What Limited Hangouts Can Tell You

A bunch of the heroes of the vaccine truth movement have done a webinar you should listen to. Andrew Wakefield, especially, has been at the forefront of ending the true holocaust of the 20th/21st centuries, i.e., the vaccine-autism catastrophe. One in 32 kids now have autism, up from 1 in 10,000 in 1986, the year they quintupled the vaccine schedule for our children.

Do the math — how many families and therefore how many humans have been devastated by autism — and you’ll find more individual misery than via any world war or other ‘holocaust.’ Stick it out for Bobby Kennedy’s rant near the end; Bobby really lets ‘er rip. I have to give him credit, given his family history and so forth. Another hero.

And Doctor Judy Mikovits! Watch this interview with her, then, if you want further proof that the lies never end, give her Wikipedia page a look

I left a comment on the webinar video, however, being bothered by one subject they skipped. Here’s the comment:

You are all heroes but why hasn’t anyone spilled The Who did it? beans? This is a western intel black op, like 9/11. If not, why fake the numbers? Fauci’s 2017 blurt re ‘an outbreak’. His U of N Carolina collusion in the engineering… how much evidence do you need?

This guy, Joshua Philipp, apparently has no background. Or it’s been scrubbed…

Given that they laid out all the motives for this current example of Problem/Reaction/Solution… they delineate all the reasons ‘they’ provoked the COVID catastrophe but not a word about who ‘they’ are, obvious as it is. It’s like they’re telling us all the reasons for the JFK assassination while neglecting to mention who did it. Ditto 9/11. Ditto you-name-it.

But for now, I’d ask anyone who still thinks Donald Trump is in any way on our side to explain how and why Anthony Fauci is still appearing daily by his side, promoting the lock down and the coming vaccine that is sure to do us irreparable damage. Plus, of course, the rationalization for a coup de grace to what was left of our civil liberties/privacy. Doesn’t Trump have access to the Internet, i.e., to the same information we do? 

In the above interview, Doctor Mikovits lays out enough evidence to put Fauci away for the rest of his dirtbag life — or, better, the death penalty for his treason plus crimes against humanity. It’s truly, truly, unbelievable that he is still the public ‘face’ behind the ‘battle against COVID-19.’

Well, now wait. It’s actually not unbelievable at all, given the denial 95% (at least) of us live under. 


Somehow, the University of North Carolina didn’t get mentioned by Epoch news, any of their stories.

Next day. Whoa, before bed last night I stumbled across this documentary, titled Tracking Down the Origin of the Wuhan Coronavirus, and it truly is worth a look, although not for reasons implied in the title. In fact, the purpose of this film is to misdirect us on the origin of the virus, and to finger China as the patsy. 

Yes, dealt with this before, but this film appears to be a blatant ‘patsy set up’ along the lines of an Osama bin Laden or Lee Oswald. The film starts and ends with over-the-top imagery/statements on how ‘evil’ the Chinese Communist regime is; I have no argument with that, but I don’t need it sledgehammered the way this film does. I’m just looking for information. I’m also looking for information I already have, to see if the film’s point of view/agenda is even halfway legit.

This film is the classic sort of limited hangout (LH) that goes with a well-planned black op like COVID. As soon as they started in on the spillage of ‘important’ information — in this case meaning the coronavirus engineering we’ve known about for weeks — I bet myself that the University of North Carolina (Chapel Hill) would not be mentioned. I was right.

Addendum: The point of the film’s dishonesty, and of all the media dishonesty, is this: They  don’t want the world to know that the U.S. had the COVID bug too, and therefore was capable of loosing it on the world, for their own reasons. Since both the U.S. and China were capable, we have to ask the age-old question: Cui bono? Plus this: We know why China would lie about the numbers, but why would the U.S. lie (especially by making it sound worse than it realy is)?

The rest of these are from Epoch News’s May 7 update. Read them and wonder why the Fauci/U of N. Carolina connection got left out.

As all limited hangouts must, there was some eyebrow raising stuff,  in particular regarding Fauci, but given that the fucking New York Post had already blabbed about his connections to Wuhan/COVID, this was to be expected. They even mentioned some U.S. universities that were ‘being investigated,’ but the U of N. Carolina was not among them. I would predict that those we are misdirected towards — U of Texas, Pennsylvania, and good old Harvard — will be dead ends.

The problem (for the perps) with North Carolina is the paperwork, which, as you’ve seen from past posts, links Fauci (and the NIH and its multi-million dollar ‘grants’) directly to the Wuhan lab’s ‘Bat Woman,’ Shi Zhengil, plus the ‘gain of function’ (revving up the virulence) done at Chapel Hill. So the film talks about everything but that.

The omission of this information was a dead giveaway that we’re being had. In fact, the drift of the information and the fast cutting they did with interviewees (particularly with Dr. Judy Mikovits, whose brief appearances are rife with jagged editing), reminds us of the old WW2 propaganda flick Why We Fight in its blatant antagonism towards — in this case — the Chinese. 

This ‘EcoHealth’ company is surely an Intel cut out that will go nowhere.

The film has had well over three million Youtube views since its premiere there on April 7. Here is another misdirection video from the same source, that purports to be an update of the documentary film (it’s dated today as I write, May 7). Again, no mention of Fauci’s doings at the U of N. Carolina. Also no mention of his incredible blurt in 2017 that ‘a surprise outbreak’ would shake up the Trump administration. 

Addendum: The above update is a perfect example of ‘NLP’ in action. For the first 10 – 12 minutes, Philipp goes on and on about how the ChiComs are using the virus to ‘implement control’ over their population; how they are using censorship to ‘prevent the spreading of negative public opinion’ and how the Party fears that their handling of the pandemic will cause a public backlash. You sort of have to hear this crapola to believe it: What he is doing is listing everything the U.S. government is doing, but misdirecting the reader towards Chinese ‘sins.’ (Not that it’s not all true about the Chinese’s tyrannical behavior, but his purpose is to redirect our outrage by connecting the behavior with our ‘enemy’. Absolutely classic misdirection.) 

This source of all this, The Epoch Times, has an interesting cv. Here’s a bit from Wiki:

The Epoch Times is a multi-language newspaper and media extension of the Falun Gong new religious movement.[4][5]The newspaper is part of the Epoch Media Group, which also operates New Tang Dynasty Television (NTD).[6] For its articles, the publication draws from a network within China, as well as staff living in the West.[7][8][9]  

According to NBC News, “little is publicly known about the precise ownership, origins or influences of The Epoch Times,” and it is loosely organized into several regional tax free non-profits, under the umbrella of the Epoch Media Group, together with New Tang Dynasty Television.[6] [my emphasis; I smell spooks!]

More info that tells us nothing.

The film is from the point of view of Epoch ‘investigative journalist’ Joshua Philipp, whose background has largely been scrubbed: I mean have a Wikipedia page; why doesn’t Philipp?

Addendum: Whenever I see a slick, well-produced documentary film that has a clear agenda (China did it!), I ask myself where they got the money to make the film… 

Another issue that is conspicuous in its absence is the question of Why the U.S. would partner up with Communist China in the gain of function development of the COVID bug to begin with. Think about it. It’s as if in 1949 Truman decided to share our nuclear secrets with the Soviets. Isn’t it? How is this any different?

If you can’t think of a reason, try this one: The spooks needed a patsy. (They needed a paper trail leading to Wuhan, hence the U of North Carolina shenanigans.) If you doubt me on this, watch the above film and explain why — since the ChiComs are so fucking evil — we would share the makings of a potentially world-changing (or even ending) bug with them (if you think I’m exaggerating, let’s wait for the Second Wave and see how that goes).

Is there any other conceivable reason?

So there you have it.

But they keep their trap shut about WHERE he did it!

The fact that as far as I know I’m the only person/outlet stating publicly the possibility that we’re looking at a U.S. black op is another indication that this one goes very deep. I don’t want to think that the people I’ve touted here — from Bobby Kennedy to Drs. Buttar and Mikovits and Wakefield and so on — are not 100% on our side… that would increase the loneliness factor that already has me feeling way down in the dumps… but I surely wish someone would get on the obvious bandwagon here and do some finger pointing. 

To remind you of the evidence that the PTB are ‘all in’ with this current op, we have the stupendous cui bonos I’ve repeated in various posts, best summed up by reminding you that there is nothing about what’s happening and what’s sure to come that does not lead to the end they’ve been outright telling us they are steamrolling towards, i.e., the destruction of the U.S. economy, leading to a One World Government/economy.

The various ancillary benefits, like over-the-top surveillance, censorship at their whim, plus martial law when they are so moved, are actually too many to list. (I’ll paste my list at the end.)

Addendum: Further circumstantial evidence that the bug was loosed by Western Intel is at this post from March 23 — interestingly, when I went back to the globalresearch.ca page from which I lifted the important quotes, it had been taken down. Mmmm. Glad I preserved the information… 

As background, we might also look back at the notorious prediction of 9/11 via the Project for a New American Century document calling for a ‘New Pearl Harbor,’ which also mentioned that ‘race-specific bio-weapons’ could be a ‘politically useful tool’ in the century to come (this one). That certain racial groups are most vulnerable to the COVID bug has only been hinted at in the media, but the stats re who gets the bug and who dies from it are there for all to see (not that we can trust any of the numbers).

Re Fauci: Where’s the beef?

Although we cannot be sure of just how bad it went in China (their numbers, the lockdown, and so on), it’s also possible that the ‘outbreak’ was much less severe in the U.S. for reasons having to do with how race-specific the bug is. Just sayin’.

And as a double-reminder: As I say in my webinar comment, why would the U.S. PTB be faking the COVID numbers if they weren’t behind the outbreak to begin with? The media was set up from the word go to fake the numbers and have ‘crisis actors’ ready to roll. Do you understand that this sort of shit takes planning?

Yes, I was fooled into thinking the COVID bug is more virulent than it is, but I would again caution the reader to wait for that Second Wave (or however many waves there are to come) before he/she relaxes regarding the deadliness of the bug itself… I mean given the empty hospitals and obvious uselessness of the total lockdown… I suspect that a Plan B involving a much more badass version of the bug is waiting in the wings, if such becomes necessary. 

Stay healthy. Stay alert.


Come to think of it: This 404 (deleted) page, which had info implicating the U.S. in the loosing of the bug…. this is a scary example of what’s coming. Read what they deleted.

As I mentioned back in February, still another offshoot of the COVID OP may involve our President coming down with it, maybe just to ‘remind’ us that ‘it’s not just the flu!’ (I worry that the fact that this version is no worse than the flu is becoming near common knowledge may goose them into the aforementioned Plan B.)


I will soon have more Water Time DVDs. If you want to help me stay on the road and active (I’m about to bolt north into the mountains), click the DVD image in the sidebar; be advised, though, that I’ll only send one DVD; also, I can’t send to non-U.S. addresses. 

My list, from early February:

As with Climate Change measures, what follows is ‘for our own good,’ of course. Loosely speaking, the scenario will start 2 – 6 weeks from today:
1. Voluntary isolation of the sick
2. Mandatory isolation of the sick (they will come and get you, as in China)
3. Voluntary quarantine (of not-sick people) in their homes, plus…
4. Curfews and spot checking (for symptoms) on the streets
4a. Travel bans are enacted, including street travel between cities and towns
5. Hoarding of food/water/supplies is outlawed (to make the populace dependent on the government)
6. Mandatory quarantines, first at home (you can’t leave the house) then…
7. Quarantine camps (which are now called Fema Camps and are ready and waiting)
8. Guns (They will come and get them, as with Katrina in New Orleans; no reason needed)
9. Vaccination (idiots will plea for it)
10. Mandatory vaccinations (in the camps and in order to procure food from the government)
11. ‘Fake News’ is banned (as suggested at ‘Event 201), arrests made; in some areas the Internet is shut down — to prevent ‘a crisis in confidence’ (some measures will start early on)
12. Cash money is said to carry The Bug and is outlawed
13. The United Nations, at first via WHO, is gradually given jurisdiction, with some foreign troops on U.S. soil
14. One World (cashless) Economy and Government is eased in
.(Formal Martial Law is declared somewhere around measures 7 or 8)
15. At some point aerial spraying may be initiated, with some sort of bull shit reason given relating to fighting The Bug. God only knows what will be in these admitted chemtrails.
16. The Bug will serve as another reason for unlimited surveillance and the curtailing of personal freedoms in general. The excuse will be the ‘identification of people who refuse to be tested or vaccinated’, something like that.

  40 comments for “What Limited Hangouts Can Tell You

  1. May 10, 2020 at 1:09 am

    The world has gone MAD/INSANE , and the cops in Australia at least are like robotic zombie Hound Dogs – in packs of course.
    Check this out Allan & Folks, you won’t believe it > https://youtu.be/ok2NKb1ryYo
    I wish there had been a huge crowd to come to this mother & child’s assistance.

    They serve the NWO/Bankers, no one else.
    Stay safe Allan, head for the mountains for sure.

  2. Bert
    May 9, 2020 at 6:45 am

    Regarding a second wave – maybe some give them too much credit. Maybe they can’t transmit disease and need to simulate it. That makes the most sense. Aside from direct poisoning of individuals perhaps their options are limited, just like they faked the nukes. If they did have some option, they would risk loosing it on themselves.
    Just like they faked space travel. I agree with the post above that one needs to see the limitations and holes in the medical model to see more clearly. Their main tool is mind control, money power and it’s compliance whether willingly or in protest. It’s the fear of the threat of something. Of course it is now more graphically seen the inherent danger in the stampede of the masses. Incidentally, when in UK they started talking about “herd immunity” I saw no outcry from anyone about this direct insult of comparing people to cattle.

  3. May 9, 2020 at 2:32 am

    Your timeline is on the mark. This is going to get progressively worse as we head to total tyranny (and depopulation).

    5g in second wave: Joe Imbriano (Fullerton Informer/Wiki Joe YouTube channels) has warned about 5g over and over. Once it is installed, the deaths can be ramped up whenever and to whomever they want. President Trump, of course, is speeding the development of 5g.

    Bill Gates: You have reservations about James Corbett, but his deep dive into Bill Gates is worthwhile.
    Bill Gates’ Plan to Vaccinate the World

    Celeste Solum: A former FEMA worker who has warned about FEMA. She is now ill from a mystery illness.

    Whitney Webb: She has done great stuff lately for The Last American Vagabond, and her tweets are must reading. She spoke with Maria Farmer, who said that Jeffrey Epstein was being protected by the FBI. A few tweets or retweets:

    DARPA wants to reprogram out genes.

    CARES Act suspended the Freedom of Information Act and allows government to operate in total secrecy.

    Bill Gates reimagining education.

  4. Kristen
    May 9, 2020 at 12:52 am

    Lying liars on all sides now..all claiming to be censored. I am going with my spidey senses now. I see an alliance between China and America and probably including many other countries too. ( U of Manitoba, in Canada, is a hotbed of scandals in this area).. it is an alliance of scientists who have been working together, trading secrets, shipping bioweapons to each other. I doubt the various governments know much about this. Luckily scientists have no spidey senses so they are likely to be exposed and to fail. And I predict Mikovits is going down, taking huge pieces of real truth with her. She reeks of bad juju. There are as many adoring fans as there are detractors for this one… and that interviewer with a facial deformity that mimicked tender concern…all day long!!…lol Things are heating up even in my little heaven… psy-ops like mosquitoes.

    • May 9, 2020 at 3:38 pm

      Your spidey sense, eh? Well, I hope you mix in a little critical thinking with that.

      • Ea
        May 9, 2020 at 10:04 pm

        Nothing wrong with spidey sense — but note (what is not normally noted) that Peter Parker was jewish.

  5. Aaron
    May 8, 2020 at 9:46 pm


    There has been a huge backlash on (at least my) social media about Mikovits’ Plandemic video. For example: https://www.facebook.com/kathleen.weber.montgomery/posts/10113287265749743

    This seems to be a level of doublethink bigger than 9/11 – could pale your Water Time folks in comparison. People are lionizing Saint Fauci, and ignoring his history while trying to stone Mikovis in the town square. Would love a deep dive into Mikovits and the general population’s reaction to her.

  6. May 8, 2020 at 7:12 pm

    I’m becoming aware of all the censorship going on re the videos exposing the truth of this ‘pandemic.’ Reminds me of the ‘NLP’ in the link I used in the post. Here is what I say:

    Addendum: The above update is a perfect example of ‘NLP’ in action. For the first 10 – 12 minutes, Philipp goes on and on about how the ChiComs are using the virus to ‘implement control’ over their population; how they are using censorship to ‘prevent the spreading of negative public opinion’ and how the Party fears that their handling of the pandemic will cause a public backlash. You sort of have to hear this crapola to believe it: What he is doing is listing everything the U.S. government is doing, but misdirecting the reader towards Chinese ‘sins.’ (Not that it’s not all true about the Chinese’s tyrannical behavior, but his purpose is to redirect our outrage by connecting the behavior with our ‘enemy’. Absolutely classic misdirection.)

    This is the way they do it. They misdirect you with their ‘outrage’ about what the Chinese are doing to distract you from what you should really be outraged about.

    • Metatoast
      May 8, 2020 at 9:55 pm

      Reminds of all the times my X-wife accused me of cheating.

      I couldn’t get this past moderation at Natural News, concerning article; Pandemic Denialists, found at medicaltyranny.com

      When I came across medicaltyranny.com I thought it might contain more in the way of exposé of the tyranny and less in the way of propaganda; maybe contain some sort of philosophical, psychological, and methodical grounds for reaching the great mass of people in the grip of great fear over what I’ve come to estimate as a psychological operation of the most devious magnitude? As a psyop, the mind must be stymied by the longstanding training of doublethink, and a manufactured attack on the security and sense of well being of it’s target. There must be confusion and a believable threat to the extent that the target retreats to the center of the herd to lesson the likelihood of being eaten. It’s cow-ardly and suitable for animals who dwell in herds, but it’s part of the psyop to induce a collective acceptance of the idea that humans are herd animals. We aren’t. What could be more demeaning to a proud human being who is now striving to stand as close as possible to the center of true intelligence? If people tend to group together when a threat is afoot it’s for a higher reason than avoiding the dangerous perimeter.

      What could better illustrate the condition of mass rule by means of tyranny, aka the globalist agenda, than many people walking about wearing face masks? The Ranger is trying to walk a tightrope between the realms of naturopathic knowledge and allopathic medicine. It comes out sounding like: “Let’s beat the virus with nutrition and masks so that we can end the lockdowns and make vaccines obsolete by the time they’re ready for market.” Such naivete I am surprised to encounter. Do you mean you can discern the limits of tyranny; knowing all about their character and to what length they will or will not go, knowing of their plans from A to XYZ, replete with enumerable contingency plans for every flex and flux of public opinion? Since your battle is already lost, being stuck on beating a virus when no-one can say exactly what a virus might be beside something small and mysterious, made malevolent in a warfare lab, or the imaginations of the thoroughly newsed. At any rate, you can be sure they have no mind of their own. You don’t need a labcoat and a PhD in biochemistry to know, either by substance or mendacity, when you are being poisoned. But you do need to stop underestimating your enemies.

      What might be killing us needs new names because Mother is not the enemy. Our true enemies are ideas promulgated by bipedals like Bill, who must be resisted on ideological grounds. We need general descriptors like pathogens that do not pretend to know exactly what they are. However, the more you gear up for war with microbiology’s little marvels, the more we miss the reality of what is really harming us. Things like disastrous totalitarian economic lockdown, or, let’s just say for now that bad ideas have always been our worst enemy. Purveyors of bad ideas like eternal damnation should be confronted but let’s’ not confuse them with the bad idea, which can be fought on it’s own bullshit ground. Making something formidable that’s too small to even see with an electron microscope; now that’s stupid when much is known about co-factoring and how conditions cannot be sensibly left out. What about the cellular pore making of 5g frequencies, ie, electroporation, opening the cell for the entrance of poison. Who would do such a thing?

      Moron masks: Have they no sense of pride; can’t they feel the demeanment? I say we should stand together and throw off every notion of social distancing of which n95’s are an example. It is only under duress of an overweening government that is conforming to the agenda, that any one should be wearing them. The very idea of contagion is anti-freedom; especially true now that we learn the science is broadly presumptive; that, what they name viruses are nothing other than programmed bots that were designed and deployed by cells for specific, usually cleanup or messaging purposes. Don’t forget about the possibility of illness resulting from being injected with ‘viruses’ harvested from made-sick animals. Or was it crap they injected?

      It is scientific fraud to claim they know what a ‘virus’ is; it’s purpose, or it’s etiology, by finding RNA fragments in a sample, of which PCR testing has yet to show any correlation to the quantities that are speculatively necessary to cause disease. Never mind that there are plenty of science minded researchers who don’t assign any pernicious faculty to vaguery and guesswork, they just don’t have time for it.

      The purveyors of bad ideas haven’t proved anything, and they have their priesthood to protect, and that means secrecy and confusion, with all the appearance of idiomatic certainty. They don’t need a real pernicious pathogen to bring chaos and havoc on us, only the plausible perception of one. The great propaganda clockwork will take care of that; as they count on y’all knowing it ain’t real but believe it anyway, cuz it might get ya fired. And simultaneously holding conflicting ideas without resolution is the reason mandatory doublethink education was invented. And if you don’t care, then that’s something else they count on. There is a they and without a rigorous conspiracy theory you’ll always be clueless about who they are.

      From climate collapse to massive arson attacks, or alien invasion when the masses are primed for it; what part of being under attack has been lost on us? Why must there be scapegoats while many are getting away with murder? The worst thing we could do at this time is assume they have exhausted their bag of tricks when the inevitable lull ensues. Don’t be a viridiot!

      Listen, yer not going to get more business by defending the religion of Institutional Medicine. You will only entertain quarantine and martial law. Viruses are their baby, exosomes are ours. Do your homework, turn off those brainwashing devices unless you intend to study them. Yeah, even Pacifica is under their power.

      The term hoax certainly doesn’t carry the weight of what this is. When I hear that term I hear it as minimization and the user has made up her mind that there is nothing of catastrophic dimensions in action. Hoax sounds like jokes where no-one gets killed as in Sandy Hook, and someday we’ll all have a good laugh. It’s just another risible false flag, ya know.

      I really expected much better from someone going with a health ranger moniker. I mean, he makes a good portion of his living selling natural remedies that supposedly support the genius of the immune system. His advocacy of global medical control shows an abject lack of faith in the natural wisdom of the body.

  7. Sam
    May 8, 2020 at 5:39 pm

    Best post from you in a long while. Thanks. I especially agree that a stronger, deadlier version of the virus will be released in the Fall to discredit the naysayers who know the stats are cooked.

    Please watch this 2 min. Fauci video from Nov 2019. The last bit is stunning.

  8. Spondive
    May 8, 2020 at 1:38 pm

    I think there is a big connection to all this with the Vap disease that happened before the so called BUG event. Maybe Allen and people here can delve in deeper. EVALI is the name of the disease which stands for E cigerette vaping associated lung injury.

    From the article …

    But it’s also because symptoms of EVALI are similar to those of flu and other respiratory illnesses — including cough, shortness of breath, chest pain, fever, fatigue, and hazy spots on an X-ray.

    “It is currently very hard for us to tell the difference between pneumonia and vaping related lung injury,” said Dr. Alicia Briggs, chair of pediatrics at Norwalk Hospital and a pediatric hospitalist at Connecticut Children’s.

    In this case, the teen had shortness of breath and coughing among other symptoms.

    His condition deteriorated to the point that he not only needed to be intubated, he had to be put on a machine that could oxygenate his blood because his lungs were no longer working. He eventually was put on high levels of steroids and improved.

    Another article and there were a few that started in soldiers and attributed to vaping which is indistinguishable from the flu


    1.Was this the test run?
    2.Could this Covid syndrome be a chemical instead of virus especially because only certain areas of the world were hit hard? Like a limited chemical attack on certain areas
    3. Or did they lace vap cigarettes with a virus?
    4. What fort where these soldiers based out of?

    • Jean-François Aubry
      May 8, 2020 at 3:26 pm

      I have smoked e-vap for 1 year. Big mistake I had 8 teeth which had caries at the base of the outside, the one in contact with the lips. I had no cavities on these teeth and the cavities appeared very quickly and were very deep

  9. Jean-François Aubry
    May 8, 2020 at 1:19 pm

    1) Hitler and Stalin agreed to invade Poland
    2) UK have gived turbojet engine technology to USSR
    3) USA cover up US Liberty attack by Israel
    4) USA/Russia/China fake space mission alone and together
    5) Covid-19 is a world wide take control event

    If someone believes that a supranational power did not exist, he should probably change his mind.

    • May 8, 2020 at 3:34 pm

      Yes, that could be the case. Maybe it was planned at the very top and the Chinese are a part of it.

      • Kevin Taylor
        May 8, 2020 at 5:55 pm

        Cui Bono China Reuters reports that China is buying recent cheap oil from the USA.
        Oil demand down all over world except China. Who will benefit?
        Medical Readiness? Who controls the medicines? China Who will buy crashed real estate? China All over the world. WHO CDC NIH been totally fraudulent from day one. Spoondive is onto something important. Weisbecker chases down incredibly complicated issues as good as anyone.

      • Ea
        May 9, 2020 at 2:03 pm

        No maybe about it.
        They own, for instance, along with Gates, American meat production. (now screeching to a supply chain halt AND converting to [Chemical] Plant-based food).

    • Todd
      May 8, 2020 at 5:48 pm

      Global control of this magnitude requires global controllers. It’s obvious that this is a global operation. Even tho we may not have direct evidence, we have indirect evidence in-our-face b/c of the absolute total planetary lock-down happening real-time. How else do you get ALL nations to do this. This is above Western Intel, IMO.

      • X
        May 8, 2020 at 9:10 pm

        Todd, you observe that for a global psyop there is evidently already a global government, so no need to conquer the world in order to install one (as so many think is afoot).

        Global economy/industry/finance is undergoing an accidental/on-purpose controlled demolition, with the Covid19 psyop as pretext. This is primarily to develop a global distraction (famine, civil uprising, etc), that is able to escalate into a US/China WW3.

        Such an extreme global distraction is only warranted by an extreme global event.

        • Todd
          May 8, 2020 at 11:19 pm

          Good point X, but global controllers doesn’t necessarily mean global government is a requirement. Similar to point #4 by Jean-François Aubry above re space missions. Don’t the Rothchilds practically operate in most countries? See, at this point a lot of this becomes speculative once you get above Western, Central, and Eastern Intel.

  10. Davido Davido
    May 8, 2020 at 12:20 pm

    Thank you Allan. Seems like you’re on the right track to me. Appreciate your posts.

  11. May 8, 2020 at 8:16 am

    Aloha Allan, I have not checked in with your progress in to long. I am getting near the completion of a book entitled. “Born Stoned “in the shadow of Jeff Spicoli”,” as you would assume I feel I have to mention you and Sean in the introduction. My brother and I attended Clairemont High School after Cameron Crowe lied about his age and made the CIA propaganda movie “Fast Times”….I of course am interested in your opinion. I will be forwarding a early copy to the star of my book my little brother Pecker soon.
    He lives on “The Penetrator” in Barra Navidad now but who knows where he will be next month. Mahalo for keeping the truth alive for the brainwashed still watching their Tell u a visions!

  12. Guitardave
    May 8, 2020 at 12:41 am

    Your not alone Allen. Its seems you forgot about George Webb. He made the U.N.C. Ft. Dietrich and the Chinese bat lady connections a while back. He’s also being heavily censored, along with mega-trolling and character assassination after a short Certainly Not News interview.
    Dr. Paul Cotrell also had a good talk with Webb and Clif High. ( Clif openly states hes not very interested in who did it as much as mitigating the effects and damage…and yes, its easy to throw the ‘he’s nuts’ label at him, but the man does have a sharp mind, IMO) here’s the link…
    You make a lot of valid and thought provoking points in this post. Thank you for that.
    Stay healthy. GD.

  13. Terence
    May 7, 2020 at 11:26 pm

    There are a couple of questions. Why did they talk the death numbers up in every country where clearly many had got it and it was no more deadly than the flu.

    Is it because stage 1 was like a practice run. So you get to check out the propaganda, see how much the public swallows and you have the option to easily rollback if caught and say it was a mistake, we overreacted. It’s been a roaring success. Is it to discredit the “conspiracy” theorists because they will allow some normalcy for the summer and people will say hey it’s just a pandemic all is well again and where is your police state? That puts the portion of people who were thinking it might be a police state, off guard again and ready to be duped for the second wave.

    Second question: If it was a bio-weapon and it definitely looks it is. It wasn’t very deadly. Why? Do weapons have to be deadly?

    For the second wave, will the PTB have the anti-dote? They have to. It is true these things are probably hard to control and mutate a bit, so whats the story there?

    We are assuming the second wave is another round of the virus. Maybe it is something else like a fake alien invasion using thousands of military drones reshaped into scary looking flying saucers flying over New York, London etc and destroying some symbolic buildings? And wasn’t lots of small satellites launched in the last few years. What if they have been bright beams on them and they project some kind of hologram or just flashing lights in formation in the sky? The public are near ready for this fraud and it would scare the living daylights out of them. I can see the reports now…. the military are engaged… we have to shutdown the internet because the alien AI has penetrated it. Stay indoors. Then food shortages. After a month of that you could cull an awful lot of people. So you can see how stage 1 is needed to fine tune control measures for that. However I would be more inclined to see something like this quite a bit later than now

    A second wave is much more likely at the start of next winter say Oct or Nov because it would fit the narrative like the way the flu returns each year mutated. Covid would be too. We are still left with it’s purpose. Stage 1 has crippled the economy but it is still there, so maybe the point of the second wave is the final deadly blow to it. Or is it to kill of lots of people or both? Or is it political in terms of using a real deadly panic to push legislation through the UN or some world body to lead us to one world government and would bring along any reluctant governments.

    Another question is this: Why did they let Sweden not have a lockdown and become the shiny proof that the lockdown was pointless. Yet Sweden is the same country that kicked off the accusations against Assange that led to him going to the embassy for seven years. Not sure he is a LH, since he appears to be very very ill in solitary in a high security prison in UK. Anyhow on one hand Sweden looks good and on the other it is vindictive and part of the system.

    Last, I recalled an article from years ago giving details of a virus given to rabbits in Australia to sterlize them. I remember there was controversy at the time because in principle it could be made for humans. Is this the second wave virus or will it be in the vaccine?

    Here is a quote from it:
    The viruses make females infertile because they have an added gene for a protein from the zona pellucida, the thick layer surrounding the egg. Females infected with one of the transgenic viruses produce antibodies against their own eggs, damaging them and blocking fertilisation – a process called immunocontraception……It is a highly infectious but non-lethal strain that should give most rabbits no more than a fever for a few days

    The stat about 1 in 32 kids with autism is tragic. I know people with such kids and it is very hard on them. I see it as the same strategy where a wounded soldier drags down the enemy more than a dead soldier. If you have an autistic child there is very little time for thinking about anything else than getting through life and you will be risk adverse because you need to be there for them.

    Not well up on the number stuff, but I note 9/11 could be viewed as 9+11=20. This year! And is there something special about 19? Surely the occult number experts have something to say?

    Thanks for all your work. It has been enlightening and helpful but as you rightly imply, it seems there are too few of us to make a difference.

    • Davido Davido
      May 8, 2020 at 12:19 pm

      Terence, thanks for a well thought out post.

    • May 8, 2020 at 1:36 pm

      Yes, a number of valid observations for sure. As with all multi-stage psyops (and throughout history they are ALL multi-stage), the succeeding stages are always adapted based upon the specific reactions of the target population, all of which are carefully monitored and assessed. The level of tracking and AI processing power is staggering.

      My sense is that this stage is about instilling a baseline of fear (as always), gauging reactions and drawing out the opposition. When the next wave rolls out that is more deadly, then the backlash and blame will be directed against the opposition. As always, playing us off against each other. The zombie masses will demand the heads of those of us who called out the lie, and ignore (or even deify) the roles of the Gates, Faucis, etc. And yes, they will line up for their transhuman, Brave New World technological savior.

      Whatever scenario plays out in this AI game theory driven psyop, Allan’s list of 16 outcomes is the goal. As for who is responsible, the Faucis, Gates, Trumps, Biden’s are all minions IMHO. So are the players of the spook agencies. They all serve another master. As far as we are allowed to know, the Rothschild family is by far the most wealthy and powerful on the planet and has pulled global strings for centuries. But I think it likely they are but minions as well. Much like in organized crime, if you know their name they are not at the top of the pyramid. I think it is likely there are players who pull the strings who have historically worked in shadows so deep and across layers of insulation so complex that we may never fully know them. But in the meantime, I for one would be more than satisfied if we just quit falling for the same ancient cons over and over again. But I also would not mind stringing up a few minions!

      And to Allan’s point about genetic targeting, that is without question in play here as in the past. There is obviously a serious reason for the full court press to gather our genetic profiles. The coming RNA targeted vaccine will literally permanently alter our genetic make-up. Here’s one example that includes many of the medical psychopaths leading the current psyop:

      In the early 2000’s the CDC sponsored and ran its own MMR vaccine study intended to deny the vaccine/autism connection. The original study data collected from children in the southern US displayed autism rates 340% higher for African-American boys who were vaccinated according to the CDC’s recommended schedule (vs. all the other children in the study). So prior to finishing and publishing the study, the CDC authors removed enough of the A-A boys to drastically smooth out that statistic. They used the excuse that they were removing subjects who had no birth certificates, which conveniently in the deep south meant a large proportion of the A-A subjects. How do we know all this? Because one of the 5 CDC study authors (Dr. William Thompson) reluctantly became a whistle blower (he was surreptitiously recorded and outed by a medical researcher with an autistic child). This was later brought before Congress as Thompson even described paper shredding “parties” among the study authors. And what ultimately happened? Nothing…absolutely nothing…and certainly no corporate media coverage.

      I just share that example to frame the eugenics angle (which might help us narrow down the “who”). The CDC was created at the direction of an avowed eugenicist (John D. Rockefeller, Sr. and Jr.). Eugenics is about culling “undesirables” and purifying the “elite”. And they have a long list of undesirables that goes far beyond one race. And they have the scientific capacity to target genetic subsets if they so choose (and they have). But rather than cull by killing in mass, it is far more efficient to simply interrupt and deny procreation over time. Mass sterilization done over time to the point that people must seek medical intervention in order to procreate is far more cost-effective and extends and feeds the psychopaths single over-riding need…CONTROL.

      • May 8, 2020 at 3:44 pm

        Excellent. I hadn’t thought about the connection to the William Thompson affair, another reason for deleting the black kids from the study. Fits right in to the racial angle. We are truly in for it, especially if they are not satisfied with how things are going (too many people like us), the second wave may be truly deadly.


        • Pedro Leal
          May 9, 2020 at 7:34 am

          There’s no ‘Second Wave’, it’s a myth. It never happened in Human History.
          If such thing happens, either it’s human made or fake.
          Here’s the world most renown virologist, that the french media maffia tried to discredited. have a look if you can, it edifiing.You can use automatic translation.


          • May 9, 2020 at 4:21 pm

            Whoa! Are you going to take as truth anything this guys says? He’s supposed to be a doctor and he’s wearing a big silver death’s head ring!

      • Todd
        May 8, 2020 at 4:44 pm

        Logan, I have the same thoughts here. As any good sports team know, to get points on the board, there are many head fakes, shot fakes, fake plays, etc… This, IMO, is a very possible head fake leading up to something more sinister.

        Yes, it would make perfect sense to have a minor bug released, getting all the folks saying it ain’t much, then release the real one(s) – hey who says there’s only one or two. And the most deadly ones could come at any time in the future, not just wave 2.

        They really have us by the balls. Disgusting creatures they are.

  14. Todd
    May 7, 2020 at 11:08 pm

    Judy Mikovits does point the finger at U N.C., Ft. Detrick and Wuhan in her interview.


    But boy, take a look at the coordinated attacks starting early today on her character from just about everywhere – all in lock-step timing – some of them being quite elaborate with affidafids and all. Just do a Google search for “dr judy mikovits documentary”

    • May 8, 2020 at 5:37 am

      As I say, she did not say who DID IT!

      • Lofcaudio
        May 8, 2020 at 4:04 pm

        My guess is that either she doesn’t know who did it or she is afraid to say based upon her past experiences. It seems to me that there is something “missing” in what Mikovits has been sharing as it relates to her “gag order” and fake charges which doesn’t quite gel with what she is doing now. (Todd, the affidavits are especially interesting as the public backlash toward her has been overwhelming but we have seen before how fake such affidavits can be.)

        Allan, thank you for pointing out how Trump sticking with Fauci (a/k/a Dr. Conflict of Interest) is damning unless he’s trying to “keep his enemies closer.”

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