Thinking It Through


All these images are supposed to be the Chinese Virus, but I see little similarity. They remind me of NASA imagery.

I’m still getting some dumb ass comments, plus it’s tough to put behind me the guy who saw a movie and decided he didn’t want to be ready in case of infrastructure collapse. Presumably, he was ‘thinking’ that if he’s not prepared, nothing bad will happen, via cause and effect.

I mean, what else could be the logic?

Another one is that I’m giving in ‘to fear.’


Why not actually think this through? I’m especially talking to those who ‘agree with’, say, Jon Rappoport, who believes the China Scare is a complete hoax, i.e., there are no more people dying in China today than two months ago. This is the ‘reasoning’ some of you have used to subtly (in subtext) claim that I am somehow ‘wrong’ in suggesting you prepare for the worst.

Okay, if the scare is a complete hoax, then what’s the motive? And what’s next? Did any of you Rappoport fans even think about these questions, and the questions that follow from them?

Come on, fellas, why would they do that? You haven’t thought about this, have you? Why engineer a completely false pandemic scare? Do I have to do your thinking for you?corona2

‘Well, duhhh,’ you’re going to say, ‘They want to keep us frightened.’ (Therefore being prepared for infrastructure collapse is ‘giving in to fear.’) Is this it?  This is all you’ve got?  How would this even work? I mean when it becomes obvious that there is no pandemic and all’s well? Wouldn’t people start thinking that all the scary shit is really just a hoax or misunderstanding. So in the long run a hoax like this would lessen general fear.

Do you really think they’d go to the media lengths you see now if this was just a hoax?  ‘They’ve done it before,’ you say? ‘Remember the Mexican flu in 2009? How about the bullshit ebola scare?’

See, I was in Mexico for the 2009 ‘scare’ and it was like no one, especially not the locals, seemed to notice. Yes, it was probably a hoax, to keep us nerve-wracked. But neither that one nor the ebola scare (one ebola infected person in the U.S.) were on this scale. Does this seem to be the case with the Chinese Scare? Do you think all those street scenes are faked? Why hasn’t someone blown the whistle on fakery of this magnitude? Do you have an answer?

corona3Don’t you think that at some point they are going to have to come up with the real thing? I mean if they are going to get what they want, be it a one-world economy and/or government, or a culling of the population down to half a billion (their number). 

A complete hoax is not going to work in bringing about the world-changing paradigm they yearn for. They will need the real thing.

If the Chinese are behind the hoax, what are they accomplishing? (Who else would be behind the street scenes and media information, given that the ‘outbreak’ is in China?) Do you think they want their stock markets to crash and their economy to suffer? Have you thought about this? How it makes no sense?

No, a complete hoax makes no sense, and would be too easily exposed. (People in Wuhan would be saying, ‘There is no problem, the street chaos is faked,’ if only on social media.)corona4

But perhaps it isn’t a virus, but rather something else. Here’s an excerpt from a recent Rappoport post (yes, I read him and pay attention while doing so), a hypothetical ‘biowar attack’:

In some town, a fairly isolated community, the word goes out that people are suddenly falling ill and dying.  The CDC and the Army are called in to cordon off the area and quarantine all citizens.  A peremptory announcement is made, early on, that this is a biowar attack.

Major media are allowed outside the periphery.  Network news anchors set up on-location and do their wall to wall broadcasts “from the scene.”

The entire nation, the entire world, is riveted on the event, 24/7.

People inside the cordon fall ill and die.  Reports emerge from the town:

The networks state that “heroic doctors are taking samples of blood and the blood is being analyzed to find the germ that is causing the epidemic.”  The DOD confirms over and over that this is, indeed, a biowar attack.

Human interest stories pile up.  This family lost three members, that family lost everybody.  Tragedy and horror produce the desired empathic response from “the world community.”

corona5It’s a soap opera, except real people are dying.

The medical cartel promotes fear of the germ.

All controlling entities obtain their piece of the terrorist pie.

Finally, the doctors announce they have isolated the germ causing death in the small town, and researchers are rushing to develop a vaccine (which they produce in record time).

Everyone everywhere must be vaccinated, now.  No choice.  Do it or be quarantined or jailed.

In this declared martial law situation, the doctors are the heroes.  The doctors and the Army.  And the government, and even the media.

Then, after a few weeks or months, when the potency of the secret chemical has dispersed, it’s over.

In the wake of a staged “biowar” terror attack, new laws are enacted.  The State clamps down harder on basic freedoms.  The right to travel is limited.  Criticizing the authorities is viewed as highly suspect.  Freedom of assembly is squeezed. [end of excerpt]

You idiots who quote Jon in making your point that I am somehow ‘wrong,’ answer me this: If Jon’s above scenario is the case, how would they ‘come and get you’? Maybe while you’re on the street with the other idiots who did not prepare for a problem… where they’ll scoop you up and off to a detention center, where you will get the mandatory vaccine, ‘for your own good.’

The only way to avoid this would be to stay off the streets and consume the food you’ve stashed for just this sort of emergency. Or you can have fun with your neighbors, as in this tribute to human nature:

And keep in mind that the above chaos is people just hoping to save a buck, not a desperately hungry mob.

Addendum: I just viewed the latest PTB YT broadcast about the Chinese Scare, wherein they tell us, ‘We don’t yet know where the virus came from, but we can assure you it was not via an attack by the PTB or anyone associated with it.’

No, it wasn’t in these exact words but this was the meaning. The thinking here is fallacious on its face, isn’t it? I mean if they don’t know where it came from, how can they completely rule out anyone? (Whatever they are telling us in crapola like this, assume the opposite is true.) 

Hey, I hope the Chinese Scare is a complete hoax and nobody is dying of a new pathogen. This way I get to enjoy the food I stashed in my own time, in some primitive outback, where I’ll be no matter what’s going on, no matter How The World Really Works. You know, since I’ve already done my food shopping…


Hang in for Logan’s post, which is relevant to all this. Coming soon.

  67 comments for “Thinking It Through

  1. Lofcaudio
    February 17, 2020 at 4:25 pm

    “Plus it’s tough to put behind me the guy who saw a movie and decided he didn’t want to be ready in case of infrastructure collapse. Presumably, he was ‘thinking’ that if he’s not prepared, nothing bad will happen, via cause and effect.”

    Except that’s not what I said. Not sure why you continue to misrepresent my one comment on this issue as I was trying to expand your thinking.

    I believe in my comment I said that “it’s never a bad thing to be prepared, but stocking up on provisions has a short shelf-life.” Allow me to explain as you seemed to completely miss the point I was trying to make.

    Since we do not live in a vacuum, stockpiling the bare essentials only works if everyone around you is doing it too. I mentioned the movie Trigger Effect which gave a plausible scenario and the human behavior which is a direct result. I’m not worried about what I do when my kids and I start getting hungry/thirsty. However, I do worry about what those who live around me would do to my family and me if they find out that we have stuff that they need/want.

    You posted a video which shows humanity at its best (the Black Friday shopping frenzy). What exactly do you think people are going to do should a disaster strike? Do you think everyone will stay in their own homes and only eat what they themselves have stored? Is it more likely that there will be looting and overall chaos until “gangs/communities/groups” form such as the structure we see played out in the Survivor show?

    All that to say, those who have stockpiled food are going to be easy targets for those who are looking for it and the hoarders are likely to perish first if they are thinking their supplies are going to buy them time rather than living off the land (as others have mentioned).

    As I said in my comment which you have unjustly ridiculed, it’s not bad to be prepared, but it’s not much of a solution. It’s like fighting leukemia with band-aids and hydrogen peroxide.

    • February 17, 2020 at 6:44 pm

      Here’s your comment:

      Ever seen the movie The Trigger Effect (1996)? It changed how I feel about hording [sic] provisions for an impending disaster. I thought it was a very accurate portrayal of how things would play out should we have a breakdown in our current infrastructure. I didn’t necessarily like the movie, but I did find it plausible to the point of giving up on there being any significant value in stocking up provisions (unless you also have an army to surround and defend your impregnable fortress).

      It’s never bad to be prepared, but stocking provisions has a very short shelf-life (imo).

      Your main point appears to be: ‘but I did find it plausible to the point of giving up on there being any significant value in stocking up provisions (unless you also have an army to surround and defend your impregnable fortress).’

      I don’t see how I misrepresented your view. You saw a movie and decided not to stock up. Full stop. Your ‘it’s never bad to be prepared BUT…’ but don’t bother, is what you’re saying.

      My point (repeated several times) is that staying inside will isolate you from catching the virus (assuming there is one). As far as being attacked by looters goes, you are not thinking it through, how it would really work. If you are out on the streets trying to buy staples, or if you are in your garden… in your garden??? You don’t think your garden would be a big red flag saying ‘Come and get it’?

      You have food, you have a firearm if someone tries to break in. Bottom line is you are telling us not to have these things. Based on a movie. Well, I saw the movie and two things pop out. First, if your neighbors are like those in the film, you are one unlucky bastard. The scene wherein they sat there yelling at each other made no sense at all, for neighbors who know each other. Bad writing, bad story-telling. (The writers had to make it believable that they’d go on the road during an infrastructure breakdown, i.e., the dumbest thing you could do.)

      Second: Instead of staying inside until the crisis passed — the crisis was never even defined, so none of their behavior made sense — they hit the road to go to grandma’s b/c it would be safer there? If you don’t see how that made no sense at all — the worse place to be would be on the road — then… well, smarten up.

      Enough. Let me know when you realize how nonsensical your comment was.

  2. James
    February 16, 2020 at 11:26 pm

    I really think that people are jumping the gun and are reading far too much into this coronavirus i am 100% convinced it is a distraction event as i said before to cause a diversion to the gullible masses creating a panic situation meanwhile testing the 5g DEW kill grid as an experiment to see how effective and how things pan out when trying to kill a population of 100,000 in Wuhan . All the sabre rattling over the Chinese occupation of the spratly islands and the idea that the US doesn’t want Huwaie to roll out 5g in the UK is all the illuminati theatre show pretending they are on opposing sides when in reality they all work together. As in the 1960s when everyone thought Kennedy and Kruschev were going to push the button no way the whole thing was fake but very clever because we did all believe it well i can’t speak for anyone else but i for one am a lot wiser to their machievllian shenanigans. They will not collapse China when they spent 30 years plus building it up or Russia for that matter either . Syria is another example of the same fakery personally i do not accept that Turkey shot down the Russian Sukhoi jet as the Russian air force has state of the art Electronic Counter Measures and jamming countermeasures. Also the assasination of the Russian Ammbassador was fake as fuck the Russian airliner allegedly blown up over the saini desert was obviously faked as it fell from 39,000 feet and the fuselage was still intact . Assad is obviously one of the cabal or they would have topped him like they did Solamani and on and on the whole thing is deception and personally it doesn’t fool me. As for avoiding them yes i have been planning for this eventuality for the last 10 years at the moment i am in the process of getting my vessel ship-shape for a fairly long voyage albeit by the canal system of this green but sometimes unpleasant land, i am heading for a higher altitude as far away from microwave masts and i will be on the lookout for lichens signifying cleaner air after that i cannot say as the plan is Top Secret Eyes Only of course i will reveal more on the way, anyways don’t worry we still have a few years to go to make our escape i hope ho ho laters james

    • February 17, 2020 at 6:48 pm

      James, please stay on subject. Please do not ramble. Please paragraph your comments so they are easier to look at. You keep doing this. You are not paying attention to good advice.

  3. GB
    February 16, 2020 at 1:12 pm

    It seems to me, irrespective of cause or vector, the likely result of this ‘virus’ is going to be a global recession. The consequence of this is likely to be war. I suspect the scale of the war to be directly proportional to the scale of the recession i.e. very likely global. The link between the two is well established but there is an intro here:
    Who benefits? Well it looks likely that the virus most adversely affects those with the most ACE2 enzyme (Han Chinese) and least affects those with the fewest i.e. White European ( I don’t think there has been a single ethnic European fatality to date). Most Pharmaceutical companies developing vaccines are Western multi-nationals. War most benefits those with controlling stakes in multi-national organisations linked to defence and reconstruction (mostly western multi-nationals). Given all the above the biggest beneficiaries it seems to me are the neo-con ‘West’ and the Zionists who, in a state of Global war, would find it much easier to achieve their strategic aim of a ‘greater Israel (as they did in the last world war) and global economic hegemony dominated by central bankers (ditto).

  4. February 16, 2020 at 12:59 am

    I must mention, that Black Friday vid is just a collection of the worst/rudest behaviour.
    99% of the time, people are fine & courteous in most countries.
    Why do they call them “BLACK” Fridays??…because the name tells people subconciously that they can behave badly on that day.
    Do they still hold them??… well more fool them, both the people and the shop keepers.

    • February 16, 2020 at 7:35 pm

      Yes, but as i say, those rude people are not starving mobs. I don’t see where you’re going with the comment. Don’t bother to buy food ahead of time, b/c your neighbors will hold the Walmart door for you when the deliveries stop?

      • February 16, 2020 at 8:11 pm

        People simply are not that bad – especially when they are starving.
        In bad times, people bandy together, and proven again recently in Australia’s bush fires.
        I put a “no food” situation risk here where I live (a food bowl), lower than extremely low.

        • February 16, 2020 at 10:38 pm

          ….And the dirty rotten Media ALWAYS paints the bleakest picture of what “would/is gonna happen” if the shit hits the fan.
          Their one and only favourite past time.
          If you want to, research the Australian bush fire folks helping each other – even donating hay from farmer to farmer for their animals – no easy feat. Should bring emotion to any real human out there with a soul.

          • February 17, 2020 at 6:54 pm

            Well, Brett, you are saying that an Australian bush fire video is the definition of how people would act. My experience with people is that you cannot trust what they will do in bad times. I’ve seen this over and over. You may think your neighbors are great people, but you have not seen them in desperate times, or even bad times. Remember my ‘good friend’ Joe? A really good friend, I thought. Well he stole $5,000 from me when he was a bit low on money. How do you think he’d act in survival times?

            If you think I just pick my friends poorly… I can name several others who did the same thing. Wherever I went. Small towns at the end of Long Island or expat communities in the tropics… same shit… people will fuck you when they need something, be it a couple bucks or your girlfriend for sex. Food for survival? Be well armed. Wise up.

          • February 17, 2020 at 7:31 pm

            Thanks Allan, I read your story below and understand. I think it depends on the “roll of the dice”, and what life decides to throw at you, combined with what people are like around you.
            I have been working for myself in small business for 25 years, and I can tell you now, most people are kind & friendly….the biggest rotten enemy & THIEF has been the STATE.
            Thank you for being you, and your cool blog Allan (and the pictures!).

  5. Nigel
    February 15, 2020 at 9:38 pm

    There’s always an objective with these staged or engineered events and I don’t think we’re too far away from finding out what’s going on in China… A recent example is the engineered terrorist attacks in Britain which served a multitude of purposes and I don’t believe this event to be any different . Top economist Danielle Lacalle is saying this may turn into a black swan event and tip an already fragile world economy .

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