Hi folks (plus ‘Miles,’ whoever ya’ll are), Sorry for the delay. It took longer than I thought to put together the supporting imagery. Keep in mind that this is a continuation of Part One! I got an email from a reader who found the MM essay containing the word ‘tenner,’ which I really appreciated. (I referred to ‘tenner’ in my…
Author: Allan Weisbecker
An Open Letter to Miles Mathis, Part One
Hi folks (plus Miles), I’ve been itching to press on to this web character ‘Miles Mathis’ and, interestingly, ‘Miles’ himself has provided a direct segue. Last week he posted an ‘outing’ of the same two alt media figures I covered in my last post, David Weiss and Sofia Smallstorm; MM also did a defacto debunk of flat earth (FE), which…
Flat Earther David Weiss Lets Slip FE Is a Govt Op
Hi folks, I’ve just put up on Youtube a video that is the point of this post, which is going to be (mercifully?) short. I put some work into this little film; I wanted to get it right. In trying to keep it short (around 15 minutes) I failed to make certain points clear enough. Most of the people reading…
A Flat Earth Round Table
Hi folks, I just finished Greg Carlwood’s (thehighersidechats.com) recent interview with the Web persona known as Crrow777 and thought to launch my Flat Earth blog with this interview as inspiration. I’ve noticed that over about the last year or two an exponential increase in web ‘personalities’ that proclaim that everything is faked/an illusion. I don’t mean in some existential/philosophical sense…
A Correction
Hi folks, I screwed up in my last post (What Happened to Allan, Part Two): The second Imbedded video down from the top should not have been the Sibel Edmonds/Rosebud video! Ahhh! Bad, bad, bad! It should have been the pizzagate video from Marty Leeds (whom I deal with later in the post). This one: This was an especially bad mistake because Sibel Edmonds…
What Happened to Allan? Part Two
Hi Folks, The following is Part Two of my essay on alt media co-option, the election, and pizzagate. If you found Part One of value, you should find Part Two especially so. I start off with more observations on government surveillance and what it means regarding the subjects of the essay. We pick up while I’m in the midst of…
What Happened To Allan?
Hi folks, To those who have been wondering what happened to me (my long silence), I can only say you’ll have to figure it out via the subtext of my next few posts, which should be coming quickly and voluminously. It’s not like I haven’t been writing. I have been; the problem has been one of coherency. The situation, our…
Corrections to the previous post: Links I forgot to add…
Hi folks, About two minutes after sending the previous post I realized I hadn’t made some of the links live, most importantly the one to Miles Mathis’s JFK essay. Here it is, from www.milemathis.com or paste http://mileswmathis.com/barindex2.pdf His essay on the Manson murders is at http://mileswmathis.com/tate.pdf or click here… The Lincoln Assassination is http://mileswmathis.com/lincoln.pdf… My essay on the John O’Neill fakery is at http://www.banditobooks.com/essay/content/3.php or…
From a Blues Festival at Noxon, Montana
Hi Folks (I’m combining this post with an email to Miles Mathis), Miles, I meant to answer your last email much sooner but got distracted reading more of your essays, plus I’ve been looking into this flat earth (FE) meme that has exploded lately; I even started a blog post on the subject, which I’ll try to get out there…
More On The Alternative Media
Hi folks, For the last three days (or is it four?) I’ve been northbound peeling across the New Mexico and Colorado flatlands. I’m talking FLATlands. Aside from Big Blue herself, in my travels I have not experienced a more expansive example of flat. And aside from taking in the flatness, I’ve been on an email tear with a certain fellow, mentioned…