biography for urging Bill to bomb urban population areas.
    A common theme and recipe: Sanctions first, then infiltration by cia agents provocateurs to amplify any existing racial or ethnic tensions (the people are destitute by now from the sanctions; Looking to blame any out group). Funding anti-government groups, Then false flag events, murders then the bombs of humanitarian intervention. Broke the country into seven tiny broke and destitute states.
    Its total destruction was a model for what followed for Iraq, Somaiia, Ukraine and numbers of others.

    • October 29, 2018 at 11:26 pm

      Yes, and if anyone is interested in the cause-and-effect actual history of some of the events you refer to, I again recommend William Engdahl’s books. His new one, Manifest Destiny; Democracy as Cognitive Dissonance (the title says it all) details the Who’s and What’s of how it went in the areas you mention, and definitively brings us up to date. HTWRW on the level of geopolitics…

      • Kimberlie
        October 30, 2018 at 2:20 am

        Thanks, Allan! I just now ordered Endahl’s Manifest Destiny. I look forward to reading it. Another book you recommended, ‘Controlling the Human Mind’, by Begich, is a must read for all who want to know how easily it has been for the PTB to have their way with the populace. This is a real eye-opener dealing with the use of frequencies. It’s all about resonance that represent the corresponding harmonies between energy transmitter and energy receiver. There are profound implications to the manipulation of people on an energetic level through these new technologies. Enter: Artificial Intelligence…

    • Richard Raymond
      October 30, 2018 at 4:06 am

      I think the US is next on the list for same as above:

      • Kimberlie
        October 30, 2018 at 6:47 pm

        Thank you, Richard Raymond, for the link. Agenda 21 RADIO shares much info on what’s happening south of our American boarders. In particular, the October 24, 2018 broadcast concerning the Caravan … sounds like a war is at the door with our southern neighbors. Of course, it is all choreographed by the PTB. Once the boarders are erased, a Republican form of government will be erased and the people will be ruled by a dictatorship. That’s the natural progression.

        Kind regards,

  13. Kimberlie
    October 29, 2018 at 8:47 pm

    Hi Allan~ It is so nice to have you back! Thank you for the revisit by Orwell. Orwell’s death was at a very young age – too young. Orwell was doing work for the future ahead of him. I’ve always had a feeling concerning his premature death. (I have the same feeling concerning Steve Jobs). Here’s a blurp from BlogSpot I thought of interest.
    Anyway, here’s the QUOTE:

    George Orwell (25 June 1903 – 21 January 1950)

    Orwell wrote two hugely important books, Animal Farm and 1984, the former relating how the elite view the world and us, and the latter describing how they intend to dominate us further in the future. The damage control at the time (and ever since) was based on discounting his books as being about Soviet Russia, much in the way that JFK’s secrecy speech was wrongly assigned. Both men were, of course, just like many others over the years, talking about the illuminati/banksters/elite.

    He’s not generally regarded to have died suspiciously, as an active life including military service in Spain and living as a “down and out” for research could easily have provoked the TB that killed him, but his early death bears the hallmark of a removed impediment to what has now grown around us, and he was being monitored during the writing of 1984 by a so called “communist”.

    I suspect that these days an insider like Orwell breaking ranks would be suicided in a more high profile way as a warning. The elite are far more personally vicious now than in Orwell’s day, and they are emboldened by their success and the wider public’s total ignorance of them. Their religious psychosis is also increasing as, in their world, their success is a direct endorsement of their zealotry.

    Funny how there are many doppelgangers, twins, doubles, look-alikes in todays media. Funny how people in the spotlight suddenly die from one of the most popular ways available – gunshot wound, medical issue, car or plane crash, drug overdose, heart attack, cancer, drowning, or suicide…

    The PTB control the horizontal and they control the vertical. They are the Slave Masters and they control the stage and the slaves they’ve so ‘graciously allow’ to perform for them in the world events. The PTB use these people, milk them for all their worth, and then ‘remove’ them by killing them… or ‘removing’ (killing) the real one and allowing the fake to continue in order to advance their agenda.
    Ever notice how money – lots of money and/or fame – is always the catalyst to get the slave to perform?

    Kind regards,

    • October 29, 2018 at 11:29 pm

      Thanks, Kimberlie. Good stuff! There’s always the possibility that Georgie O was one of them in the sense of A. Huxley, but I tend to doubt it.

  14. October 29, 2018 at 4:12 pm

    “It may be hoped that in time anybody will be able to persuade anybody of anything if he can catch the patient young and is provided by the State with money and equipment… The social psychologists of the future will have a number of classes of school children on whom they will try different methods of producing an unshakeable conviction that snow is black.” — Bertrand Russell, The Impact of Science on Society (1952)

    For some reason it only recently occurred to me why Russell may have written this book, revealing a plan for a ‘future’ scientific dictatorship. I feel a little stupid for not seeing it earlier. He was revealing, as a plan for the future, a plan that had already been in effect for generations. The people he was revealing it to were solidly under its influence, without knowing it. Revealing it as a plan for the future reinforced the belief the plan wasn’t already being used to manipulate them.

    The same could apply to AI, and I guess that’s one of your points. It’s presented as a future danger, as a cover for the fact that’s it’s already being used extensively to manipulate humanity. Amping it up with a generous helping of fear would reinforce the deception. All must be well now, because we aren’t being chased by killer robots.

    • October 29, 2018 at 5:02 pm

      Yep, absolutely. Well put!

    • Alan Paul
      October 29, 2018 at 5:38 pm

      Who can make war with the beast? Anyone who has read the Club of Rome might consider it a seminal document. A blue print at its time (1970) and arguably one of the most prescient documents written in the last century. The Club of Rome Report was/is truth in plain sight it even tell “truth” about the “lies” that would be employed. I’ve found that most people, especially those most educated (and most vested into the current paradigm) are the most difficult to reach when explaining them the beast system and all of its many, many lies. So what is my message? We live in a supernatural world and the so-called power structure (that includes governance, military, economic, environmental/atomospheric scientific [new frontiers are already here]) believe in, and serve the darkness. The god of 1000’s of names, the evil one(s). HTWRW’s is, in short: “A Cosmic Conspiracy.” A very monstrous conspiracy that most can’t fathom….and one that few of us dare speak of because of the denial, ridicule and marginalization we encounter when we describe “reality.”

      • October 29, 2018 at 8:06 pm

        Re Alan Paul’s comment: Here we have another example of ‘the problem’ of Too Much Stuff!’ These are good points, but are pretty much unrelated to my post. Maybe peripherally related to it. But no matter what comes up, what seems important to me at any given moment, there is always something else. That this is part of the psy opery we face is undoubtedly true, but (again) the point is a valid one, at least to contemplate. This is why – if I am to have a blog like this one – I probably should stick to my ‘wake up’ premise. Otherwise I am accused of misdirection because someone else will always have their own ‘vital’ issue.

        I just got a private email that reads, in part:

        ‘Sorry if this offends you, but it is nearly the end of the world and I need to just stop giving attention to any possible distractions like NASA fake or real, flat earth, electric universe etc. Depending upon what you say or don’t about what I have shared will determine if I ever read your work again. Sorry to be so blunt, but I am just drained from the obfuscation and lies I see every day. I’m focusing on transmitting the knowledge I have accumulated over countless hours of research…’ [and so forth]

        It goes on to tell me what the ‘REAL’ problem is. I guess my point is that I would ask you all to either stick to commenting on my post or refrain from commenting. (I asked you all to read my Open Letter to Nick Bostrom and comment on that, if you are so moved. I would bet that Alan Paul did not read the link. Fine. It’s long and may be of no interest. But I’m not interested in reading your stuff if you’re not interested in reading mine. Not on this page anyway.)

  15. elpolvo
    October 29, 2018 at 3:45 pm

    ansel c. weisbecker-

    Thanks for sharing the photos and your campsite time lapse. I loved seeing the stars and planets rotating and the meteors whizzing by — it’s a jungle up there. I have two questions..,. concerning the shot of the solar lighting inside your rolling home —

    1) What are the two LEDs attached to the eyeglasses of the ghost leaning against the wall in the hall? Are they available at Harbor Freight?

    2) What’s the story behind the photo-within-the-photo on the wall under the quadcopter?

    Sorry. That was three questions. I’ll stop… I’ll stop!


    • October 29, 2018 at 8:12 pm

      I bought glasses with little reading lights. Very convenient for my lifestyle.

      The photo is from the late 70s in Colombia. The guy is sitting on a pile of bales we were preparing to ship to the states. We’re in the hills above Santa Marta.

  16. October 29, 2018 at 1:47 pm

    Allan, your mind is very fertile and you cross bridges where ‘the collareds’ fear to tread. I’ve wrestled with many of the same concerns, to the point my peace of mind has taken a severe, constant hammering. Lately, I’ve managed to start building a framework to resolve this inner peace issue… at least for me. With hopes others may also find the approach useful. It’s at, in progress to be sure. [The images and some text are linked to more detailed descriptions, and one can go to my site to see how I’m getting the FLOWering going.

    Truth, justice, liberty,


  17. David Martin
    October 29, 2018 at 6:50 am

    I like this quote from author Upton Sinclair: “You can’t make a man understand something when his paycheck depends on him not understanding it”

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