Day before yesterday I got the following email from Paul from the Netherlands, a long-time reader who had, back in 2014, indicated to me his tech knowledge – so I can vouch for his claim to know the process of making videos, which is my point with James Corbett: His output of videos (and essays, podcasts and so forth) is on the same level as if he’d claimed to have run a two-minute mile. Impossible almost via the laws of the physics. Paul agrees:
I’m writing to you after receiving todays’ post of your blog.
Corbett — like others like him — is indeed interesting/telling.
Your conclusions on the impossibility of “his” output, I share.
I too wondered about “how the hell do you have the time to do what ‘you’ do” question.
I’ve worked as an audio production-, recording, mixing & mastering engineer as well as musician for almost all my life, and there is just no way to output what he “does” at the pace of “his” frequency.
Cannot be done. By anyone. Impossible.
This (output & frequency) was the biggest clue I became aware of when investigating alternative media channels (something was wrong — I got that sense early on).
Therefore: anyone in the — so called — alternative media that even comes close to that kind of output is not autonomous but instead is directed by- and part of a larger entity. It’s orchestrated. Fact!
Now, given that observation, a question remains to be answered… do we (I) continue to seek for truth, or do we give up all together?
My only conclusion, after being confronted with this question, is: I’m not giving up — and that is why I follow your blog. Because there still are honest people out there.
It’s nice to get a message from someone who knows the details of a claim I’ve made. As you can tell from his language, Paul would probably agree with my two-minute-mile analogy.
Addendum: Maybe it’s just me, the way I am, but the biggest, brightest red flag is that Corbett married a woman who has ‘no interest’ in his work (Corbett’s words), and who won’t even help him with Japanese translation (she’s of course Japanese). If I have to explain my thinking here — if you don’t immediately get my point by, say, picturing how his home life would go — then, well… never mind…
But Corbett has some help, you might retort, if you’re one of his many devotees. Although in recent years Corbett has backed off with his ‘I’m a one man show’ claim – and did so for good reason – it’s obvious that nothing has changed since his first podcast in 2007, in terms of credit-giving, which (as I can tell you from personal experience) is a very serious matter in film/video making. (Not to mention the money issue.) You are all likely familiar with my Open Letter to James Corbett from back in June of 2015. Although the subject of his output was a minor point back then – the letter exposed his use of NLP in supporting the official story of the Pentagon attack on 9/11 — my mention deserves a quick look:
‘I can’t help recall, James, that you were once asked in an interview ‘How do you do it?’ Meaning make documentary films plus put out about a video a day, plus essays and podcasts and do interviews. All by yourself, apparently. Your very slickly done film on The Fed had no one else in the credits, for example. You made that film solo while doing everything else, so I perked at the above question (I made a documentary film all by myself too, so I know what it takes.) Anyway, in response to the question… It was the first time I’ve ever heard you stutter…’
Who’s helping you?
Interestingly, it was in the credits to the very next full-blown documentary that Corbett began crediting ‘Broc West’ for ‘Graphics and Video Editing’. It’s obvious (from the style) that Broc had ‘made’ the Fed documentary as
well – and I can tell you as a filmmaker that the lion’s share of the work on all of Corbett’s videos is in the editing and research; as someone who has done the same sort of films, I can assure you that months of work go into each of Corbett’s videos. Why no screen credit on the Fed film? Why no screen credit on the vast majority of Corbett’s videos in general? Because ‘James Corbett’ is becoming a ‘brand’ and to mix in all the researchers and editors and sound mixers and so forth in the credits would hurt the branding. James is a regular guy. He is one of us!
(Corbett’s videos/documentaries now routinely get six figure YT views; many are into the millions. Corbett is becoming the Walter Cronkite of the Alt Media — ‘the most trusted man in America’.)
No, Broc isn’t the only ‘help’ Corbett gets in the fashioning of his work. It would take a full blown team to make documentaries of Corbett’s slickness and professionalism – and remember, Corbett himself has stated that he started his podcast with no technical abilities, not for podcasting and certainly not for the making of serious documentary films. (It took me a year to teach myself the mechanics of Final Cut editing software. Corbett has never mentioned when and how he taught himself the art of editing.)
Corbett kept pumping them out, about one 90 – 120 minute effort after the other, releasing them (on Youtube) about every 10 months. The Fed, the Rockefellers, Big Oil (two films), and on and on. This while at the same time producing four to five podcasts or videos for his website per week. Since about 2011, Corbett has ‘made’(by my calculation) at least 400 hours of well-produced documentary films. All by himself!
This past week was a good example. I asked you to give his ‘World War I Conspiracy’ films a look. They total over one hour of dense research and archived footage: As a filmmaker myself, I can assure you that – assuming a ‘two man show’ if you include Broc West – this little series would represent several months of work. Not counting Corbett’s other efforts from this same week. (No credit for Broc in these vids, btw, even though it’s obvious that he made the videos.)
Check them out. Or pick a week at random and do the calculation on your own. Corbett in effect produces well over an hour of extremely well-produced and researched documentary footage a week, and has been doing so since about 2011, with no one other than himself getting screen credit until 2015 (as far as I can see). And even since 2015, most of Corbett’s weekly videos lack any screen credits. It’s just ‘The Corbett Report.’ (I scrolled through over one thousand Corbett videos to find his first, which you can view here. From the editing style it appears that ‘Broc West’ was involved from the start, yet it took four years for his name to surface.)
As Paul says, ‘Cannot be done. By anyone. Impossible.’
As with ‘Miles Mathis,’the impossibility of output means (and Paul says this as well) that there is a team behind Corbett, even aside from ‘Broc West’. What does this mean? It means that in spite of the ‘good’ info Corbett pumps out, his dishonesty in claiming to be a one man show means he is working for ‘them’. The PTB. (This aside from the NLP I observed in my Open Letter. I haven’t studied his work, looking for more of the same.)
But what does this mean? As Paul tells us:
Therefore: anyone in the — so called — alternative media that even comes close to that kind of output is not autonomous but instead is directed by- and part of a larger entity. It’s orchestrated. Fact!
Corbett, even more so than ‘Miles Mathis,’ is the giveaway that the ‘alt media’ is largely, virtually wholly, a creation of the Deep State. Yes, there are exceptions, but the real tell is in the output and the slickness of it.
But why? Two reasons I can immediately see. First, the PTB want us to know what they’ve been doing to us, as part of their occult ‘morality’ and part of their power trip. If you’ve kept track of Corbett and his ilk, you know very well that the world is run by occult-worshipping psychopaths/pedophiles (although Corbett avoided the issue of ‘Pedogate‘). And what have you done about it?
See what I mean?
The other reason for Corbett and his ilk is their function as limited hangout. They tell us a lot of truth but not all of it. For example, how often has Corbett mentioned that ‘science’ is lying about the true nature of space and space travel? How many times have I mentioned the fraud that is the big bang and Einsteinian physics, as well as Darwinian evolution? I feel I have to bring up this stuff because no one else will, although these issues represent the real depth of the rabbit hole.
I keep track of Corbett and his ilk because limited hangouts by their very nature must transmit truth, in order to gain our trust. But I keep in mind that when the shit really hits the fan, they will tell us what to do, what to think…
So beware!
One last time: It’s not just James Corbett, or Alex Jones or Amy Goodman or the other people/outlets I’ve exposed on this blog. It’s pretty much all of them. Listen to them, take in what they say, but don’t trust them to be on your side.
I’m not real pleased with this post… I could have done better with the proofs…uncovering deceit amongst ‘truth tellers’ is distressing…
I want to move on with ‘What are the odds?’…
But on the other hand, any of you that are members at Corbett’s site might do a comment with links to this and my Open Letter to him. See how it goes. Let me know if you do. (Corbett won’t allow me to comment on his site, as the rejection notice shows.)
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