How Things Would Work (even with The Bible)

“I believe in evidence. I believe in observation, measurement, and reasoning, confirmed by independent observers. I’ll believe anything, no matter how wild and ridiculous, if there is evidence for it…  Isaac Asimov

I’m not sure why I’m doing this, given that so few people seem able or willing to actually think critically about this (or anything). ‘Evidence’ has nothing to do with what 99% of what people believe. And as I first showed in Water Time, no one ever changes his/her mind about anything. So why do I bother? I hardly break even on this blog; I don’t monetize anything.  

I guess I’m doing this as a way to think out loud. Yes, that must be it.

I’ll try to make clear (to myself) what I mean by ‘how things would work.’ Note: For newbies, this post refers to my video found here.

NWO Reporter wrote:

As far as actors saying the ‘wrong’ thing…they are actors. They say what they’re paid to say. Maybe their job was covert promotion of the ME. There’s nothing supernatural about actors saying anything.

Okay, let’s say the actors in The Newsroom scene were just told to say ‘in the City’, i.e., it was in the script, and Sorkin was aware of the psy op (this is completely plausible, as I’ve said about Sorkin being a puppet of the PTB). Now we have to ask Who else in the show knew/knows about the psy op? Could it be only Sorkin and maybe a confidant or two? Yes, possible, which would mean that several people who read the script likely mentioned the ‘mistake’ and he said, ‘Don’t worry about it. Just do it my way.’ Possible, sure.

thought I do visual breaks with the stupider comments from last time.

Thought I’d do visual breaks with the stupider comments from last time.

What happens here — and please think about this as a way of looking at these things — is that we have to think about how this went from the get-go. I can tell you one thing about Sorkin: no one told him to stick in a whole subplot about Sex in/and the City’ in the HIS show. (Right: Not IMPOSSIBLE. Just very very unlikely.) It is possible that Sorkin came up with the idea himself — via the spooks, word to the ‘in crowd’ was that they want to fuck with us with the title of that show — he’s known about this for years, maybe — and he did it on his own, or maybe got it okayed from the spooks. (At this level, the bus-prop becomes unimportant.)

So that would pretty much explain this one show. People think along these lines and go, ‘See, that explains this ME bullshit.’ This is what I mean by cherry-picking. They figure ALL the examples of people saying ‘in the city’ can be explained this way. This is shallow thinking and this particular show is a good example of why, since there are so many ‘residuals’, i.e., other people getting it ‘wrong’, people who are reading their own scripts (the awards shows) and doing so over the years.

...but looking them over I realized it's only a couple or three morons....

…but looking them over I realized it’s only a couple or three morons….

But is it POSSIBLE that the awards announcers and so forth were likewise told to read it that way, with no explanation as to why? Very unlikely, but possible. (Maybe the script did read ‘Sex ‘n the City’.)

But the capper is the fact that literally everyone involved with the show ‘Sex in/and the City’ would have to be completely in on it, and sworn to secrecy. I’m talking everyone, from the stars to the gaffers to the Teamsters who drive the stars to the carpenters and so on and so forth. Do I really have to explain why this is the case? I hope not. (From the comments it’s obvious that I should explain this but since it would do no good anyway I’ll not bother.)

In this case we have a conspiracy that would get out, and pretty quickly. By now there’d be Youtubers figuring to go viral with an exec producer or whatever (maybe someone with a grudge), etc. etc. blowing the whistle. Everyone see that? (Doesn’t matter: No one changes their mind about anything. Ever. This is the problem with our species.)

And here’s the thing. If you are going this route you pretty much have to agree that the other major MEs, like in Star Wars and Forrest Gump (ones with evidence), say, are also real (part of the op), so you have to allow that everyone on those productions are in on it. (The spooks figure correctly that people will ‘run away’ with this, ‘seeing’ MEs everywhere, which is great. But they would do ones like Gump and, especially, Star Wars and the Luke’s father line, to get the op rolling.

Look at all these deluded people who did searches with the wrong title, pre-2010. Strange, no?

Look at all these deluded people who did searches with the wrong title, pre-2010. Strange, no?

So wouldn’t it get out? Almost certainly. I say ‘almost’ because it’s not against the laws of physics that everyone would keep silent. Hey, look at all the crisis actors that have participated in stuff like the Boston bombing and other false flag terrorism. None of them have come forward (there may be exceptions here). Good point, right? No, that’s a bit different, since crisis actors are carefully screened and read the riot act about what happens to them if they talk. You can’t do that with showbiz people who are already successful.

...most of the comments are just not well-thought out... not actually stupid...

…most of the comments are just not well-thought out… not actually stupid… and some are fairly smart. A couple, anyway.

But there is a show stopper. I haven’t done this myself so this is second hand, but what about all the VHS tapes (etc) with the true, original ‘Luke, I am your father’ on them? To go this route we’d have to agree with ‘Miles Mathis’ (yes, that psy op) that the spooks are sneaking into houses and yard sales surreptitiously replacing old tapes with doctored ones. I say this because not one YT vid has come out with an example of Vader saying ‘Luke, I am your father’. (An even better example maybe is the ‘Dolly’s Braces’ one from Moonraker. That one has whole websites devoted to it.)

So that’s that with all of the above. We have to rule out a run of the mill spook psy op (with no ‘high strangeness’) — which I hate to do, believe me. If we wanna pooh-pooh the ME then we’re back to bad memories by millions of people (including me). Then we have to explain the ‘residuals’ that cannot be denied – which is why I chose Sex in/and the City; it has so many, and they span several years. (Ditto Mister Rogers, with all the skits.)

The other reason the ME cannot be a psy op is indirect but robust: The media/alt media doesn’t go near it. (If there are exceptions, help me out.) Look at the YT references to it. They are all small timers/individuals like me. (Keep in mind that the alt media – the slick/successful ones, are virtually all state moles/psy ops/Limited hangouts.) See, if, in spite of everything I’ve explained here, the ME is a psy op, it has to be a huge one, with major resources devoted to keeping it a secret and so forth. So why keep it so low key? Hey, why not do a 60 Minutes/whatever, and make fun of it but in a way that gets attention? If this were a psy op, that’s what they’d do. But they haven’t.

... so to the rest of you I apologize, if you thought I was referring to you.

… so to the rest of you I apologize, if you thought I was referring to you.

So what’s going on here? I don’t know but I’ll make an educated guess. Here it is: The ME was a psy op, but it got out of control and so had to be cancelled. Why do I say that?

Yes, as many of you (who don’t think it through) have said, the PTB want to get us to distrust our own senses, so they came up with the ME, a regular psy op, using the Net the way they always do…. Wait… that can’t be, as I have shown. No, the psy op was using the Net plus whatever they have unearthed at CERN or with quantum computing. (Do your own research, maybe starting with ‘CERN + the occult’.)

And I have news: We can’t in point of fact trust our own senses. The PTB forgot that they too are ‘human,’ and subject to the same effects as the rest of us.

Addendum: When I say we can’t trust our own senses, do any of you doubt me on this? Hah! I can hear the moronic yelling over the howling onshore wind here at the beach, right now. You think I’m nuts for saying this? If so, you are a joke, the joke. One example: Lately, you’ve watched rockets back down from space and land on a rolling barge at sea and accepted that this really happened. Others have seen two rockets do the same onto land, simultaneously. I have heard from people who say they were there when this happened, as proof that it did happen. 

What a joke!

This guy, The GOAT or whatever. Does he even read what he wrote?

This guy, The GOAT or whatever. Does he even read what he wrote? Or is he a defective bot?

I have ceased to disbelief in the powers of the occult; I’m agnostic on the subject. That there is Evil in this world and that it has begun to run amok with ‘reality’ as we seem to experience it, appears to be the case. (If you need proof, read the comments from my last post: Stupidity equaling evil after a certain point.) I believe that the PTB, the human/flesh beings who figure they are in control have somehow gone too far (a sort of modern Tower of Babel) and can no longer control whatever they have unleashed.

So what started as a psy op is now… something else. Something to worry about. That’s my educated guess.


The Bible. I mention the Bible and the shit flies, doesn’t matter that I explain I don’t believe it was ‘divinely inspired’ or not, and I’m only interested in evidence. I get shit from people who just need to vent their stupidity, one way or the other, and I seem to be a good target. I don’t care. (Some moron who calls himself ‘drud’ makes a complete fool of himself claiming I’m a Christian, then rambling on. Doesn’t matter what I say. Another insists I’m a Jew (as if that would mean something), ‘Goat’-something is his handle. I’m starting to think these people can’t be that stupid — they have to be paid to write their crapola. Good to know I need discrediting.)

Having made that ‘clear’ (as if I’ve done anything of the sort): It does not matter whether or not what you believe about the Christian Bible. The PTB are practising occultists and take the Bible very seriously, as they do the Christian doctrines behind it, and, indeed, all religions. Now, my educated guess coupled with this occult-observation implies that the Bible itself, and discrediting it, would be of great interest to these ‘people,’ given their satanic proclivities.

Therefore, this Mandela Effect – this black op that maybe has gotten out of control – should manifest itself in the Bible. And indeed, it appears so. ‘The lion’ used to ‘lie with the lamb’; now it does not. How am I sure of this, aside from my own memory? (Please look carefully at the inserted screen grabs from here on. They are important. I mean if you’re not a moron.)

This is a direct quote from the KJV. No searches.

This is a direct quote from the KJV. No searches for the ‘wolf’ version.

With the miracle of the Net, one thing we can do is see what other people are ‘searching’ for, via the feature called ‘Google Trends.’ With a little rational thought, you can get a pretty good picture of what people believe over time.

According to many who have studied the Bible (nuts/fanatics though they may be), ‘the lion laying with the lamb’ was/is/should be in the Book of Isaiah, Chapter 11, verse 6. When we go there now, we get ‘The wolf shall also dwell with the lamb,’ okay? (I’m reading this from a hard copy KJV I found at a rest stop.)

Correct or not, be it wolf or lion, Isaiah 11:6 is a well-known passage. So what I did was put in a search on Google Trends to see how many people have looked for the wolf version. Guess what? ‘No data’ comes up. This means that, basically, no one has had any interest in the wolf passage. None whatsoever. And I tried all kinds of combinations of ‘dwelling with’ or ‘lying with’ or ‘shall lie with’ or ‘also shall’ and on and on with bible-lingo, in case the Thumpers out there just got a word wrong or something when they did their search. Nope. No one in the goddamn world had done a search for it. (I’m showing you the ‘United States’ results but the same ‘No data’ comes up in a Worldwide search.)

If this passage doesn't exist, why all the searches?

If this passage doesn’t exist, why all the searches? And notice all the searches BEFORE the ME was ‘outed.’ Please explain.

So I tried ‘The lion shall lay with the lamb’ and guess what? A bunch of folks had done searches for that. And I did variations as I did with the wolf version and even more folks came up (so we have to add the numbers in the different phrasings). Any combination of ‘lion laying or lying or dwelling’ and so forth told me that still more people had done searches.

And yet the passage now does not exist! (Not in the KJV and not in any of the scores of other translations.)

With all my Google Trend searches I mainly paid attention to the years before 2010, which was about when ‘The Mandela Effect’ first reared its nasty-named head. That way the results weren’t skewed by the Effect itself.

You have to add these searches to the previous ones; they are separate.

You have to add these searches to the previous ones; with different wording, they are separate.

What the Lion/Wolf issue implies is pretty important, though, if you think about it. Although the Trends don’t go back before 2004, that no one between 2004 and today tried to find the wolf-version of the passage means that this ‘change’ is very recent. I mean, right? Every KJV Bible on the planet now says the wolf sacked out with the lamb; if that were the case since 2004 surely someone would have done a search by now, the clear implication being that the change is very recent, within the last couple years at most.

Does anyone see what I mean or are you too busy making up bullshit to think about what I’m showing you?



Any comments, be they dumb-ass or well-thought out, should start by explaining these screen grabs. How it would really have to work for them to be as they are. Implications (what they mean) are welcome. This is my interest.

This is a direct quote from the KJV. No searches.

This is a direct quote from the KJV. No searches.

Added Note: I thought to check the Youtube video dates that mention ‘Mandela Effect + lion/wolf’ and it was no surprise that the oldest one was from ‘2 years ago,’ which is further evidence that the change took place about then (2016).

I do keep forgetting how lacking critical thought most people are so let me repeat the obvious:  Statistically, no one has done any Google searches for a Bible passage involving a wolf and a lamb from 2004 to the present. If such a passage existed in the Bible for all those years (a dozen years) people (statistically speaking) would have done searches — if you plug any ‘important’ Bible passages in to Google Trends you get results. This means that the wolf/lamb version was somehow added, around 2016, and it was added to already-existing Bibles. Strange, yes, but that is what this evidence implies. 

If you have a rational explanation for why the above is incorrect, I am all ears.


  76 comments for “How Things Would Work (even with The Bible)

  1. Todd
    February 26, 2019 at 5:40 pm

    Allan, I agree the evidence you bring up cannot be ignored, especially Dolly’s missing braces in Moonraker, Forest Gump, Star Wars, etc…. Something is going on… Your Google trends info corroborates this phenomena.

    If this were a psy-op, I get that too many people would need to know and there would be leaks coming from the cast and crew. Therefore, it’s probably not that.

    On the other hand, if it’s not a psy-op, why are we not hearing from the cast or crew? Why their silence? Some are well established, as you say, so why not come forward?

    My theory on this is a stretch, but consistent with you saying “can’t trust our own senses”, maybe ME has also affected their MEMORY.

    Implications, oh boy… See my next comment.

    • Todd
      February 26, 2019 at 5:53 pm

      Implications – who’s running this shitshow we call life! and who’s got the power!

      Whoever or whatever it is, isn’t looking out for humanities best interest.

      My opinion, if GOD were around monitoring what’s going down, why allow his own work to be desecrated like that? It’s hard enough for humans to grasp what life is about, but these changes are completely foreign for the normal folk to see and understand. The deck is certainly stacked against humans and getting worse day by day.

      Getting back to power and who’s running this show. So far, I’ve not seen one thing good come of any of this. So, whatever is pulling the strings behind the curtain isn’t good and must be some type of evil. As far of ME, it seems to have the potential to perhaps change history to their liking both in print and in minds? Sounds Orwellian to me.

      • February 26, 2019 at 6:11 pm

        Me, I don’t believe in a personal, Christian-type god. But aside from that, I agree with you.

        (The ‘moon numbers’ prove there is a ‘higher power.’ What it is I have no idea. If I decide to keep on with this blog i’ll have more to say about how the moon numbers and what they imply connect with the ME.)

        • Barry Williams
          February 26, 2019 at 7:10 pm

          Hey Allen thanks for sharing your wisdom. I’ve been searching for the systlunar? or systlinear? word Neil used in his “didn’t see any stars” comment during the post trip conference but didn’t see it in the transcript or hear it in the official video. Is this a mandala thing or am i just confused?

          • mellyrn
            February 27, 2019 at 2:44 am

            “Cislunar”. According to, “cis-” is “a prefix occurring in loanwords from Latin meaning “on the near side of; on this side of”….”

            fwiw I heard it too.

          • February 27, 2019 at 8:57 pm
        • Kimberlie
          February 27, 2019 at 2:21 am

          Hi Allan and all y’all ~

          CERN is Evil. This Mandela Effect is evil. Anti matter is coming from CERN. Through the anti matter CERN is able to alter our reality. Here is a very good 55 minute “The NWO CERN Movie: Interdimensional Beings/ Time Shifting Gateway”….
          Begin watching at 11 minutes. Many of my questions have now been answered after watching. I took my time watching this one… I also took notes.

          Kind regards to all,

          • February 27, 2019 at 4:48 pm

            Kim, Kim, Kim…. That you would have questions answered by that video…. this is discouraging… that video was made by someone with no sense of evidence or how to present it.

            Very disappointing comment. Also, this is another example of you posting a comment without thinking. Why not watch the whole video before subjecting people to your views on it? People take time to read a comment. Time is all we have.

          • Kimberlie
            February 27, 2019 at 6:38 pm

            Many people [want] to believe in Christ Jesus – but ONLY through their intellect…. not with their heart. To come to Christ one has to come as a child, in faith…believing. That is the ONLY way. Because intellectually, it does not make sense.


            Very kind regards,

          • February 27, 2019 at 9:01 pm

            ‘Coming as a child’ and believing whatever makes you feel good is exactly why the planet is on the verge of apocalypse. God gave you a big brain. How about using it?

    • February 26, 2019 at 6:08 pm

      With H-wood folks I don’t think you have to explain much. Many have no doubt been asked about this (like, uh, Sinbad and a few others), some of which might not be real MEs anyway. They can just be told to shut up; most got successful via MKULTRA type programs anyway.

      I think it likely they need to be told what to say: notwithstanding some of the comments here, how could ms Parker deny repeating ‘in’ and so forth? I mean if someone sat with her and played the tapes and grilled her. So they just avoid that sort of situation and keep their mouths shut.

      On the other hand, you could be right about fucking with THEIR memory. As I say, most have been through trauma based shit anyway and have handlers. (Look at Britney Spears breakdown as an ex)

  2. Fast freddy
    February 26, 2019 at 12:11 pm

    deleted. See other submissions for why.

  3. Fast Freddy
    February 25, 2019 at 10:24 pm

    Explain how the bible screen grabs show no searches for the wolf version. Until then, shut your stupid trap.


    • Fast freddy
      February 26, 2019 at 12:00 am

      Explain how the bible screen grabs show no searches for the wolf version. Until then, shut your stupid trap.


  4. Chris
    February 25, 2019 at 10:22 pm

    Explain how the bible screen grabs show no searches for the wolf version. Until then, shut your stupid trap.


    • Fast Freddy
      February 25, 2019 at 10:28 pm

      Explain how the bible screen grabs show no searches for the wolf version. Until then, shut your stupid trap.


    • Chris
      February 26, 2019 at 9:49 am

      I’m talking to fake Chris

  5. February 25, 2019 at 9:57 pm

    Those you who think this is all nuts — even after reading my explanations — go to mainstream gatekeeper Sean Carroll’s lecture on the Many Worlds Interpretation of quantum physics, then read CERN’s own press releases that they are attempting to ‘tap into’ other branches of reality. Try doing some actual research before you spout your smug ignorance. Here’s Carroll. Just the first 3 minutes are enough for those who have attention span problems:

    Here’s CERN:

    Then look at their ‘music video’ with the grinning physicist holding a ‘Mandela’ placard. Find it yourself. Just for starts.

    • MickeyDee
      February 26, 2019 at 12:45 pm

      Deleted. Another person with poor comprehension skills.

  6. Aaron
    February 25, 2019 at 9:21 pm

    Explain how the bible screen grabs show no searches for the wolf version. Until then, shut your stupid trap.


    • February 25, 2019 at 9:46 pm

      What, are you blind too or do you just react to what suits you? Did you read this?:

      ‘Any comments, be they dumb-ass or well-thought out, should start by explaining these screen grabs. How it would really have to work for them to be as they are.’

      If you can’t pay attention to what I write DO NOT make ignorant comments! Last warning.

      • Kimberlie
        February 25, 2019 at 9:56 pm

        Re screen grab: No one searched for the wolf passage because not enough people had it in their memory, or because it simply didn’t exist? I don’t know…

        Like I posted previously: CERN has something to do with these ‘changes’.


        • February 25, 2019 at 10:08 pm

          You are not using your head AT ALL. This:

          ‘No one searched for the wolf passage because not enough people had it in their memory, or because it simply didn’t exist? I don’t know…’

          Is this supposed to be an explanation? If not, what is it? Why did you post it for others to read? Come on folks, if you can’t do simple things I ask (like explain the screen grabs), please do not take up space and others’ time here.

    • Aaron
      February 26, 2019 at 6:58 pm



      It’s disappointing that you are deleting comments that bring up alternate points of view on this.

      In my post I never said the wolf/lion passage wasn’t an ME – I’m not studied enough in the scripture to remember what that passage read. Yes, it is odd “wolf” hadn’t been searched.

      In fact, I’m not arguing that there isn’t a psy op or that MEs aren’t real. I’m just arguing in the case of Sex and the City – I think you’re way off base. People saying “Sex ‘n the City” is not evidence of anything.

      Asking us to explain the screen grabs before being able to have an opinion on Sex and the City is a logical fallacy. You, of all people who claim moral high ground constantly with these other alt-media personalities who offend you with logical fallacy arguments should know that.

      Do you not see you’re behaving just as they are? If not worse? Should we call you an LH now and disregard your study and ideas?

  7. February 25, 2019 at 8:37 pm

    Most of the MEs aren’t being manufactured, because they don’t have to be. Most of what they are doing seems to be finding examples of where common memory differs from reality for organic reasons, usually on minor details that often sound similar, and implanting the idea that people have a vivid memory of something they actually paid virtually no attention to at the time. Or maybe never even saw, such as a lot of the Bible stuff. Most of it could be done with AI, datamining and searching the web.

    The mainstream/alt media doesn’t go near the ME?! How many results do you get when you search “Mandela effect” on YT? The results look massive to me, but I can’t find a results count.

    I heard the other day that a Sex and the City video was found in Atta’s luggage on 9/11. They seem to be good at product placement.

    What about big-ticket conflicts between beliefs and reality? For example, much of the population falsely believes vaccines are safe and effective and saved the world from deadly diseases, and as a result, needlessly subjects themselves and their children to risk of serious harm and death from vaccines on a regular basis.

    Mandela effect? No, it’s brainwashing. But 20 years from now, they might be able to call it a Mandela Effect and get away with it.

    • February 25, 2019 at 8:56 pm

      Hey, do you not recall that any bullshit should be preceded by an explanation of why no one searched for the ‘wolf’ passage and so many did so with the ‘lion’ one? It’s right there in the PS. Should I have put it in bold for the dumb asses? Either do that or shut up.

    • February 25, 2019 at 9:12 pm

      Just to add…I don’t discount the possibility of almost anything, including the real-time alteration of physical matter and events with thought. Is the ME stuff trickery to distract us from the real supernatural? Note it also involves supernatural things that are outside our control, not within it.

      The ME is said to alter physical matter related to media, such as DVD covers, videos, books, etc., Are these sames types of inexplicable changes being reported about houses, streets, landscapes, back gardens? Or does the ME only effect physical matter related in some way to media? This is an issue that can’t be ignored.

      • February 25, 2019 at 9:24 pm

        Hey, whaddar ya, fucking deaf and blind or what? Are you going to do as I ask or not? Now suddenly ‘supernatural’ stuff might be involved? Do you REMEMBER the other things you wrote? No? Your comments are starting to look like MEs!

    • February 25, 2019 at 9:49 pm

      By the way, you flaming hypocrite, what’s with claiming all the YT videos proves something. I said find me WELL-KNOWN alt media sites that deal with it. Those videos are all individuals like me, just as i said. Sorry, but you keep up with this I’m going to delete your crapola.

      • February 25, 2019 at 10:08 pm

        Wow, you are certainly in rare form. I don’t think I’ve been called that many nasty names since I fought a particularly aggressive troll in the Great Vaccine Battle of 2015. 😀

        I’ll leave now. Thanks for letting me have my say on your blog.

  8. Kristen Godfrey
    February 25, 2019 at 8:15 pm

    sorry that I have no evidence except my own perceptions of reality. I love the way some of your posts make my own experience pop out to me. I change my opinions quite easily when confronted with new information..just had to say that because you say nobody does change their opinion…lol. I think the only answer to this ME problem is timeline change. The biggest one for me was 2012… I became “future blind” for a very uncomfortable period in early 2012. Suddenly in Oct. of that year the future appeared again. I asked perceptive friends and some confirmed the same sensation. I am very aware of timeline changes in my own experience but this was the first time I had experienced it on such a massive scale ie the entire planet went through this one. What does timeline change mean? I experience as a little step to the side…and the outcomes and the world change instantly. As I understand it timelines contain all possibilities and the closer they are to “here” the harder they are to perceive. I think we are going through some bigger ones these days because so many timelines have ended in complete destruction of the planet… but many of us survive because of our own fancy footwork. Thank you for continuing to exist, you are unique.

  9. SUB
    February 25, 2019 at 7:49 pm

    My two cents on Isaiah 11:6 – “global phenomena”:

    “Then wolves will live with lambs
    panther’s lay together with kids (= zoological)
    and calves and young lions and cattle will be in unity together
    and a small boy will herd them.”

    Direct translation to English from the Swedish 1917 Bible Edition.
    Printed 1967. (At least two more severly altered editions have replaced this by now… not in my possession though)

  10. drud
    February 25, 2019 at 6:38 pm

    Moron here.

    • drud
      March 4, 2019 at 12:19 am

      Allan deleted most of my post above because he thought it was moronic.Which makes me a moron in his eyes. It’s what he thought of when he couldn’t come up with anything. Delete and label me a moron. Why waste his time? Dissenting from THE critical thought (his) is blasphemy!

      Behold underling, ‘did you even read what I wrote, you flaming hypocrite’! etc.

      But you see he thought an ancient American native site was placed on top of yet another more ancient site due to natural sandstone having straight lines, as nature is not supposed to have straight lines due to it being said in books. Apparently he doesn’t think he has flaws in his critical thinking but he does have a delete button which could be ME from CERN but Allan doesn’t care for Occam’s razor. This post will disappear from supernatural reasons. He likes the long shot, the more complicated theory to provide as fact, rather than as speculation. Ridiculing his audience maintains his status as a critical thinker without critical thinking.

      It seems now that people are coming out of the woodwork to agree with him. Where did they come from? CERN? AI?

      I called him a dumbass, something I haven’t said to anybody in like 40 years. He deleted it. But he leaves his insults up? What’s with that?

      I begged him to 86 me! He has the power but he didn’t. He deleted. Do people want to know what I’ll write to a blog like this?

      Alex Jones said ‘inside job’ now he says ‘the buildings were built like crap, leaning and sh*t’ Do leaning towers fall into their own foot print?

      Beats me, I’m just a moran.

  11. ea
    February 25, 2019 at 5:45 pm

    i am put in mind of the [post ’66] Beatles, who –no matter whether Paul was replaced, let alone is dead– have been force feeding us clues and winks and nods and illuminati hand signs and what-not for half a bloody century now. Which means that even if there s nothing there, there s something there.
    Ditto for the devilish Apollo Creed.

  12. Fast freddy
    February 25, 2019 at 5:36 pm

    Google Trends wrt lion and lamb (many queries) vs. Wolf and lamb (no queries). Surely lend great credence to the ME.

    Very strange. Great job researching, reporting and writing.

    Your crankiness reminds me of George Carlin – especially when audiences began shouting, “stop calling us stupid”.

    The last several years before he left us, Carlin explained that he had become “an observer” with no care or concern over what happened to people, the earth and etc. He said that being an observer made him feel free.

    Everything and everyone is FUBAR. Observe and enjoy the show.

    Humanity resembles a pack of monkeys trying to fuck a football.

  13. February 25, 2019 at 4:51 pm

    I added a note at the end of the post about Youtube video dates that confirms the apparent bible change occurred around 2016, not likely much earlier.

  14. Alicia
    February 25, 2019 at 4:11 pm

    Great post and lots of things to look into more here (and some interesting tools presented to do so). Just pointing out that in the case of “sex and/in the city” the search trends for “sex AND the city” follow the same pattern. Interest in the show has declined over time; searches for either title have correspondingly declined. You can compare them on the same graph and the search trends follow an identical pattern. I agree with your point, but this piece of evidence doesn’t support it. I find this topic difficult to parse because I do think there are things that are really being altered/swapped but they’re mixed in with common misconceptions. Then I have to wonder, is ME really just the common misconceptions I have held myself being pointed out to me? And am I then unable to change my mind and accept that I have held a wrong belief for many years? Which, as you point out, is very hard for most of us to do.

    • February 25, 2019 at 4:32 pm

      If you do a Google Trends search, you find that more people searched ‘Sex in the City TV show’ than ‘Sex and’ etc. — between 2004 and 2010 (so knowledge of the ME had no bearing on the results). How could more people mistake the name of the show than got it right? No matter how many slips of the tongue, people remember what they read, in TV guide and posters and so forth. So the evidence says that for more than half the population, the show was actually titled ‘in the City.’ The evidence that this is something ‘real’ keeps piling up.

      Your comment was coming along well until the logic fell apart.

      • Alicia
        February 25, 2019 at 4:56 pm

        You’re right! I used “sex and the city” and “sex in the city” to compare trends and the match was pretty exact, with “and” always being a bit more popular than “in.” When I add “TV show” to both parameters, there are definitely some spikes early on where more people were searching with “in”.

        • February 25, 2019 at 5:33 pm

          The two big spikes in 2008 and 2010 were the release dates of the film versions, 1 and 2. All these people supposedly SAW that the title was ‘and’ and yet… it looks like half of them SAW ‘in’ when they were doing the searches. There is serious strangeness going on here, no matter what you believe.

          This is a great tool for sussing what people are thinking over time.

      • Kimberlie
        February 25, 2019 at 8:49 pm

        Hi Allan~
        How do you explain Jennifer Hudson’s wikipedia site stating quote:
        “2008–09: Jennifer Hudson album and films
        In May 2008, Hudson appeared in the feature film Sex and the City as Louise, Carrie Bradshaw’s assistant. Filming finished in December 2007 and the movie was released on May 30, 2008…”

        I know it was “Sex IN the City”. How it changed, I’m clueless. How the changes occurred in the Bible – I’m clueless. Perhaps another dimension reached through a portal that was opened by CERN? I don’t know. Very interesting to say the least. I mean, what happened here?…. did ‘other forces’ reach through and change the written word so when people would see it they would second guess them self as to what they thought it was and eventually segue into accepting the changed version to be the truth? I don’t know. All I DO KNOW is there are CHANGES that I cannot explain. Mandela Effect and CERN have a relationship I cannot explain………….

        Kind regards,

  15. Duncan
    February 25, 2019 at 3:38 pm

    Hiya Allan,
    Ya woke me up. And got me curious.
    Rustled upstairs to the storage, hauled out a KJV bible, printed 1984, purchased 1992, still stinking of cat spray, 3 years dry… and looked up Isaiah 11:6. It has the wolf. And the lamb, and a buncha other animals all lying around peaceful-like. It was published by Nelson, a big company, probably somehow linked to bigger money.

    All I could find. Don’t have the original KJV (1611? I think – it got altered early on there, didn’t it?). And I had never heard of the wolf, either.

    For what it’s worth, the original Webster’s 1828 version, with word meanings based on the KJV bible, was totally re-done. The new one is not based on the 1828 one. here is a link, for fun:
    and here’s an online KJV bible that ‘may’ be unchanged:

    • February 25, 2019 at 8:52 pm

      That first link is of value. A quick check showed no mention of ‘matrix’ — a ‘new’ word according to many devotees. Should be there since it’s an odd word used in an unusual way. Also, no ‘Unicorn,’ which I would think would be there. This is the sort of thing ‘they’ might neglect to change. Someone with patience might look for words Webster lists but are no longer in the KJV.

  16. Tim Rusling
    February 25, 2019 at 2:58 pm

    It’s painful reading some of this crap. Note from ACW: Keep them short like this and I’ll leave them in. Longer ones have to contain evidence and logical arguments or I’ll start deleting. (btw, if it’s painful, why don’t you just go away? Are you a masochist? Or just really dumb?)

  17. marsh collins
    February 25, 2019 at 2:52 pm

    So many with a visceral hatred of Christians, (even on this blog) twisting and condemning for a word. I admit that many (so-called) Christians have acted unjustly, but they never did so in conformity with the principles and doctrines of Christianity. Christianity does not justify evil, but Rabbinical Judaism does, and so do all of the false prophet, false religions, new age modern/ancient pagan spin offs clones and inventions masquerading as truth.
    Efforts to bring about a one world religion, part of the world being built , Everybody fits nicely, except Christians (even Islam will fit nicely, once the M.E. is fully subjugated).
    A full page advertisement in the New York Times April 7, 2006 sponsored by Chabad -Lubavitcher advances the notion that the Grand Rabbi Manachem Mendel Schneerson was the Moshiach(Messiah). quote “Not Just for Jews: The Rebbe’s message extends to all mankind…through adherence to the core principles of the Seven Hoahide Laws…These Laws include …establishment of a system of laws and justice…”

    NOAHIDE LAW..March 26, 1991; George W. Bush and congress signed into law H.J.Res.104 — 102nd Congress (1991-1992). Whereas these ethical values and principles have been the bedrock of society from the dawn of civilization, when they were known as the Seven Noahide Laws; Whereas without these ethical values and principles the edifice of civilization stands in serious peril of returning to chaos; In tribute to the great spiritual leader, `the rebbe’, Schneerson this, his birthday, will be seen as the year in which we return the world to the moral and ethical values contained in the Seven Noahide Laws; reflected in an international scroll signed by the President of the United States

    Maimonides rules that all gentiles who are not followers of the Noachide Law are liable to death.
    One death penalty offense under the Noahide rabbinic legal system is idolatry.
    Maimonides ruled that Christians are idolaters.
    Maimonides wished the death of all faithful Christians yet he is presented to the world as a catalyst for peace and love.

    Since Maimonides has ruled that Christians are idolaters, it is not difficult to see that the 102nd U.S. Congress, and the numerous Judeo churchianity – churchmen who promote submission to the Noachide Laws, wittingly or unwittingly, have laid the groundwork for the execution, at some future date, of authentic Christians individually by trial before a rabbinic judge, or en masse.

    Is Islam falsely under attack? Yes. Would they love a Christian Muslim war? Of course. Is it the fault of turn the other cheek Christians? No. Who is an existential/mortal threat to Christians? Who is the Synagogue of Satan? Who is Rabbinic Judaism?

    No anti-semitism , I judge no man, just the facts.

  18. February 25, 2019 at 2:11 pm

    AW, how about tacking on a short glossary of acronyms, for some reason I’m drawing a blank right from the gitgo on ME.

    • February 25, 2019 at 4:35 pm

      ME is Mandela Effect. Don’t have time for the rest. Sorry. How about doing searches yourself?

      • Cat
        February 25, 2019 at 7:58 pm

        I don’t like acronyms
        is a BFD.

  19. Gregory Oberman
    February 25, 2019 at 2:04 pm

    There is something here and you’ve touched on the aspect that there is a power struggle among the puppeteers in the past. The only odd bit for me is that this seems to be happening globally…not just in the USA. Communities everywhere are experiencing similar issue with rise of racism, facism, extremist on either side, etc. That the human animal is resistent to evidence or objectively analyzing it is our historic fate(people don’t even vote their interest). That our local trends are worldwide is incredible and my be evidence that the puppeteers are doing what they intend or as you wrote… testimony to their internal struggle…I’m just not sure, but that all feels FUBAR is certain. Living in Trumplandia is like living in the Back To The Future movie where the character Biff is the leader of the town. Waiting for the Mr.Dean,”There is a cancer in the White House…” moment.

    • Paul de Visser
      February 25, 2019 at 7:50 pm

      Interested in the ‘human animal’ part statement. Could you elaborate?

      • Gregory Oberman
        February 26, 2019 at 11:12 pm

        …maybe I’m being too hard on animals…giving humans their qualities?

  20. frank
    February 25, 2019 at 11:30 am

    May it be that many “Mandela Effect” changes are actually based on manipulations, to test and monitor the level of ongoing social engineering ?
    You have full control over somebody if you can define his “reality”, and convince him to not trust his own senses and his own mind.
    IMHO, the Bible is as close to reality as LOTR and Game Of Thrones. If at all.

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