
These are screenshots from the past week. They are pretty much self-explanatory.

Note: Today’s post is a reiteration of information I’ve brought up before. Thing is, In my essays and in the comments to them, we cover a wide range of subjects, and I can’t stress too strongly that what follows is the current subject of greatest import. (Plus, there may be new visitors here who are unfamiliar with these matters.) Also, since germ theory has been so constantly ingrained in the public mind, no amount of repetition of the truth is excessive. Also, problems with getting online delayed this post.


Below is a comment I left on today’s video from Senator Rand Paul:

How, Senator, did I have all the information re Fauci/gain of function/Wuhan/U of N Carolina/’Batwoman” in FEBRUARY OF 2020 (going on two years ago), and you have just recently brought it up? Do I (retired senior, living in an RV with my dog) have better research at my disposal? Here is an excerpt from my blog post from back then:

Addendum: The same source as above (Doctor Rashid Buttar) also did a videobacking up in great detail Francis Boyle’s allegations that COVID was engineered as a bio-weapon at the University of North Carolina, with the participation of a Wuhan virologist. Buttar goes further, fingering Trump’s mouthpiece, NIH big shot Anthony Fauci, of approving and funding the creation of the COVID bug. The irony of having Fauci on the podium during Trump’s COVID press conferences is obvious.’ 
Here is my post
Are you a controlled opposition for the powers-that-be, Senator?
Here is a separate comment I made on the same video:
‘Why don’t you ask him [Fauci] if he’s making money from the Moderna vaccine via owning part of the company and their patents? And is that a conflict of interest? Huh?’
I’ll be curious to see how long these comments last before they are taken down.
Addendum: Whoa! I just now checked, a couple minutes after posting, and the first one is already missing. We’ll see how long the other survives. [After nearly three days, 
The irony, of course, is that Senator Paul’s accusations are themselves misinformation, a distraction from the truth, which is that there is no new ‘virus’… the double irony here being that even this statement is misleading since ‘viruses’ are not the cause of disease in the first place, any more than the maggots on a dead animal caused that animal’s death. ‘Viruses’ have never been shown scientifically to cause disease, but rather (like bacteria) are in essence the ‘clean up crew’ when there is cellular damage caused by poisoning, starvation, EMF pollution, and/or stress. 
The reason Senator Paul waited nearly two years to point the finger at Fauci is this: Psychological operations such as ‘COVID-19’ need continuing distractions from the truth, the truth in this case being that if there is indeed a new illness on planet earth, it is a result of  one of the above causative factors, i.e., poisoning, starvation, EMF pollution, and/or stress, with the last two being versions of ‘poisoning.’ In my view, the most likely cause of ‘the COVID-19 Syndrome’ (assuming it exists), is 5G EMF pollution/poisoning. 
The real takeaway from Senator Paul’s recent accusations is to reenforce the idea that the pandemic is real. In fact, the idea that it is a bioweapon developed in a laboratory (whether in China or at the University of North Carolina) only gins up more fear, fear-creation being the essence of any psyop. The conflict between Senator Paul and Dr. Fauci is a powerful and perfect distraction from the truth. 
This means that my comment, taken at face value, is actually playing into the hands of the perpetrators of this psyop, since it presupposes that the virus is real, and the cause of the recent deaths and illnesses said to be the result of the ‘pandemic.’
As I have suggested in previous posts, anyone wishing to get to the bottom of the present psyop can start with this interview featuring doctors Andrew Kaufman and Tom Cowan, then read The Invisible Rainbowby Arthur Firstenberg. It was reading Rainbow that first woke me up to the falsity of germ theory, which is the foundation of medical/pharmacological cartels in the U.S. and around the world. (The one worrisome aspect to Cowan/Kaufman is that they claim there is no new illness at all, and COVID is completely ginned up via manipulating the numbers. As a reading of The Invisible Rainbow‘s history of flu epidemics implies, flu outbreaks always follow an increase in the world’s EMF environment. Wuhan had just fired up city-wide 5G when people began to fall ill in the fall
Addendum: As is often the case with epiphanies, it only took one realization to launch me into a paradigm change: Reading the study that showed beyond doubt that the devastating worldwide pandemic known as the 1918 ‘Spanish Flu’ was not contagious person-to-person, at least not in manner demanded by germ theory. Again (yes, I am repeating myself), this is the study that did it. But the real shocker was that the ‘scientists’ who did the study ignored its findings and continued to believe the illness was spread person-to-person. (This is a perfect example of what is wrong with ‘science,’ or, rather, those who practice it.)
A couple days ago I met a woman, a fellow ‘rubber tramp’ in her RV, here in the Arizona desert, a medical researcher and biological. ‘scientist’ who at first seemed awake; she knew Fauci from the days he was perpetrating the HIV fraud and is aware that he was/is an arch-criminal working for the medical/pharmacological cartels. A good start, right?
Then I tried to wake her up to the real COVID fraud and got nowhere — even after patiently explaining (in science-speak) that the COVID virus has not been isolated — so I asked for her email so I could send the above Cowan/Kaufman link to get her started down the road of awakening. I sent it and got the following reply:
‘Go away.’ (This sort of experience keeps recurring and recurring and so on, to the point where I truly wonder why I bother. I truly see very little hope for our species.) 
But the real point I want to make today is the degree to which — and the current methods used — we are being brainwashed by the purveyors of public (dis)information into believing in paradigms that are quite easily shown to be false. Aside from germ theory, Big Bang/expanding space/dark matter/dark energy/black holes/etc. is almost certainly false, as is Neo-Darwinian evolution (random mutations/natural selection as driver); the history of civilization and of the human species specifically is likewise suspect (to say the least). What these false paradigms have in common is the base belief in strict materialism, which itself is easily debunked (which I have done in past posts).
So add academia (pre-school through university) to the list of disinformation purveyors. 
But you may not be aware the degree to which social media has become the propaganda arm of the current psyop (and the psyops on the above list). We all know about the blatant censorship (deletion of videos, tweets, Facebook posts and so on), but it goes way beyond that, via the various search algorithms these platforms are built upon. A good example of this is a Youtube video I posted a while back. Based on footage and outtakes from Water Time, and titled Vaccines, Autism, and Denial, the video presents irrefutable evidence linking vaccines to childhood autism (a true modern holocaust). It has less than 600 views in four years, in spite of its 100% ‘thumbs ups’ and rave reviews in comments.
The vid’s poor view count was explained when I tried to find it via searching for its exact title plus ‘from the ac weisbecker’ channel and could not find it at all; it was missing from the results pages altogether. In fact, virtually all the results were videos with the exact opposite message, i.e., there is no connection between vaccines and autism. (If you view the above link, which I do recommend, skip the first 3 minutes.)
The blatant censorship phenom has now spread to Youtube comments (presumably, comments anywhere), as we saw up top (and as I have found through other attempts at commenting): My comment was deleted almost instantly, which indicates that some sort of A.I. is constantly sifting the web itself for ‘bad thoughts.’ This is fairly new, or at least the brutality of it. They are not fucking around now, and, again, they don’t seem to care that their censorship is blatant First Amendment breakage, or that most of their shenanigans are of the ‘Freedom is Slavery’ archetype.
Addendum: Speaking of obvious psyops I just visited good old ‘Miles Mathis’s site and found the most ridiculous string of posts I’ve come across. Here’s the email I shot him:
Hey, how stupid do you figure we all are, with your bizarre and physically impossible output? At 60 words a minute I couldn’t TYPE as fast as you (your Tavistock team) pump them out.
This is another modern phenom: The PTB no longer care if they expose their own psyops for what they are. This is worrisome on two levels. First, their A.I. must be telling them that there is nothing to lose here, meaning that the vast majority will not notice the blatant tells (like MM’s output). Independently, I have noticed this also. People are that fucking stupid. Second, they must not fear any amount of pushback; it’s like they are saying to those of us who are awake, ‘Whaddya gonna do about it, asshole, given there are so few of you?’
One last thing: You are all no doubt aware of the recent promotion of transexuality, but it has now spread to include children as young as five years old. HBO’s documentary, Transhoodactually promotes this nauseating notion, as does the MSM in general. This is, I suspect, an extension of their desire to destroy the nuclear family, a mammoth psyop that’s been ongoing for decades. That Youtube has not deleted videos like this one — which indicates that our former ‘First Lady,’ Michelle Obama, was actually a man — is an indirect set up of this op.
I’m reading a book titled When Harry Became Sally, which exposes the horrendous results of premature transexual surgery, but had to do a real search of online bookstores when I found that Amazon has deleted it from their list, saying it ‘offended the LGBTQ community.’ Imagine that.
Okay, I am Mexico-bound, for some cheap-but-good dental work.
If you view my Vaccine, Autism, and Denial video (and I recommend it), skip the first three minutes. 
The next day: I came across an interesting podcast. Go 34 minutes in, where he speaks of the difference between dictatorships and totalitarianism, and how there are about 30% (of the population) that are hopelessly ‘hypnotized’ by ‘the narrative’, 40% who just go along with the narrative, and 30% who are awake. It’s quite insightful re the current ‘narrative.’ Give it a look.

  85 comments for “Psyops

  1. Phil
    November 9, 2021 at 5:55 pm

    So I’ve been contemplating the no contagion and the invisible rainbow information. So I agree with Tom Cowans work. I read the invisible rainbow and seems there is a lot of valid and pertinent information. That said I know people who have been sick, hospitalized etc. Dr. Zelenko seems to be very Legitimate. He was treating people with ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine. He is an advocate of early treatment. So people have been getting sick. People have responded to treatment. I don’t want to assume that things are what they say they are. I think that if there is a bio weapon that it may be parasitic in nature. This would explained why the Ivermectin would be so effective. So even if Dr. Cowan is correct it does not mean that there are not sick people. I am sure that a lot of it is just the ordinary flue or colds that have become nonexistent but there are those seemingly legitimate docs that are successfully treating something? I’d love to hear what others are thinking?

    • November 9, 2021 at 6:59 pm

      99.9% of the “covid19” sick people are on your TV and only on your TV.
      The real sick people are dropping dead from mostly heart disease & cancer at an alarming rate that’s increasing.
      They want people dead, and they love to see them croak from Pneumonia (nasty part of the flu if you are unlucky) – a landmark case proving this here >

      Finally found 2 people (friends I know and trust who I caught up with this week) who know of 2 rona cases in the world. And that is if it was rona at all. because as we know, their testing is bogus/false, and their numbers are a monster pack of lies.
      One of the people had a headache for a day or 2, and the other died with pre-existing conditions at 82!. So thats 3 I have found after hunting for 20 months.
      You can’t rule out germ theory (bacteria), with things like food poisoning & the age old sore throat & dental caries.

    • November 10, 2021 at 1:19 am

      Sure, Cowan never said people are not getting sick. Where did you get that? Probably from new insults, like EMF, like 5G.

  2. Horst
    November 8, 2021 at 10:01 pm

    For me, a big elephant in the room when it comes to germ theory are children. Vaccines are claimed to train the immune system for new pathogens. How do children survive at all? All new, when they are born. If course, there is an explanation how this works, but they are even mostly immune to the C., the new “Virus”. They want them vaccinated anyway. The autism video – can’t find it in Germany, the link brings the site up, but it’s blocked because of an copyright issue.

  3. November 8, 2021 at 6:22 pm

    Searched on Youtube for Vaccine, Autism, and Denial. Results are all about how shots don’t cause autism, no sign of your video Allan. (I am in Denver, CO btw.) I am 3/4 the way through the Invisible Rainbow. Holy crap! Mind blown. I know I sound like a complete tinfoil hat wearing freak, but I literally have my cell phone and WiFi wrapped in Aluminum foil now. Local power company, without my permission, put a “smart meter” on our home. Did some research, it’s comparable to 160 cell phones broadcasting every three seconds. Located on the outside wall of our bedroom. How can this be good for anyone? Took me three months and two dozen calls to have it removed and replaced with an analog version. (If you are in a similar situation, ask for the ‘team leader’ at power company, it was the only way I got it removed.) I shudder to think what this is doing to the poor occupants of a nearby condo units that has roughly a dozen of these smart meters grouped on one wall of some poor unsuspecting bastard on the other side of that wall. If anyone can point me to products to help reliably defeat EMF, please share.

    • November 8, 2021 at 6:30 pm

      Firstenberg has a new essay that someone linked to but I don’t have time to find it. It will scare you as much as the book. Can someone link to it here?

    • DSKlausler
      November 9, 2021 at 11:58 am

      We had and continue to have to pay extra for what they call analog.

      I think phone [close proximity usage] is the worst… but I pick up a DOEZN neighbors WiFi signals – plus my own of course.

      If you read that latest Firstenberg article, plus the book, you can only think that these people are sub-human; they are maiming their own children FFS. I guess that they could really be bona fide idiots.

      • Phil
        November 9, 2021 at 11:13 pm

        I got my analog meter just today!

  4. November 8, 2021 at 4:41 pm

    Here is the email I just sent to Cowan:

    Dr. Cowan,

    The folks on my blog don’t seem to get it (or is it me?). Here is a comment about the Martin lecture:

    “I’ll have to watch it again but I don’t think he was espousing any views re: contagion. What I understood him to say was that the spike protein created by the mRNA vaccines was itself the bio-weapon [is this possible?], inasmuch as it is a foreign protein to the human body, i.e. we need to be concerned with (talk about) the effect of the vaccines and not get hung up on the sars-cov2 pathogen.

    I’m not defending the guy, as I am only just now discovering his work, but I think it is possible to agree with Cowan et al. re: these so-called pathogens not being the actual cause of any disease, and still hold the possibility the mRNA vaccine should be considered to be a bio-weapon.” (end quote)

    There are quite a few people involved in this discussion, most if not all of whom now agree with you. It would be very valuable to have your input here. A big part of my posts are about the misdirection we are subjected to and it seems to me that the Martin lecture could be part of that.

    As I say, I believe the powers-that-be are themselves promoting ‘conspiracy theories’ as long as the theories reenforce the idea of COVID as a real and transmissible pathogen, the best example of this being Rand Paul’s distracting us by pointing the finger at Fauci’s support of gain of function at Wuhan.


    We’ll see if he gets back to me.

    • Miles MacQueen
      November 9, 2021 at 2:21 am

      I don’t know man; I have now watched David Martin’s presentation at the Wise Traditions Conference 2021 again and I still don’t think he claims that the bioweapon is contagious and I think it is too early (for me) to dismiss him as a limited hangout, or dis-info agent.

      He states that the weapon is the spike protein and that the weapon is being used and what is being injected into the arms of little children today is a weapon. I cannot find where he states that weapon is contagious.

      He calls out Fauci and Ralph Beric (UNC-CH) for funding and designing a synthetic chimeric alteration of the coronavirus, and ultimately patenting what he describes as an “infectious replication defective model”. When he tries to clarify this, he just says, “that means gain-of-function people.” I could use some help with that verbiage and would prefer a better explanation than “gain-of-function people”. But infectious does not mean contagious, right?

      Then he goes on to say, “In 1999-2002 they made a virulent form of the spike protein and a virulent form of the H2 receptor protein binding product that was designed off of a model of coronavirus.” Virulent doesn’t mean contagious either, right?

      I find it interesting that a guy who emphasizes the need to be truthful and accurate and wants precision to be the mark of our conversation isn’t actually all that precise and has left you and I and others with myriad questions. Maybe you could right another post clarifying some of this terminology. I mean, if a synthetic protein sequence that is foreign to the human body is injected directly into the bloodstream, can we not still call it a pathogen? Maybe toxin would be more appropriate. And further, how do we define a bio-weapon? Does it necessarily need to be contagious? Perhaps Cowan could help us out here…

      I do find it curious that at one point he clearly states, “Coronavirus was not weaponized”, and yet the title of this presentation is “weaponization of coronavirus”, hmm…

      He does layout the most viable plan to go after these guys legally that I have yet heard. Or does he? Curious what you think about that one.

      • November 9, 2021 at 3:15 am

        Yeah, miles, you are nailing it re his lack of clarity, although ‘ infectious’ by definition means contagious, which is the root of why he can’t agree with Cowan, let alone ‘vehemently’ as he says he does. Plus his whole presentation, with his repeating of ‘ Did you hear me, people?’ Smacks of NLP. I haven’t heard back from Cowan (his first response was unclear), which is a disappointment.

        I’m also worried that he (and Kaufman) do not mention 5G as the the possible cause of a new ‘flu’ illness, given the info in The Invisible Rainbow.

        • Miles MacQueen
          November 9, 2021 at 11:36 am

          I thought infectious just meant caused disease from an outside source whereas contagious meant being passed from one person (or animal) to another.

          So, everything that is contagious is infectious but not everything that is infectious is contagious.

          Like I said, maybe a post about all of these terms might help. I agree with the bald guy in the bowtie – precision with your (all of our) language is important.

          This might be a key aspect of why it is so difficult to change anyone’s mind…

    • November 10, 2021 at 1:20 am

      Cowan got back, saying Martin is ‘mostly fine.’ Mmmm….

    • November 8, 2021 at 3:29 pm

      As I say below, I’m pretty sure the guy is a limited hangout, for the reasons given:

      At the end he admits he worked for all the intel agencies but now he’s on our side. Right.

      He says he ‘Agrees with Cowan vehemently’ yet believes in a bioweapon/contagion etc., which makes no sense unless he is misdirecting. As I’ve said, the PTB love conspiracy theories as long as they involve a real pathogen.

  5. November 8, 2021 at 2:07 am

    Well focused and accurate work, Allan. Safe travels and thank you.

  6. Phil
    November 8, 2021 at 1:53 am
    • November 8, 2021 at 5:53 pm

      Yes, interesting. My problem with it is the religious stuff, including flat f-ing earth, which they slipped in silently. I’ll do a post about this subject soon, but I’m hitting the road for Mexico/border town dental work so it might be a few days.

      • Scott
        November 8, 2021 at 10:03 pm

        While you’re down there try some Almond Tequila. Its great for sipping around a desert campfire. 😉

  7. November 7, 2021 at 11:29 pm

    This is very interesting::

    Although I sent it to Cowan (who is mentioned in it) to see what he thinks of it. Misinformation via limited hangout comes in surprising/subtle packages….

    • Scott
      November 8, 2021 at 1:18 am

      You’re saying this is misinformation?

      Please elaborate.

    • November 8, 2021 at 5:12 am

      This guy is almost certainly limited hangout. At the end he admits he worked for all the intel agencies but now he’s on our side. Right.

      He says he ‘Agrees with Cowan vehemently’ yet believes in a bioweapon/contagion etc., which makes no sense unless he is misdirecting. As I’ve said, the PTB love conspiracy theories as long as they involve a real pathogen.

      GOT THAT?

      • Miles MacQueen
        November 8, 2021 at 12:11 pm

        I’ll have to watch it again but I don’t think he was espousing any views re: contagion. What I understood him to say was that the spike protein created by the mRNA vaccines was itself the bio-weapon, inasmuch as it is a foreign protein to the human body, i.e. we need to be concerned with (talk about) the effect of the vaccines and not get hung up on the sars-cov2 pathogen.

        I’m not defending the guy, as I am only just now discovering his work, but I think it is possible to agree with Cowan et al. re: these so-called pathogens not being the actual cause of any disease, and still hold the possibility the mRNA vaccine should be considered to be a bio-weapon.

        • DSKlausler
          November 8, 2021 at 1:45 pm


        • November 8, 2021 at 4:31 pm

          Miles, you say that:

          ‘the possibility the mRNA vaccine should be considered to be a bio-weapon.’

          I believe Marin was talking about the COVID pathogen as the bioweapon — not just the vaccine — which is a whole other thing. But I am not clear on this and will have to view it again.

          This issue is why I sent it to Cowan who got back to me briefly and was unclear about how the guy’s message relates to his (Cowan’s) message. I will query him further, but for Martin to call the ‘pathogen’ developed at the U of N Carolina a ‘bioweapon’ IS misleading. Stay tuned.

    • Ray
      November 8, 2021 at 1:42 pm

      Hi Allan. As more research unfolds and more layers of the onion are exposed it seems the transformation of what makes us human and the outright population reduction becomes very obvious.

      • November 8, 2021 at 6:15 pm

        I’m not sure whether one of us can’t get it straight or maybe both, but this video is from a guy who is apparently unaware that no virus (like covid) has been isolated, etc etc (see any of my links) and therefore the whole issue is misdirection. Maybe something about ‘spike proteins’ is relevant, I dunno, but I sure am going to stop apologizing for repeating myself about the falsity of germ theory.

        Ray, have you read either The Invisible Rainbow or Cowan’s The Contagion Myth? Or, have you viewed this (for ex):

        Do you (and anyone) understand my frustration when links are given that ignore what I’ve been trying to say for months? Maybe in this case the spike protein issue is somehow relevant but I don’t see it at the moment, given that viruses have never been shown to be pathogens.

        If you all are going to include links that ignore the falsity of germ theory (as I think yours does), ok, but make sure you SAY that you are trying to prove germ theory (viruses as pathogens) correct.

        Hitting the road….

  8. Jean-François Aubry
    November 7, 2021 at 10:41 pm

    Bart Sibrel also got some really good info:

    The doctor in this conference give me some hope

    • Scott
      November 7, 2021 at 11:30 pm

      How about putting the link to the actual show (on Odessy) instead of the GooTube link? Since I don’t and will never, ever, ever have a Geevil account I am unable to see the “comments down below.”. (rolls eyes)

      • November 7, 2021 at 11:54 pm

        This was easy to find right there at the top for you to click on already > CLICK ON THE LINK BELOW

        • Scott
          November 8, 2021 at 1:21 am

          Hmm. I clicked on it and got a “No Content” message! 😉

        • Scott
          November 8, 2021 at 1:26 am

          Sorry, not on my screen. The link at the top is the YouTube link. Odessy (sp?) is not found anywhere on my screen. But thanks for trying.

    • November 7, 2021 at 11:47 pm

      I like Bart Sibrel – Brave, Ballsy, and Correct in every detail!!.
      I might have missed where he mentioned those 3 Sadsacks in front of teleprompters, at the “1969 post moon landing news conference” – the biggest give away of all.
      Anyway Buzz couldn’t punch his way out of a paper bag Lol!.

      Nope, can’t view your excellent (I know I watched it ages ago and gave it the thumbs UP) Vaccines, Autism and Denial video anymore from NZ – AND the comments have been disabled.
      That woman you met was almost certainly single, and definitely a man hater – common today.

    • November 8, 2021 at 3:01 am

      Sibrel’s video’s doctor believes there is a contagious virus, which I thought we were past. Do you realize that he is claiming a real virus and person to person contagion? If you want to disagree with Cowan et al., fine, show how he is wrong (about viruses being imaginary and not contagion). But it’s insulting when you just ignore what this blog has been saying. Here is ANOTHER example of what I have been trying to say:

      This is why I don’t mind repeating stuff. Seems like it’s hard to get through.

  9. November 7, 2021 at 10:00 pm

    I came across an interesting podcast. Go 34 minutes in, where he speaks of the difference between dictatorships and totalitarianism, and how there are about 30% (of the population) that are hopelessly ‘hypnotized’ by ‘the narrative’, 40% who just go along with the narrative, and 30% who are awake. It’s quite insightful re the current ‘narrative.’ Give it a look.

  10. Scott
    November 7, 2021 at 9:36 pm

    The thing that is so funny (in a terrifyingly perverse sense) is that all of these numbers which are posted, compared, discussed, and used to justify ANYTHING are completely without any connection to reality in that no one has isolated this scary thing they are talking about. It’s like people are seriously discussing unicorn sightings, qualities, and dangers. WTF???

    Arthur Firstenberg has just published (in 3 parts) a summation of the current understanding of the effects of electromagnetic radiation on life forms:

    • November 7, 2021 at 10:11 pm

      Oh, this is vital information. I only fear that it is so horrendous in its implications that people reading it will tune it out completely, in order to placate themselves. Please read this and don’t let it happen to you. Firstenberg is the most important single source of information today. And get his book, if you haven’t by now.

  11. Jean-François Aubry
    November 7, 2021 at 8:45 pm

    Yeah, in a ring my 2$ go for Michelle over Barrack anytime in less than a round….the whole pandemia, LGBT+++++ agenda, the race theory all those crappola are only made to destroy the morality, to create a nihilistic, Godless world…wich is in line with the Albert Pike agenda:
    “Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view.”

  12. Jean-François Aubry
    November 7, 2021 at 8:30 pm

    What make me laugh is some people still believe Trump is a kind of messiah wich defend the nation and why not the world (a idea you will found also in some quebecers or frenchs mind). In the same group of people a lot are against the vax. The funny part is when you tell them that operation Warp speed wich speed up the vaccine production and testing was made under Trump. Then their heads litteraly explode..they cannot deal with this double thinking….the only one with a bit of credibility is RK junior because he was anti-vax well before this BS….but is a politic animal too…You will notice that in the mainstream RK junior is replace by Rand Paul…in my book a other politician with more credibility than Rand is Chip Roy (french last name BTW…Patrick Roy best hockey goalie in the history by far…can see his massive house from my sisters, not massive at all, home)…

    I share this with you from a guy of the UK, a very interesting interview with a professor of psychology about the mass hypnosis…

    Finaly I point to you that the cops (more conservative) seem to avoid the jab in large number…at least on the west coast: “In an open letter to L.A. County officials last week, Sheriff Alex Villanueva wrote that he could “potentially lose 44% of my workforce in one day” if officials follow through with firing or suspending county employees who don’t get vaccinated.”…this situation seem to occur also in Seattle “Seattle police department prepares to fire up to 40% of its cops if they fail to get vaccinated in line with mayor’s strict mandate by October 18”

    Lets Go Brandon !

  13. November 7, 2021 at 4:28 pm

    I accidentally posted without this addendum (and I meant to delete the one that repeats the stuff about the Spanish flu):

    Addendum: The one worrisome aspect to Cowan/Kaufman is that they claim there is no new illness at all, and COVID is completely ginned up via a manipulation of the numbers. As a reading of The Invisible Rainbow’s history of flu epidemics implies, flu outbreaks always follow an increase in the world’s EMF environment (including solar). Wuhan had just fired up city-wide 5G when people began to fall ill there in the fall of 2019. The part of Italy first struck was likewise newly 5G rife, as were the affected cruise ships, and so on. So it’s possible that there is a new illness, although world-wide overall death statistics do not reflect it. For example, there was no uptick in deaths in the U.S. from 2019 to 2020.

    • DSKlausler
      November 8, 2021 at 1:33 pm

      There was some public information for a while there – on the 5G distribution – then it died (HAH!). In my area, the subject went completely black… I really think that they simply went full deployment [here] and just said fuckkit to the “law”.

      As you have stated, their AI says in effect: “no defense is needed”. Bury them with one scare after another, or simply that the people are too stupid to even bother with.

  14. November 7, 2021 at 4:21 pm

    Yeah, folks, I click the link and can watch the video. Is there anyone who was able to watch it? if so, pls tell us what part of the country or world you are in…

    • Jean-François Aubry
      November 7, 2021 at 8:36 pm

      Cannot watch “Vaccine, Autism, and Denial” video…Quebec wich suppose to be a part of Canada

    • Phil
      November 7, 2021 at 10:02 pm

      Video unavailable
      This video contains content from SME, who has blocked it in your country on copyright grounds.

      • Guy
        November 8, 2021 at 12:48 am

        Same here I’m in australia is it loaded anywhere else bitchute ect?

    • DSKlausler
      November 8, 2021 at 1:27 pm


      Outside Shitcago.

  15. bill blaise
    November 7, 2021 at 2:23 pm

    This is a screen shot from statista. It shows the total deaths and age. The average age of death is just under 78, which is the average death rate in the U.S. Now lets try and find some honest info and compare to the average age of death from the JAB.
    Clicked on your vaccine video we can’t watch and youtube has put this underneath.
    Every year, tens of thousands of Americans get sick from diseases that could be prevented by vaccines – some people are hospitalized, some even die. Immunization is our best protection against these diseases.

    • Scott
      November 7, 2021 at 3:53 pm

      And the rate of autism is something like one in thirty now. Damn – now THAT is progress we can be proud of!

    • November 7, 2021 at 4:05 pm

      Sorry, folks, I didn’t know it was taken down. It’s still there for me. See, this is why I keep asking to check stuff — I think they do this a lot, screw w something (a video or comment, etc) but leave it alone for the maker, so he/she won’t know….

    • November 8, 2021 at 4:19 am

      What are you talking about. What are you doing here?

  16. Scott
    November 7, 2021 at 1:27 pm

    Allan, your comment about neo-darwinism caused me to wonder if you’re familiar with Lynn Margulis? A brilliant thinker who sadly died way to soon of an aneurism, her thoughts on evolution are fascinating. A posthumous film was made of her life and thinking and I recommend it: Symbiotic Earth, bullfrog films.

    • November 7, 2021 at 4:08 pm

      Sure, cellular evolution (symbiotic evolution? I think). Very smart etc but still bought the random mutation aspect of darwinism.

  17. Ea
    November 7, 2021 at 2:15 am

    Orwell — Part 2, chapter 9

  18. Maggie
    November 7, 2021 at 1:15 am


    Glad all is well with your soul.

    Martha aka Maggie

  19. Miles MacQueen
    November 6, 2021 at 10:49 pm

    I just tried to watch your video “Vaccine, Autism, and Denial” (again) but this time was greeted by the following message –

    Video unavailable
    This video contains content from SME, who has blocked it in your country on copyright grounds.

    Go figure

    • Bmseattle
      November 6, 2021 at 11:08 pm

      Same for me.

      • November 7, 2021 at 7:29 am

        Ditto, the video was blocked for me, too…The GOP won in Virginia, but Glenn Youngkin is from The Carlyle Group, and that is completely evil…The Dems and Phil Murphy stole NJ. The Gateway Pundit shows the many ways they stole it. The Republican candidate took Bergen County with 100% of the vote reported–and then he lost it! They had to have Murphy back so NY and NJ can work together on the Covid tyranny. Unfortunately, I am still in NY…Eric Adams beat Curtis Sliwa handily for NYC mayor, despite being a robot in two debates. Adams obviously has controllers. The margin was even bigger than in 2017, when De Blasio cruised to re-election, and there was no hot button issue of vaccine mandates. It is not possible that Sliwa couldn’t even get 30%, and that he lost over 2-1. Those against mandates have been quite vocal, and they surely all voted for Sliwa. No one was enthusiastic for Adams.

        The FDA and CDC both approved the vax for 5-year-olds, and Los Angeles has already mandated it. Even though kids are not at risk (1 in a million), and are at far greater risk from the vaccine. Pure evil…The CDC put out a “study” that said that vaccine immunity is 5 times better than natural immunity. There are over 90 studies that show natural immunity is far better. The CDC “study” was picked apart, but just the fact that they tried to get away with such bullshit “science” (propaganda) means the CDC must be shut down immediately…Someone did a short video of Nancy Pelosi. She–like Biden–can hardly talk. Does anyone believe these are the leaders pulling the strings?…A $1.5 trillion infrastructure bill (that funds everything but infrastructure) passed, with the help of 13 Republicans. Senator Joe Manchin was bought off when his wife’s organization got $1.1 billion. The media gets a gift of $1.5 billion! Some immigrants get $450,000 each. What does the average American get? Much higher energy bills! Yes, really! To save the earth, dontcha know. Remember the infamous $600 transaction, after which the IRS can spy on all your financial transactions? That was changed to $10,000 a year. Almost everyone spends $10,000+ on healthcare & rent. Just assume that the government is unconstitutionally spying on everything you do at all times. Some free country! Some democracy! All this is against our interests!

        • November 7, 2021 at 7:43 am

          OSHA is pushing January 4th, when all companies with 100 employees or more must have them vaccinated, or risk a fine of $14,000 per employee. Private companies must do this, for a vaccine that is neither safe nor effective. You know who is exempt? Congress. The CDC. Pfizer. CDC Director Rochelle Walensky was asked under oath how many CDC employees are vaccinated. She said she didn’t know. Really, she said that. It’s her job to know, but she didn’t know. Some selective “pandemic,” huh?

          In the past week, a vaccinated hockey player collapsed on the ice and died. A vaccinated soccer player collapsed during a game. A former Mr. Olympia, Shawn Rhoden (age 46), died of a heart attack. No one sees this?

          • November 7, 2021 at 4:19 pm

            Can you get links to the vaccinated dead? Be useful to put together a compilation of every news story like those…

        • November 7, 2021 at 4:17 pm

          Good summation of the f-ing news, Barry. Can anyone find one chunk of good or optimistic news? Be a challenge.

    • Miles MacQueen
      November 6, 2021 at 11:31 pm

      And the Doctor Rashid Buttar link –

      Video unavailable
      This video is no longer available because the YouTube account associated with this video has been terminated.

    • November 7, 2021 at 4:13 pm

      I dunno what SME means. But sorry for the crapola censorship. Nice that I can watch it (sic).

    • Dave Clark
      November 7, 2021 at 8:44 pm

      Ditto message here in Ontario, Canada. No can view.

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