A bunch of the heroes of the vaccine truth movement have done a webinar you should listen to. Andrew Wakefield, especially, has been at the forefront of ending the true holocaust of the 20th/21st centuries, i.e., the vaccine-autism catastrophe. One in 32 kids now have autism, up from 1 in 10,000 in 1986, the year they quintupled the vaccine schedule for our children.
Do the math — how many families and therefore how many humans have been devastated by autism — and you’ll find more individual misery than via any world war or other ‘holocaust.’ Stick it out for Bobby Kennedy’s rant near the end; Bobby really lets ‘er rip. I have to give him credit, given his family history and so forth. Another hero.
And Doctor Judy Mikovits! Watch this interview with her, then, if you want further proof that the lies never end, give her Wikipedia page a look.
I left a comment on the webinar video, however, being bothered by one subject they skipped. Here’s the comment:
Given that they laid out all the motives for this current example of Problem/Reaction/Solution… they delineate all the reasons ‘they’ provoked the COVID catastrophe but not a word about who ‘they’ are, obvious as it is. It’s like they’re telling us all the reasons for the JFK assassination while neglecting to mention who did it. Ditto 9/11. Ditto you-name-it.
But for now, I’d ask anyone who still thinks Donald Trump is in any way on our side to explain how and why Anthony Fauci is still appearing daily by his side, promoting the lock down and the coming vaccine that is sure to do us irreparable damage. Plus, of course, the rationalization for a coup de grace to what was left of our civil liberties/privacy. Doesn’t Trump have access to the Internet, i.e., to the same information we do?
In the above interview, Doctor Mikovits lays out enough evidence to put Fauci away for the rest of his dirtbag life — or, better, the death penalty for his treason plus crimes against humanity. It’s truly, truly, unbelievable that he is still the public ‘face’ behind the ‘battle against COVID-19.’
Well, now wait. It’s actually not unbelievable at all, given the denial 95% (at least) of us live under.
Next day. Whoa, before bed last night I stumbled across this documentary, titled Tracking Down the Origin of the Wuhan Coronavirus, and it truly is worth a look, although not for reasons implied in the title. In fact, the purpose of this film is to misdirect us on the origin of the virus, and to finger China as the patsy.
Yes, dealt with this before, but this film appears to be a blatant ‘patsy set up’ along the lines of an Osama bin Laden or Lee Oswald. The film starts and ends with over-the-top imagery/statements on how ‘evil’ the Chinese Communist regime is; I have no argument with that, but I don’t need it sledgehammered the way this film does. I’m just looking for information. I’m also looking for information I already have, to see if the film’s point of view/agenda is even halfway legit.
This film is the classic sort of limited hangout (LH) that goes with a well-planned black op like COVID. As soon as they started in on the spillage of ‘important’ information — in this case meaning the coronavirus engineering we’ve known about for weeks — I bet myself that the University of North Carolina (Chapel Hill) would not be mentioned. I was right.
Addendum: The point of the film’s dishonesty, and of all the media dishonesty, is this: They don’t want the world to know that the U.S. had the COVID bug too, and therefore was capable of loosing it on the world, for their own reasons. Since both the U.S. and China were capable, we have to ask the age-old question: Cui bono? Plus this: We know why China would lie about the numbers, but why would the U.S. lie (especially by making it sound worse than it realy is)?

The rest of these are from Epoch News’s May 7 update. Read them and wonder why the Fauci/U of N. Carolina connection got left out.
As all limited hangouts must, there was some eyebrow raising stuff, in particular regarding Fauci, but given that the fucking New York Post had already blabbed about his connections to Wuhan/COVID, this was to be expected. They even mentioned some U.S. universities that were ‘being investigated,’ but the U of N. Carolina was not among them. I would predict that those we are misdirected towards — U of Texas, Pennsylvania, and good old Harvard — will be dead ends.
The problem (for the perps) with North Carolina is the paperwork, which, as you’ve seen from past posts, links Fauci (and the NIH and its multi-million dollar ‘grants’) directly to the Wuhan lab’s ‘Bat Woman,’ Shi Zhengil, plus the ‘gain of function’ (revving up the virulence) done at Chapel Hill. So the film talks about everything but that.
The omission of this information was a dead giveaway that we’re being had. In fact, the drift of the information and the fast cutting they did with interviewees (particularly with Dr. Judy Mikovits, whose brief appearances are rife with jagged editing), reminds us of the old WW2 propaganda flick Why We Fight in its blatant antagonism towards — in this case — the Chinese.
The film has had well over three million Youtube views since its premiere there on April 7. Here is another misdirection video from the same source, that purports to be an update of the documentary film (it’s dated today as I write, May 7). Again, no mention of Fauci’s doings at the U of N. Carolina. Also no mention of his incredible blurt in 2017 that ‘a surprise outbreak’ would shake up the Trump administration.
Addendum: The above update is a perfect example of ‘NLP’ in action. For the first 10 – 12 minutes, Philipp goes on and on about how the ChiComs are using the virus to ‘implement control’ over their population; how they are using censorship to ‘prevent the spreading of negative public opinion’ and how the Party fears that their handling of the pandemic will cause a public backlash. You sort of have to hear this crapola to believe it: What he is doing is listing everything the U.S. government is doing, but misdirecting the reader towards Chinese ‘sins.’ (Not that it’s not all true about the Chinese’s tyrannical behavior, but his purpose is to redirect our outrage by connecting the behavior with our ‘enemy’. Absolutely classic misdirection.)
This source of all this, The Epoch Times, has an interesting cv. Here’s a bit from Wiki:
The Epoch Times is a multi-language newspaper and media extension of the Falun Gong new religious movement.[4][5]The newspaper is part of the Epoch Media Group, which also operates New Tang Dynasty Television (NTD).[6] For its articles, the publication draws from a network within China, as well as staff living in the West.[7][8][9]
According to NBC News, “little is publicly known about the precise ownership, origins or influences of The Epoch Times,” and it is loosely organized into several regional tax free non-profits, under the umbrella of the Epoch Media Group, together with New Tang Dynasty Television.[6] [my emphasis; I smell spooks!]
The film is from the point of view of Epoch ‘investigative journalist’ Joshua Philipp, whose background has largely been scrubbed: I mean I have a Wikipedia page; why doesn’t Philipp?
Addendum: Whenever I see a slick, well-produced documentary film that has a clear agenda (China did it!), I ask myself where they got the money to make the film…
Another issue that is conspicuous in its absence is the question of Why the U.S. would partner up with Communist China in the gain of function development of the COVID bug to begin with. Think about it. It’s as if in 1949 Truman decided to share our nuclear secrets with the Soviets. Isn’t it? How is this any different?
If you can’t think of a reason, try this one: The spooks needed a patsy. (They needed a paper trail leading to Wuhan, hence the U of North Carolina shenanigans.) If you doubt me on this, watch the above film and explain why — since the ChiComs are so fucking evil — we would share the makings of a potentially world-changing (or even ending) bug with them (if you think I’m exaggerating, let’s wait for the Second Wave and see how that goes).
Is there any other conceivable reason?
So there you have it.
The fact that as far as I know I’m the only person/outlet stating publicly the possibility that we’re looking at a U.S. black op is another indication that this one goes very deep. I don’t want to think that the people I’ve touted here — from Bobby Kennedy to Drs. Buttar and Mikovits and Wakefield and so on — are not 100% on our side… that would increase the loneliness factor that already has me feeling way down in the dumps… but I surely wish someone would get on the obvious bandwagon here and do some finger pointing.
To remind you of the evidence that the PTB are ‘all in’ with this current op, we have the stupendous cui bonos I’ve repeated in various posts, best summed up by reminding you that there is nothing about what’s happening and what’s sure to come that does not lead to the end they’ve been outright telling us they are steamrolling towards, i.e., the destruction of the U.S. economy, leading to a One World Government/economy.
The various ancillary benefits, like over-the-top surveillance, censorship at their whim, plus martial law when they are so moved, are actually too many to list. (I’ll paste my list at the end.)
Addendum: Further circumstantial evidence that the bug was loosed by Western Intel is at this post from March 23 — interestingly, when I went back to the globalresearch.ca page from which I lifted the important quotes, it had been taken down. Mmmm. Glad I preserved the information…
As background, we might also look back at the notorious prediction of 9/11 via the Project for a New American Century document calling for a ‘New Pearl Harbor,’ which also mentioned that ‘race-specific bio-weapons’ could be a ‘politically useful tool’ in the century to come (this one). That certain racial groups are most vulnerable to the COVID bug has only been hinted at in the media, but the stats re who gets the bug and who dies from it are there for all to see (not that we can trust any of the numbers).
Although we cannot be sure of just how bad it went in China (their numbers, the lockdown, and so on), it’s also possible that the ‘outbreak’ was much less severe in the U.S. for reasons having to do with how race-specific the bug is. Just sayin’.
And as a double-reminder: As I say in my webinar comment, why would the U.S. PTB be faking the COVID numbers if they weren’t behind the outbreak to begin with? The media was set up from the word go to fake the numbers and have ‘crisis actors’ ready to roll. Do you understand that this sort of shit takes planning?
Yes, I was fooled into thinking the COVID bug is more virulent than it is, but I would again caution the reader to wait for that Second Wave (or however many waves there are to come) before he/she relaxes regarding the deadliness of the bug itself… I mean given the empty hospitals and obvious uselessness of the total lockdown… I suspect that a Plan B involving a much more badass version of the bug is waiting in the wings, if such becomes necessary.
Stay healthy. Stay alert.

Come to think of it: This 404 (deleted) page, which had info implicating the U.S. in the loosing of the bug…. this is a scary example of what’s coming. Read what they deleted.
As I mentioned back in February, still another offshoot of the COVID OP may involve our President coming down with it, maybe just to ‘remind’ us that ‘it’s not just the flu!’ (I worry that the fact that this version is no worse than the flu is becoming near common knowledge may goose them into the aforementioned Plan B.)
I will soon have more Water Time DVDs. If you want to help me stay on the road and active (I’m about to bolt north into the mountains), click the DVD image in the sidebar; be advised, though, that I’ll only send one DVD; also, I can’t send to non-U.S. addresses.
My list, from early February: